

Sophia Salvatore is the long lost sister of Damon and Stefan. While one brother is aware of her, the other is kept in the dark. Secrets and lies. She is the most powerful heretic to ever live, the bloodline of Qetsiyah, the biggest threat. Witches want her dead. An ancient wolf pack, as old as time comes looking for her. What connection does she have with the Mikaelsons? Will she be the salvation they had been long waiting for or will the betrayal of the past be the very thing that kills them? Love. Loss. Betrayal.

anabinthussain · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Chapter Eighteen


I fell on all fours coughing and spitting. The pain obliterating. I heard her scream. My sister. The desiccation vanished as slow as it began, the agony fading to a dull throb. I clutched at my chest, feeling around in a frenzy. Damon heard my cries and rushed to my side, placing his hand on my back as I staggered up to my feet. His brows knit together.

"Something's wrong, Damon."

He grimaced. "What?"

Agitated, in a berserk manner, I glanced around. "Sophia... something is wrong. The pain just shot through me, it was as if my heart was being slowly torn out and then I heard her scream and it's gone. The pain! Damon, something is wrong! Where is she?"

Cocking his head to one side he narrowed his eyes. Our fear had come alight. We knew something would happen but yet we ignored it. His eyes flashed with red hot fury. "She was last with Kol in here. So, if she's not here, where the hell is she?" After exchanging looks we thundered out the room, searching the house, calling out her name. Rebekah strut out the kitchen, her face creasing with puzzle. Elijah followed in suit.

"What is it?" She questioned realising the gravity of the situation.

"Where's Sophia?"

She looked back at Elijah. "She was here a couple of hours ago."

"Can someone tell me where our sister is?!" Damon barked. His phone buzzed in his jacket pocket. Fishing his hand in, he pulled it out and sighed. "Big bad wolf, what do you want?" We listened in to the conversation.

"We have an issue. Sophia is missing, she's not answering her call and well I'm sure that is not a coincidence. Kol and I are searching, I suggest one of you get Freya on the phone and locate her."

He hung up the phone, looking back at us with a rigid expression.

"I'll get my sister on the phone." Rebekah conferred.

"Rebekah, we may not need Freya." Elijah tuned his focus on us. "Do you think she is at Nunhead? perhaps the witches have done something?" He posed.

"We should check it out and I'll text Nik and Kol."

We nodded in agreement. My heart sunk, worry and an undeniable fear bedevilled me. It wasn't unnatural of her to run off like that, without telling us, but hearing her cry out was enough to know she was in trouble, and she needed us.

We searched the cemetery, but she wasn't there. Neither were the witches. I broke through the chapel door, but she was not in there either. Cautious, we walked down the candle lit chapel. "Something's not right."

"We need to get out of here and call Freya!" Rebekah urged, warily searching around.

"Hello." Came the dull voice. We turned to the side, looking back at the entrance. It was the witch from last night. "I'm afraid I can't let you leave."

Damon leapt for the opening, only to be cast back. She sealed us in. I cursed. With a flick of her wrist the door slammed shut.

"Oh bloody hell!" She damned, throwing her arms in the air. "At least while we're stuck in here, Nik and Kol can find her."

"What do we do?" I asked with clenched fists.

I attended to Elijah who spoke with an orotund voice. "We wait for this gimmick to come to an end and then we end them all."

I glanced back and forth between him and Damon. They both stood with wide stances, jaws clenched. Covering my head with my hands, I shook my head. All night I had a nagging feeling that the witches would retaliate. Something felt off the moment we drank the blood they offered us. We had no other option but to accept due to our weakened state. The only hope I had was for the two Mikaelson brothers to find our sister and bring her back to us. We sat in the chapel feeling nothing but despair.                                                                          


Glancing around, fear weaved through me once the realisation of where I was knocked me. We were at Highgate hill cemetery. I knew the place like the back of my hand. I spent years of my early life practicing expression on this very land. The land that belonged to the Everleighs. It was split up into two: The west side and the east side. We were on the west side, made up of Victorian architecture, tombs, sculptures and labyrinths. It bloomed with wildflowers, trees, and shrubbery. Amongst those plants were the statues of angels that represented the fallen witches- the very stone they were sculpted from contained magic. The magic of the deceased. It was evident parts of it were dying as a result of my curse.

