
Same New World: Homecoming

A misunderstanding between his childhood friend and crush Danielle led to Cooper walking away from Texas three years ago. Now he's back and trying to get over the past. But it's not easy when the past lives next door; smiling at him with warm green eyes and light brown hair. Meanwhile there is another world on a collision course with his. It threatens to pull him away from everything, and everyone, he loves. He wanted a new normal, and he's getting it. ---------------------------------------------- Author's note: This story is one I've been working on for years. It never felt right to me until I got injured and was bedridden for a fair bit of time. After binging on k-dramas and anime I realized I was trying to shove a square peg through a round hole. I was trying to write a straight up urban fantasy story when what I needed was a romance that gets interrupted by an urban fantasy story. I'm a fan of the Isekai premise but I think the stories coming out nowadays are stale and and just cut and paste OP wish fulfillment. I wanted to do one that did something fresh with the premise. I've self-published on Amazon but it's hard to sell books without having fans. So I'm hoping to find readers by making the book available. WARNING: This story is intended for a mature audience. While a majority of it is about romance/drama/fluffy childhood friend tomboy flirting the story also features horror elements. There are depictions of graphic violence/attempted rape/gore. As well as characters using derogatory language involving sexual preference.

Ran_Braden · Urban
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19 Chs

Chapter Three

Cooper stood from his seat as the house lights turned on, the show having just ended. He stretched and twisted at his waist, cracking his back and yawning. Danielle still sat in her seat, gathering their trash to throw away. She looked at Coop, smiling and giving a small chuckle as he mimed some lame stretching routine in front of her.

"Where is the Uber meeting us dummy?" Coop smiled at her moniker for him.

That was her term of affection for him she'd used since they were little. Growing up he had been the 'pickup any creature, stare at the sun' type of kid. And she wasn't much better, though he usually beat her to the punch when it came to the more dangerous stunts. 

Their antics got Coop several scrapes and bruises, which had earned him the nickname dummy. They were both inquisitive and daring children, something that got her made fun of for being a bit of a tomboy.

But Coop accepted her exactly as she was. She wasn't guarded with him, since there was no need to worry she might say the wrong thing or come off as too rough. 

Once they entered sixth grade they both began to change. She still liked much of the same things she did before. But as they got older she started attracting the attention and garnering the appreciation of their fellow students more and more. The girls wanted to be her friend and the guys wanted whatever they could get. Coop meanwhile became guarded and stopped talking to people outside his family and her.

He became the wallflower to her social butterfly. She knew deep down it was due to the bullying and tried to intervene when she could, but the school did nothing. Their parents had thought they were exaggerating when the kids had first told them.

Coop pulled out his phone to look at the time.

"I set it for the pie hole in ten minutes, traffic should be okay there."

Danielle stood up, expecting Cooper to start walking so she could follow. 

Instead, he extended his hand out in front of him "Ladies first." 

Danielle looked like she'd been slapped for a second before putting the back of her hand to his forehead.

"No temperature, did you suffer a head injury in the last twenty-four hours?" 

Cooper started walking, chuckling to himself.

"Suit yourself, I'm slamming every door I walk through now." 

Danielle stopped next to the trash can and threw away their garbage. It wasn't like Cooper didn't have manners, he was a proper yes sir and yes ma'am Texas boy. Even if he dressed like he played in a garage band. But lately he was always going out of his way to be extra chivalrous and it was making her self-conscious.

Not that she hated the attention or consideration. Just now he'd looked at her like he thought she deserved to be treated like a lady. She hoped he wouldn't look back again, worried he'd see the blush reddening her cheeks.

She caught up and wrapped her arm around his.

Her tone was placating and teasing at the same time.

"Now come on, just cause you're an oil tycoon doesn't mean you have to speak as if you're at a ball."

Cooper nodded as if he wasn't listening, looking around like she wasn't even there.

"Keep it up, just keep it up. Next time we go out I'm gonna drop you off at a charm school. Have them make a proper southern belle out of you."

Danielle slapped his shoulder repeatedly, biting her lower lip as she did so.

"Are you saying I'm not girlish?"

He put one hand up in mock surrender and to block any further slaps, his face clearly saying 'Are you serious right now?'

"Right, cause you're such a delicate flower."

Danielle stared at him with a death glare. "I'll kick your ass."

Cooper laughed dryly. "Uh huh, such a lady."

