
SamiYuri: Flowers of Our Garden

In a world of magic and peril, the mercenaries Sami and Yuri embark on a journey that transcends love and courage. Sami, a master swordswoman, and Yuri, her free-spirited partner, traverse a fantastical world in pursuit of a cure for Yuri's deadly affliction. Through treacherous landscapes and epic battles, their unwavering bond defies even fate, and together they confront the darkest mysteries of this enchanting world.

Yukina_Miu · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 9

Beneath the radiant sun, the fishing ships returned with an elegance that matched the bustling port's majesty. This picturesque coastal kingdom boasted a singular charm that was as much a testament to the careful design of its dwellings as it was to its meticulously maintained cobbled streets.

As the ships sailed back, the vibrant town unfolded before them, revealing a scene of ethereal beauty. Exquisitely designed houses lined the streets, each one a work of architectural artistry with unique, colorful facades that blended harmoniously with the surrounding landscape. Their meticulously trimmed gardens overflowed with blossoming flowers, creating a breathtaking panorama that added to the town's allure.

The sounds of children's joyous laughter rang through the air, intermingling with the cheerful shouts of vendors hawking their wares. The local market buzzed with life as townsfolk sought fresh produce and goods. Adults bustled about, their steps adding to the symphony of daily activity, while shopkeepers ushered patrons inside their quaint stores, where shelves were stocked with an array of intriguing items.

Amid this serene and vibrant scene, the coastal kingdom seemed like a living painting, a portrait of tranquil beauty under the sun's benevolent gaze. It was a place where one could revel in the simple pleasures of life while basking in the town's quiet magnificence.

In the midst of this peaceful tableau, a cloaked figure moved nimbly through the labyrinthine alleyways, the sun's radiant beams casting an illuminating touch on his weathered attire. Behind him, five soldiers bedecked in the kingdom's signature blue and silver armor pursued with a palpable blend of anger and exhaustion etched across their features. Their pursuit was marked by a relentless determination.

The robed figure executed nimble turns, first to the right, then the left, and another right, his feet moving with a calculated swiftness that still couldn't mask the visible signs of fatigue. Labored breaths escaped into the sun-kissed air. A desperate backward glance confirmed the dogged proximity of the soldiers, thwarting his escape.

"Cursed luck!" the man hissed.

However, a twist of fate granted him a lifeline. A sturdy ladder, affixed to the side of a three-story building, hung precariously above the narrow alley. The man, recognizing the timely opportunity, leaped toward the ladder, his hands snaring the suspended rungs that dangled in the air. Another glance backward revealed the determined soldiers closing the distance, spurring his fevered ascent.

With the urgency of his pursuers, the man scaled the ladder, his body propelling him upward with every ounce of strength he could muster. The soldiers, unwilling to relent, followed closely behind, while three of their comrades branched off, attempting to anticipate their quarry's next move by circling the building.

The robed figure had meticulously ascended to the rooftop, the soldiers nipping at his heels. His chest heaved with exhaustion as he rapidly gauged the distance that still separated them.

A glance over his shoulder confirmed that the soldiers were relentlessly scaling the ladder, drawing ever closer in their pursuit. The man's heart raced, and he knew he had to act decisively.

He pivoted on the balls of his feet, his cloak billowing as he charged toward the roof's edge. As the precipice approached, his leap into the unknown was the culmination of a desperate bid for freedom.

The gap between buildings yawned wide, a chasm challenging the limitations of human capability. However, the robed figure defied this boundary, soaring across the void with an uncanny grace that left the beholder in awe.

Upon landing, he executed a roll to absorb the impact, the grace of a gymnast eluding him but achieving the intended outcome. In the blink of an eye, he was upright once more, scanning his surroundings with the eyes of a predator.

Glancing back, his heart quickened as he beheld the two guards who had managed the ladder ascent, their exasperated expressions a testament to their inability to replicate the daunting leap he'd made.

A wry grin curled on the fugitive's lips as he seized the advantage he'd gained. His gaze shifted forward, locating the three remaining guards who were now approaching on foot, their pace relentless.

Higher ground offered him the vantage he needed, and he sprinted toward the rooftop's edge. The next leap was a breathtaking spectacle, his body soaring with seemingly superhuman abilities.

