
Samurai - Cyberpunk 2310

I used to be fan of Cyberpunk 2310. It was an unpopular game, but i liked it for its realism. However, one day, everything changed. My strong, badass character turned into a frail-looking teenager Logs on my screen made me beyond scared [Death is permanent] [Logout function desactivated] Alone in a game that millions failed to complete, I felt hopeless.

Dark_Greem · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Doomsmiths (3)

[Doomsmiths Headquarters, underground Level 5]

The doomsmiths used to be a small gang of 50 people when I first joined. However, it was now a complex hub of organized crime, with more than a thousand thugs, and roughly a hundred 'professions', which was larger than the local C-rank guild Dawn, one of the reasons I had managed to push Valter to confine himself in his headquarters and turn him down in the first place.

None of this growth should have been possible, much less in less than two years.

However, I had an unprecedented record of 288 dungeon clears, meaning that I had sneaked in and cleared all dungeons spawning in district 77 in the past two years, with a success rate of 100%, something that was impossible to achieve with a regular team of Hunters. Gates were unpredictable, and even E-rank gates could be difficult to deal with. However, my team managed to do it. Game knowledge, access to elixirs and equipment without any limits, the organization had truly invested a lot in me. 

All of those investments, adding to that the impressive absorption of local gangs into our own forces...This took a lot of intellect, time and resources.

The reason why I had joined the Doomsmiths stood before me.

[Acteon - Lv. 32 Dark Mage (C-rank)]

Acteon Ironguard. The scum was born in the inner city, and used to be a professor in the Etherum Noble Magic Academy. Yet, he gave up his title, his noble family name and his circle of friends to exile himself in the lower districts, all for research. More accurately, he had been chased out of the Magic Academy after committing the taboo of trying to resurrect his dead son. He changed identity and eventually created an organization to do his bidding, mainly acquiring corpses from the morgue. He never gave up this dream of his, dealing with black magic and souls. 

The worse part of the story was that...he had succeeded.

Next to him, there was a young man with black eyes and translucid green veins. If anyone saw him, they would be horrified that a zombie had managed to enter the walls of Etherum, but he was none other than a ghoul, rather than a zombie, one that had conserved most of his memories and intellect. As for whether he really was Acteon's son, this world allowed everything, with no limit whatsoever. Nearly three centuries passed in terms of game lore had passed compared to the game I used to play, so I guessed his success stemmed on generations of taboo research.

[Arthur - Lv. 18 Ghoul (E-rank)]

Mages were rare, because affinity with mana was rare. It was one thing to possess the mana stat, and in a way, I was an abnormal case as it was very high for a warrior. Being capable to use mana, however, was an entirely different story. It was a chaotic energy that was very difficult to harness. The only active skill I had that consumed mana was called 'Focus', and I was probably part of the 1% of warrior capable of using a mana-based skill. That itself was a rarity, especially in the lower districts.

Mages, however, could cast spells and curses freely. This was the reason why they were so insanely valued by the inner district. A mere E-rank mage could earn gold citizenship upon graduation from a magic academy. For warriors to achieve the same thing, they would need amazing military achievements.

"Congratulations Greem, you managed to kill Valter without my help. If I had known that a mere kid would be able to take down a C-rank local guild leader, I would have moved to the lower districts much earlier, kukuku", the middle-aged mage with grey beard and a cybernetic cyborg eye started to laugh, "But...Are you really satisfied with being a mere officer?"

I titled my head, and nodded. I would be dumb if I had not heard the rumours saying that he should get a higher rank, or start his own guild. After all, I was an influential figure, and my team, the [Doom Legion], had a 100% success rate in clearing E-rank and D-rank dungeons that had spawned in District 77 in the past two years. Inhabitants loved me, and I was a local hero to all Doomsmiths agents in the region.

Even mercenary groups held a lot of respect to me, despite being affiliated with an underworld organization. With the reputation points I accumulated, I could probably create my own local guild.

"To be honest, the only thing I want is strength. Our deal shall remain the same. As long as you provide me with elixirs, I will continue working with you", I spat, "Reputation matters little to me. Enjoy the glory, if that's what you are wondering"

Acteon smiled. Although he was a reputable teacher, he had a nauseatous aura around him, which stemmed from handling corpses all day long, including his ghoul son. He was also the single reason why rival gangs from neighbouring districts never made a move against us. His curses were just as reputable as they were lethal, and those who turned their blades at us were mysteriously killed. I had little knowledge about spells, but I knew that anything that was cast by a C-rank exiled teacher of the noble magic academy was probably deadly.

"Fine. Since you managed to kill Valter, I prepared a few extra potions compared to the quota. I will enjoy the glory, so enjoy those", he spat in return. Our relationship was nothing but friendly, really. I had no ambition, and he was a noble man with some values, as twisted as they were. Our contract had lasted for the past two years, and he had grown to be very trustworthy. In his eyes, I was a reliable tool.

His son handed me a wallet.

Opening it, I smiled roughly.

[Excellent-grade Mana Elixir (x7) [C]]

[Excellent-grade Magic Steroids (x7) [C]]

[Superior-grade Magic Steroids (x63) [D]]

As always, the steroids count were there. Excellent grade, with a rating of C-rank, were reserved for my personal consumption. It allowed to triple my growth rate from weight training and swordsmanship lessons.

Superior grade steroids were less efficient, but still doubled the growth rate of such training, which I gave to my subordinates. Leon had managed to grow from E-rank to D-rank thanks to these, and the 8 remaining members of the [Doom Legion] had reached their current strength with these regents as well. Of course, experience on the battlefield helped them convert their superior attributes into true fighting prowess, but unlike me, they could not convert it directly. Without elixirs, their growth was very limited.

That's why affiliation with a mage with potioneering achievements was the right choice.

It did not matter that he dealt with corpses and distributed drugs to the population. At the end, everything was for my own survival.

Before leaving, Acteon handed me a letter.

Opening it, I smiled: "A new mission already?"

Acteon nodded in return: "It should be a simple one. A group of students from the [Etherum Military Warrior Academy] have been investigating our district. Most likely, my newest creation has come to the attention of the authorities. It is quite common for them to use students to solve growing problems in the district. You can kill them. Even for their sons, nobles would not dirty themselves by coming to the lower districts, or bother risking their personal army. As for mercs, none are capable of threatening us"

I scoffed. 

As if I would kill a noble kid. It was just too much trouble.