

Sophia Salvatore is the long lost sister of Damon and Stefan. While one brother is aware of her, the other is kept in the dark. Secrets and lies. She is the most powerful heretic to ever live, the bloodline of Qetsiyah, the biggest threat. Witches want her dead. An ancient wolf pack, as old as time comes looking for her. What connection does she have with the Mikaelsons? Will she be the salvation they had been long waiting for or will the betrayal of the past be the very thing that kills them? Love. Loss. Betrayal.

anabinthussain · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Chapter forty five


Exactly as Caroline instructed, I set the dinner table using the luxe jade set. The knife and spoon placed on the right and the fork on the left. At the centre of each plate was a tiny Favour box we filled with blue raspberry bonbons. The Pearl white boxes were adorned with misty blue ribbon. Bonnie ran around setting the tall champagne style glasses beside each plate. Just like the Christmas dinner back at mystic falls we all had our assigned seats. Taking a look at my name tag I gave a short, airy laugh. Klaus was to my left and Kol to my right. Caroline clearly enjoyed placing us together. I hid my pain exceptionally well. No one knew what I was thinking or what I was feeling. For them it was a normal day. For me it was special. Stefan lent a helping hand, bringing out the dishes two by two.

Really, I was more content than sad. I will love them forever, I will never stop thinking of them and they will always be in my heart. So I was pleased to be with them, I think that's what truly mattered in the end. It was the best thing.

The aromas in waves, travelled around the room. The candles only added to the glow and the atmosphere was exuberant. I couldn't help but soak in my surrounding.

My sisters went all out with the various of cuisines. Just inhaling in the aroma my stomach grumbled. Unlike of me to get so hungry but I knew I would enjoy this dinner. I took my seat and we waited for the rest of our family to join. Klaus and Kol entered side by side. Spotting their names beside mine they grinned as they swaggered down and took their seats. Taking my hand, Kol planted a sweet kiss on the back. Everyone was here and the family was complete. I counted the heads and realised the empty chair. Laura wasn't here. I had forgotten she went away to see her parents, regardless it was a good way to begin the evening.

"It's great to see us all together after so long." Marcel toasted.

Rebekah raised her glass. "To family."

"To family." We chorused. I smiled, glancing at each and every face, taking them in. They were beautiful and radiant, only adding to the glow of the room. We tucked in, speaking in between every few bites. Laughing and sharing untold stories. We felt like a normal family, no supernatural drama and no death threats. Just one big family savouring every moment. We squabbled, we bantered. As usual my brothers bickered over something I could quite never understand. Marcel listened, amusement crossing his face. He gave his input-siding with Stefan which only riled Damon up.

Theo was missing and I hadn't heard from him since the messages I received prior. I knew it was better for him to be away than be here and he was safe from it all. It still sucked he couldn't be here. Rebekah and Marcel were amazing. She was my best friend, and I knew she would always hold that place in my heart. Marcel, though we met not too long ago became a huge part of my life and my family. He went above and beyond for me. Seeing their love for one another comforted me. Meeting gazes, he grinned and then winked.

Looking to my brothers I was overcome with emotion. The smiles on their faces would forever stay with me. The way they spoke to their wives: so gentle and so full of devotion. The atmosphere buzzed around me. Lively and jovial. When my eyes met Freya, her smile was that of a hug. A hug that held me together. She turned her attention back to Klaus. I smiled as I watched him humour himself. Once upon a time I could have never thought I'd befriend this man yet in the present day he was one of my closet friends and we shared a bond. I possessed love for him. I didn't agree with most of his methods and opinions for that matter, but I couldn't ignore our friendship. I loved him funnily. He sensed being watched so I quickly averted my attention and admired Caroline. Her head rested on my brother's shoulder. I registered that moment. So pure. My brothers were immensely happy. I knew in that very moment I would do anything to protect that and ensure it remained so.

Finally, I gazed at my husband. The man I loved and would always love. He was my everything. Grinning ear to ear he pulled my head close and kissed me slowly. I let my eyes close as I melted in his touch. For me that moment would last forever. His lips moved to my cheek, then my nose and then my forehead. He was my peace. He was home. He was my safe haven. Was it possible to talk in love with someone all over again, everyday?