He landed deftly on the stone rooftop, a combination of elegance and skill meeting the challenge. He resumed his determined journey, each successive leap more daring and nimble than the last.

"That should create a significant distance," he murmured to himself, his confidence growing with every bound.

As he ascended yet another building, he noted a nearby cart piled high with an assortment of clothing. No watchful owner stood guard, rendering it the perfect hideaway.

Descending from the building, he moved with the precision of a shadow, taking great care to avoid any telltale noises that might betray his presence.

After ensuring the soldiers were not in immediate pursuit, he ventured toward the cart of garments. Concealing himself amid the fabric, he burrowed deep into the collection, his brown robe seamlessly melding with the surrounding textiles.

Time inched forward, the tension palpable. Then, from a distance, came a telltale sound—the distinct voices of the five pursuing guards. They approached the cart's location, a note of uncertainty in their tones.

The man held his breath, concealed amongst the clothing, knowing that his discovery would spell disaster. As the guards questioned a passerby, their queries revealed their relentless intent.

"Excuse me, ma'am?" one of the soldiers asked a woman navigating the street.

"We're in pursuit of a fugitive, a figure clad in brown robes. Have you perchance crossed paths with anyone fitting that description in this vicinity?" the soldier inquired.

The woman responded with a display of genuine concern. "Oh, dear! A fugitive! Regrettably, I have not encountered such a person, but I implore you to apprehend him swiftly and prevent any harm from befalling others."

With those words, the woman continued on her way, her path diverging from that of the soldiers. As the man watched the soldiers recede from view, he waited, ensuring the immediate danger had passed.

Only when he was confident of his security did he venture out from the cart, returning to the alleyway. Concealed behind an assemblage of trash cans, he allowed his body to surrender to gravity, slumping to the ground in a position that offered respite.

As he descended, the hood of his robe slipped away, revealing a visage marbled in striking hues of blue and white—an unmistakable Glaciadenti.

Istina's fatigue was a heavy shroud, and hunger gnawed relentlessly at his belly. He couldn't even recall the last time a morsel of food had graced his lips, but the ever-present growls from his stomach served as a relentless reminder of his prolonged hunger.

His shoulder slumped, and he sighed, his voice soft, "I know, I'm hungry too."

He opened his bag and rifled through its contents, hoping to find sustenance among the volumes and parchments, but he came up empty-handed. It was as if these once promising scrolls and books had become burdens, transformed into intellectual impediments by the weight of his gnawing hunger.

A sardonic grin flirted at the corners of his mouth as he addressed his grumbling stomach, "Looks like the tomes have won the battle, my dear companion."

With a weary exhale, Istina released his bag and leaned against the rough, uneven wall of the narrow alleyway. The growling persisted, an audible testament to his physical and mental exhaustion.

But then, something extraordinary wafted to his nose—a tantalizing fragrance that defied the bleakness of his circumstances. The aromas of roasted fish and simmering lobsters stirred his senses, the captivating scents promising comfort and sustenance.

Istina leaned forward, compelled by the beckoning fragrance, and strained his eyes to locate the source.

Slowly, he stood up and followed the olfactory trail deeper into the winding alleys. He could hardly believe his senses when he finally stepped into a bustling marketplace, bursting with sights and sounds that were worlds apart from the hardship of his recent days.

The air was filled with joyous laughter, enthusiastic haggling, and the sizzling of food in the making. Children reveled in games, and adults bustled from stall to stall, their faces aglow with cheer.

As Istina moved toward the alley's exit, cries of "Fresh fish!" and "Half-priced clams!" reached his ears. Vendors touted their wares, each voice resounding with enthusiasm and energy.

The wide-open marketplace presented a striking spectacle, as the stalls lined with sellers presented their bounty of fish, lobsters, and various marine delights. Colors and textures danced before Istina's eyes, a vivid tapestry of sustenance.

The ache in his belly intensified as he gazed upon the sumptuous fare before him. Istina adjusted his stance to melt into the crowd, a desire for anonymity urging him forward.

