

Sophia Salvatore is the long lost sister of Damon and Stefan. While one brother is aware of her, the other is kept in the dark. Secrets and lies. She is the most powerful heretic to ever live, the bloodline of Qetsiyah, the biggest threat. Witches want her dead. An ancient wolf pack, as old as time comes looking for her. What connection does she have with the Mikaelsons? Will she be the salvation they had been long waiting for or will the betrayal of the past be the very thing that kills them? Love. Loss. Betrayal.

anabinthussain · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Chapter Twenty Four

He gently lay her on the bed. She was utterly magnificent, far beyond words and all was right again in his world. Gazing down at her, he brushed the hair tenderly away from her face. Three months without her had been an eternity for him. Pure torture and a punishment far worse than death. Now she was with him again. Alive than ever before. He slipped into the bed beside her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her in closer, lastly closing his eyes. It was home again. The warmth, her sweet yet spicy Fragrance were his home. Inhaling in her scent, his body relaxed. "I missed this." He mumbled into her messy hair. She stirred in her sleep and let out a tiny groan. His eyes flew open and propping himself up on one arm, he peered down at her, lips tugging up into a bright smile to her fluttering eyelids. For so long he ached to gaze into those icy blue eyes and finally he could. "Hey." He crooned softly. She turned on her side, facing him, fingers caressing his face.

"Hey." She croaked.

"How are you feeling?" He asked while nibbling her fingers playfully.

She giggled. "That t-tickles...and I'm much better, now that I'm with you-" She burst into laughter as he continued to nibble at her playfully, his lips grazing her skin ever so lightly. She struggled to get her words out, but it was impossible when all she was doing was twisting around, all the while giggling and laughing. Immediately he came to a halt the moment she winced, and her face pulled into a pained expression.

"What is it?" He quavered.

"Nothing...I think I just need to adjust to being human again, everything feels rather different, and I was dead for three months and now I'm not...really, I'm fine! Please don't fret."

Sweeping his fingers down her hair, at the same time untangling the knots in her curls, he pressed his forehead softly against hers. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

She thought for a brief moment and then answered. "I'm exceptionally hungry so if it's not a bother, could you please make me some pancakes and food...that is if you know how to cook."

"You'll find out." He waggled his brows at her.

"Alright. I'm going to have a quick shower and change. I won't be long." She stole a kiss then another. Unable to control himself he deepened the kiss hungrily. She pulled him closer, exhilarated by this new sense of feeling. Though it was the same feeling and breath-taking touch, it was far more intoxicating. The touch of him on her human skin sent the hairs on her arms rising. Her tiny human heart raced, making her weak to the knees. Tilting her head up, she begged for more and he tended to her needs.


I watched him leave the room and waited a second or two before forcing myself out of bed. It pained. Every move I made felt as though I was being set on fire. I didn't want him around to witness me in this state. I wondered for how long I could use the being human again excuse. Only a year left, and I was terrified. What would life be like within that one year and just how much would change? How do I say goodbye? I reached into the pocket of my cardigan and fished out the talisman, weighing down my hand. I could feel the magic pulsating through it, humming, just waiting to be used. Carefully I placed the pendant on the bedside table to wear after my shower. Padding over to the window, pulling the curtains apart I peered out. It was significantly warmer outside, and the sun seemed to be smiling down on London.

Thinking of my friends, saddened me. I did miss them, more, knowing it was just the three of us left. I pondered over what they were doing. The thought of my phone popped up and I searched around for it. After a few minutes of searching, it was found, safely tucked in my bedside drawer. It was cold to the touch, assuming it had been left for the months I was away. Unfortunately for me it was out of battery and had not been charged. Steadily, I bent over and plugged the charger in and placed my phone back down. In the time I showered and changed there would be sufficient charge and I could use it. I smiled to myself. It was a rather mundane thing to do and think about. For some odd reason, it made me happy. It truly was a human thing.

