
Encounter gone twisty

Morning 6:oo am

Seb's eyes opened suddenly when she realized she was late!!! She didn't hear the alarm and overslept. Gradually the alarm went off after half an hour.

Usually Seb wakes up at dusk, but today she woke up when only the first ray of light fell on her face. She really had been tired these days. She needs to gain her stamina back.

She immediately shook off her tackiness and jumped off the bed. Dressing in a hurry, she dashed out. She didn't forget to carry something for the dogs since they went hungry for 3 long days.

Seb ran at a pace more fast than usual to match up with the time. She made it within very less time.

Ichi,Dwi,Trio,Tet and Pentan were always present at their appointed place, wagging their tails expecting Seb.

They had been their each day, but to their disappointment,Seb never arrived. They never desired for food when they waited. They just wished her presence, once every day. But even after waiting for 3 whole days, when she didn't come, they still didn't lose trust in her and hoped for her to come. They were patient at their usual place. They level of understanding they shared, were higher than any pet dog.

This time, they were not disappointed. To their amusement, Seb was finally there! They spotted her from very far, jogging towards the. They couldn't wait for her to come to them. They were so overjoyed, that they raced up to her and pounced on her. Seb couldn't maintain her balance and fell down.

"Oh my boys!!!", she enjoyed their innocent love,"Have you been waiting these all days? Sorry I couldn't make it".

The dogs whined and approved of the apology .

"I brought you guys treat", Seb sat down on the parapet, as the dogs pranced around her happily.

She took out a packet of sugar bread-sticks. She offered in front without looking because she knew that the dogs were self disciplined. They will wait for their turn till one has eaten their share.

As soon as the bread-stick was taken away from Seb's hand, she realized that their was an awkward silence. The dogs went quiet all of a sudden. They had stopped jumping and whimpering, forcing Seb to look up for the reason and handle it.

The one who had the bread-stick in it's mouth, wasn't one of them. The dogs were amused with the intruding of a newcomer and they stood staring at it.

"What do we have here?", Seb smiled and tried to sound polite, so that the little newcomer doesn't get scared,"A new friend!", saying she picked it up.

It was a pup. It was snow white color with a pink nose and a small bushy tail. It felt warm, fluffy and soft, as if it is trimmed, groomed and taken care of regularly and properly. Clearly, it was not a stray dog. It was a domestic pet. The puppy kept wagging it's tail, showing no fear from the stranger and other dogs, as it licked Seb's cheek.

The other dogs woofed as they found the pup very pleasant, thinking it to be the new member of their family, who was the cutest of all.

Seb understood that.

"I wish I could guys", Seb said studying their mind,"But I think it has a owner already! Where is your guardian little one?", Seb asked playfully looking at it, as she placed it down on it's feet.

As soon as she did, the puppy made for it's run. Seb intended to follow to make sure of it's safety and that it gets to it's owner safely. The pup didn't go much far. Within a few meters, it came within presence of another person as it slowed down it's pace. The man was standing with his back at Seb. Probably searching for his dog.

Seb guessed that he was the owner and was about to call out to him, when the man himself called out once," Rikki!!! Where are you???"

Seb automatically froze on her steps.

That voice, wasn't unfamiliar! In fact, it left a scar on Seb's life moments. She didn't have to think twice and recognized the voice instantly. She could never have forgotten that voice, and she never thought that she would hear it again. Secretly, within her deepest wishes, she wanted to meet the beholder one more time.

It was him!!! Definitely without a doubt, it was him!!!!!

"Oh there you are", the man said as the pup ran in front of him,"Don't run off like that".

Seb gasped and took a step back. The man ear's were very sharp. He immediately turned to check.

Both the person met each other's eyes and exchanged blank, confused and surprised looks. This encounter was not at all expected. This was not meant to. None of them said a word as moments passed on. They were too startled ti speak.

Finally voice emerged from Seb's throat,"...Iven!".

Iven couldn't answer immediately. His reactions were not as fast as his actions. His eyes popped like soccer balls. Then slowly his eyebrows came together to form a expression of rage.

"Why on earth are you here?", he snarled like a wild dog at Seb. His voice was deeply angry.

