
Salvation from a Stranger

Salvation from a Stranger When does the word betrayal become valid and what does that mean to validate betrayal. Everyone has heard the story of Lucifer but who betrayed who, when we have never witnessed it and who was validated for their actions. Many people throughout time have faced assassination from once loyal people, so how do I confirm betrayal when my feelings have always betrayed me. Words I wanted to scream till my voice could no longer release a sound and instead, my feelings told me otherwise. Each time only continued the same patterns which brought me depression. If the person you loved for years never considered pushing away another person's advances, is that betrayal. Maybe it's the moment you decided to try and mend what's broken even though every other time was a catastrophe, only to see the one you love not refuse the lips of another. Do you then accept that as a betrayal or am I just petty and unable to confront things. Was it me who betrayed the expectations placed on me, maybe it was my betrayal when I walked away. Maybe I was the one betraying when I set fire to everything we collected and walked away. Maybe I'm just a bad person that made wrong choices with limited information. However how many times has that happened in our relationship. Maybe if I disappear all the bad will disappear as well and I can just be free from this life, a life unwanted. That's what I believed and yet, how does a stranger offer a hand while the one you love ignores you. The words from a stranger seemed much warmer than every conversation we ever had, is that how she made you feel Paige. I wonder about that but for how long will you hold a place inside my mind causing such confusion. Writers note) This will be rather long to start and updates will be slow as well. The reason is that I'll be watching for interest involved. This is another experiment story and this was upgraded from the Lines stories. The stories will follow a Different perspective, due to the way it is being written Mistakes will happen. Everything was done from the phone and fixed using grammar correction. Yet I also used a laptop to review the grammar which has led to some conflict. This also includes my own personal views on how things were written as well. Lastly, this may be my last project created, which means I may just finish what is written already before stopping.

Lightxxseeker · LGBT+
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4 Chs

Chapter 1/ Part Two

Salvation from a Stranger: Chapter One/Part Two

Having a roommate you can trust is nice, almost like having a reliable wall to lean on. The biggest problem is the chaos he leaves with those house parties. Yet I don't blame him too much since I can get him to clean up quickly enough. For him, this is the closest thing to freedom he had available. Even though his work is far different than a weekly thing or even at home it still helps. As many times I travel this road to work trips and stores it's always been vacant of life. Yet this woman is walking nearly aimlessly. Hopefully she can lift her head and take better care walking out here. With traffic moving a little faster she exited my vision fully just as the call came through. With a few clicks without shifting my vision, the voice comes through clear.

" When you arrive I'll have a return delivery with some equipment that needs moving."

" That's fine, just have everything ready. I'll be there in a couple of minutes."

While I love being self-employed working my own hours and setting my own rates, sometimes it's tedious and brings extra stress but I'm my own boss ultimately. After pulling off the building under construction comes into view with everything out front ready for delivery.

" Hey Adriana, a couple of the guys will be over in a second. Thanks for this last-minute call though."

" Not a problem, glad I can help out, plus the money helps out. How much longer do you have here?"

" With you helping with these deliveries, maybe a few months. But we should be getting new goods out here in a couple of days so that may speed us up."

With a few more exchanges made two of the more familiar guys come over to lift the equipment. Henry flexes more than normal trying to show off as usual but gets scolded by Craig. Those two are good friends and Craig tries to help me fend off Henry's advances often. With everything settled and delivered I hand over the receipt before taking off back to the main office. While driving that same girl is still walking which pulls at my heart yet again. How can anyone look so down and out like this, it's like someone pulled her world down around her. Unlike last time I can't watch her as much but hopefully, she arrives home safely. Once arriving at the main office the equipment is dropped off and I pick up another receipt for tomorrow. While my life has calmed down from partying and long nights out I'm content living slowly like this. Not to mention I don't need to take another person's bullshit with work now.

Another day out for work traveling the same road with replacement equipment. The weather seems warmer than yesterday which was unfortunate. That woman from yesterday is walking toward my vehicle and I realize she's walking again. Yet it seems more like she's still walking. I start to slow down before reaching her but a car horn pushes me forward. While I wanted to check on her it's not gonna be easy with these cars on my ass. Maybe she will be alright today as well.

"Thanks again for the delivery, let's hope it doesn't break again. Maybe we can request updated stuff so we can avoid this crap."

"Well in a way it's more money for you so can't be all bad right. Besides, new equipment means I can't come to see you and all these projects."

Parker was an older man but he was always a good friend to speak with. We worked together a lot which gave us a father-daughter bond that I cherish a lot. Ever since mine passed away three years back something has been missing inside. When I met Parker for work-related reasons we connected similar to how my dad and I did. Maybe it was because they both have the same job and speak in similar ways.

