

You sit alone I'm the alley, hugging your knees to your chest.

"Hello?" A deep voice calls.

You draw your knife.

"Hello?" The voice calls again

"What do you want?" You say, standing up, ready for anything.

"I'm not going to hurt you," The man says.

"Why should I trust you?" You growl.

The man chuckles a little, "Good point."

"Who are you?"

"My name is Sam. Sam Winchester," he says. His voice in warm and soft in the cold, dark alleyway.

"Okay," you belive him and drop the knife to your side, but you don't put it away.

"Come with me, out of the alley," he orders.

You listen to him. You don't know why, everyone you've ever come in contact with is bad. But he has this tone in the voice that calms you.

You see his silhouette because of the brightness outside of the alley. He was tall and muscular. You watch him bend over and set his gun in the ground.

"That's it," he says. "No need to worry"

When you reach the outside, you can finally see him. You were right, he is tall and muscular. He also has long hair. He was very good looking.

"Are you a hunter?" He asks.

you think to yourself.

"You are Y/N, right?"

"How do you know my name?"

"Because, your a hunter. I have connections," he answers all your questions even though you haven't answered any of his. He knows you're scared.

You are Y/N, right?" He asks.

You nod hesitantly, "Yes."

"Do you trust me?" he asks.

"I don't know you," you admit.

"Take all my weapons if you have to," He says. "But people are looking for you; bad people. And I can't protect you if I don't have any weapons."

"Where are we going?" You ask.

"My brother and I, we have a bunker a few miles that way," he points, "You'll be safe there. I promise."

"You're a hunter too?" You ask and he nods. "Every hunter I've ever talked to had tried to kill me. What makes you any different?" You ask.

"Well, for starters, I don't kill unless I'm threatened."

You think for a moment, "Okay," You say, "Let's go."

When you got to the bunker, you get out of the car. "Wow," is all you say. You haven't put away your knife yet.

"Dean!" Sam calls out. That's his brother; the other person who lives there.

"Sammy," He opens the door. "What's up?" He asks.

He nods towards you.

Dean looks you up and down, "You're sure?" He asks.

You see Sam nod. 'I'm sure, Dean."

Dean walks inside the bunker. Sam follows him, with you trailing close behind.

"Who's that?" You whisper to Sam as you pass a man with dark hair. He had a bit of a 5 o'clock shadow. He had beautiful blue eyes.

"That's Castiel," He responds.

"I'm an angel of the lord," Castiel speaks up.

"Hi," You say.

"Y/N, am I right?" Castiel asks.

You nod hesitantly.

"Good," He says. "We've been searching for you."

"Do you guys have a shower?" You start, "Unless, there's something else you want me to do."

"No, you can take a shower. Follow me," Sam says. He walks into his room and pulls out a shirt of his and a pair of sweatpants with a drawstring so you can tighten them to fit you. He leads you to the bathroom and shws you how to work the shower.

"Thank you," You mutter.

"Don't worry abot it," He smiles.

You take a very warm shower, and after, you put the clothes Sam got out for you on. They fit loosely, but they were soft and comfortable, and they smell like Sam, so it was like being held closely to him.

You go out of the bathroom but you don't know where anything is, so you call out quietly. "Sam?" You ask.

"We're in here," He calls back.

You follow his voice and it leads you to a big room. The room has a lot of books and two tables.

"This is the library," Dean says.

"Okay," You say. "So how did you guys find me?"

"It wasn't too hard," Dean said. Sam winked at you and you smiled.

"Dean, will you go out and get something to eat? I'm starving, and I'm sure Y/N is too."

"Sure, what do you want?"

"I don't care," Sam say.

Dean turns to you, "I'm not picky," You say.

'Alright," Dean says. He grabs his jaket and leaves.

"So, what is this place?" You ask Sam.

"Ever heard of The Men of Letters?" He asks, biting his lip.

You shake your head, "Who are th-" You ask, but Sam interupts you bu kissing you.

You stand up and so does he. He pushes you against a wall and picks you up by the thighs. He brushes your hair back with one hand, and supports your body weight with the other hand. His tongue brushes up against your lower lip.

Dean opens the door, "I got something to eat," He announced.

Sam sighs and sets you down, but leans over and whispers in your ear, "You'll sleep in my bed tonight," He says in a deep voice.

You take in a shakey breath and smile a little.

"Come on, guys!" Dean hollars, "Food's ready."

You and Sam walk into the room where the food is ready. You sit next to Sam. You try to not embarrass yourself, but you haven't eaten a full meal in weeks, so you dtuff yourself.

Dean chuckles when he sees you. You wipe your mouth with the back of your hand and swallow. "Sorry," You say. "I haven't eaten a real meal in a while..."

"It's fine," Dean laughs. "So," He puts food in his mouth, "What happened to you that you were out in the alley?"

"I guess you could say I come from a- dysfunctional family," you explain.

"Well, we definately know how that feels," Dean says. Sam gives Dean a dirty look as if to say,

You nod, "I get it," You say.

When you finish, you wipe your mouth again. "I'm going to go to bed, is that okay?" You ask.

"Sure," Sam says. "I'm going to go to bed soon too."

You go into Sam's bedroom and lie down in his bed. You still don't fully trust them, so you know you won't be getting much sleep, but you're sure everything's fine.

"Hey," Sam says and comes into the room.

"Hi," You smile.

He takes his pants and shirts off, leaving him in a pair of boxers. He crawls under the covers with you. He kisses you again, but it was different, this one was more of a goodnight kiss.

"Night, darling," He whispers in your ear.

He presses his front body upto your back, and draped his arm lightly across your waist. You take his hand and hold it lightly.

"Goodnight," You whisper. You don't go to sleep.

You think that you'll have a good stay here.