Dinner ended and we relocated to the living room. Some chose to stand while others sat with the fire crackling. I stood pressed against Kol. He wrapped his arms around my neck as we listened to Elijah and Klaus share funny anecdotes of their past. They experienced tremendous loss and I couldn't be selfish and stay with them knowing one day they would lose me. I couldn't do that to any of them. When they were at bliss, how could I snatch that away from them? The thought of it created a darkness that was visible to me. It started from the door then snaked its way around each member. Looking away, i inspected the contents of my glass of juice, tipping it around.

The sounding of the doorbell sliced through the air, interrupting the conversations. "I'll get it!" Placing down my glass I proceeded to the front door, with brisk movements. I peeped through the hole. There was no sign of anyone. Unlocking the door, I pulled it open. Nothing, as I glanced around. No one. Then I looked down. A large wooden box the same width as the bottom door frame was there, strangely with such a loud presence. I couldn't explain why it felt loud just staring at it. I inspected the wooden, crate like box. Dubious, I gave it a kick. When nothing moved about within, I squat down and pried the lid off. Reconsidering its weight, using both hands I shoved it off. All it took was one look and I fell back. My mouth opened to unleash the tormented grief, but I heard nothing. I had to look away. A hollow feeling settled in my stomach and a tightness in my chest.

One look was enough to tell me all I needed to know. I froze in time while everything and everyone moved around me. Slow. I couldn't hear them though their mouths moved. The lump in my throat was so painful. I willed myself to cry but the tears refused to set free. My head telling me it's just a mistake, I mistook it all. A roaring in my ears and I lost track of what they were saying. It was a cacophony of voices. Pushing through them I stood an inch away and stared down. Shattered, my cries tore through me. "Theo." His skin dark and grey from the evil magic, from the torture and pain inflicted. Brutal. My breath caught midway, and I turned away. Unbearable it was. The air caught midway hacked its way through. That darkness returned and it looked over him.

I couldn't see him in such a state. He didn't deserve it. I stumbled to the side as Freya barged past me. Falling to her knees she yowled shaking his lifeless body, begging him to wake up. She pleaded with the spirits. She tried reviving him but being human meant he crossed over and somehow in the short span of time he found peace. She couldn't connect with his soul. No one could. She sat by his side sobbing till she had no tears left to shed or so I thought. Her pain was palpable. It was disturbing. No one dared speak or utter a single sound and it terrified me.

Running back into the dining room I stood with my back facing the door, weeping into my hands. The scream rived through me. It was all I knew. I wavered between anger to hate to pain. Gripping the edge of the table I seethed, wiping everything off the table. Glass and plates shattered as they kissed the floor. Foolishly I thought smashing and throwing objects would make me feel better, but it didn't. It didn't change the fact Theo was gone nor did it extinguish the pain and anger in me. It all exploded, and I didn't care. With burning eyes, I slammed my fists down on the dining table. Arms latched onto me, and they dragged me back.

I struggled and fought in his grip, but he was far stronger. Using his gentle, soft voice he

hushed me. Soothing me with his voice yet in that very moment it had little effect. My pain and rage overpowered him. "She used the most wicked kind of magic to torture and kill him! She gave him no peace! Why?! All because she wanted to send a message. A MESSAGE! He didn't deserve it!" I thundered.

With one swift motion, Kol spun me to face him, holding my face in his hands. "I know you're hurt, and we'll make her pay together." Peering deep into my eyes he assured. We couldn't do it together, he was wrong.

"He's gone!" I sobbed crumbling all over again. We lost Theo and nothing could soothe me. The tears wouldn't stop. He held my trembling body, running his hand down my hair. "He's gone...and she promised she wouldn't do anything." I said through a strangled cry. I pulled away taking in the mess I created. Glass strewn across, ceramic plates and vases shattered and covering the floor beneath me. Caroline and Freya rushed in. "Freya!" Letting go of Kol I ran into her arms. "I'm so sorry Freya." Her face was swollen and puffy from all the crying.

She shook her head side to side with such great force. "It's not your fault, it's Jameela and she will pay! I won't lose anymore!" She shook violently as the pain ricocheted. "He's gone...I never got to tell him how much I love him and what he means to me and how alive he made me feel and now that's gone." Anger replaced the hurt. I could see her heart shatter through her eyes. I held her tight, afraid to let her go. I needed to be strong for her, but I couldn't despite my futile efforts to. I stood there silently bawling. His death hurt me more. She pulled away and wiped at her face. "I don't know what to do...." she trailed off, staring into the open space.

