

Sophia Salvatore is the long lost sister of Damon and Stefan. While one brother is aware of her, the other is kept in the dark. Secrets and lies. She is the most powerful heretic to ever live, the bloodline of Qetsiyah, the biggest threat. Witches want her dead. An ancient wolf pack, as old as time comes looking for her. What connection does she have with the Mikaelsons? Will she be the salvation they had been long waiting for or will the betrayal of the past be the very thing that kills them? Love. Loss. Betrayal.

anabinthussain · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
60 Chs

Chapter Twenty Seven

Prison world

She was at it again, with the crossword. I rolled my eyes telling her she was mediocre, and she should already give up. She snorted, rolling her eyes at me before retuning back to the puzzle. I watched her closely. It was in that moment, I knew I was truly in love with her and terrified that she would never love me, not after everything I had done since I first arrived at Mystic Falls. Yes, she was my best friend, but she could never love me. She wasn't Elena who would look past the terrible things I've done and continue to fall for me. She was better. She was firm and she stuck to her beliefs. She wasn't sired to me.

"What?" She asked, giggling as she looked back up. I had fallen silent. She set the pencil and newspaper down. "Damon?"

I shook my head, shrugging off my thoughts and flashed her a smile. "Nothing, just watching you make a fool of yourself once again. I've lost count of how many times you attempted these puzzles and wasted hours!"

"Ha ha funny!" She threw the paper at me-catching it with one hand, waving it around. "Tell me more about Sophia." She continued, tucking her chair in closer and resting her chin on her hand. My lips quirked up and a million memories pranced around me.

"You know...I know she's probably working on a way to get us out of here. I've not messaged her once and she must have caught on something is wrong."

"I really wish to meet her."

"And you will once we get out of here! I'll take you to London and introduce you. She'll like you."

"All this time and you kept her a secret. I still can't believe it! Will you ever tell Stefan?"

I exhaled, slumping back into my chair. "You know I can't. Neither of them will be able to handle the pain if she ever finds out, it was Stefan who killed her family, everything would be ruined! I can't do that to them...she loves flowers you know specially forget me nots. She spends her time teaching children and taking care of them. I think she's broken that she can't have her own, so she surrounds herself with children and it makes her feel accomplished. She hates fast food; she can't stand it. She says it makes her-"

"Sick." The disembodied voice shared. My eyes grew wide, recognising the silvery voice. My lips curled into a beaming smile as I turned to the direction of the voice. I could feel the tears in my eyes.

"Sophia!" I murmured. "How are you-"

"How am I here? I spent months locating you! I knew something was wrong and Enzo helped. I went to Mystic Falls, couldn't enter due to some border thing! Sucked up the magic from it and now I'm here brother. Did you think I'll not come looking for you?" She glided towards us, spectating the house. "So, this is where I should be living?" She chuckled. I leaped from my seat wanting to pull her into a hug, but I couldn't. She slipped right through me. Frowning, I dragged my feet back.

"I'm sorry I wish I could hug you too big brother but unfortunately we can't. Now, where is this ascendant? We have an hour until the eclipse, and I would really like to get you both out of here-I assume you are Bonnie?"

Bonnie stared in amazement; jaws dropped. "Hi...it's nice to meet you."

"I'm terribly afraid we'll have to cut the pleasantries short, as we don't have much time before I'm pulled back. Enzo promised he won't let me spend a second longer. Ascendant?" She held out her hand. Bonnie scurried back to where we hid the mystical key. Returning, she placed it in Sophia's palm. She inspected it, weighing it, and fiddling around. "Let's get out of here. I heard this is the prison of Kai Parker and we don't want him escaping!" We hastened out the house and ran free through the forest. I looked up at the darkening sky. The eclipse was already beginning. We pushed on through harder and faster making it to the entrance of the cave. Grabbing Bonnie's hand, I jumped in, landing briskly on my feet. She clung onto me tight with her eyes squeezed shut. A few seconds later, they reopened when she felt the flat ground beneath her. Sophia took Bonnie's hand and gently sliced it open. I watched the drops of blood splash onto the ascendant. Holding hands, they both chanted. A blinding, white light ascended down and consumed us.



