
Salvation(Naruto Fanfic)

For Naruto, clan and family mattered more than anything. For Itachi, village interests outweighed clan interests. With such conflicting ideals, can the two work together to save the Uchiha clan from tragedy? Uchiha Naruto. Exclaimer: I do not own this story/fic! I just cross-posted in this platform so everyone here can enjoy it The author of the fic is: The Omnipresent Sage

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Chapter 5: Leaf Shinobi

Naruto's feet landed on the shoulders of a huge man-a giant compared to him. Behind the man, two more men were lunging forward. He slapped an explosive tag on the man's neck and then lunged toward the incoming men, while holding a black sword.

His movement was a blur as he appeared in front of the men; the sword he held cut through the air in a flash. It cut through both shinobi as if it was cutting through paper. The sword went through the torsos, drawing out large amounts of blood.

Their dead screams were drowned out by a fiery explosion behind Naruto. The tag he'd slapped across the big man was ignited. The second it set off, it tore through the man's neck, severing the head from the rest of the body. While the head was blasted into the air, the rest of the body was engulfed in crimson flames.

Naruto glanced behind, seeing a hail of Kunai raining down on him. He wasn't allowed to use his gunbai in Anbu as it defeated the use of masks. Anyone who knew him would know he was the only person in Konoha used the fan. But it just made life much easier for him.

He turned around, and the went through hand seals. By the time he was done, the projectiles were just the blink of an eye from stabbing his body. "Wind Breakthrough." Powerful gusts of wind clashed with the projectiles and repelled them away from him.

A little too close for comfort but it was what god the blood pumping. He just couldn't go wild in Anbu-strategy mattered.

"Watch your back!"

A kunoichi lunged from behind. She was in mid-air, trying to stab a kunai on his back. Naruto's neck twisted unnaturally, along with his eyes as he took a glance at the kunoichi. Her eyes widened, and she started to fall like a statue. He turned around, plunging the sword he held with his left straight into where her heart was located. She coughed blood, almost spitting on him, but he leapt away, pulling away his sword as well.

He landed gracefully and then glared at the kunoichi as she twitched one last time. "If you're going to attack sneakily, at least be silent about it."

He then glanced up into the sky, behind the blue mask with flame patterns. Not a single cloud was in sight. The sun wasn't even above them. It wasn't hot either. He closed his eyes, and focused on the clashes away from the trees. A couple of explosions could be heard as well. Some birds chirped in panic as they fled to the domain humans couldn't reach. The bloody song of battle lasted a couple of minutes before finally dying down.

There was no voice shouting, no explosions, and no swords clashing. There was just complete silence. For a moment, Naruto enjoyed the silence. It was the same silence that often occupied both his heart and mind. Thinking sometimes was a disastrous activity. Thoughts in solitude tended to be dark.

Three and White landed behind him. Their black cloaks were torn, spotting some bruises on the exposed parts. Yet, their masks remained intact.

He had no such difficulty. But he'd come to learn, Anbu standards were pathetically low. They were not his opponents as long as he possessed the Sharingan. Naruto had realized the reason why even as a child, Itachi had stood out.

The scene of a child Anbu standing in the midst of bodies he'd slaughtered was slightly terrifying. Three had learned, Naruto was as brutal as they came. He cut down shinobi without blinking. The sword was employed when there were multiple shinobi and he has to conserve chakra. When it was a few, he used his hands. Small, but those little things could punch a hole through a man's torso, break arms, and knock a man out cold.

"I was worried since you'd not left the village before for such missions, you wouldn't cope," Three said to Naruto, his voice monotone.

"I've seen hundreds of bodies piled up, and vultures feasting on them." Naruto replied in an equally flat tone. He sheathed his sword before turning around to face his partners. "Besides, they were flies more than anything. Couldn't even get me to smile," he sighed with disappointment. "You both look beat." He said.

"We had the bigger problems," White was quick to say, getting sense that Naruto was saying they look beat for having to face weak shinobi. "Since you're just as capable as Itachi, next time, you're dealing with the bigger problems."

Some liked to place bets on who was better between him and Itachi, but Naruto really dint care for such competitions. He would do his job diligently and return to his clan with good news.