"Why are we here? I thought you all hated dark magic?"

A shiver skipped down my spine. Since Jameela passed I disowned the witches, after parting them with a curse for what they had done to her. I was so enraged, and I knew a quick death wouldn't suffice, so I cursed them for eternity and cursed their bloodline. Jameela assisted me, she took care of me and taught me how to harness my powers. She taught me to accept them and not fear them. She freed me no matter how dark the magic grew, she stood by and helped me embrace it. I loved her so much and when she died, it changed me.

"Why are we here? Your coven does not mix with the dark arts... at least that is what your daughter told me."

She smiled unnaturally. "Yes, you are correct. We don't but The Everleighs want to use your death to undo what you cursed them with."

"What I did was an act of justice!"

She scoffed. "So you think, you foolish girl."

I shrunk back at her retort. She took notice of my disturbed expression but remained silent. "Take her to the city of Lebanon!" She ordered the two witches at her side. They stepped forward, arms unfolding. Smirking, they made their way to each side and grabbed my arms. Neither of them spoke as they dragged me through the Egyptian avenue, flanked by a pair of giant obelisks. The avenue was lined with tombs that held the worshipped dead, leading to the circle of Lebanon. This very place once enchanted me, but it was now all lost. I felt the raw darkness swirl around me. Much darker than I recalled. We arrived at the heart of the circle where a large cedar tree stood tall and proud, surrounded by more tombs. The very soil the tree sprung from contained the magic of their ancestors. They were all dying.

I shrugged them off, dusting my arms. "What do you plan to do?" I questioned.

The flaming red-haired witch snarled in response, stabbing her finger at my chest. "Shut up! You weren't told to speak."

I threw my head back, lips pursed, examining her sullen face. It was rather amusing she thought she had power over me. How unfortunate for her to assume I was afraid. She continued. "But since you asked, once we kill you, we will hand over your heart and blood to these witches and they will use it to undo your curse and revive their land."

I cracked my neck at each side, fingers curling and slowly rising mid-air. "Vodux" The red haired levitated in the air. She clawed her fingers at her throat uselessly, gasping for air.

"Motus." She's sent flailing across, hitting the wall of a tomb. A snap filled the air as she collapsed, with pierced lungs. She wheezed. The ginger one charged at me with raised hands. With a swift swish of my fingers she fell, paralysed. Flicking my hair, I smiled and skipped towards her. I chuckled, watching her struggle to free herself. Her eyes grew large, threatening to burst. The moment my fingers wrapped around her throat, i siphoned her magic, stripping it all away. She pleaded but her pleads were ignored. I flashed her a hungry smile, prepared to sink my fangs into her and tear her apart. It was breathing new life into me, and I relished in it. After draining every ounce of blood, I dropped the empty vessel to the ground. A small thud. To my right, movement and to the left, another set of charging footfalls. Turning my body facing front, I waited for them to arrive. Grabbing the arms I yanked them down, completely tearing the two arms off. Grabbing the third witch, ripping into her throat with my fangs, extracting all her blood. Her empty body dropped to the ground. Licking my lips, pushing my hair back. "Who's next?" I asked.

The copper blonde charged. She struck, hurling me into a tomb. I was unafraid, sure-footed, and agile. Flicking my right wrist, sent her flailing across. Clawing at the ground, she climbed back up. "Stubborn little strumpet aren't you!" I scoffed, knocking her back down. Snap went her leg. She shrieked. Another snap. Pop went another bone. Her shrieks turned into screeching. "Urgh! So loud! Would you just shut up!" A swift flick of the hand and her body twisted, silencing her for good. Turning away, I ran as fast as my legs could carry me.


He split from his brother, concluding it was the best way to cover more ground. The cemetery was split into two. He took the west while Klaus took the east. He knew she was here- he could feel her. She called out to him. He spun around but she was nowhere. Her voice called out to him again. He looked forward, striving to locate her voice. Four figures caught his attention. He growled, baring his fangs at them. Sensing movement from behind, knowing four more formed a barrier, he charged at the one in the middle, grabbing her by the throat and crushing her. He looked down to the side. The shorter one threw her attack at him. An arm plunged through her chest. He yanked it back, holding her heart in his hand. Catching the fleeing, dark auburn-haired witch, he tore into her throat, guzzling down the blood.

