
Sam Reincarnated In Eleceed

Sam dead and reincarnated in eleceed with Telekinesis power in america is Sam able to change jiwoo's fate by helping him or live his life peacefully I write this story since I cant freaking wait for other to update thair stories and read at your own risk i do not own eleceed only start learning English one an half year ago so sorry for grammar and spelling mistakes so read this only for fun and please don't expect anything from this story it just going to follow the original storyline

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Shinhwa staff show us the way to the participant's room

JIWOO- oh, thank you.

staff reply

no problem

and say bye to kayden and left I think

SAM-( is everyone who works under jiyoung cat crazy like inhyuk?)

after we enter the room jiwoo introduced himself after jisuk, inhyuk and jiyoung came and the boy name jeahyuk challenged jiwoo for a spar and everyone said it was not the meeting for but jiwoo accepted and I don't say something like this but jiwoo beat the shit out of jaehyuk. jisuk take a selfie with jiwoo and me and after that inhyuk explain about awakened Academy and we returned home and jiwoo keep smirking after coming home because of his first win and ask kayden I just do what you told me but how you know all this Mr.kayden.kayden reply I told you before. I made it myself. jiwoo again ask that what I mean how did you make that kind of thing and kayden reply I made it cause I'm a genius, and start his stories about the great kayden. in the basement we 3 doing force control then jiyoung comes and explains the real value of force control and she thinks jiwoo use my force control so keep it a secret if others, find out jiwoo be in danger and jiyoung left after jiwoo come back to the basement and hug kayden and said thank you so much. tomorrow, we left for school but wooin didn't come before class over teacher announced that summer vacation started tomorrow. and wooin enter the class. after me, jiwoo, wooin and jisuk left for shopping in the supermarket and buy TASTY HILL, CHOCO, INSTEAD BREAD STICK only junk food and try some free sample food and left for home. outside of house subin was standing

JIWOO-oh hay subin!

JISUK-subin what brings you here?

SUBIN-mind your own business jisuk, I'm not here for you. hey, wooin did you really flake on me just to be here with them?

JIWOO-what is this all about?

SAM-subin invited two of the Academy member and wooin to lunch.

sobin look surprise

SUBIN-I invite wooin and other members but I never said only 2 members were coming how did you know that ?

now everyone looks at me

SAM-If you know physiology it's easy to know what

your front person thinking.

WOOIN-I'm sorry I turned you down but I made plans with them first.

JIWOO- yeah we planned on hanging out all night at my place... and then head to the Academy with Mr.inhyuk tomorrow altogether.

after hearing this subin shout some shit and jisuk call Mr.park and after jiwoo invites subin hang out with us I might eating chips and soft drinks to 3 pm and after I don't remember when I was awake. I was lying in the gourd. after in the morning inhyuk come to pick up us we left to the port and take a ship I was feeling sleepy so I again sleep

INHYUK-CLAP everyone wakes up! we'll be arriving at the Academy any time now.

we look left side and see an Island after we come to the faculty and it's really big in real life I can feel high energy power from inside the building

a guy in black clothes said

are you three Jiwoo Seo, wooin and Sam


you three can follow him

another guy in black clothes

come with me.

JIWOO-okay. see you guys later!

and we left for our building

JIWOO-whoa, this dorm is really nice.

the rooms on the left-right and middle are yours. choose the room you each want and start reading through the information booklet placed inside.

after he left jiwoo chose right wooin middle and I left the room I enter and wear the Academy uniform and read the information booklet and it was so boring like don't tell anyone about your awakened powers 9 am class start and a map of the academy in case we lost well yes it's might not look that big in webtoon but in real life, it's same as our town or bigger. I left the room and see jiwoo and wooin and two other students and one of them said

f**k, consider yourselves lucky. if we'd met outside of this place you guys would've been long dead.

I run and give a strait punch WHACK at his face he hit the THUND wall and his friend shout


SAM-who the hell are you to threaten them?

he stand up with green energy in his right hand and said


I kick on his face and he hit the wall making a big crack at the wall and blood dripping from his face he fell conscious I look at the other one and said

SAM- you take him to the medical centre

he replies in fear

yes sir

he left and jiwoo said

JIWOO- you shouldn't hit someone like that.

SAM-sorry he curses my mom and I also hold back that I don't kill him.

JIWOO- still it might cause you trouble

SAM-whatever I can take care of that. I am going back to my room so don't disturb me I need to sleep.