Dizziness overtook me while I showered. Taking deep breaths, I pressed my back against the cold tiled wall. The water pattered down, splashing around me. I waited for the dizzy feeling to pass before continuing to shower. I had forgotten I was no longer a vampire when, by instinct I attempted to use my vampiric speed and movement. "Won't be getting used to this any time soon." I muttered to myself rolling my eyes. Reaching out for the towel, grasping it with my fingers I stepped out the bath and wrapped myself with it. My body reacted negatively to the cold. Rushing the drying process, using a blow dryer to heat myself up. Feeling warmer, I trudged back into my room and walked straight over to my wardrobe, looking for something to wear. Considering it was fairly warm outside i thought a black maxi dress was appropriate for wearing. Taking it off the hanger I threw it across the room aiming for the bed. It nearly missed the edge of the bed. Being a vampire was what truly made me who I was. Now, i was terrible at the simplest tasks. A huge part of me was gone, leaving me empty. The constant pinging of my phone was bizarre. Laughing softly, unlocking the phone, and scrolling through the notifications my jaw dropped. Over three thousand plus messages, all from my friends. I sighed with grief. Continuing, I paused, the next few messages prying my attention.

Sophia what the hell happened to you?! After we left the party, we came back since Eth wanted to apologise but we saw you being carried down in Klaus's arm!

what the hell happened?!


we are really worried!

They wouldn't let us in, and we kept coming every day and no one would explain!

My fingers performed a little dance as I summoned up what to type.

Hey guys, I'm really sorry I was unwell, and everyone was just too worried about me to think about anyone else and then my phone died and well I'm back.

Laura was the first to respond.


Theo: I agree with Laura, Sophia! What are you playing at!

Laura: Something is fishy!

Theo: Agree with her again!

Ethan: We need to see you and we need to talk!

okay, we will soon and I'm really sorry guys it's my fault. I didn't want to see anyone as I really was unwell. I will talk to you all soon. Just hold on.

A sudden knock at the door startled me. "It's only me, no need to jump." Rebekah quipped. "We're all waiting for you!"

I cocked my head to the side and beckoned for her to come in and sit with me for a while before we headed back downstairs. "A lot has happened, hasn't it?"

Flopping down she sighed. "You could say that. I'm just glad you're back and well, Kol is...Kol again."

"Thank you for not giving up on him and being there when everyone else cast him out. It terrified me thinking what would have been had you not been there."

"He's my brother and I will always be there for him, and I knew you'd haunt me if I didn't-your human friends kept nagging us, it was a chore having to send them away." She chuckled.

"What's wrong beks?" I inquired, noticing the sad look in her eyes despite her poor attempts to conceal it.

"You know, I've always wanted to be human, and I remember what we went through the last time we trekked to that island in search of it. It was brutal and then after Silas was set free, I thought the cure was lost...but now, here you are with it." She puffed out. I sat beside her resting my head on her shoulder.

"I know Beks, Damon told me and the time I've been with your family, I know everything there is to know about each and every one of you."

"He really is the gossip girl, isn't he?"

I laughed a little too hard. "Indeed...so what about now? Do you still want the cure?"

She smiled. "No. It took me years to realise everything I ever wanted, I already had. I just needed to appreciate it. Though Nik did promise me some time back he'll do what it takes to bring me a new cure." She chuckled to herself. "I don't want it anymore." Tucking my hair behind my ear, her eyes twinkled to her smile. "How are you feeling about it?"

Chewing on my bottom lip I thought about everything that made me great as a vampire. I wasn't a heretic anymore, I lost what truly made me, me. Scratching the back of my head, I answered her. "I don't know...I just know a massive part of me is gone. I don't feel like myself."

"You're still you. Strong, beautiful and insanely powerful..." brushing the hair from my face she chuckled. "With messy hair."

Rising to my feet, shaking with a smile, I held out my arm for her. Smiling she jumped to hers and linked her arm with mine. She led me down the stairs and into the kitchen where I met with a bewildering sight. The table was filled with all sorts of pastries, waffles, pancakes, fruits, and juices.