Cooper, still looking around, found the exit he was looking for. The two of them exited the arena. Danielle took her arm off his and reached into her jacket to pull out a beanie. 

Cooper looked like he had a minor epiphany. "And for the record we're not oil tycoons."

He waited for a moment as she slipped on her beanie. "It's oil barons, get it right." Cooper looked over at her as he spoke, noticing her deep in thought. "You good?"

She started to speak before considering her words and trying again.

"What did Anthony say?" 

Cooper looked puzzled, unsure where her train of thought had led her.

"What, back there, he was just mouthing off."

Dany shook her head slightly as if she didn't believe him.

"I saw you start after him right after he said something. Whatever it was must have really pissed you off."

Cooper tried his best to sound dispassionate.

"He made a wisecrack about you, and of course I took the bait." 

Danielle ran her hand through her hair, past her ear self-consciously.

"What exactly did he say?" 

Cooper shrugged, sticking his hands in his pockets.

"He used a nickname for you from middle school." 

Danielle immediately stopped walking. Slack jawed disbelief plain on her face.

"Since when did I have a nickname in middle school?"

Cooper suddenly felt very exposed, forgetting Dany had never actually found out about that little piece of information.

"Well, it was something just the guys called you. I gave them a hard time about it, so it pretty much stayed in the locker room. Though that might also be because they figured saying it to your face might mean they wouldn't have a shot with you."

Danielle took a few steps to stand directly in front of him.

"Well don't keep me in suspense, what's the nickname all of you pubescent dorks bestowed upon me." 

Cooper stood there for a second, dejected he finally admitted.

"They, mind you, they, called you Double D." 

Danielle's mouth dropped open for a second, before she snapped it shut. She cocked her head, bringing her hand up to her mouth and tapping one finger on her lips. 

She continued to ponder for a moment before she said incredulously. "I don't wear a D!"


The Uber pulled up in front of Danielle's house. Cooper got out first, then turned around to help her step out. 

Upon seeing her smirk he responded, exasperated. "Just shut up and take it." 

She ducked her head down to hide her smile and took the offered hand. After helping her out, Coop turned back to thank the driver and shut the door. The two of them slowly started walking up to her front door.

Danielle folded her arms and nudged Cooper with her shoulder. 

"That was a good show, I had fun tonight."

Cooper nodded in agreement.

"I don't usually like going to the big event centers for concerts. But I'm glad we got to catch this one together, for the nostalgia factor at least." He glanced at her, a dumbfounded look showing back on her face. "When you and I went to the theater by ourselves for that cyberpunk flick, they did the soundtrack." 

Dany smiled wholeheartedly and chuckled, her eyes shutting as she did so. Cooper looked at her astonished. Even though it was nearly ten at night, with the overhead light on she looked like she was standing in sunlight. 

Danielle started walking again before speaking. "You always recall the most random things." 

After a moment he said in a matter-of-fact way.

"I just remember that night because it was the first time we got to go out by ourselves." Once he noticed her silence he fumbled in response. "I mean we didn't have our families or anyone breathing down our necks, it felt like we were adults." 

They approached her front door; she jiggled her keys in her hand nervously.

"So, when is our next excursion out of the suburban sprawl?"

She was referring to his family's ranch. They went there when they could convince someone to take them. Sometimes they went to help with the chores and other times just to ride and hang out.

Cooper tussled the hair on the back of his head.

"To the ranch you mean? My uncle said we can go up to help check the fences if you're interested. I haven't had a chance to use my learners lately. We can use one of the farm trucks for part of it and then take the horses up for the rougher parts." 

Danielle kicked the ground while looking down, nodding her approval. "Sounds good." She smiled. "We can make a day of it." Awkward silence followed, both were at a loss for what to say next.

Cooper finally broke the silence.

"Well, I better let you go. If you stay out much longer your dad might string me up and beat me like a dirty rug." Cooper walked backwards, smiling as he did so. 

Danielle opened the door but turned back to him. "Goodnight Coop."

She barely heard his reply as he walked toward his front door. "Yeah, it really was."

Cooper opened the back door to his house that led into the kitchen. He took off his jacket and placed it in the mud room. He walked over to the fridge and opened it, as he started to fish around for something he recalled the events that had spurned his decision to confess to Danielle.