Present day

I trotted down the stairs into the kitchen. My house became the new gathering spot. Every morning the Mikaelsons would join and remain the whole day, then leave. The cycle continued. Klaus stayed back the night, drinking with my brothers, and speaking. Kol was in the kitchen once again, with Caroline and Bonnie having a laugh. The sight of them warmed my heart and the warmth spread throughout me. He sat across from me, and I witnessed how at one he was. Meeting my gaze, he motioned for me to join him. Pushing the chair out with his feet, he opened up his arms. I ambled to him and plopped myself down on his lap. It was bewildering to hear that they had many things to share and discuss. It was fascinating. From all the stories I heard of Kol, I knew they disliked him maybe even despised him at one stage. Now here they were, as though they were the best of friends. I enjoyed their company, and their conversations were enlightening.

The buzz of my phone jolted me. Kol reached out for it and brought it in line with my vision. I read the messages that popped up from my friends, asking me to give them a call. Taking my phone in my hand i unlocked it, opened up my contacts and scrolled down, searching for Laura. Tapping her name, i waited as the call went through. It rang once before she picked up and blabbered down the phone. I laughed at her letting out her frustration and ranting on about Theo.

"Laura, calm down and what's up?"

She took a few deep breaths, and I could hear the smile. "When you're free, we would really like to go out with you and honestly just catch up. We've not done that in forever and Theo and I really miss you. Ethan does too but we won't mention that."

"I miss you too." I sighed trying to suppress my giggles of Kol playfully nibbling on my ear. "How about tomorrow, we arrange that forest trip we were planning for years now? My family are planning a feast and I can't excuse myself. So tomorrow?"

'That's perfect! I'll let the others know! See ya!"

"Bye." I muttered as the line cut off. Klaus suggested a little family feast and games and Caroline and Rebekah cheered to that. I secretly hoped these feasts would never end and it was a regular thing. The last time we had all been brought together was the Christmas feast, back at Mystic Falls. I wondered when we would go back. After all, it was my true home. I left the girls to discuss the preparations for the feast, to rummage through my wardrobe, searching for a suitable dress to adorn myself in. My fingers brushed the lacey white maxi dress. It was the perfect outfit. Gently, I picked it out and placed it on my bed. Had I not lost my necklace it would have complimented it perfectly. Excited, I changed into the outfit and stared into the mirror, simultaneously straightening out the creases. Indecisive on how I wanted my hair I ended up leaving it in its natural curly state. I smiled as I thought of Qetsiyah, peering into the mirror.

It was a great way to start the evening. The entire family gathered around the table for a filling feast. We were engaged in conversation, laughing wholeheartedly. Food was being passed around the table, glasses clinked. I helped myself to some roast potatoes and vegetables. I barely touched my food, all I wanted to do was watch my family. The Mikaelsons and Salvatores were the perfect fit and it was elating to witness this moment. It was nothing but pure peace and happiness and enjoying the company of one another. Damon turned to Bonnie and stole a quick kiss, then a second. Stefan and Caroline were discussing dessert and what should be eaten first. Silently, I agreed with her. Cheesecake should be consumed first then we can move onto caramel tart. But Stefan seemed to think caramel tart was a lighter dessert and should be consumed first.

I thought for a second. He made a valid point. Looking across the table to me, I gave him an approving smile. Klaus raised his glass toasting to family. They raised their glasses and took a sip of their drinks. They continued chatting and laughing. Elijah shook his head but was amused at how his family never ceased to amaze him with their childish antics. Rebekah and Freya threw napkins at one another while Marcel sat back chuckling, wiping a tear from his eye. My eyes landed on Klaus, his chin propped on his hands, grinning from ear to ear as he watched-entertained. The laughter and chatter brought a newfound peace within me. Warm and fuzzy. I exhaled softly. It was bittersweet and overwhelming. Swallowing the lump that formed in my throat, I blew out the trapped breath.