JIWOO-oh ok

wooin look a little sad I look at wooin and said

SAM-the Academy uniform looks good on you

wooin give a little smile and I enter the room and lock from inside. and sleep to the middle night and

start doing force control to the morning at 8.50 am and left for class at 9 am I enter the training room and stand right side of wooin and jiwoo then I hear people whisper about me

they rejected to tell their powers?

what were they thinking?

I heard the guy in mask beat jeongsu


nice to meet you all. my name is giwook jang, and I'll be your instructor throughout this Academy. you can call me Mr.jang.before we start, there's something you guys must keep in mind. while you're in here, what I say goes. and don't think of yourself as special... since you guys are at the very bottom of the pyramid here. now the notice I received yesterday about a student fighting another student and damaging the academy wall. Sam, can you explain why you do that?

SAM- I can pay for the wall

MR.JANG-it's not about repair cost I ask you why fight in the first place

SAM- he curses my mom so I hit him on my emotion

MR.JANG- what he curses your mom?

then Mr. jang looks at the shot hight boy and asks

Me.JANG-is Sam saying the truth?

he replies

w-well jeongsu going to curse but he hit him before he curses

again Mr.Jang looked at me

SAM-what? if someone going to curse your mom is you going to wait for complete his word.

MR.JANG- haa well in any case you break the Academy rules run 30 laps here

SAM-yes sir

jiwoo and wooin also start walking to the right side Mr.Jang asks

MR.JANG- and where are you two going?

WOOIN-i'm sorry but I also use my powers

JIWOO-same here

Mr. jang didn't say anything we run 30 laps

MR.JANG-since today is the first day, you guys will spar with one another let's see how good you are. who will go first?

I will

the boy I beat yesterday stepped inside the arena

MR.JANG-then who will be his opponent?

I step forward and said

SAM- yesterday I caught him off guard today I fight him head-on.

MR.JANG-there's a treatment facility inside the Academy so don't worry about getting injured. began when you hear starting sound.



he collects his energy in his right hand


he run towards me and hit my face and smile at me but it didn't scratch me I punch his face with my right hand and he fell unconscious.

MR.JANG-you take him to the medical facility

said to the short boy

and I said


everyone look surprise Mr. jang look at me and said

MR.JANG-jiwoo seo you go

SAM-(what jiwoo? but I think that girl come now I think why I call for 2nd fight)

JIWOO-me?! okay

jiwoo enter the arina

jiwoo-sam let's do our best

I can't see the friend I know I see an awakened one who wants to fight to the end in jiwoo's eyes



I take my stance


jiwoo take his stance


jiwoo vanish from his place and I got a punch POW from the back I try to look at my back jiwoo punch POW my chin again punch at my right rib POW and three punches POW POW POW straight at my face and final kick POW at my chest I fly from his kick and BANG fall in the ground with blood dropping face. jiwoo run toward me

JIWOO-are you okay? Sam

SAM-yep I am alright

I sit up and said and everyone look surprise I don't even have a scratch on my face jiwoo look confused and asked

JIWOO- huh? how.

SAM-did you forget I have healing ability

after hearing this everyone look more surprised except wooin and jiwoo

JIWOO-oh yes I forget about that

SAM-thanks for worrying about me.

I get up and Mr.Jang ask

MR.JANG-sam I hear that you have healing ability but why don't you try to block and instead take all attacks head-on

SAM-oh that I couldn't even see jiwoo's attack so I don't know where to block hehe


everyone thinks how stupid I am after the next fight one student got injured from falling yes same as webtoon. I came to my dorm and slept and again in the night force control next day we come to the training room jiwoo ask everyone about their health etc



and we three started running before running might be an exercise but after I came to Korea I run on trade mill for hours to break my speed and how much km I run. after Mr.Jang said stop jiwoo and wooin taking deep breaths and others can't even stand

MR.JANG-good job everyone. you guys ended a bit late but make sure to have your meal at the cafeteria. I'll see you all tomorrow.

then jiwoo asked if this was the end of the class and yesterday was because of the injury but today's class ended early Mr Jang replied it is also important to get nutrients and recover your body.

after the meal, we go back to our room and next day also only running the hours class and students ask questions about why that it's so unfair we're treated so differently than the affiliated students etc and mr.jang just reply if you not happy with my teaching style or the Academy you may leave. and

left the training room and I also left for my dorm with jiwoo and wooin. The next day Mr.Jang made us run longer than normal and faster


everyone sitting on the ground I am the only standing yep I can heal my energy but only for this I don't need to heal myself

MR.JANG-listen up while you're catching your breath. today I am going to teach all of you something very important.

everyone looks confused

SAM-Mr.jang how did you manage to convince the other instructors?