It had been last week late at night. He had been studying up in his room when his father asked him to come downstairs for a talk. He'd felt a cold chill run down his spine. Thinking of the day he'd sat across from his father, when he found out about his mother's hospitalization.

He'd walked hesitantly into the living room. His father sat with his elbows resting on his knees, straightening up when his son walked in.

Jack pointed to the couch opposite him. "Have a seat Coop, some stuff has come up that we need to discuss."

Cooper kept his eyes on his dad's face, desperately trying to get a read on where this conversation was headed. He sat down opposite his father and took a deep breath.

"You know that your uncle Jeff works overseas, but I'm not sure if you know he's in Japan right now. He's been working with different auto manufacturers. Recently he had an opportunity to speak with a gentleman who works for one of the largest oil companies there. They've found a new oil reservoir South-East of the country."

Whereas Coop had sat down expecting to hear of a family member's illness, instead he was getting a briefing on foreign oil production.

His father cleared his throat and continued.

"Because of some challenges in the area they're planning on installing the platforms, they're looking into new ways to erect them. Our company did some R&D on this years ago, but we eventually ran into an issue with the cost it would take to build it.

"Technology has advanced since then. We're talking about an almost whole new design for offshore oil rigs. Your uncle passed the info along to us and we've been in contact with this company. We've been negotiating with them to enter a limited partnership. Some of the agreements discussed were mutual development of the new platform, as well as equal ownership of any patents arising from the partnership.

"The oil produced belongs wholly to them, and finally, that we will have staff on site once the platforms are built to monitor and work jointly in overseeing operations. This afternoon your grandfather and I sat down, and I'm going to be involved in managing construction and oversight once we're up and running. But it means relocating to Japan, within the next few weeks."

Cooper didn't let his mouth drop, and he didn't run out of the house like he had all those years ago. He thought carefully before speaking. "Which means I have to go too."

Jack stood and walked to the back of the couch, leaning on it and speaking to Coop. "You've really impressed me the last few years. You're on track to graduate with a scholarship if you want. You kept your word and so I've decided you deserve a say in what happens next. I want you to come with me so you can get some life experience, learn more about the business. 

"I'm not crazy about the notion of leaving you here to your own devices. Regardless of the effort you have put forth and maturity you've shown me, there's no guarantee for me you'll be able to keep with it. Even if your sister agreed to be responsible for your wellbeing."

Jack held up a single finger for effect. 

"But I do have faith in you and I understand there are strong reasons why you would prefer to stay here. If you choose to come with me then you'll be able to stay enrolled at your current school. The academy already has a program in place for children who are required to travel due to their parents work or lifestyles. You'll come home before graduation, so you'd be gone for almost three years." 

Jack moved back around the front of the couch. Cooper opened his mouth to speak, but Jack held up his hand.

"I don't want you to answer now. Your uncle is running point on setting up housing for us, he's offered to put us up for a few weeks if need be. Take a week or so and think about what you stand to gain from doing this. Staying here would be more comfortable Coop, I know that." 

Jack stopped and thought for a second, changing his tone.

"Son, I know you care for Danielle very much, and it might seem like I'm asking you to forget about her. But you two have been inseparable your whole lives. You used to sleep in the same crib when our family and theirs went out to dinner for gods sake. And I can tell you that if you want a future together with her then going out and getting a little bit of life experience apart from each other is the best way." 

Jack looked down and rubbed his hands.

"Nothing shows you how much someone means to you like not having them with you anymore. Like I said, all I'm asking is that you mull it over for a few days, okay?"

Although his father was ultimately leaving the decision to him, he was still a little terrified. The thought of moving away for the amount of time his father was proposing filled him with dread. They weren't dating, he hadn't even told her how he felt yet.

If he left now there would be nothing keeping her from meeting someone else. Before he stood up from the couch he knew his answer. He also had all the motivation he needed to confess his feelings.

They took the DART railway blue line system home from school. Switching to the red line part way before taking it all the way to Plano. Their families took turns dropping off and picking them up from the station every day.

He decided to tell her after they switched trains. If she didn't feel the same then, well he hadn't thought that far. If she turned him down, he'd accept it and move on. She was his best friend, regardless of whether she loved him back.

Nothing about their relationship had to change if she didn't want it to. But he had to know one way or the other. Part of him was certain this wasn't one sided. The way that they were with each other meant she must feel something too, right?