"I'm going to refill the jug of water." I announced, taking the jug, and excusing myself. Upon entering the kitchen, I proceeded to the fridge and pressed my back against the door to compose myself.

"Darling, I thought I'd help." I jumped at his sudden voice in my ear. Bemused by my reaction, Kol vamped sped before me. Human me had yet to get accustomed to vampires sneaking up on me unannounced. "The dinner was amazing don't you think?" He continued, taking a strand of my hair, twisting it then tucking it behind my ear. He leaned in closer, lips an inch away from my ear and whispered. "All I could think about was how incredibly beautiful you are. I had a rather difficult time controlling myself." His breath tickled me and sent sweet tremors all through me. Tilting my head to one side i smiled, stroking his hair, burying my fingers in them.

"It's been great, and I wouldn't want it any other way." I slid my hands down his head and wrapped my arms loosely around his neck. "I can't imagine myself with anyone else...you're all I ever see Mr Mikaelson."

"Well in that case, you best kiss me." He snorted with laughter. Pulling his head closer I kissed him. In that kiss was the sweetness of passion, a million loving thoughts condensed into a single moment. Without breaking contact, he lifted me up and placed me down on top of the island and began to kiss me all over. Leaving hot trails of kisses where there was skin. My fingers gripped his hair, pulling him in closer, softly moaning. The hunger within us burned brighter. The sound of a clearing throat broke our moment, immediately withdrawing. I flushed red upon seeing Damon standing at the door, visibly disturbed. If he could, he would have thrown up. He shuddered. I pushed Kol back and adjusted my dress. He threw his head back and guffawed and my glares didn't stop him from laughing away.

"What do you want big bro?" I asked, avoiding any form of eye contact, utterly mortified.

"Family picture. Get out here." He ordered, turned on his heel and left without a second glance. Kol pulled me back in for one last kiss, grinning in between. We walked back out, hand in hand, into the dining room. Everyone was already gathered at the fireplace before the camera that was already set up. We joined them just in time before the camera took several snap shots. The gentlemen dispersed unable to tolerate further posing and picture taking. After the pictures Rebekah insisted the ladies play a few card games. We voted on blackjack and sat crossed legged in a circle, the game going on for several rounds.

Curious, I looked up, hoping to catch a glimpse of Kol. He was by the window with my brothers laughing. I was awestruck and comforted at once. To see them trying to get along. The effort was equal from both parties. He sensed me staring at him and turned his body, pressing his back against the window, smiling affectionately. We continued to stare at one another from across the room. Mischief made his eyes sparkle. Placing my deck of cards down, I slowly got up and strut over.

"Hey you." I smiled. "Let's go for a walk."

"Really, a walk?" He flashed his infamous roguish grin. "Come on then, we best get going." Taking my hand, intertwining our fingers, he led the way.

We reached the entrance of bluebell wood. The beam of light from the moon illuminated up the pathway. I glided through the endless rows of bluebells, fingers gingerly brushing them as I moved further in.

"So why the sudden need to get away? Not that I'm complaining." He voiced from behind, stepping everywhere I stepped. His arms wove around me, and he yanked me back, my back pressed to his chest.

"I just wanted some time alone with you. I've been thinking about how everything has changed." I breathed out. He twirled me in his arm and our faces met, noses grazing.

"You're right, things have changed but in the most beautiful way and I won't want it any other way." He moved the strands of hair from my face.

"Meeting you has to be the highlight of my entire existence. The very moment I met you, you quite literally took my breath away. You invaded my thoughts, my heart and invaded my dreams. In death you are the one that makes me feel most alive. I love you, Kol Mikaelson. I am forever in love with you."

He grinned from ear to ear and his eyes illuminated. "I love you!" Sliding his hand down my waist, his lips attached to mine in a kiss. The kind that made you feel loved, desired and it made you feel like you were on top of the world. He pulled away digging his hands into his pockets, searching for something. Crinkling my nose at the sudden movement of him down on one knee, I sucked in the cold air around me. My heart raced at an unnatural speed as he spoke. "I wanted to wait for the right moment to do this, but I realised, there never is the right moment, you make it happen! I have not been in love like I am today, and it drives me insane. You. Drive. me. Insane. Sophia Salvatore, you turned my world upside down the moment I laid my eyes on you and from that very moment I wanted to spend the rest of my existence with you." He smiled winsomely then snorted. "You have not made it easy on me. You are a stubborn creature, but I love you more every day. Every inch of my being is devoted to you."