"Kol." She called out, her voice quivery. He whipped around, discarding the body. There she was, her smile anaemic. One stride and he pulled her in, arms wrapping around her like chains. She was in his arms, and she was safe. His eyes closed wanting to soak in the warmth of her body. Something felt strange. His eyes flickered open, and he watched powerless as she dissipated, slipping through his fingers. The ground beneath him gave way, his knees buckling over. An anguished cry is released. The witches stepped into view, hands stretched out, chanting. Growling through the pain, Kol clutched at his head. Warm blood rushed down his eyes and trickled down both nostrils.

"You came to save Sophia, how gallant." The dark brown-haired witch circled him. She thrust his head back, fingers digging into his temples, chanting in ancient latin. "You will be the backup plan since our first plan, your girlfriend ruined. She shouldn't have killed my witches so now; she will suffer, and you will deliver it!" Her grip on him tightened, forcing his head further back.


I reached the east side of the cemetery. All the headstones and the memorials were the giveaway. The very ones that were at Lambeth. How had I missed this? I should have known they cloaked themselves. I came here months back, when I was in search for them, but I found nothing, not even an ounce of magic. Frantic and my breathing hard I looked around until my eyes landed on him.

"Klaus" I murmured in relief, running to him, throwing my arms around him.

"Hello luv." His arms gripped me tight. For some time, we remained that way, holding onto each other.

I pulled away, still holding onto him. "I'm glad to see you!"

He examined my face and smirked. "Someone has been busy."

I tentatively brushed my face forgetting about the blood that dribbled down my chin and down my neck. He placed one had on the back of my neck while his free hand wiped away the blood, fingers lingering on my lips.

"Klaus..." I whispered, taking his hand, and lowering it.

He stepped back and glanced around, crinkling his nose. "Young, old, dead or alive, witches are a pain in the arse." He shook his head sneering. "Now let's go find my brother."

Anxiety and dismay wove around me. "Kol...what-where is he?"

He composed himself, refusing to let his emotions break free but I knew he was worried just as much as I was. "We split up, but I am sure he is fine, wherever he may be."

"He's probably back in the west side." I suggested, grabbing his hand, and bolting. We zoomed through without pause and turned left-At the Egyptian entrance. My hands shot to my ears, blocking out the excruciating ringing sound. It grew louder and forced us to our knees. Pushing through it I rose to my feet. The atmosphere dripped with chanting, words bouncing off the tomb walls. I looked up and pointed at the terrace catacombs. "There."

We raced to the terrace. A cacophony of sounds diverting our senses. It was an illusion spell. Raising my hand, I ran it over the stone walls, feeling for the magic. The walls hummed. Closing my eyes and pressing my hand down, I allowed it to flow through me, filling me up till no magic remained. The deaf defying scream jolted me. Kol. I sped away, following the vibrations of the sounds. A shriek escaped me, emitting a sonic pulse, sending shock waves across. I was too late. She held his heart in her hands. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I screamed, running, and falling to the ground. With trembling hands, I held onto him. Tears dropping onto his grey veined face. Sobbing to no end, I stared at his lifeless face. "Please..." I howled.

"It's easy getting to them, weakening them when i use you."

Thrusting out a hand, she came crashing down on her knees, her breathing capped. The tearing of flesh came from behind. Screams and cries of anguish. The sounds of bones crunching. I blocked it all out shaking my head, tears blurring my vision. "No please Kol...don't leave me." I snivelled, shaking his face. Quivering, I pulled him up, holding his back against my chest and my arms around him. "Please..." I repeated over and over, begging him to wake up. To come back. "You can't be dead...please..." When no response came, I tilted my head back screeching, letting another surge of power release from within me, up into the greying sky. The earth rumbled and quaked as a result.

A hand squeezed my shoulder in a comforting way. Another reassuring hand on my back. His warm honey breath fanned my nape as he hunkered down behind me. "He's not gone, he's fine. We're originals love, we can't be killed. Now hush." His voice soothed.