"What is all this?" I gestured to the spread. "This is insane!"

Caroline laughed softly. "We all decided to get you each of everything and you can just sit back and enjoy!" She pulled out a chair for me and politely nodding at her, I sat myself down.

"I have the best sister-in-laws-"

The boys cleared their throats, offended, and overlooked. "I have the best family ever and thank you! So, who got what? Let's share."

Kol presented a plate, stacked with pancakes, drizzled with chocolate sauce, and topped with berries and dusted with icing. "How did you know how I liked my pancakes?"

He looked to my brothers and pointed at them with a wide and shining smile. My lips curved into a slow, small smile. They seemed like they were civil with each other again. Using the knife and fork i cut a slice and took a bite. It was the most satisfying pancake I have ever bitten into. Warm, gooey with chocolate and balanced with the tartness of the berries. "What's next?"

"These Beignets." Presented Freya. "Mine and Nik's favourite." I smiled at her and placed my hand atop hers.

"What are they, Klaus?" Inspecting the sugar-coated puff balls, I inclined to him. They smelt heavenly and I could not help but inhale them in. I was furious at him, and Damon and I couldn't forgive them yet. I did love them and I couldn't leave without letting them know. I sensed him beam.

"Deep fried, sugary pastry."

"Rather sweet but I shall give it a try." I took a decent bite and couldn't help but sink back into my seat and devour the whole pastry. The kitchen filled with laughter. "Okay next!" I demanded with a grin.

Marcel pushed forward a platter of churros and chocolate dipping sauce. "I heard you are fond of churros, so some churros for the littlest one." He flashed a brilliant smile.

"Why ever do you call me littlest one? Is it cause I'm the youngest Salvatore?"

He shook his head, guffawing. "Nope. You're the youngest out of every person here."

"Ha ha, real funny!" I remarked, rolling my eyes. I took a bite out of a churro. It was crunchy and with the perfect dusting of cinnamon sugar. Just the way I liked it. "You guys do remember I'm a human now, so I really can't eat all this, but I am taking a bite out of everything!"

The next half hour we spent eating and drinking, with me taking a bite of everything that was laid out on the table. Bonnie had freshly squeezed pineapple juice ready for me and I drank that gleefully. I felt like a little child on her birthday being showered with endless love and gifts. My sister-in-law's sat beside me, and I couldn't help but feel proud. I knew that they would always be with my brothers, always support them and love them, even after I was gone.

I bit my tongue hard suppressing my grunts as my stomach twisted. It had been over a century, yet I could never forget the pain of a period. Like my insides were being cut up repeatedly. Clutching my stomach hard, trying to control my breathing. A squeal escaped me. Everyone fell silent and their heads snapped towards me. I held my hands out before the panic started. "I'm fine! I just have a terrible stomach-ache." I jumped out my seat and ran out the kitchen, up the stairs, almost folding over when I reached the top.

Gritting my teeth, I sat in the bathroom about to burst into tears at my doom and gloom of starting my menstrual cycle once again. I was not prepared. There were no sanitary towels or products for me to use so I cried profusely. A knock on the bathroom door and the voices of four wonderful women came from the other side. I cried harder, squinching my eyes closed. The door swung open, and the four heads peered in. I growled irritated. "It hasn't been a full day of being a human and I start my period! Bloody barbaric that is, if you ask me!"

They burst out laughing. Caroline comically breathed in and out. "Okay..." She began before laughing all over again. "Okay seriously, I will go and get you some pads and tampons and all things necessary while the girls hold the fort."

"Don't tell the guys!" I called out as she left the bathroom. "And please get pain killers! The pain is crippling." I turned back to burying my face in my hands. I lifted my head up to face the three females peering down at me, rather concerned.

"You look washed out" Bonnie expressed, feeling my forehead with the back of her hand.

"Please tell me there's something for reducing period pains because I feel..." I folded over almost screaming. Rebekah and Freya rubbed their hands up and down my back in a soothing manner, while Bonnie sat on her knees with her hand to my stomach.