I gasped, my hands clasping my mouth, my body swaying. "You what?" Was all I managed.

"Sophia, I want to marry you. I've waited a thousand years for you and do not want to wait a second longer. I want you as my wife." He whipped out a small, black velvet box. Flipped the lid open and sat snuggly was a big, round diamond ring. Tears slipped down as I gazed at him, and he gazed back unfeigned. Grabbing his face, I kissed him with a passion so intense it left him breathless. "I'll take that as a yes." He chuckled.

"Yes!" I rejoiced through the tears. Holding out my hand, he took it in his and brushed my knuckles lightly before slipping the ring on my finger. Grabbing my face, he kissed me. Soft and moist, one breath, one sensation. The heat rose in my cheeks as our tongues touched, quick and electric and delicious. Connected deeply in our kiss he lifted me up, wrapped my legs around his waist and sped me home. Darting up the stairs, into the bedroom where he threw me onto the bed, and one thing lead to another.

I rolled back into his arms and pressed my lips on his. He gazed at me lovingly as if I were the only thing in his world. That winsome smile melted my heart all over again. Leaning close, his lips pressed to my forehead. Pulling away, he whispered into my hair. "We should go back down and share the news."

I caressed his face. "Well...we should tell my brothers first and-"

"I already asked for their blessings." He smirked.

I stared at him dumbfounded. "How? When?"

He chortled, running his fingers gently across my face. "Before we went for our walk. Although, they did threaten to kill me if I hurt you."

"Is that what you were laughing over?"

He nodded and started to get out of bed. Grabbing his hand, I pulled him back down and kissed him again. Pulling the duvet over us, he attacked my sides with tickles, and we burst into laughter. "Okay we really ought to go now." I gasped out through the laughter. Carrying me out of bed, he set me down on my feet. I watched as he dressed himself in a few seconds. Sighing, I pulled my dress over me and turned my back to him, gesturing for him to zip it back up. His fingers trailed up my back tentatively before he slowly pulled the zip up. Grazing his lips on my exposed skin, he planted a quick kiss on my shoulder. "So future husband," I began. "Do you think we can get away with having a small wedding and the guest being the two of us?"

He mused. "Tempting tempting...but our family are going to have their own reservations for this wedding and let's not forget my sisters and Caroline. I don't think we can get past them." He chuckled, hurrying us downstairs.

"Wait wait wait, before we go in." He grabbed my hand and twirled me back. Cupping my face in his hands, kissing me slowly. I could hear the rapturous laughter emanating from the lounge.

"Ooo look who finally showed up." Damon quipped. Heads turned to our direction. They did their absolute best to suppress the laughter, but it was written all over their faces.

"Finally." Klaus burst out chuckling, throwing his head back and patting Stefan on the shoulder. I eyed them sceptically. They all appeared to be laughing over the same thing.

"Thanks guys, really appreciate it." Kol shot at them, rolling his eyes. They could barely contain the laughter any longer. Even Elijah was amused. I gaped at them at a loss for words.

"We saw you zoom past, an hour and thirty minutes ago." Stefan continued laughing.

"Very specific." Freya commented.

Klaus palmed his forehead, chuckling. "Don't tell them that."

"We wanted to spend alone time away from you creeps." Kol laughed at my retort. Draping an arm over my shoulder, he grasped my hand and brought it to his lips, kissing my knuckles.

"As long as you had fun, right?" Rebekah teased, wiggling her brows, setting Caroline and Bonnie off into uncontrollable laughter.

Marcel straightened his face and pulled his lips in a thin line. "Okay...let's not be childish-" He broke out of character, falling back in his seat and releasing a deep belly chuckle.