"Oh yeah, Adriana. If you got some free time I caught wind of a big shot heading over here. If you have time, you might make some more connections."

"Thanks for looking out, Parker. Take care and be careful in this heat."

With that done once more, I was heading home which brought a longing reminder. That woman may still be walking which would be terrible but I also wanna see her again. Not sure what this feeling is but I'm sure it's just worrying about her safety over anything else. When I reach the point I last saw her my foot instinctively lets up on the gas letting the truck cruise. However, she wasn't anywhere along this road which brings me joy yet also sadness that I won't see her but she may have gone home. That is more important than hoping to see her again, especially in this heat. Just as I started picking the speed back up before my eyes went back to the road I thought I saw someone laying on the other side of the banister. However, I couldn't see clearly and another car was going crazy on the horn so I just brushed it off as imagination. No matter what I think it can't be possible i'm sure she lives around here and likes to walk.

Even though I kept repeating those words on the way home it felt far from the truth. Just as I entered the house Eric was enjoying a house party. The chaos and state of my house sparked that commanding side to appear.

"I don't remember letting pugs enter the house, they belong in the barn. So do I have pigs in my house."

Most of Eric's people knew I wasn't a person to test yet they always make a mess. Most likely because they hope to escape before I get home and Eric is left to clean up. Everyone moves quickly picking up trash and dishes while another starts cleaning each dish. Another starts taking the trash out and soon my house is restored.

"Good job now, keep it this way and you can keep enjoying the party. However, mess this house up again today and you will all meet the stick am I clear."

Everyone spoke in unison as they agreed because I have used the stick on a few of them before. Some are still having nightmares after spending a night in the barn at the mercy of my stick. Others enjoyed it but don't want to repeat the process since fear only works if they don't enjoy it. With everyone settling down again it was time to get ready for bed and prepare for tomorrow, but my night was plagued with that woman and my fears. Leaving me to wake up just to fall asleep again hoping I'm wrong once more.

Another day comes but this was my first bad night's sleep in a while. Luckily a little sleep loss isn't affecting me enough for the day ahead. Before I could start my truck a call came through which took priority over my socializing so I decided to give Parker a heads up. This drive won't take me down that road but I'm sure she wouldn't be on that road again. As my truck moves towards the old mine shaft that shut down it's hard to forget about that woman. My nightmares seemed so vivid and real which only makes things more difficult. My train of thought continues as I drive to the destination and before I notice it I'm already there. It's as if I was so separated from the world that time just flew by far too quickly.

"Adriana right?"

"That's right, got a delivery or something else?"

"This old mine shaft is going to be made into an attraction but this document needs to be delivered. The problem is they are only open at night and I need to attend meetings and investors so I won't have time."

"Sure I can do that, anyone in particular or just drop it off?"

"Just a drop-off and thanks again, when things get started I'll be calling you even more."

He was the extra relaxed type of person who couldn't stop smiling. It was like he was selling hearts and kidneys while smiling a winning smile. Creepy but I'm sure it's effective in his world which is what matters most. With this finished it's a little later than I planned but making my way over to Parker shouldn't be but twenty or so minutes. Hopefully, I can still meet someone that needs my services which will help me further my goal.

After arriving the place is nearly empty with just Parker and a woman chatting as he points things out to her. 

"Hey sorry I'm late Parker."

"Hey Adriana, this is Miss Harper. Now that you are here I'm gonna head home dinner waiting

 Good luck"

I couldn't help smiling as I waved him off since he's always been looking out for me. Setting up introductions whenever possible to help me out.

"So miss Harper, what field are you in?"

"Medical mostly and can always use extra carriers in the field. Also, you can just call me Charlie, Adriana."

She was a woman in a suit that seemed to give off an aura of power. Like she could walk into a room and bring it to silence with a look.

"Alright well here's my card so call me whenever and i'll save your number. I look forward to working with you."

"Same here. But it's still early if you wanna go grab a drink and chat for a little longer."

Her finger was proudly sporting a modest wedding ring and I know how these hookups turn out. While I was interested in everything in front of me, it was also bad to mix pleasure and business. Jeopardizing anything would easily ruin my reputation which I needed.

"Sorry gotta call it an early day, my roommate has plans at home. Thanks for the offer, so maybe another time."