Still, Anbu missions were quite dark and sometimes, just downright treacherous. Anbu didn't ask questions. The Anbu gave the order and they had to do-without fail. Being exposed could sometimes prove to be a poisonous discovery that could ruin the village's image. He wasn't complaining either way.

"I would be doing too much and I would naturally require half the pay." Honestly, he wouldn't mind. Fighting against weak people was a bore-perhaps he was quick to send them to the ground because of it.

"Greedy little bastard!"

Naruto chuckled. "Can't expect to get paid when not working."

"Why do you need the money? You're from the Uchiha clan." White asked. This was the second mission. The first had been less bloody-just a reconnaissance job with no battles. But Naruto had still taken his pay and had enquired about it.

"Doesn't mean the clan gives handouts. I'm an orphan, I have to work for my own good."

"Oh," White then fell silent. Information about Naruto was kept a secret. For reasons only the Uchiha knew. "Well, it is a good thing to be partnered with a capable shinobi who knows what to do."

Naruto had been taught sometimes he would have to abandon teammates if the situation required. But he thought having to be in such a situation was the result of failure. Maybe it was his arrogance. But he did realize, failure was possible.

"We shouldn't linger around here," Three said. "We're far from home. We should leave before someone comes here." He stared at Naruto. "Dispose of the bodies."

Secrecy was deeply rooted in Anbu operations as the modus operandi. He couldn't even talk to anyone about his missions. Then again, even Shisui had remained tight lipped about missions. He wouldn't go on about Itachi as his fellow Uchiha was the odd one.

As instructed, Naruto disposed of the bodies using a fire jutsu. Once he was done, they leapt away from the place. The Land of Demons was truly far from home. Naruto had worried along the way-after all, they were now in the second week after leaving Konoha. He could still be sent to another mission once he returns. Being far from the clan brought a sense of anxiety in him. It was the thought that made exploring the outside world much more difficult.

He was glad though, with the mask, nobody could glance at his expression.

Hidden Leaf, days later

"How did things go?" Hiruzen asked Three. The man had appeared in the office to deliver his report. Hiruzen wasn't interested in as much as the mission itself but about Naruto.

Three was in the same wavelength as the Sandaime Hokage. "He listens to orders and obeys. He has questions but does as told. He is ruthlessly efficient."

"How does he compare to Itachi?"

"Itachi has grace. He too is efficient but Naruto is a little more bloody and seems to have no qualms in battles. He is still suited for lone missions nonetheless. The way he fights doesn't account for anyone."

"A product of his night shifts." Hiruzen said. The doors opened and Danzo walked in with his cane. "You may leave," he said to Three.


Hiruzen had wondered why dark clouds gathered above the Leaf. As soon as Danzo walked into the office with all seriousness, he'd adopted the same expression. He hoped the issue with Kumogakure wasn't coming into grips once more.

Without even greeting, Danzo dished out his news. "You asked me to check the situation between Iwa and Suna. And I have. One of my men infiltrated the village and we have discovered a plot by Suna. Pakura is being sent to the Hidden Mist to act as a diplomat there, but Suna plans to kill her and then blame Iwagakure. I have no evidence the Mist is involved but they are. It is mostly on the demand."

Pakura was possibly the best shinobi the Hidden Sand had and they planned to rid of her like that? Was it a demand from the Mist? Hiruzen didn't think Kiri was innocent in this either. Why would Rada even do something that would weaken the village?

"It will likely lead to more dangerous confrontations." Pakura was fiercely loyal to her village. Hiruzen didn't even want to think about recruiting her as it would just make things worse between them and Suna. But at the same time, allowing her to die would be a waste. He didn't want to give out the order. And so, he decided to leave it to Danzo knowing the man would know what to do. "I'll leave it in your hands. And I trust you won't do anything reckless."

He was saying this, but without question, Pakura was going to be brought here, and he had to think of the fallout. Besides, he had to think of a way he would handle her. He wasn't about to let Danzo have her.

"Of course."

Uchiha Compound

Fugaku stared at the dark clouds. There were bits of flashes as the clouds clashed. It was a threat of thunderstorms, but it didn't seem like the threat would amount of anything. It didn't seem as if it would even rain-a drizzle perhaps. Even the heavens blew hot air without really letting out fiery flames.