"I can try to ease the pain, but it won't take it away." She responded. Whatever she was doing had little to no effect. I remained curled on the floor waiting for Caroline to return. It was comforting to have them there with me as they spoke of their experiences and how Freya and Bonnie still got it every month and how much of a chore it was. We laughed though it pained me every time I did. Caroline returned with a basket full of sanitary products. I had forgot how much of a perfectionist she was. I could barely utter the words thank you as she handed me a single pad and sanitary bag. They waited outside the bathroom for me, still engaging in conversation while I cleaned myself up.

Unlocking the bathroom door i stepped out. Caroline was ready with the pain killers in one hand and a cute hot water bottle in the other. Bonnie stood to her left holding a tall glass of water. I took the two pain killers she popped out of the packet and tossed them into my mouth, washing it down with the water. I already hated being human. "Thank you, guys. I don't know what I would have done without you all...you are all just beyond amazing." I began to tear up. "Hormones." I scoffed. The medicine seemed to be making an instant effect. Feeling a little strained, I curled up in bed, placed the hot water bottle to my stomach and hugged it tight. Sinking back, exerting a huge yawn. "I think I'm going to lay in for a bit, but you guys should go down. I'll be okay."

"Make sure you call out if you need anything." Effused Rebekah after planting a kiss on my forehead. I nodded in agreement and waved them off. As much as I loved each and every one of them, I couldn't hide the pain any longer. I had put up a front of being strong and it was draining. Arms wrapped themselves around me. Smiling, I snuggled back into him. Human or not his touch will always be familiar. I will always know it's him. "Hey you." I whispered without facing him. He rubbed his cheek against mine.

"My sisters mentioned something about-"

I turned fully to face him with my mouth hung open. "I can't believe they told you! Unbelievable!"

He chuckled lowly. "I'm here if you need anything."

I nuzzled his nose with mine. "You could stay here, I'd very much like that."

He pressed me against his chest, his hand holding the back of my head, fingers woven through my hair. "How does it feel to be human?"

"I hate it! Absolutely, indefinitely hate it! I never thought about being human. I wasn't strong enough so...being human sucks!"

"We'll be okay." He chortled, running his fingers through my hair.

"I'm a little scared." I threw my head back to get a better look at his face. His brows knit together, and lines formed on his forehead.


"I don't know how to be human...I've not been human for over a century and my first day I've already run into issues and..." I trailed off. "What if human you and me don't meld well together? What if you don't love me the same?"

He chuckled. "I fell in love with you without realising who and what you were. It wasn't your magic, or your vampirism, it's you." He held me tighter to his chest, making sure I knew just what I meant to him.

Strange how in his presence, in his hold, my whole world was right and nothing else mattered. All my problems faded away. We lay arm in arm, speaking to our hearts content. Rather I spoke and he listened, mesmerised. The way he peered into my soul weakened me. My stomach fluttered and heart flapped its wings, ready to take off. I was falling in love with him all over again.

"That's an interesting necklace." He gestured with his head. I stretched my arm out reaching for it. The chain was cold to the touch. Grasping it, I brought my hand closer and gently brushed the top of the pendant.

"It's beautiful is it not?" I cooed. "Qetsiyah gave it to me. It has her infinite magic. Who would have thought I descended from the most powerful witch."

He scooped the necklace out my palm and scoffed. "Yeah, I met her and she's dreadful. While I was stuck on the other side, I had an unfortunate encounter with her."

"She's not a bad person. Silas did her wrong and I suppose he deserved what he got, but I have to admit perhaps punishing everyone else for it was a little... unfair. You know she was there with me the whole time."

He moved my hair to one side. With his fingers he gently brushed down my neck then to my collar bone. I sucked in the air as my back arched against him. Bringing the necklace over me he placed it lightly on my neck and hooked it at the back. I shivered as the cold sent momentary shockwaves. Before brining my hair back, he popped a kiss on my shoulder. Exhaustion consumed me and I let my eyelids droop down.