She smiled at me but it seemed obvious she wasn't gonna give up. While I could be easily overthinking all of this it's also true she had a certain look in her eyes. Once more my truck hits the road and I'm heading home hoping it doesn't take too long. The woman never entered my thoughts until I saw her again much further down the road which nearly confirmed my fears. Yet from this side I couldn't see much and traffic was so terrible that once more nothing could be done. Almost like fate is trying to purposefully interrupt me or something else on a higher plane altogether. Since I couldn't do much other than accept the current situation I head on home once more occupying my mind with her. Tonight's gonna be another terrible rest I'm sure, just hope those nightmares stay away.

As I entered the house luckily everything was cleaned as everyone continued enjoying the party. Instead of going to be early, I manage to take several beers down with two glasses of wine beforehand. While it's not normal for me to drink and I'm sure even Eric is a little worried but I needed sleep. How could I tell him I'm afraid of my dreams that are of a woman I never met and that I'm worried about crazily. He would laugh at my weirdness or be entirely just as confused as I am, both of which I wasn't entertaining tonight. Besides, maybe I'm overthinking things and just making everything strange. Another day comes with more work orders and with that late-night order dropped off, maybe I'll get more as he said. My future will be much smoother with these new contacts and my dream is even closer.

Once more I'm traveling towards a work order but with a different intention. If she is walking on this road she should be appearing soon and i'll make an effort. Just as those words left my mouth I swerved onto the shoulder parking the truck. My mind floods but all I can think of is what should I say.

"Hey, you okay I travel this highway a lot and you've been here for days just walking."

"Granting a wish, so I have to reach the other side of the world..."

What I just heard was far left field aiming for outer space but she looks so serious. How could she be speaking seriously, no maybe she's just joking.

"Are you crazy?... You look terrible when was the last time you ate or even slept properly. What the hell's wrong with you?"

I didn't mean to let my words come out so harshly or commandingly. The fear of scaring her soon began to sink in.

"How else... Do you give someone time wasted on you, this is the closest thing I could do."

She is completely and utterly serious right now. What the hell kind of situation is this, It just makes me wonder how my own thoughts had been mild compared to the truth. It was making me angry for some reason.

"Get in or I'm going to forcibly abduct you."

Just like that, I abducted her which sounds crazy because I'm surely not abducting her. I mean she didn't resist but that makes this whole situation so much worse.

"May need to have a brain scan or something because something is clearly loose... I still have work to do so you will be going with me today. After I finish we will figure out what's going on and what to do."

"I feel like I'm causing problems again, sorry about this."

"It's a bigger problem ignoring you besides I'm sure you have reasons, I hope they are better than whatever this was."

This was a conversation I don't want to come but I don't have a choice now. She needs help yet I'm not sure what kind of help yet. Whatever happened she's almost lifeless. My work orders seemed to fly by quicker than normal even though I'm afraid of what was next. Yet it would be nice if she could smile I'm sure it'll look so pretty. Stealing glances when traffic lights permitted seemed creepy in my head but I guess it didn't matter. Soon enough we pulled up to a dinner getting our seats situated which means that talk is next.

"So let us start at the beginning and figure out what the hell happened to make you choose this."

"A relationship of three years that lost its future and then I choose to take everything on myself. But it wasn't enough to help us... I often will say how I could give her anything if she just asked. What was I supposed to do when she wanted all our time together back?... So I erased myself as best I could and well..."

"So you decided the other side of the world is how you give her that, erasing yourself to that extreme.?... That seems unreasonable."

This was so bizarre to hear and yet she's convinced of her choices. Wouldn't most people go about this another way.

"I collected everything that tied us together and burnt it and my physical self was all that was left, so I had to go. Dying would have done much worse right.?"

"Do you hear yourself?... How can you be so... You?, I have never met anyone like you."

Somehow I have reached a new level that never existed on how to insult someone needing help and using herself as the insult. Did I insult her or try to define her even though I don't know her. I think my brain is melting down and struggling more than anything.

"So you have no clothes or money?... Did you seriously burn everything?"

"Aside from the clothes I'm wearing but I couldn't walk around naked so I didn't burn them."

She seriously considered burning the clothes she was wearing but didn't because she would be naked. While it's a good reason but isn't that a little extra weird. I'm more surprised this is the woman who stole my mind and eyes these days. It's strangely adorable.

"That is how you reason this entire thing?. What absurd thinking, you couldn't be naked so you didn't burn those clothes.?"

While all this was interesting it was time to get our food ordered so we can eat. She looks like a starving puppy right now so the house specials will help. Hopefully, she won't mind or be too picky with food so while waiting we make smaller conversations outside our current topic. When the food arrives sometime later I remember we haven't even introduced ourselves yet.

"Alright let's do the introductions then, I'm Adriana."

While my hand was hanging in the air I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It must have been unconsciously done but she was looking between her fork and my hand. It was unbearably cute but I didn't want to make things awkward by speaking up.