"That should be my pick-up line", Seb was quick to answer. She was real tough opponent if in original form, not drugged or injured. "Have you been following me?", she snapped back.

"Like I have no other useless job", Iven's eyes narrowed on the stupid sense of humor. He wasn't amused.

-Oh, that makes sense now.

-What do you mean???

-I was held captive in an anchored ship. This abandoned dockyard and those ships.....

-Come to the point!!!

-That abandoned ship is your hideout base, isn't it?

Iven's expression became more serious. He realized that Seb had sharp senses and wits, and she came to know what she is not supposed to.

He resorted to his warnings when he judged where it was leading to,"Don't you dare!!! It won't take a minute before your body is disposed off!!!", saying he was about to forward steps towards her, when something suddenly stopped him.

Ichi,Dwi,Trio,Tet and Pentan had been with Seb this whole time. As they sensed incoming danger from the unknown face which they didn't like, they stepped in, stood guarding Seb and growled at Iven!!!

It was a counter-back warning to stay away!

Seb placed her palm on their head to calm them down.

Then she folded her hands and threw a glance at Iven with a smirk on her lips,"Don't even think about it. My boys are a bit sensitive when it comes to me. They'll eat you alive", she mocked and continued,"And yeah, so the ship is where you stay?"

"Doesn't matter!", Iven clenched his teeth,"If you open your mouth....."

"It's been 3 to 4 days", Seb interrupted annoyed,"If I wanted to get you caught, I could have done it long back. If you don't trust me than you shouldn't have let me go! It's so irritating that now I feel I should have said it!!!", Seb said without removing her glare from Iven's eyes.

Without a any suitable reply, Iven was left totally dumbstruck. Was this the same person? She appeared so utmost and royal. He chose to leave instead.

He dismissed Seb with a eave of his hand,"Get going!!! Don't show me your face again".

"So you're letting me go just like that?", Seb asked sarcastically.

Iven shot a burning glance at her, and turned away.

"By that way, what kind of a name is Rikki?", Seb called and asked genuinely. That wasn't anything important but it was successful in stopping Iven.

"That's something I won't appreciate making fun of", he said in a serious tone,"I don't want to take this in personal grounds".

-No I'm serious. Why do you call her Rikki?

-Her??? Rikki is a male!!!

-What? It's a she-pup.

-He's not. Stop making fun!!!

-Why would I? At least I'm more knowledgeable on fauna life than you are.

-That doesn't prove anything.

-Really? Than where is her male part?

Iven flustered at the last line. It was true. But he was still hanging on to his pride," I refuse to believe still.....Is she....really?", he tried not to give in.

Sen nodded sincerely. Iven looked little betrayed.

Within a moment he said again,"Doesn't matter if she's a female. Rikki is Rikki for me, it's the same", saying he picked her up.

Seb stared on with amazement. Iven noticed and snapped,"What are you gaping at?"

"Did you steal her from somewhere?", she asked out of the blue.

"What!!!", Iven burst.

"I was just thinking...", Seb replied without getting afraid,"A person who owns such an adorable creature, how can be that beastly? Do you dual personalities perhaps?"

Iven shot an invisible electric beam at Seb with his eyes, which would've killed her if real.

"Don't tempt me to do something which you'll regret later", he warned,"Don't come here ever again!!!", saying he was about to leave, when Rikki jumped off his arms and paced towards Seb. Iven tried to stop her but she was fast.

She approached Seb and wagged her tail, beckoning her to pat her. Seb obliged and grinned at Iven,"Clearly she prefers me over you".

Iven grunted and called sternly,"Rikki!!! Come here!!!".

Rikki looked back once and looked back at Seb. "Go to him, I'll see you again", Seb assured and Rikki understood. She walked back to Iven obediently.

Iven shot a glare,"Don't give her hopes!!! You won't see her again", and he walked off without waiting for any reply.

Seb was left alone with her friends. She kept thinking what just happened. She just came across her captor, and the encounter couldn't be more weird. It wasn't something which was supposed to be. How can they be so frank while talking with each other? Specially Seb herself???

She rubbed he arms where her bruises still faintly persisted. Things started coming back to her slowly. she felt chill down her spine. The person who just left was the same person. She recognized now.

Her Captor, her Abuser!!!