Yet his eyes remained fixated on a particular food stall, the very source of the alluring aroma that had first lured him in. It was an impressive display, presided over by a formidable, mountain of a man. The sheer scale of the vendor was enough to make even the most ardent pursuers seem insignificant.

This food stall was a treasure trove, boasting an array of dishes showcasing a tempting array of baked, grilled, and boiled seafood delicacies.

Istina's stomach released an emphatic growl at the sight of this culinary treasure trove. Despite his inner resolve, the longing for a single morsel became undeniable, each yearning bite a silent protest from his belly.

"No! Stealing is not an option," he told himself, grappling with his decision.

The hunger, however, pressed its unrelenting claim, and in his turmoil, a voice urged, "But surely, he wouldn't miss just one morsel."

Under this overwhelming temptation, Istina's resolve faltered. "Perhaps just one," he rationalized, even as his stomach's cacophonous protests grew louder.

As he moved through the crowd, his internal struggle continued unabated, his gaze firmly locked onto that captivating food stall.

Yet his plan was swiftly upended as a woman emerged from behind the stall's curtain, cradling a baby in her arms. The sight weakened his resolve, for in this family's eyes, he saw the depth of their reliance on the stall.

He glimpsed the profound joy etched upon the father's face as he bid farewell to his family. It was their livelihood, the means to provide for themselves and their child.

Could Istina live with himself, knowing that he had stolen their sustenance? The answer was elusive.

Nonetheless, this was not the moment for soul-searching. As the mother and her baby stepped away, and the father's attention was elsewhere, Istina seized the opportunity, recognizing it as his sole course of action.

"Is it them, or me?" he muttered, a silent lament for the path he was about to tread.

With resolute determination, he merged back into the bustling crowd and moved toward the food stall. His ability to navigate through the throng was uncanny, avoiding contact with any onlookers.

Upon reaching a nearby cart, which sat just before the food stall, he concealed himself behind it, attentively waiting for the opportune moment. Patience was his only ally as he lingered there, vigilant of the vendor's actions.

Nonetheless, his conviction wavered, with his stomach's relentless hunger an unrelenting adversary. "One small fish," he rationalized, the yearning palpable as he considered his next step.

Soon, his opportunity arrived. The crowd flowed in such a way that he was drawn closer to the food stand, aligning him directly with a tantalizing grilled fish. As the vendor's back was momentarily turned, Istina snatched a fragrant fish on a stick and concealed it within his robe.

He aimed to blend once again into the crowd, but before he could retreat, a spine-tingling scream disrupted the marketplace's harmony.

"Thief!" the burly food vendor bellowed, his voice cutting through the ambient noise. "Guards! The man in the brown robe stole from my stall!"

It was only then that Istina noticed their presence, the soldiers who patrolled the market. The constraints of hunger and the bustling crowd had hidden their approach. But now, there was no denying their proximity, their growing number, and their readiness to converge on him.

The realization settled like a boulder in his chest. "Shit!" Istina swore, and with no other recourse, he embarked on a desperate flight for his very life.

In a final bid for freedom, Istina sought refuge within the bustling market, surrounded by the jostling multitude of shoppers. However, his desperate plan crumbled when a soldier's strident blast on a horn commanded the people to disperse, parting the crowd as if the ocean's waves cleaved around him.

Cursed fortune left Istina stranded in the heart of the market, exposed and vulnerable, the relentless soldiers in swift pursuit. Panic welled up inside him, and he sprinted toward a narrow alley in hopes of evading his pursuers.

"This is just my luck," he muttered through labored breaths.

The market's cacophony and clamor pressed in from all sides, but there was a brief respite as Istina extracted the pilfered fish from his bag. In haste, he devoured what little nourishment he could glean. The stolen sustenance was but a fleeting reprieve, a scant offering of energy to fuel his desperate escape.

Istina managed to stuff the remaining fish into his bag and shed his robe, relinquishing it to the pursuing soldiers. Exposed in all his marbled blue-and-white glory, he unwittingly spurred his hunters on with newfound determination.

A frustrated cry broke free from his lips as he raced forward, his gaze scanning his surroundings for any possible escape.