"We're going to give him a funeral. We're going to send him off in the way he deserves to be! We'll clean him up good and we'll drink his favourite drink while we praise him and..." I grew shaky, my voice trembly. "We won't leave him like that! I won't." She nodded.

For Laura and I planning his funeral was difficult. The moment she heard, she dropped everything and returned to me. Every few minutes we broke down, unable to handle the reality of his loss. Our best friend. Laura's best friend. The friend she shared everything with. The friend she promised to always protect. If it weren't for my sisters and brothers, we wouldn't have been able to arrange everything. For the third time, I was dressed in black. How ironic. Black was his favourite colour and we all dressed in black to send him off. I scoffed to myself. God I hated this. If he were looking down on us, on me, I knew he would be laughing. Bitterness crept in, and I wasn't too sure what weighed more; the pain or the bitterness.

Having to explain to his family his sudden death was heart wrenching. They couldn't understand how things took a turn. He was fine the last time they saw him. As usual we lied. Narrated a fake story of a drastic car accident. The paramedics couldn't reach him on time, and he passed on the scene. As the final word parted with me I weeped in front of them and felt helpless. The way his mother fell to her knees and wailed, cursing the heavens above for snatching away her son. Her only son and I let that sink in. The gathering and his burial were an intimate one. Close friends and family, meaning my family couldn't attend except for Freya.

The hall wasn't too big, but it wasn't small either. Around us were baskets of flowers and an array of candles. Right at the front, behind his casket was a large frame of him. He was sitting by a lion statue of Trafalgar Square. Both his thumbs were stuck up and his white teeth were displayed. That smile was cheesy. It was a closed casket, we had to have it that way. The damage was irreversible no matter what we tried. Everything was in black and white, just the way he would have wanted.

As each family member took their place on the stand and narrated his life and expressed their grief, it hit me harder. I couldn't let anyone else die. I couldn't lose anyone else. It was my turn to stand before his casket and speak to him while addressing the audience. I looked at the various faces. "Theo, you're an amazing friend..." I inhaled and exhaled, letting the tears slip down. "I don't know what to say Theo... how am I supposed to say goodbye? You weren't supposed to leave us. You still need to tell me how..." I gripped the edges of the pulpit deathly tight, the whites of my knuckles now showing. I couldn't finish my sentence, heck, I couldn't even make it to his casket to place the white rose.

Saying our goodbyes we left him with his family, where he truly belonged and where he should have always been; not caught up with the world of the supernatural. Kol waited in the car for us. It was time to go home and drink in his honour. Toast to him. Toast to everyone we lost. Walking in the house we were met by silence. His death impacted us all. Rightly so. Entering the living room, my eyes landed on Harlow, sat by Elijah. "Hey." She murmured rising from her seat. Crossing the room, I wrapped my arms around her in a warm and comforting hold.

"When did you get here?" I finally managed.

"Half an hour ago...I'm sorry I'm late." She seemed too fidgety and uncomfortable.

Rubbing her hand gently, I smiled. "You're here now, that's all that matters."

"I need the bathroom...do you mind showing me?" The look on her face told me all I needed to know. Taking her hand, I led her up the stairs and into my room. Shutting the door behind me and ensuring on one followed, I spoke.

"The plan is still the same. Right after we grieve for everyone we lost and make a toast, that's when it'll start and end."

"Are you sure?" She did her best to dissuade me, but I didn't budge. "Wait, what do you mean end?"

"Just do what I need you to. Look, we don't have time to discuss this! We need to go before someone comes looking for me."

"Okay." She wasn't happy with my decision. Turning on my heels I darted out my room leaving her behind to complete her tasks. The family stood around the warmly lit room. The fire that crackled was the only sound present. Kol stretched out his hand for me to take. Placing mine in his, the warmth surged through me. Caroline and Bonnie handed out champagne glasses, knowing I wasn't a drinker she handed me a glass of pomegranate juice. Thanking her I took the glass and nursed it.

"This is for everyone we've lost. Ara, Amelia, Rose and even Enzo and Valerie. To everyone we lost."

"To Theo." Freya raised her glass of sparkling drink and toasted.

"To Theo." They clinked glasses and took sips. I waited. Seconds ticked by and then minutes. "What's ha-happening...?" Laura slurred. Tears slipped down my face as I watched them sway and groans parted them. One by one they collapsed.