The alpha alongside his mate, strode into the depths of the woods, the ground dry and brittle beneath their boots. Scrunching their noses at the scent of the supernatural mix gathered together. As they drew near, they could make out the cloaked being, the heavy hood concealing the face whole. The mate did all she could to catch a glimpse but to her demise, the being was well hidden. Above the being, the waning moon shone down, illuminating the patch of land and casting across a ghastly glow. Lifting his nose in the air, it was clear by the scent the figure was of the witch kind. He never agreed with them; they were cunning, sly, and slippery. To the left, through his sense of smell: the three men were blood sucking fiends. A low growl emanated from deep within him. The female tugged at his arm. "Control yourself!" She hissed in a low voice.

"Welcome." The being was female. Her voice neither pleasant nor grating. She didn't remove the hood, it remained on her throughout. Nothing was exposed, not even a flash of skin. "I'm pleased you could join us; it wasn't easy finding you, but I did." Laughter broke through her words.

"What do you want?" He gruffed, folding his arms.

"I believe, we can help each other." Her tone playful.

The female mate side stepped forward, squaring up to the cloaked figure. "How?"

"The how, you can leave to me. We have one great thing in common." She waited for them to respond. When none came, she continued. "The girl Sophia. We all want her and need her. She's no longer a vampire, which means she's human and the cure races through her veins. I know a few who want so badly to take the cure." She motioned to the standing vampires with her head. "The witches need her, be it dead or alive. Lastly, the original wolf pack...being Qetsiyah's kin, she is your key. We all need her for something, so I propose we work together."

"How can we trust you?" The blond, fairly tall vampire voiced.

"What he said." The alpha pointed.

"You can trust me if you wish, I don't care but, in the end, she's a threat to us all. Help me be rid of her and I assure you, you will all get what you want." She waited again, arms folded, reeking of pride.

Exchanging glances, the alpha and his mate made a silent agreement before turning back to the figure and accepting her offer. "Okay. We'll help you find the girl and you'll lead us to the objects." They set down their terms.

"Very well then, I'll assist you with that. I knew you'll find some twisted way to use me." Shielded from their gazes she smirked wide, her motives brewing in her head. "Oh, and one last thing, be wary of the council. They've doubled up their security and are on the hunt for more supernaturals."

The shorter vampire arched a brow, sending a sideways glance. "Humans know of us?"

"Yes." The dark brown-haired vampire, his features sharp and magnificent under the light of the moon, responded. Up until now, he hadn't spoken or given his input. There was a glint in his dark eyes they noticed when he skimmed each face.


I awoke disheartened, feeling the empty space beside me. Despite the continuous exhaustion I forced myself up and trudged to the bathroom. I knew I had to get fresh and reload on the painkillers before I could take myself back to bed and hopefully drift away, once again into a deep sleep. The perception of time escaped me, and I had not given it a second thought. Peering out the window to see it was growing darker, knowing I let a day slip by me. It humoured me as I thought all my years of running around and fighting have finally caught up with my body and I seemingly was feeling the repercussions. The bed remained warm once I returned. Slipping back into it earned a satisfied moan. Endless yawns attacked me. Three raps from the door, forced my eyes open.

"Come in." I called out. The door slowly cracked open. A head popped in and then two more. I was pleasantly surprised to see who it was. My friends decided it was time they came to see whether I was alive or not. My brothers let them in, which I suspected they preferred not to. Ethan being here unsettled me, I tried so hard to feel okay about it and remember the friendship. Every fibre in my body wanted to bolt due to how I uncomfortable and threatened in his presence I felt. For the sake of Theo and Laura I fought through it and composed myself. We conversed for some time and had a good laugh. Unable to tolerate the cramps any longer I popped in two more pills hoping that the cramps would dumb down. Touching the base of my neck, my nose crinkled to whether I had taken too many pills. How preoccupied was I to forget how many painkillers I popped? Gradually, as time ticked by, the sharp pain at the back of my head, turning into a throb answered it for me.