He glanced behind him, both Itachi and Shisui knelt in obedience. If only this was translated in literal actions. He'd now accepted without doubt that if it came to it, his son would choose Konoha over his family. The life of a shinobi. A truly treacherous living. Madara must have foreseen this disastrous reality they would soon face when he implored members of the clan to leave with him. Soothed by the joys of peace, the clan members refused and the clan head was forced to go alone.

Maybe they would have succeeded in forming their own village. Or maybe they would have ended up just like the Uzumaki. Regardless, the 'ifs' amounted to nothing. What stared back without mercy was the present circumstances they clan has been dragged into.

Fugaku's eyes shot toward one of the towers that overlooked the compound. Someone was watching. Or perhaps the paranoia was finally getting to him. But, even criminals were so close to them. A prison breakout and the Uchiha clan would be the first to be troubled.

"Come with me," he instructed both Itachi and Shisui, while going back to the house.

They followed him to their secret room in the Naka Shrine. Fugaku stood still, watching the Stone Tablet with unblinking eyes. After what seemed like eternity, he turned around to faced the two and then slowly settled down.

"I'd raised Naruto to be much closer, to be a pillar that supports the clan head from the shadows. But when his brotherhood with Itachi didn't work out, I changed course and decided something different." Fugaku conceded. "But that isn't the main reason I called you two."

Shisui had always known Naruto was meant to play the supporting role. Hence, Fugaku never allowed him to go to the village academy. But that created a problem. Naruto picked up bad habits and the only thing he knew how to do well was fighting. If he so chose, he could becoming a killing machine.

No, he already was.

Shisui wanted something better for Naruto. Anbu wasn't all that bad. He'd figured Fugaku would have refused for Naruto to become a normal shinobi. Anbu were not emotionless covert agents. They were people like everyone, they socialized and laughed like everyone. People were different; there were some with heavy burdens but still, even in that environment, it was possible to find happiness.

Only if one looked.

"Because Naruto never played with those his age, it has left some scars in his mind. Worse, seeing war has made him view life as very a fragile thing. He accepts death is part of life and doesn't blink when cutting down anyone," Shisui said, shaking his head. "But deep inside, he is a lonely person and I worry about him."

"A failure on my part. The only person he has grown to love has been me," Fugaku said bitterly. "But I trust the two of you can shed some light into him."

"That is going to be difficult," Itachi said. "But is set in his way."

"So are you," Fugaku replied flatly. "But you've said it that Naruto is flexible. He will adjust if it makes sense. I didn't train Naruto to become a puppet to simply obeys without question. Even if the order is from me, Naruto will disobey... only to the extent that it puts the clan at risk. I wanted him to become the voice of reason, with realistic expectations."

"But he doesn't speak. And most of the clan members trust him enough to listen to what he could say. Nobody questions his love for the clan."

"I know... but it might be strategic on his part. Or just maybe he doesn't feel like saying anything." It was easy to ignore the voice you constantly hear hammering about the same issue over and over again. At the same time, it was difficult to ignore the voice of someone who rarely speaks. "What you two need to understand is that Naruto can play any other role he chooses for himself. However, protecting the clan is primary to him. That includes protecting the clan from even those within."

That Naruto would turn on anyone who bared their fangs onto the village or even bring poison in the clan was apparent to anyone. It was unspoken that even he-Itachi-could end up facing Naruto if he decided against anything that harms the clan. Even his father was not spared from this. Naruto's loyalty was not to a single person but to the Uchiha as a whole.

He didn't just have his own way. In fact, Naruto seemed like he was fine with allowing people to do as they pleased. He'd only stepped in when things become dangerous.

"I want to tell the two of about politics. Naruto is unkind and dislikes this kind of thing. He loves battles. So, this doesn't do for him," Fugaku continued speaking, changing the subject. "Our main concern at the moment is that the village views us in two ways. Individuals are taken as the exception rather than the norm. Thus the general outlook of the clan is negative even if they might view us positively.

"In regards to village leaders, we are at a position where we can make our voices heard. Previously, the likes of Danzo and his two friends made decisions that affected us negatively and the Sandaime just went along. Of course, the decision to appoint Tsunade as the chosen successor remains. But we're there. To be able to move forward, we need to have better relationships with the noble clans. At the moment, there is none of that. This is where Itachi comes along. I've already told you that you'd be handling things with other clans. And we shall do so... without their support, we cannot have our way in the Council."