Mr. jang looked shook

SAM-what? I can read the mind or something you think nope I study physiology so I can predict what might anyone thinking or going to say.

everyone look confused and mr.jang surprised and ask

MR.JANG- so what I am gonna teach today?

SAM-huh? of course force control but the lowest level of neutral force control is commonly known.

after hearing my words everyone shook and Mr.Jang ask

MR.JANG- you can also predict that it's going to be the lowest level of force control?!

SAM- nope I just predict that you going to teach us force control and other stuff is just my experience as an awakened one. and if you gonna teach us that please teach them first.

I point at the four other student.after mr.jang teach us force control and it's so simple even if you compare it with my own one it's toy house and my one is a real ten flore building. in the cafeteria other four talking about how that can improve from this force control etc then I hear

here you are

three students came

the student with fit body stand up and bow his head and said

good afternoon.

and the three reply

jeongsu is it true that you guys learned forced control today?

I was freaking shocked when I hear that.

teaching force control to such losers

hey, why aren't you answering?

the student reply

oh...yes we did.

and the middle student ask hey jeongsu did you learn it, too?

the student reply



the boy hit jeongsu with his plate before hitting him 2nd time I granb his wrist

SAM- no more he's my friend so please don't hit him more

he reply


then I applied more pressure and said

SAM-preatty please

he reply

let go of my hand!

then I hear


I look and see it was mr.jang and I left his wrist he grab his wrist

MR.JANG- what are you guys doing over here?

and sucheon left with his friends and I finally remember his name

MR.JANG-all of you go back to your dorms...and keep practicing the force control I thought you today.after that I left for my dorm and next day mr.park and inhyuk come to teach us Mr.jang tell us to run for two to three hour after running mr.park tell us to do a handstand after force control and after I left for my dorm and others for cafeteria.next day all instructor are came and

MR.JANG-as always run as if you're dealing out every last drop of your energy. jiwoo, wooin and Sam follow me.

after we came to sparing ground B

MR.JANG-wooin stand in front of me.

WOOIN-yes sir

MR.JANG-i've heard about you from seongha. I want to see myself how strong you are.try to attack me.


and wooin attack mr.jang face

SAM-(it's freaking funny if mr.jang hadn't blocked)

MR.JANG-attack me with something strong.

wooin increase his power red energy flow out of his body and BAM direct mr.jang's face lucky mr.jang block it with making a x with his hands

MR.JANG-that's enough.

wooin bow his head and leave the arina

MR.JANG-jiwoo, it's your turn.

JIWOO-yes sir

jiwoo enter the arina and mr.jang said

MR.JANG-attact me as much as you want don't go easy on me like you did to your friends.

JIWOO-yes sir

jiwoo vanis from his place I couldn't see jiwoo's body but I can clearly see jiwoo's attacks on mr.jang

MR.JANG-that's enough.

JIWOO-oh ok

MR.JANG-now sam come

I walk in side the arina

MR.JANG-now attack me with your most powerful attack

SAM-sir I can't


jiwoo and wooin also look surprise

SAM- sir if I attack you my most power full attack it kill you in an instant and I am not bluffing

I increased my energy level how I fell from jiyoung

mr.jang look shocked.and I decrease it and said

SAM- sir it's a secret but I trained my power from year of one with my parents force control.do you still want to get hit from my most power full attack.

mr.jang look panic I might know what he thinking what a monster

SAM- yes I am monster you could say that but in awakened one only can a monster survive.

after we came back to A sparing room and mr.jang explained we're going to fight with affiliated kids in six days.and after six days later.in the a paring day other four were defeated.