"Real mature." I snapped rolling my eyes at them. We edged closer and a nervous laugh escaped me. After clearing my throat, I called for their attention. "We have something to share with you all, today." They fixed their positions and paid attention, keen and eager. I looked up to Kol, begging with my eyes for him to take lead.

"I asked Sophia to marry me." Kissing my hand after his declaration. The room bubbled up with sheer excitement. Freya, Rebekah, and my sister-in-laws rose from their seats and squealed. From their bubbly stance it seemed as though they were set to jump up and down with joy.

"Oh my gosh!" Caroline squealed. "What did you say? OMG the RING!" I glanced down at the ring on my finger. "She said yes!" They gushed with tears in their eyes. They danced towards me and hugged me one by one, congratulating us and already spilling out their ideas for the wedding. My brothers got up from their sitting and I hugged them tight. They were extremely happy for me. Moving to Kol, they patted him on the shoulder, indicating they accepted him and now he was a part of them too. I observed as his siblings toasted to him and his sisters hugged him, dancing and cheering and crying. My breath halted when Klaus faced Kol. For a split second I grew concerned but relaxed as soon as he pulled Kol into a hearty hug, congratulating him. He whispered something I couldn't quite comprehend or read from his lips. He looked over to me and smiled.

"Thank you." I mouthed. He nodded and before he turned away, I saw the love in his eyes and saw his genuine happiness for us. I hugged Elijah as he congratulated me and pecked my cheek, welcoming me once again to the family. Marcel high fived me and spun me around, my stomach hurting from all that laughter. So much was happening in one setting and it all left me breathless.

"Congratulations little one." He effused, twirling me once more.

Klaus cleared his throat and raised his glass for another toast. "To Kol and our sweet Sophia." His eyes sparkled when he uttered those words. Raising their glasses, our family toasted. "This is a bigger cause for celebration, let us spend the night dancing." He continued. Rebekah dashed to the speaker and connected her phone.

Kol pressed his lips to my hair and whispered. "Go dance with him." I tilted my head back to look at him, knitting my brows together. He motioned to Klaus and smiled reassuringly. Releasing me from his hold, I wandered over to where Klaus stood, waiting for me. Grinning he offered me his hand. Curtsying, I took it and grinned. The slow music twirled like thread around us. Resting my head on his shoulder, letting him sway me around and around. The guitar came in, then the piano, and then the slow yet upbeat, sure beating of the drum.

It goes and it comes in waves, it always does. We watch as our young hearts fade into the flood. Into the flood. Freedom and falling...the song played on as he twirled me round and round. I expressed a short, gentle laugh as he retold our first encounter and dance. "You know..." He continued. "I am pleased for you and my brother. As bitter as I want to be, I just can't find myself to do such a thing. Maybe in another life I'll get my chance with you, for now I'm perfectly content with where we are." We swayed side to side, softly.

"Maybe." I muttered quietly, although I wasn't sure of it. Kol was my soul mate and if another life existed for me, I knew I'd find my way back to Kol Mikaelson. Klaus was destined for my life I was certain, how he fit baffled me, yet I wouldn't want anyone else taking his space. I trusted him and i felt safe. Asking me for one more dance, I happily accepted. This dance was slow, and it gave us more time to speak, to laugh. We spoke so much, never short of anything. "I'm going to spin you back into my brother's arm." And he did just that, spun me back into the arms of my Fiancé.

"Hey." I purred.

He placed his hand firmly on my back and placed my hand on his shoulder. "How was it?"

"You're not jealous of Klaus?"

He shook his head chortling. "No. My brother has pure intentions and I'm not threatened by him."

"Because it's always you." I hummed. We continued to dance and spin. The lights twinkled with every step as I spun in delicate circles. The music spun around us lifting away gravity. He smiled down at me brightly. I could feel my hair spin and bounce with each move and beat. He was watching my hair bedazzled. All that mattered was him. We danced the rest of the evening.