"This new structure does make me think that the Sandaime hopes for the best of the clan despite what others might say." Shisui said.

"Yes... but this is lost in some of our members and they are becoming louder and louder," Itachi said with concern.

"I'll reign in on them." Fugaku said. "You need to understand all the clan heads and how they think before we approach them. I shall tell you this much. Given the new arrangement, Shisui, you'll lead negotiations on how we use some members of their clan."

Root Hideout

The hideout had an eerie feeling, almost like there was a monster hiding within. Naruto's danger senses went haywire for a couple of moments as his slow footsteps echoed. The sound waves appeared to bounce off the walls, coming back at him with a trembling effect.

Naruto had been pulled away from the Uchiha Compound before he could even rest after a long visit to the Land of Demons.

Seeing Danzo crawl toward him, he felt burning hatred within him. Though his expression remained completely normal, he thought of ways to make the man miserable. An elder for what? The man had a hidden agenda against the Uchiha and conspired day and night to ruin them. Why the Sandaime still kept him alive baffled Naruto. It wouldn't even surprise him if there were some members of the clan who were being manipulated by this old man.

Old people should really drop dead and permit the young ones to rule. He would be doing everyone a favor if he just lunged at the man and kill everyone in this hideout. Even if he were to be branded a traitor, at least, the nuisance to the Uchiha clan would be gone.

"I like your expression." Danzo said. As far as reports suggests, Naruto had no emotions when it came to his duties and in battle. He simply mauled anyone who dared to become his enemy. There was no perfect tool for Konoha than this-especially since they were a Sharingan user.

But, Naruto was too loyal to his clan. Such a person was a threat to Konoha. He wasn't loyal to Konoha and that meant if the Clan decided to rebel, he would be the first to act. Considering, he was as deadly as Itachi, this was a serious threat to village security.

"Make it quick. I would rather not stay as long here."

"I've been told you're not as soft hearted as Shisui."


There and there, Danzo decided he wasn't going to like Naruto. And they wouldn't work well together.

"Konoha has a mission for you. Pakura of the Hidden Sand is most likely within the River Country or crossing into the Fire Nation right now. She is a powerful Jonin with a rare bloodline. You're to rescue her and bring her back to Konoha. But she can't be rescued before Suna makes an attack on her. We want her to know that her village has betrayed her."

He just came back and he had to leave again? Being a shinobi was a hard job. There was no time to rest. Now he understood why Itachi was never around the village.

"There shouldn't be a single witness. Remove all traces and return immediately. One of my agents will be with you."

Hokage Office

Hiruzen had known Fugaku long enough. The second the man stepped into his office, he'd known something was really wrong-and he had an itching feeling that it had to do with the mission he gave to Danzo. Leave it to that man to screw with the Uchiha. Tobirama wasn't like this but then again, Danzo was an extremist in everything he did.

"Fugaku-san," Hiruzen managed a small smile despite the tense atmosphere.

"Why is Danzo giving Naruto missions?" Fugaku demanded, staring deep into the eyes of the Sandaime Hokage.

He hadn't even talked to Naruto before he was whisked away for another mission. Sure, Fugaku was happy Itachi was around a lot more now, but Naruto was still like a son to him and he wasn't about to have him sacrificed. For the sake of the Uchiha clan, Naruto held more value than his own son. It pained him to make such an admission but it was the cold truth.

Hiruzen frowned deeply and then leaned against his chair. Indeed, Danzo saw it fitting to stir up more trouble.

"I gave him the authority to make use of shinobi to handle a sensitive matter."

"What sensitive matter?"

"I'll discuss it with you when we call a Council meeting tomorrow. As it may pertain to the security of the village." Hiruzen responded in an even tone. "But I must admit my surprise at Danzo's choice."

At any rate, he had to issue an order that Danzo wasn't to do this again-giving Anbu missions. Even if he was acting on his orders, he could his people.

"Nonetheless, the mission is important for Konoha and it is a chance for Naruto to prove himself."

"Does he need to prove himself?"

"Calm down, Fugaku."

"I permitted Naruto to join the Anbu. He will not be taking anymore orders from Danzo. If it happens again, I'll withdraw him. You know very well what that man has done to our clan"

Naruto wouldn't be liked by Danzo because of his love for the clan. Shinobi could suddenly launch attacks in the center of the village and Naruto's first priority would be to run to the Uchiha compound to ensure everyone was fine rather that try to protect civilians.