"Sorry, I'm Taylor. Nice to meet you and thanks for everything."

"No need to apologize for wanting to eat and feed a starved body. Aren't we women suppose to care how we look after all?"

"I don't know... Should I or at least have an interest in how my body looks?"

A strange thing to say especially with a body like hers I'm sure once she starts eating again she will fill out. But even though she is starving, she looks damn good which is surprising.

"Umm... Well, you have a good figure but the lack of food is showing. So I'm sure you took care of yourself before."

"I guess it was because of my job at the time... Moving a lot and using fist with your legs makes the body active enough."  

She didn't come off as the fighting type but that just makes me even more curious. I wonder how far she will let me pry into her life though.

"So you used to be a boxer or something?"

"Uhh... Sort of but it was more like a competitive sport where people fight. Get points when you land a hit depending on where that hit was kind of thing."

"Oh, fancy were you any good?"

"Uhh... I was a champion twice so maybe."

Another surprise with how small she seemed but if she won some championships then she was good. But does that means she also burnt those accomplishments that were hers to claim. That sounds terribly sad. It was clearly getting late so it was time to wrap up our meal and head home.

"I'll be right back gonna use the bathroom before we head out. So eat whatever you want."

This conversation wasn't so bad after all but so much is twisted up inside her still. Whoever made her like this I wonder if they feel anything with her gone. With everything gone without so much as a word left behind. I couldn't handle it my mind would eat me alive. When I returned the counter was selling some cookies we could snack on so I grabbed a few chocolate chips. Afterwards, I made my way to the table but she was so absorbed in finishing her food that I decided to tap her nose. 

"I got us some snacks we can eat, ready to go?"

My goal was simply to make her smile which started with music and me being a goof. Luckily it worked and she was enjoying herself more now that smile was showing up more now too. However, it didn't take long for her to start feeding me cookies with her fingers. It was difficult to focus on driving so I couldn't look at her no matter what. Yet the taste of her finger was driving me wild with lust which sounds so terrible.

"I'm sure your finger isn't a cookie but if this continues on I may think otherwise. Are you trying to tease me with small pieces of the cookies or something."

Once more she was laughing with me but I was soon caught off guard by her attack. The full cookie was shoved in my mouth which surprised the hell out of me.

"If I was feeding you my fingers with bites you wouldn't have a mouth full."

Since she thought this was so funny it was time for revenge starting with slowing down. I took my eyes off the road for a few seconds and soon I was shoving the cookie into her open mouth. Even though I still had my piece my eyes went back to the road but I could feel her breath. It was like she was now breathing an intoxicating scent into me which was making my brain swirl dizzily. Thankfully the cookie broke and I could regain myself once more.

"Careful with those tricks or i'll get you back for sure."

Soon we were pulling in which made me excited. I wanted to give her a tour like some child behavior had taken over.

"This place looks beautiful."

"Yeah it is but it has a roommate and he can ruin beautiful things quickly. But he is my best friend so don't mind him too much."

The one day I was hoping to have a clean house was ruined. How does he manage to do this so damn often it makes no sense.

"Eric you better get your ass upstairs and clean this mess up, or i'll be getting my stick."

My tone was the no-nonsense one that he was afraid of most. This was embarrassing for her to see but I should have expected this from him.

"Hey, Adriana... What's the stick."

My laughter just erupted as she leaned in to ask me such a question so seriously. Yet when I looked at her pouting face I couldn't resist feeling bad about laughing.

"Don't worry if you wish to see my stick I'll be sure to let you see it."

Another priceless facial expression that made me happy to see she's not weighed down. This side of her is so much better and I hope she can keep it.

" Don't think too much about it, the stick keeps him in line if he goes overboard. Like trashing my house because he brought people over without monitoring them."

It didn't take much to catch his attention with those last few words and when he finished he made introductions.

"Hello, I'm Eric, the better half of the roommate."

"I'm Taylor.."

"Good you have been introduced so off you go back to that cave. I'm sure you have company waiting still."

With Eric now gone the tour could continue but I couldn't believe I'm showing her that room first. It's been a while since someone has been inside after all.

"Don't worry he is harmless, but come on i'll show you the stick. That way you will understand its power."

I was feeling excited about taking her to this place the closer I got to the door. After a small breath, it was time for the reveal.

"Welcome to my second room of... Fun."

"So you are into personal bdsm play"

I didn't know how to categorize this but personal or private fun seemed to fit. However, we came to see the magnitude of my stick which is gonna shake the world of pleasure.

"So this is the famous stick... The umm, well masterpiece if I had ever seen one."