The celebration tired me out. Leaving them, I excused myself and slinked up the stairs. I was exhausted and wanted to do nothing but sleep before a long day of exploring the following day. My family were more than welcome to plan my wedding the rest of the night. As I climbed into bed, a wave of guilt washed over me. I was a terrible person, and I was selfish. I cried out. I was dying and yet I agreed to marry Kol, knowing full well I had less than a year. It was selfish of me to agree and string him along. I buried my face deep in my knees and sobbed hard. I was so swept up in the moment, reality slipped. The door opened and I scrambled to hide my face.

"Don't hide from me!" Freya demanded as she jumped onto my bed. I buried my face deep in my sheets and mumbled for her to go away. She yanked the duvet off me. "I noticed you downstairs and how you seemed a little off, so I came to check on you. Tell me what's going on!" She lay her head down on the pillow and pressed her head against mine, waiting for me to respond. I sighed and turned to face her.

"I'm a selfish person Freya! I'm terrible and I'm destroying your brother's life!"

"How?" She quavered.

"In fifty years or so, I'm going to die! I love him and when he proposed I was so caught up in the moment of it all...it's not fair on him."

"Sophia...we will find a way, we always do. We're the Mikaelsons. There's always a loophole."

"If only." I muttered to myself. She looked to me quizzically. I bit my tongue hard, cursing myself internally. She pestered for an answer, but I rejected every effort, brushing her off. The door opened and in popped my sister-in-laws. They jumped onto the both of us, cackling. The bed was the perfect size for five grown women. The lads tried to worm their way in, but Caroline and Rebekah did the honours in booting them out. We spent the night giggling and gossiping about each member of the family. Even about our own spouses. The thought of him being my husband lit me up. I snuggled closer to Bonnie and let myself slowly drift away.

Hours later, I awoke to find Bonnie and Freya asleep, laying diagonally and Freya with her head on my legs. Rubbing my eyes, I turned my head to the hushed voices of Caroline and Rebekah. Had I been a vampire I'd have heard their conversation, but my ordinary hearing prevented me from that. Gently and cautiously, I rolled over, ensuring I didn't jolt Freya awake. They glanced back at me, grinning. "What time is it?" I asked groggily.

"Four thirty am." Rebekah responded with her head stuck in what looked like a magazine with the picture of a bride. I groaned, realising they were planning the wedding. "Don't groan! We're doing you a favour. My brother is getting married and that I tell you, is a very rare event. So, your wedding will be extravagant-"

"And expensive." Caroline considered deep in thought. "Then again the Salvatores and Mikaelsons are loaded." She grinned brightly. I wonder where the money comes from, I thought to myself, rolling my eyes.

"I am going to get some water!" I sat up, adjusting Freya's head then swung my legs over the edge and waddled to the door. "I'll be back." I stated after a yawn. The house was silent. There was not a single sound, not one single voice. I roamed around checking the rooms, pursing my lips. Odd how my brothers weren't home. Perhaps they had gone out for the night. Kol was nowhere in sight. Rubbing my eyes, I tiptoed down the stairs and wandered into the kitchen, eyes stinging as the lights flickered on. Half asleep I headed for the fridge but rustling sounds from the back garden disturbed me. My senses became alert, and I frantically glanced around. Moving closer, peering through the glass doors of the back garden. Nothing. Putting it as my imagination, I headed out forgetting why I originally came down to begin with.

As I drew closer to the front door, the same rustling sound and light footsteps could be heard. A shadow zoomed past. The flicker of a figure. I proceeded to unlock the door and pulled it wide open, finally stepping out. The cool air bit at my skin where it was exposed. I moved further out and glanced around furtively. I could sense something, someone but I couldn't hear nor see. The presence was threatening and dark, unnerving me.

"Love." I jolted at the sound of his voice. The dark and threatening presence disappeared, the moment he appeared. I held my hand to my heart, steadying my accelerated breathing.

"Klaus!" I breathed out, closing my eyes and relaxing. "You scared me."

He swaggered up to me. "What are you doing out here?" He questioned, searching my face. I quickly glanced around one last time.

"I thought I heard movement outside, so I came to check. What are you doing here?" I turned the question onto him.

"Rebekah demanded that I come down this very second as she needed my assistance." He threw his head back and snorted.