That crippling grip on my heart released and I could breathe again. "He's...o-okay?" I stammered. "But his..."

He chuckled throwing his head back. "His heart will regenerate within a few hours or day. Not to worry."

I wiped at my face with my sleeves. "Why would she do that?"

"That is what concerns me."

I looked back down at Kol stroking his face. Despite the veins and how tough his skin appeared, he was still soft to the touch. Genevieve's wheezing reached my ears. Setting his head down on Klaus's lap, I rose to my feet. In sync with my hand, her body lifted off the ground. For some time, I let her hover, her feet dangling and thrashing. My tongue clicked, taking in the poor witch's state. "You made a mistake coming for me."

She wanted to speak but no words came. I turned my ear to her, waiting. Shrugging, I straightened my body. "You're right, I am dangerous. You should want me dead, but it's a misfortune you won't be getting your wish. This is for Ara." Tilting my head to one side, I watched the blood gush down her eyes and nose. Dead, she dropped to the floor.


I blinked trying to focus on the conversations, lightly banging by head repeatedly against the old pew, groaning in exasperation. We had been throwing a stone between us as a means to pass time as we spoke. Being trapped left us with no other option. We destroyed everything in the chapel out of vexation. It was suffocating being in here and not out there, saving my sister. It felt as though I was back in that safe in the quarry, drowning over and over again. I thought of how I missed out on a century of being her brother. It left me feeling heavy hearted. Talks of salvation and redemption circled between us. We questioned whether we really believed in it. Whether we were deserving of it and if we would ever feel those things. Or were our immortal lives truly damned? Damon refused. He believed through Sophia we would find redemption. We will be saved. She was far better than us, to which Elijah and Rebekah nodded to in agreement. Damon snatched the stone that sailed through the air toward him. He cocked his head to one side, hand near his ear, finger pointing.

"Hear that?" He jounced on his feet. I sat up, suddenly alert. The whistling wind ceased. A faint crackling sound and the door creaked open.

Clapping her hands, Rebekah sprung up. "Well, would you look at that."

Damon grinned widely. "Let's go kill some witches." His lips twisted into a half smile. The spell had broken, and we were free. One last glance and we strode out the damaged chapel.


Focusing on schoolwork proved difficult after the recent events. The constant fidgeting, continuous tapping of his feet and the rise and fall of his hurt and anger, all a hinderance to his everyday life. He lacked a sense of normalcy. That came with being a part of the original wolf pack, whatever that meant. His own history, he could never grasp. So consumed by his darkening thoughts, he was unaware of his happenings.

"Benjamin!" He called out again.

Snapping out of his misery, he turned his head to his friend. "I'm sorry Noah, it's just this whole wolf thing and dumb pack is stressing me out! I should be stressing over GCSEs, but I can't even focus on that!"

"There has to be a way you can get out of it, right?"

He shook his head, scoffing at the preposterous thought. "Not with my dad being a main member of the pack. They're watching my every move."

Noah set down his pen, took his hands to his temples and gave them a gentle massage. "You've got your wolf problem and I've got my witch problem. I just want to get out! We'll get out of this!"

He groaned, lowering his chin back onto his folded arms. "We have to get out man!"

Keeping his tone hushed he spoke. "Don't look, I think you're being watched. There's two men watching us."

Rolling his eyes hard, he sat up straight. "Idiots-" Before he could continue with the statement, a hand clumped on his shoulder.

"Bennie—sit back down, no need to worry." The curly haired man chortled, pushing Benjamin back down on the chair.

"What do you want?" He growled.

"Oooh, scary." He chuckled, his grip on Benjamin's shoulder growing harder. "Get up, we've got work to do." He shot Noah an icy stare, making him shrink in his seat.


The first thing she did when I entered the living room, was hug me tight. She didn't hesitate, not for one second. Although she pulled away quick, it was enough to know she worried about me. She cared for me. She paced up and down pressing her knuckles under her chin, waiting for him to wake up. She was restless, fidgety. No amount of telling her to settle down and relax was of use. She refused to listen. She just wanted him to wake up.

"I don't get it!" She threw her arms up. "It's been a few hours, why is he not awake!"