Kol staggered back. "Darling? What have you done?" Were his finals words before he slid down the wall, falling unconscious. The room fell silent. All that could be heard were my cries. Falling to my knees, I wailed. The pain unbearable. Knowing I was short on time I had no option but to pick myself up and finish what I sought out to do. Staggering up to my feet, furiously wiping away the tears i clasped the talisman and closed my eyes. Ignoring the warm trickle down my nose, I continued on with the spell.

"Et sic fiat" I concluded snapping my eyes open, turning my wrist, I closed it into a fist.

"Stop!" Enzo barked. Paying them no heed I struck my hand out. They were no longer visible. No longer could they be heard. Tramping around the room I peered down at each face and apologised and promised that when they woke up, they would feel better. Though they would no longer remember me I would never forget them. Taking my brothers hands in mine, I held them close to my chest and let the silent cries depart with me. "You are both the best brothers in the world. I was so fortunate to have you both—I love you so much and you truly were my salvation. Specially you, Stefan..." I stroked his hair, "You never stopped loving me and I won't stop loving you." Placing their hands back down I moved on to Kol.

Kneeling down beside him I placed my hand to his face, gently caressing it. My tears splashed onto him as I sobbed. Leaning over I pressed my lips to his one last time. "I love you, Kol Mikaelson." Straightening my back, I raised my head in the air and performed the last spell. The spell that would send them back to where they were meant to be. They were never supposed to follow me to London. I never wanted that. I began with the Salvatores. Uncurling my hand, I whispered the incantation. Slowly they disappeared. One by one they all vanished, returning to where they should have been, until I was finally all alone. Hugging myself, I scoped the entire living room. Painfully empty it was. Devoid. Unable to tolerate it any longer I turned on my heel and ran out the house, into the cold night.

Running down the dark street I took a left and waited. She was there. I could sense her darkness loom over me. The figure moved closer step by step. She stopped, turned her head left then right. Sensing something she turned and fled. Strong, muscular arms wrapped themselves around me, yanking me back. Launching an attack I whipped around, coming face to face with Henry. My fist connected with his jaw. Raising his arms in the air he fell back. "Woah easy! I mean you no harm! Just helping Harlow stop you from doing something very stupid."


I turned to the direction of the voice. Harlow pattered down the pavement winded. "Sophia!" Her hand pressed to her chest. Closely behind her were Noah, Dhanika and even Ben! I looked over my shoulder, the figure no longer stood there. She fell to my side and pulled me into her, closing her arms around me. "I'm sorry, I couldn't let you hand yourself over to her. She can't be trusted, and I can't lose you right now!"

"How could you go to her after everything!" Dhanika blustered.

"She promised if I handed myself over then the death would be easier, and she'll leave everyone alone...i..." My legs finally gave way and I dropped to the ground. The trapped cries set themselves free. My body shook as I bawled into my hands. The suffering was ferocious. Her shoulder was the one I shed tears on. "I agreed to meet her and now I lost any chance of bargaining...it hurts." The quiet weeping grew intense.

"Why did you do it?" She asked holding me close.

"I-I... I didn't want the-them to feel the pain of losing someone again. They won't be able to survive it, I couldn't do that to them. It's better they forget me and live a life where they face no more loss, no more pain and most of all they'll be safe from Jameela. I never in my wildest dreams thought-thought that I'd ever have to resort to that. They only proved I was right in doing so. Losing Theo was the bullseye. They won't be able to handle my death." I withdrew myself from her hold then the rest came out in a whisper. "I'm dying anyways. Isn't it best I die now than it be painfully dragged out?" They all stared at me in horror, my words making them physically wince.

Harlow snivelled, wiping her nose with the back of her hand. "I did what you told me... I locked up the house and sealed it with magic. They won't be able to get in not unless I drop the spell."

"I'm tired."

"I've got you a bag packed." She paused, looking me over. "Come with me, back to Galway." Without a second thought I agreed. By now they would have awoken from the sleep spell and would have no memory of me. While they had none, I carried it all. I pondered what they would do and how they found themselves. What would go through their heads? Would they go on with their lives as normal? I brought my closed hand forward and stared down at it, unclasping it to reveal Kol's wedding band. It was cool against my burning skin. Rising to my feet I balled my fist, nails biting into my skin and walked ahead, staring straight.