Lying to them wasn't too difficult, they managed to believe my excuses and fabricated story my family made up. At first, they were sceptical, but after some time they accepted.

"Hey, since you guys are going down, could you please send my brothers up?"

"Sure." Theo quipped. Seeing his smile brought me peace. I missed him a lot and knowing he was fine, made me smile back. Saluting me, he headed out.


I knew she was pissed at me, and forgiveness was out of the question but to know she still loved me, settled me. I would have to earn her forgiveness and make myself worthy of being her brother again. We sped up the stairs and into her warmly lit room. I winced the moment I lay my eyes on her pale and sickly frame.

"Hey." She croaked, propelling herself up on the bed. I rushed to her side and plumped her pillows, easing her back into it.

"How are you feeling?" Stefan inquired expecting a full detailed response. She simply nodded her head and smiled weakly. I sat on the edge, taking a hold of her hand, and giving it a good squeeze.

"Bitsy, i am so so sorry and I promise you, it will not happen again."

She took a shaky breath. "I don't condone what you did. It's not my forgiveness you should be seeking...but, you are my brother, and I can't ignore the fact I can't live without you...the both of you-Stefan sit." She motioned to her left. Smiling, he dove onto the bed.

"What can we do for you?" He chirped.

"I would like you both just to be here. I need my brothers and being dead made me realise just how much I need the both of you despite everything, despite the good, the bad and the ugly. I need you. So please stay with me a while." A warm touch to my left and I turned to the empty space. Enzo. I knew it was him.

I nodded my head and rubbed her hand comforting her. We spoke of her time on the other side 2.0. We shared stories and spoke of her twisted family history. I never thought of the cure again not since it first appeared. She disclosed that there were artefacts and magic books waiting for her in Greece and she intended to attain them. Modern day Greece was drastically apart from the ancient days. I marvelled over where exactly the grimoires were located and what else had been preserved over the centuries. Her body trembled rigorously. "Sophia!" I cried out. Stefan held her head as it flopped back, beginning to lose consciousness.

"Damon! She's burning to the touch!" He began, faffing around. He shook her, pleading her to wake up. With the back of my hand, I felt her cheek, immediately withdrawing it. Her skin was fire. Beads of sweat formed around her hairline. Subconsciously I bit into my wrist and shoved it in her mouth trying to get her to drink my blood. But she omitted it back out, her body rejected every attempt. Each time the retching grew violent.

"Why isn't her body accepting the blood!" I shouted, growing irate as the seconds ticked by.

"It's the cure Damon. We need to get her to the hospital! Now!"

I scooped her up from his arms and rushed down the stairs, running into ashen faced Mikaelsons.

"What happened?!" Kol yowled.

With shaky breaths I answered. "I don't know... she's not responding.... we have to go to the hospital."

"Her body rejected the vampire blood." Stefan announced, dashing out behind me with the rest of the clan. Kol followed me whether I liked it or not. He sat with her in the backseat, clutching onto her as if she were his life. I slammed my foot down on the peddle. The tyres screeched as I reversed out the parking bay and drove over the speed limit. I cursed as the traffic seemed to grow. Frustrated, I slammed my fist into the steering wheel. Kol held her tighter, pressing her against his chest and concealing her with his arms. His eyes filled with terror. The same terror I felt. The fear of losing her again, because without her we were nothing. Without my sister I was nothing.

We charged in through the hospital doors yelling for the doctors. When told we had to wait, I grabbed the doctor by his throat and slammed him against the wall, compelling him to treat her urgently. He obeyed. The doctor rolled out a bed and Kol lay her down straight. We fell back as he wheeled her away, taking her in for immediate treatment. After a moment of being lost and confused we hurried after them. The doors to the room shut as they performed their checks. I paced up and down the hallway anxious, and apprehension loomed over us. Pattering footsteps came in through the exit doors. "Where is she?!" Klaus thundered. I looked past him at Stefan.

"They're doing tests and we'll know soon what's wrong with her." I itched to break things-to kill. The wait was gruelling. The door to her room opened and the doctor stepped out.