At the alley's end, hope dissipated. Two guards, converging from the opposite direction, blocked his path. Istina's velocity prevented him from altering his course, and the collision sent all three tumbling to the ground.

"Damn it!" Istina lamented as he deftly disengaged from their clutches. They had seized his robe instead of his body, momentarily befuddled.

With his voice echoing in the panicked backdrop, he recognized the urgency of his situation. "This is not good."

His eyes darted about, seeking an escape route, and in the direst moment, an idea ignited—the semblance of a hope amidst the tumultuous pursuit.

Coming to a sudden halt, he assessed his surroundings, his eyes lighting upon the solution to his predicament. Hastening toward the distinct target, Istina felt the edge of desperation driving him.

Bolting into a narrower alleyway, his voice reflecting the anxiety that gripped him, he muttered, "What to do? What to do?"

The spark of an idea blazed, offering an unconventional and desperate escape. As he ran, the transformation began. The very ground beneath him turned to treacherous ice with each step he took, converting the path into a slippery, unstable surface for those who gave chase.

Extending his hand, he brushed his fingertips against the adjacent walls of the buildings. The surfaces where his fingers touched yielded to his cold manipulation, taking shape as towering ice pillars that grew until they met in the middle.

Glancing over his shoulder once more, a slight smile tugged at his lips as he observed the outcome of his ingenuity. The pursuing soldiers, now racing on the frosty terrain, were losing their balance, slipping toward the unyielding ice wall formed by his precise touch.

"Good, that should buy me some time," Istina muttered, seizing a momentary respite.

The ice may not have matched the grandeur of the creations of other Glaciadenti, but it served its purpose. Without lingering, Istina resumed his frenzied sprint, a newfound hope propelling him forward.

As he reached a crossroads, the imminent decision lay before him: one route leading ahead, and two others diverging to the left and right. Casting a wary glance behind him, he observed the soldiers regaining their footing and methodically hacking at the ice to clear their path.

The decision crystalized in an instant, and Istina veered into the alleyway on the left, a labyrinth of twists and turns unfolding as he raced onward. The relentless soldiers pursued with unwavering determination.

The soldiers, undaunted by the treacherous ice beneath them, swiftly regained their balance. With agility borne of discipline, they embedded their swords into the frozen surface and hauled themselves upright. Before them loomed an imposing ice wall—a formidable barrier separating them from their fugitive prey. Their determination blazed in their eyes as they advanced to confront the icy obstruction.

Swords clashed with the solid ice, sparks flying with each furious strike. Unyielding blows hammered against the frigid barrier, and minutes of relentless assault finally yielded results—the ice wall gave way, shattering into a multitude of crystalline shards.

With the path cleared, the soldiers wasted no time and surged forward. Arriving at a crucial crossroads, they faced a pivotal decision—three avenues sprawled before them: one leading forward, another veering to the left, and the last curving to the right. The urgency of their pursuit spurred one soldier to command the division.

"Let's split up," he asserted, an air of authority in his tone. "Seven of you take the left, another seven the right, and the remaining six shall press forward."

A series of nods signaled their collective agreement, and the soldiers promptly separated, each group marching down its assigned path, their figures receding in the distance.

Within the group that embarked on the leftward path, they traversed their course and unwittingly bypassed a mound of refuse bags, the pungent aroma surrounding them. Unbeknownst to them, a strategic figure remained concealed beneath the putrid pile, a sly and successful deception.

"Clever!" Istina praised himself, though he couldn't suppress a wince as he spat out some residue that had found its way into his mouth. "A piece got into my mouth."

The soldiers were deceived by Istina's ruse, believing he had committed to one of the routes. Underneath the heap of garbage, he patiently waited until they passed and the area was once again deemed secure.

"They should be on the other side by now. It should be safe," Istina surmised, brushing the remnants of filth from his person before reclining against the frigid wall, using the ice as his support.

Despite his earlier indulgence in the pilfered fish, hunger's persistent gnawing persisted within him, a relentless reminder of his perilous journey. He reached into his bag and retrieved the remaining morsel of the stolen food, biting into it with a sense of urgency.

