
Sam Winchester's Love

When the Brothers come to visit Jo and see Ari for the first time in years and he is all grown up and sexy and Sam starts to get feelings for him but doesn't want Jo mad at him and just keeps them to him self until he gets drunk

RoseMaddox1990 · TV
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10 Chs

The Truth

Sam finished his coffee. "I was drunk, and Ari tried to cover me up, and I pulled him on top of me, and I gave him the hickey," he said. Dean laughed hard. "You gave Lucifer's son a hickey," he got out. Sam sighs. "I know, Dean god, you're a child," he said. Jo walks out and stops it. "No fighting. Sam gave him the hickey," she said. Akiel looks at Sam. Sam swallows "fuck" he says. "Akiel Ari is 18, and Sam is 27. Chill," Jo said. Akiel sat down. "Yes, mam," he said. Ari walks back inside to finish his food. "Sam Ari loves you; please don't hurt him," she said. Sam put his head on the table. Dean was still laughing. Ari struck him. "Don't get jealous, Dean," he said. Dean coughed hard due to the force behind it. Sam snorts and looks at Ari. "Mom, I am off to work," he said. Ari had a blue auto mechanic outfit on. Jo tossed him the 1969 Camaro keys. "Really," he said. "Yes, dear go before you are late," she said. Ari rushed off. Akiel walks in. "Did you just give him my keys?" he said. Jo looked at him. "Nevermind," he said and kissed her. Jo kisses back and smiles.

Dean smiles, and Sam helps clean up. "Thanks for letting us stay," Sam said. Jo nods. "Sam, he wants to hunt. I see him on his laptop and looking at my old stuff," she said. "Let him," Dean said. "You sound like his father," Jo said. "We are working a job close by. Ari could tag along," Dean said before Sam elbowed him hard."Fine, Ari can go. Just be careful," she said. "Great, where is his auto shop," Dean asks. "Let him finish work. He will be done around 5. That's if he doesn't stop to smoke," Jo said. "Ari smokes," Dean said. Akiel nods. "Yeah, skinny cigars, little weirdo," he said.

Soon Ari walks into the house stretching. He sees everyone at the table. "Uhhhh," he said, removing his shoes and walking over. "We all spoke, and you will go on a hunt with Dean and Sam, and if you listen and do not run off, you can go on small hunt jobs, understand me," Jo said. Ari smiles brightly. "Mom, thank you," he said. Ari hugs her tightly. "Go shower, please," Jo said. Ari laughed and went. Sam stood up and went to pack. Dean did as well. Ari walks down in jeans, a baggy white t-shirt, and a brown coat. Sam was in the car. "Okay, kid, let's go," Dean said. Ari nodded and got in the back seat. He was spinning a butterfly knife while he read about the case. "Your mom let you have that," Dean said. Ari looks up at him. "Are you going to taddle," he said. Dean looks at Sam. "Get your boyfriend," he said. Sam laughs. "Don't be mad that he had a comeback," he said. "He isn't hurting anyone. Your baby is safe," he said. Ari puts it in his pocket and yawns and lays down, and falls asleep. Sam looks back at him. "I can't believe I did that to him," he said. Dean looks. "Sam, it's okay. He loves you, and in his mind, when you kissed him, he probably did the happy dance in his head. He controlled himself, and instead of letting his hornyness take over, he went upstairs," he said. Dean pulls up to a motel and slams on the hood. Ari shoots up and hits his head "Fuck" he mumbles.

Sam walks out, holding the room keys. Ari got out and lit a cigar. "You like being a dick," Ari mumbles. Sam hands Ari a room key. "You got a smoking room," he said. Ari nods and picks up his bag, and blows smoke out of his nose.

Sam swallows, seeing it, and follows Dean. Ari was two doors down. He walked in and stretched. He finished smoking and went to find the last person that saw the man disappear. Ari was talking to the locals happily. He got some food and sat down. A cute girl sat down across from him. He was texting Dean and Sam about what he had discovered so far.