
The Night It Happens

It was a stormy night when it all happened.

Elder brother where are you! Toyotomi said. Shut up fool can't you see that I'm behind you. Oda said. Elder Brother it's father... Toyotomi said in a worried voice. Speak up younger brother like. What happened? Oda said. Father was slain and his bed in red. Toyotomi says while dragging Oda to the room. What do you mean he can't be dead I was in him room about an hour ago until cousin Minamoto came and told me he would watch him. Oda said while following Toyotomi. But brother he was slain he's laying there as we speak. Now hurry up Elder brother. Toyotomi said. They arrived in the room and see there cousin on the floor dead along with there father on his bed dead. GUARDS COME QUICK MY FATHER HAS BEEN SLAIN! Oda yelled. Oh elder brother I see you want the guards but there not coming Toyotomi said in an evil laugh. What do you mean Toyotomi they will come. Oda said. They would come if they weren't dead. Toyotomi said while laughing out loud. What do you mean there all dead. Oda said. Your as foolish as ever my dear elder brother. There all dead because I killed them. Toyotomi said while laughing. You killed them with no remorse... I... Will... Kill... you... younger brother. Oda said. Oda reaches for his sword but he there got it in his room. Stupid brother I will be the next leader of this country... NOW DIE! Toyotomi said in a vicious voice. Toyotomi took his sword and cut down the next heir of the country and he named himself as king. Dear brother I didn't want to do this but you left me with no other choice. Now bye brother. Toyotomi said.