Amid this solitary reprieve, a faint noise emanated from the refuse mound on the opposite side. Istina's attentive gaze focused on the source—a wretched dog, its body malnourished, its coat marred by dirt and grime. In its mournful eyes, he witnessed the embodiment of misery. The dog let out a pitiful whimper, imploring for sustenance.

The sight of the hapless creature tugged at Istina's heartstrings. He pondered the partial fish in his hand and the haggard canine before him. A weary sigh escaped his lips, and he made his decision.

"I wasn't all that hungry anyway, I guess," Istina mumbled.

He broke the remaining fish from its stick and cast it toward the forlorn animal, which wasted no time in devouring the unexpected windfall. The dog's appetite remained unquenched, the precious meal disappearing without delay.

Istina watched the canine feast, a fragile smile gracing his lips as he mused aloud, "Was it good, little fella?"

No response came from the creature, yet it followed its meal with a bark of gratitude. Overcome with thanks, it leaped into Istina's lap and began showering him with affectionate licks.

"Hey now, stop that! It tickles!" Istina laughed heartily, his body wracked by the dog's exuberant display.

But the dog, undeterred by Istina's protests, persisted in showing its appreciation, lavishing him with unbridled affection.

"Seriously, stop, that tickles!" Istina chuckled, the pair's joyful interaction reverberating through the desolate alley.

The laughter and the dog's gleeful barking carried far enough to catch the attention of a soldier who happened to be nearby—a sentinel drawn into the fray by the search for the elusive fugitive.

The sentinel, drawn by the cacophony of chaos echoing through the narrow alley, quickened his pace. There, the elusive figure known as Istina stood trapped within a formidable fishing net. Victory danced in the soldier's eyes as he triumphantly heralded his discovery to the comrades following.

"I've found him!" he exclaimed with fervor, alerting his fellow soldiers to their quarry.

The soldier retrieved a peculiar spherical device from his belt, attached to a slender string tethered to his waist. With practiced precision, he flung the object toward Istina. In mid-air, the sphere unfurled, transforming into a sprawling net of sturdy mesh, ensnaring its prey.

Istina found himself ensnared within the tight embrace of the net, its strands coiled and unyielding.

"Caught you, outlaw!" the soldier declared, brimming with satisfaction.

As the other soldiers converged on the scene, their swords unsheathed, one among them, adorned in more ornate armor, bore the demeanor of higher rank.

"Exceptional work, soldier," he complimented the captor. In one fluid motion, he pivoted his attention toward Istina, covering the ground between them with unwavering resolve.

The intricate fishing net, designed to capture formidable aquatic creatures, proved less effective on the small, agile dog that had accompanied Istina. The diminutive canine nimbly navigated the net's interlacing strands, situating itself as a stalwart guardian, a sentinel between its defenseless companion and the advancing high-ranking soldier.

The petite dog responded with an impassioned series of barks, fierce and resolute, a vocal warning to the intruder that to reach Istina, he must first reckon with the formidable resolve of this loyal defender.

In return, the soldier knelt, extending his hand gently toward the canine, seemingly attempting to remove the dog from harm's way. Unaware of the soldier's true intentions, the dog countered with a savage bite to the armored hand that reached for it.

Though the soldier's armored hand remained unscathed, he retorted with a harsh, forceful kick, propelling the defenseless canine into the nearby wall.

Istina, consumed by anguish, erupted with a cry of protest, a voice steeped in icy fury. His once cerulean pupils metamorphosed into a ghastly, alabaster white.

"You monster!" he condemned, the words laced with indignant rage.

The soldier, undeterred by the verbal onslaught, maintained his unwavering stance, preparing himself for the imminent retaliation.

With a swift, emphatic motion, Istina thrust his left hand into the ground. Like the wrath of a vengeful deity, spikes of ice sprouted from the earth, converging on the unsuspecting soldier. Istina's wrath pulsated through his veins.

The soldier cursed as he unsheathed his blade, wielding it with furious dexterity to slice through the incoming ice spikes. He tirelessly protected his fellow soldiers positioned behind him.

Yet, Istina's fury remained unrelenting, manifesting in a relentless onslaught of ice spikes aimed at the intruders. However, an unexpected blow to the back of his neck abruptly extinguished his wrath, plunging him into an inky abyss of unconsciousness.