"Exactly proper use is required to experience its power. However, its name has brought many people to their knees."

"I'm certain it has."

For whatever reason, I posed with the stick being a little too proud of it. Which made me feel a bit more embarrassed than I wanted so it was time to wrap it up and move on.

" We will be sharing this room tonight, hope that's okay?"

" Are you sure... I don't wanna intrude or anything. I can sleep on the couch or floor."

"This is fine and besides you need a good sleep, can't handle sleeping in the bed with me?"

" I'm sure I'll be just fine handling... I mean sharing a bed with you."

I'm not sure how much of this flirting and hidden meanings I can handle. No matter what I have to keep my hands to myself.

" I don't have much that you could use but my large sleeping shirts should work just fine. You can borrow some underwear as well and I will wash what you are wearing. Unless you prefer to just be naked while I burn them"

After she got some clothes and I showed her a few things I felt rather strange. Patiently I sat waiting for her while fidgeting every so often trying to process this situation. Somehow I got lost in my head and when the door opened my eyes pulled up. A full-perfect teasing view that made me hungry in a good way.

"Is something wrong?"

"You did look amazing before but a shower brings out a much more vibrant side of you. The water clings to you could make someone feel like they live in a desert... But when my eyes go south I'm seeing something inviting"

While I tried not to laugh it was more like I didn't know what else to do. But instead of covering up or running away things became a little different luckily. However, I was certain all my old torn shirts had been scrapped already.

"I honestly thought I threw that shirt out but I'm also glad I didn't for this moment alone. You could be dangerous to anyone's health that's for certain."

" Well at least someone got an eye full of the goods. It's almost a crime."

A challenge I accepted before she could take it back so I moved quickly. Before she could react I was standing in front of her.

"Sorry, I'm honestly a good girl. Never committed a... Crime'

I wasn't sure how far we would take this but I couldn't back down now. So my hands started pulling my shirt up and I could feel every place her eyes searched. She became a magnifying glass creating heat to rise in every place she looked. It was near impossible not to jump her so I began finishing up which ended with the bra-snapping but before revealing I ran into the bathroom.

" Jesus don't kill me."

I wanted to respond but if I did my willpower would crack and things would spiral. Who was killing who though which was a good question either way. My showering was done quickly before my mind took off on its own making the night even worse. If only that was the only way it could become worse. The moment I climbed into bed and our skin touched I felt a heat so intense it was like a personal heater. Restraint wasn't possible with the warmth I desperately wanted.

"It's not good to be lost inside your head, what's got you so lost in thought...also why is your body so warm."

She was frozen stiff nearly as if she was lost inside her own head. It didn't matter that my body couldn't resist getting closer to this heat; it was addictive and drawing me in.

"You're driving me crazy."

"Well I wasn't expecting to flirt so much but now I am happy I did. Personal heater under my covers since I get cold easily."

Somehow my body got so close my neck was buried into her neck. Which I did find but after a few seconds I could hear and feel vibrations. At first, it didn't make sense but then I was able to understand that sound. How overloaded on cute could she be who even purrs at someone touching them so much. This just made me want to cling even more to her body, this purring was fueling my desire to have her even more.

"Personal heater and a personal Vibrator. You may replace my stick at this rate."

"My neck is sensitive and it makes me do that... But your breath is so hot it's driving me crazy."

Letting my lips press more into her neck over my nose seemed like a better result. Yet I couldn't control myself and soon my leg was pushing into hers while traveling upwards. I'm certain the dampness was leaving a trail but I didn't care I was losing control so quickly. My knee was exposing more skin and she was purring even better than before which was driving me frenziedly wild with lust.

" You are a perfect bed companion, did you know that?"

" I'm gonna get the stick if you keep this up."

" Oh."

It seemed perfect as if she was challenging me so I let out a proper growl. However, I don't think either of us realized how far we had gone with this bed play. I couldn't contain my surprise or voice as I let out a loud yelp. However, she wasn't playing around and soon she had her fingers working magic inside. This brought out a moan that was filled with so much longing but this had to stop before things got out of hand. So I managed to separate myself quickly from her.

" That's dangerous territory, but I don't mind if only we had time. We should get some sleep now that I do have work tomorrow."

Those ended up being my last and soon my entire world started fading as she pounced. True to her nature as a predatory cat she claimed my body ignoring my words. I couldn't believe it but the way she was handling my body was making my mind spin endlessly and before I could regain control my first orgasm hit making things even more bleary. All I know before my vision faded fully and I was consumed by her dominance was my fingers clawing or reaching for something. But none of it mattered as I became overloaded and whatever happened im sure will come back to me when I wake up.