"What's wrong with her? Is she okay?" Kol badgered.

With a fixed expression he responded. "She has an unnatural high fever. We ran some tests. She seems to have taken an extra dosage of co-codamol, which could have been fatal for her. She is lacking in everything. We need to run a blood test just to be sure."

"No!" Kol grabbed him by the collar. "You don't need to do a blood test. Tell me what I need to do to help her."

"We don't need to do a blood test...she needs bed rest. We have her on the iv drip and recommend she stays for a night or two."

I peered through the glass window. She looked vulnerable in that state; wires and tubes stuck in her, making her seem like a subject. I observed as the saline dripped down through the tube and into her system. I listened out for the steady beat of her heart that was in sync with the beeping of the monitor. She seemed so peaceful with her eyes shut. Klaus and Kol seemed quiet. A moment ago they were bickering. Dubious, I searched the hallway, but they were nowhere in sight.


Sprinting through the forest was thrilling. For the first time in his life, he felt completely free and in control. He glanced over his shoulder, guffawing at Noah, who could barely keep up with him. Benjamin was faster, more agile due to his wolf nature. "Bro, I'm done...I-I can't run anymore! Let me-let me catch my breath."

Benjamin stopped and whipped around, hands on his sides. "For someone who goes to the gym, mate you're shit."

He scoffed. "You're a wolf. Anyways, why are we in Epping Forest?" Still bending down with hands of knees, heaving for breaths.

Finding a chunky tree stump, Benjamin plopped himself down. "It's legit the only place we can speak, and the stupid pack won't find me. I've got an update and I think I'm going to need your help." He scratched his head. "I don't know how...but I need you man."

"What did you find out?" Gaining control over his breathing, he trudged to the stump.

"Some witch called my dad and the woman he's cheating on my mum with, for some weird meeting and she said she's going to help them find Sophia. Apparently, everyone wants her and they're going to work together."


"Yes! I'm not sure what's going on-oh and apparently there's a council full of humans that know of the supernatural world. Did you know that?"

"No, I didn't think humans knew- wait, my grandmother came back from the dead. Could she be the one helping them?"

"I don't know. Whatever it is, I don't want them succeeding. I don't want the dumb pack getting what they want. I need to find a way to destroy their plans."

"How the hell do you plan on doing that?"

"I don't know...I just know I'm not a part of it and I won't be for long. I'm going to destroy them."

Noah thought for some time. "I don't want my mum or gran getting what they want. My psycho family are up to something big. We don't even know who this Sophia is, but she's a big deal."

"Apparently she's human now. Should we protect her?"

"We don't know her. But, protecting her would mean, we can stop both our families."

"That's what I was thinking! We should find out what we can of this girl and see what we're up against and then make plans?"

Noah nodded, almost grinning. "I'm taking secret lessons to get a control over my magic."

"How? I thought your mum won't let you and no other witch is willing to help you?"

"Do you remember that Irish girl that we met at tutoring a couple months back?"

His face crumpled with thought. "Nah... oh wait, Harlow or something? What about her?"

"She's a witch. She's helping me take lessons...well, online but i think she can help us. She's more experienced and apparently witches know a shit load of things."

"If that's the case, then she must know something about Sophia."

"Ben, come round to my house tonight! My mum and her mum won't be home so we can speak to Harlow."

"I'll have to bring my books to make it look like I'm going for revision."

Noah spluttered out. "Have they ever seen you with your books."

He scowled. "The only nice thing my father has ever said to me was he wants me to do well in school and he's willing to let me do less in the pack. The guy's some dickhead."

"Families are shit. We need to go!"

Lips tucking up into a smirk, Benjamin stood tall. "Race you."

"Oh, bog off!"

"You're just-" Without letting him finish, Noah shoved him back and catapulted through the forest. "Oh okay, like that yeah." Watching Noah race through the forest, bemused, his eyes glowed Ochre. Within seconds, he took his wolf form and let out a gentle howl. Leaping into the air, the snow-white wolf loped after his friend.