"Where is everyone else? My brothers aren't here and Kol isn't either."

He tentatively tucked my hair behind my right ear, thumb brushing my cheek and it lingered there for a while before he finally spoke. "They're at my humble abode. Not to worry, they're fine. You'll see them tomorrow. Now, let's get you back in and see what my sister wants." He slid his arm around my shoulder and led the way back in. Glancing over my shoulder, that darkness returned. Someone or something was watching us. I knew I was safe with Klaus.

The door shut behind us and I heard him twist the lock with a click. Without waiting for him I headed for the living room. He made a quick visit upstairs for whatever Rebekah had summoned him for. Settling back, snuggling up on the sofa with my favourite blanket that Damon gifted me, I curled my legs and closed my eyes. Not a while later my eyes reopened to the sound of light footsteps entering the living room. Klaus brushed past me and sat himself down on the sofa, leaving some room between us.

"Why are you not asleep?" He mused with a slight grin on his face.

"I am tired, but I don't know, I guess without Kol, it's hard to fall back asleep. Talk to me Klaus." I pulled the blanket up to my chin and awaited his response.

"About what?"

".... Your daughter, tell me about her."

He threw his head back against the sofa and drifted off far away, lost in his own thoughts. His expression started off as grave but as he travelled deeper into his memories his face relaxed and there was a sense of serenity. Though he was distant from this world, he vocalised. "She was beautiful and strong. She was brave and stubborn. Hope...was always quick to save me no matter what.... she did everything to save my family. I never knew it was possible to love anything as much as her. It was something I could not explain. She helped me feel something that I never thought was possible; unconditional love." I sat up feeling a heaviness in my heart. A tear slipped down his face and he blinked. Noticing my pained expression and heavy breathing, he shuffled closer.

"I'm fine." I croaked. I was exhausted and my eyes watered. Blinking through the tears I continued on. "Do you miss her?"

"Every day, but I am at ease knowing she is no longer in pain, and she has found her peace"

"Why didn't she want to come back, I mean I assume you tried to bring her back?"

"She's with her mother."

I smiled. "I can't believe you destroyed the hollow and all magic with it. Witches are raging."

He chuckled. "They had it coming."

"Do you think you'll see her again, Hope?" I settled back into the sofa and closed my eyes, drifting away. I don't know if he responded, or maybe I didn't hear him.  Sleep came as easily as the dreams.

She slowly opened her eyes and found herself lying flat on the ground, with the sun smiling down. It was an empty road surrounded by trees, vibrant greens, with flowers all sizes and colours. The sound of a gushing waterfall echoed nearby. Slowly rising to her feet, she took in the heavenly scene. It was magical and peaceful. The birds sang their songs and flapped their wings. The pleasant sound of laughter escaped her as pure white butterflies, fluttered around her. One hovered before her as if waiting for her to chase it. Reaching out with one hand, she began to Pursue it. It soared through in a straight line. Standing ever so still, holding her breath, she reached out for it. The magnificent creature settled down in the palm of her hand and she gaped with awe. A quick flap of its symmetrical, dainty wings, it took off and danced around.


Her eyes lit up and lips spread into a bright smile to the sound of the voice. She whirled around. "Hunter?" Standing still, staring at him with her mouth covered and head shaking in disbelief. Her brother stood before her. He was alive and she almost forgot what he looked like. Breaking into a run, she threw her arms around him, and he lifted her in the air, spinning around.

"Hi sis, it's good to see you" Grinning wide, he pulled her into a bear hug as he set her back on the ground. She blinked through the endless tears. But these were tears of joy, love, and bewilderment. She hugged him again, rambling on incoherently all the while he chuckled. Looking over his shoulder, her sight landed on five more familiar faces, all with gleaming smiles. With an exploding smile, she leaped towards them, buzzing. They took her in their arms. Rose, Amelia, Valarie, Qetsiyah, her Godson Hunter. Enzo. Wrapping them up with her arms, choking on the tears, still unable to comprehend where She was.