We gaped at her at a loss for words. The atmosphere grew Saturnine. I slowly rose to my feet and crossed the room to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her in close. "He's going to be fine."

She sighed, releasing that weight off of her. "Thank you, Stef." She rest her head on me. I couldn't help but smile at having my sister by my side. I truly felt our bond forming. Yet I still felt guilty and wondered whether she had forgiven me or not. I couldn't move on without her forgiveness. She was still holding back, and I needed it to change.

"Klaus, why is he not up yet?" She began to fret all over again, her voice beginning to break. She rushed to his side, sitting on the edge of the couch, taking a hold of his grey hand in hers and tenderly stroking his face. She truly loved him. She loved the Mikaelsons. Her love for them terrified us. We didn't want to lose her. Damon wanted her to stay away. He begged them to leave her. The prophecy of her dying and the Mikaelsons being the reason for her doom rattled us. Kol jerked up rasping. She exhaled. I watched as the relief and joy washed over her and how a wide smile formed, lighting up her face. "Kol." She threw her arms around him. For a moment he inhaled her in, but when his eyes snapped open he pushed her off. I watched his expression grow haunted.

"Darling, you need to stay away from me, please."

"Wha-why?" She stammered holding her hands to her chest. "I just got you back...why would you ask me of such a thing?"

Heads turned their attention to him. I sensed Klaus stand straight, unfolding his crossed arms. She moved closer to him, but he retreated back. "They did something to me! You cannot be near me love. It is for your own good."

"What did they do, brother?" Klaus now moved past his siblings, standing face to face with Kol. "What did they do?"

"I think they cursed me. Same thing they did to the other witch. They want to punish Sophia through me." He was anguished, eyes growing deeply sad as he gazed into hers. I could sense the pain and the longing, but he held back. I attended to Sophia who began shaking her head. Her eyes welled with tears, and I held her.

"I can fix it. I'll just siphon it away, just let me do it please, Kol."

"She should be able to do that right?" Rebekah questioned, twisting her ring, riddled with worry.

"It's worth the try." I added.

Eager, she hurried to him, holding his face in her hands, and closing her eyes. She struggled and I watched her focus intensify. "Nothing. Why is it not working!" She tried again and again but nothing. She felt nothing. I heard the splash of one tear drop land to the floor. Hands cover her face, shaking. Slowly, he raised his hands taking hold of her arms and lowered them down, revealing her tearful face.

"It's not going to work darling, whatever they did messed with my head and mind."

"It's not fair! We can fix this!"

He placed one hand to the side of her neck, stroking the back of her ear. "And we will but you can't trust me, which means you can't love me. Not as I love you." He took a hold of her hand with his free hand and kissed her before parting ways, leaving the room in silence. Klaus strode out after him. I exchanged a look with Damon. His ego was stroked. Satisfied his wish was granted, one less Mikaelson hanging over her. I shook my head in disappointment. Rolling his eyes, he got out his seat.

"Bitsy, I can't say I am sad that you two have to be apart, but I need you to be safe." He murmured looking into her eyes, his full of concern. She juts her bottom lip out, nodding sadly.

Rebekah barged past, pushing Damon to the side. "We'll fix this Soph." She gripped onto her hands. "I'll stay here with you tonight, while my brothers go back to our new home and when Freya, Bonnie and Caroline return, we will work through this." She relaxed to the soothing words of Rebekah. Their friendship blossomed over the days. It gave me a sense of ease knowing Rebekah would protect her despite our past. She took our sister to her room, leaving both Damon and I alone. His head dropped low, and he swirled the bourbon in his glass.

"What is it, Damon?"

He didn't look up. "I'm terrified Stef! Terrified of losing our baby sister and I don't have a clue what I'd do if it ever came to that!"

I yanked the glass out his hand and gulped down the remains. "I know. We've been through hell and back and seen things...yet this one little vision has us quaking in our shoes! We won't lose her brother!"

He glanced up meeting my gaze, appearing a little more hopeful. The evening is a time of reward after the daylight efforts are made, when it feels good to enjoy the simple pleasures and ready oneself for the world of dreams. Yet, with this evening we were perturbed. We couldn't enjoy the simple pleasure, nor could we hope for dreams. We were smeared with darkness. Infected.