WOOIN-both 3 of you keep your heads up and watch.this one's going to be worth watching.

and wooin walk in side the arina





BOOM wooin directly hit his opponent face in the start of the fight and wooin increase his energy other instructors are surprised from the feel of wooin energy lift his left hand at woonyoung and KABOOM many cuts in woonyoung body

WOONYOUNG-HUFF HUFF argh...you f**ker I'm gonna kill you.

and shoot three sphere at SWOOSH wooin for avoid them wooin jump right side LEAP two sphere hit the ground were wooin was standing and one still follow wooin face wooin use his telekinesis and hit the sphere with his finger THUD and the sphere hit the ground CRASH and break into pieces wooin again lift his left hand towards woonyoung and BOOM this time numerous cut aper in woonyoung's body and he fell down unconscious


wooin come back from arina

WOOIN-it was worth watching right?


and jiwoo show a thumbs up


before jiwoo left I whisper to him

SAM-jiwoo I know what's Mr.Kayden said but don't take it long and give it all from the start and finish him off.

jiwoo just nod and enter the arina


jiwoo take his stance


inyoung also take his stance


inyoung lift his hand and make a gravity field on jiwoo's place jiwoo use his super speed and vanish from there inyoung look surprise and jiwoo came in inyoung left and POW punch him in face another one SWISH WHACK inyoung spit blood from his mouth inyoung lift his left hand and gather some energy in his left hand jiwoo freeze from attack and inyoung jump back and lift jiwoo in air and make jiwoo fall with inyoung's energy SWOOSH CRASH but inyoung didn't hold back and three time WHISH



then jiwoo lift his head and some how stand and take his stance with blood dropping from his head

MR.JANG-jiwoo...jiwoo that's enough.you can give up now

other instructor and affiliated students look at mr.jang

JIWOO-no.i can...do it.i'll fight to the end.

Mr.jang reply in a sad face

MR.JANG-if you continue you'll get badly injured.

baekdu instructor said

Mr.jang.your student has a strong will to continue.don't discourage him like that.

inyoung increase his energy to make and gravity field in his surrounding and walk towards jiwoo WHOOSH everyone shook jiwoo vanis from his place and punch strait at inyoung energy field with kayden's electricity and hit inyoung chest WHAM

inyoung fly back from jiwoos attack and hit the wall and fell down in the ground


jiwoo just going to fall down them wooin support jiwoo I walk toward's jiwoo and put my hand on jiwoo's shoulder and wisper

SAM- I can't fully recover you in front of everyone but I can make your pain less

jiwoo just give a smile and students take him to the clinical centre


finally me vs sucheon

I enter the the sparing

SAM-(jiwoo is injured I have to finish this fast)

SUCHEON-what with that look on your face? did you seriously think you can go to see your friend on foot?

SAM-(hmm is it right on my face ?)


I take my stance


he increased his energy


he raise his hand toward me and make a gravity field around me I bend me legs a bit and the gourd down my feet crack and sucheon shoot me to the arina wall at full speed CRASH sucheon again made me flote in air in front of him blood dropping from my face

SUCHEON-now it's really fun right? hello anyone there?

then he use his gravity to crush my body from both rang-left side


I shout in pain then he start punching me in the face WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK in total he might hit me 13 times then I use kayden electric attack from my both hand to his body KABOOM! he just front of me so he didn't get the chance to dogged


the houl sparing room fill with my blue electric shock



and he fell down


I some how stand and I walk towards the out of the arina and clearly hear what affiliated kids are saying





MR.JANG-great job everyone.all of you have shown the potential that unaffiliated awakened ones have.

and bow his head

MR.JANG-thank you.


I walk towards mr.jang and said

SAM-it's all thanks to your taught training we improve so much thank you Mr.jang.

and bow my head and fell unconscious

3 day after

I feel my fellow awakened friends out side I open the door


we enter my room and me and the girl, short hight boy sit in bed and other two stand in right then start their questions

when did you wake up?

are you feeling okay?

SAM- I feel a little weak but other then that I'm fine.(yep total lie)

what about you guys?

the short hight boy reply

oh...we got treated right away, so we're okay.it still hurts a little but it's not too bad

SAM-taeyoung right?

TAEYOUNG-yes you don't know that?

SAM- teayoung I never introduced my self my name is Sam

and lift my hand to handshake

TAEYOUNG-oh my name is Taeyoung ki

a purple energy around my hand to taeyoung hand and heal his head injury everyone look surprise after seeing my energy

SAM-sorry I can't heal you right after the spar I want to save my energy for the match

TAEYOUNG-oh n-no it's ok and thanks for healing me

SAM-that's a relief I think what might you think when you find about my healin-

and I fall asleep I was only doing force control for three days without sleep