"We came to see you." Qetsiyah crooned, taking her back in her arms.

"I can't believe you're all here!" She rejoiced, dancing with delight. They formed a circle around her, and the tears of gratitude trailed down her cheeks. They came as a light from the sun, their emotions as warm as the touches of the gentle rays. They came as the loving did, with open eyes and arms, with an open mind and melodic words. They came with a love so pure, the kind that lasted through eternity. The world twirled around her, taking in their faces.

"Where am I?" She finally asked, wiping her face, and laughing softly.

"Afterlife....save haven, whatever you want it to be." Valarie beamed, sticking her hands out.

"There's someone, who would like to meet you." Qetsiyah divulged with a smile so sweet, so pure. Confusion crossed her face. The circle split revealing a tall, beautiful women who resembled Qetsiyah in many ways. She had the same long hair as they did, the same gentle curls. Her eyes were big and brown, and the sun lit them up as she glided through, closer and closer. She stared at her starstruck. Taking Sophia's hands in hers, she stroked them, and this intense motherly love soared through them.

"Look at you, so beautiful...so lovely." She said through tears.

Her floodgates opened and tears fell down like stars. "Are you Hera? My-"

"Your mother." She brushed her fingers through Sophia's curls. "We'll be together finally." She peered into her eyes, eyes filled with pride, joy, and immortal love for her. There was not an ounce of sadness. She clutched her close to her chest and Sophia cried. She held her the way a mother did when she soothed her one and only child. They all fell back in line before Sophia, head to one side and eyes glistening.

"We'll see you soon." They said in unison as a warm light descended down upon them. She reached out for them, but they were gone. Her fingers grasped at the air, catching nothing.

I awoke to find myself in my bed. Certainly, Klaus must have taken me up. As I thought back to the dream I had, where all my loved ones I lost were present and I cried. It was the most peaceful dream I ever had. Yet a sadness engulfed me as I felt that distance. Upon hearing my soft, stifled cries Kol appeared out of the bathroom. He rushed to my side and pulled me to his chest. "What is it darling?"

I clung onto his shirt. "I saw them all. I saw my birth mother and she was beautiful Kol. They were all there...everyone I ever lost...were-were all there." I splattered out, choking on the tears. He rubbed my back and whispered in my ear. He didn't understand what my dream meant but I did, and I knew I would be with them soon. After centuries, I finally saw my mother. I held her and she held me. We cried together and we laughed. My mother, a person I thought I would never ever get the chance to meet.

"Are you ready for your trip today?" He murmured into my hair. "Your friend Theo called; they will come to pick you up."

I nodded, pulling away and shuffling to the bathroom. I found him on the bed, smirking at me when I returned. Smiling, I stripped out of my pyjamas and into a pair of jeans and a plain top. I threw on a lightweight coat and hurried off downstairs. Grabbing a beignet from the tower that was placed at the centre of the table, plopped myself down on a chair and took a big, healthy bite. Kol watched me with a huge smile on his face. A second later, Caroline marched in with a clipboard in her hand and pen in the other. Paying us little attention, checking things off.

"What's that?" I pointed to the clipboard.

She beamed, tearing away from the clipboard just to look at me. "Ah, it's the wedding checklist. You're getting married in three weeks."

"Three weeks!" I exclaimed, dropping the remaining beignet onto the table. "How am I supposed to get everything sorted in that time?"

"That's why you have us luv." Rebekah chimed, strutting in. "We have everything sorted."

"Well, in that case you guys are more than welcome to see to every tiny detail! But I decide who my maid of honour and bridesmaids are!"

"Look around, who else did you plan on anointing?" Rebekah raised a brow, a smirk on her enthralling face.

The tooting of the car horn alerted us. Taking a few more sips of my pineapple juice, I kissed them goodbye and Kol walked out arm in arm with me. I knew he wanted to make Ethan jealous, that's why he walked me out and spun me twice in his arm before tugging me close to kiss me. Kissing him one last time, I pulled back and backed away to the car. He flashed me a wolfish grin. Rolling my eyes and laughing to myself, I pulled the car door open and slid in.