"Naruto's circumstances are different. He is a valuable member of my clan. Danzo cannot have his claws on him." Fugaku continued with a slight shake of his head. He then turned around to leave and the Third didn't stop him.

Hiruzen let out a long breath. Fugaku was thinking Danzo might have Naruto murdered. It would be true if the man knew Naruto's thinking. According to Itachi, his fellow Uchiha's first priority was his clan and the village came second. Given Danzo's thinking, he was likely to have a problem with Naruto. Still, Hiruzen thought it was problematic that someone like that existed.

The only thing that gave him comfort was the fact that Itachi had told him he really didn't have anything to worry about when it came to Naruto. As some members thought of a revolt, Naruto was against the very idea.

"Seems like you have it rough."

Hiruzen glanced at the window, hearing Jiraiya's calm voice. He smiled seeing his last faithful student. "Isn't it always?"

Jiraiya grunted. It always was-especially when it involved the Uchiha clan. Danzo's looming shadow over the village didn't make things smooth either. "What is the deal with this Naruto?"

"He is a special child in the Uchiha clan. An orphan but Fugaku raised him as if he were his own. He is skilled, comparable to the likes of Itachi and Shisui."

"Really?" Jiraiya asked with skepticism. It was rare for a clan to have many geniuses at once. For the Uchiha to have another germ meant their future was great and they would continue to be the backbone of Konoha's military power.

"Really," Hiruzen's smile dropped and he heaved a heavy sigh. "And there lies the problem. I think Fugaku is worried Danzo might try to remove Naruto or might even discover his nature. If he does, he would want to drive him away."

"I don't know why you continue to indulge that man," Jiraiya said with a shake of his head. The situation with the Uchiha clan was like poison and if not handled carefully, it could explode in their faces. The village would never be the same again-if it survived such a catastrophic clash.

"He has his uses."

The same answer as always. But at least, he was no longer in the village Council. His rot wouldn't spill over the village. "What is this Naruto's nature?"

"He doesn't like me that much," Hiruzen said with a bitter laugh. "Unlike Itachi and Shisui, his is fiercely loyal to his clan. To Danzo, that someone is dangerous, especially with current circumstances."

"But it's not necessarily a bad thing to be loyal to ones clan," Jiraiya said. After all, before anything, he was still Uchiha. If one couldn't be loyal to their families, what sort of loyalty did they have for the village? Nothing but corruption. Shinobi couldn't be dictated to think like Danzo wanted. Such an ideology would be for breeding tools who become corrupt in their loyalty and act in the same way as Danzo. "He thinks you have something to do with what is happening with his clan?"

"They all do. But according to Itachi, he is not a disagreeable child. In fact, he is rather sensible."


"There is a level of darkness within him." Hiruzen said. "Did you get in contact with Tsunade?"

"Yes and her answer is the same. She said you shouldn't waste your time because she isn't returning to the village even if you drop dead."

A disappointing reality, and truly a bitter one to swallow. But it seemed there was nothing they could do to pull Tsunade out of the abyss she found herself within. She still grieved-haunted by the deaths of her loved ones. Her irrational fear of blood doesn't seem to have disappeared as well.

Jiraiya still hoped nonetheless. He hoped things would turn out for the better.

"I'd hoped this would change her mind," Hiruzen said with bitterness. His decision had even brought much uproar in the Uchiha clan. It was problematic. But he still thought, if something happened to him, she would come back. "Anything of note?"

Jiraiya shook his head. "Just Iwa and Suna."

"It is likely if it is going to spill out to war," Hiruzen said.

"Yeah," Jiraiya agreed. After all, The Tsuchikage wasn't going to risk venturing into the desert. Sasori had inflicted much mental damage to those who thought of crossing the desert. And Suna really didn't have the strength to fight Iwagakure.

"Have you considered taking another student?"

"No... I have more duties."

"Isn't that an excuse?"

"It's better this way," Jiraiya said with bitterness. "None of my students have turned out well. Minato perished. Those in Ame perished as well..." He shook his head, denying the thought of training another student.

Unknown Location

It had taken two days to finally find the group, with little rest. Naruto had been forced to take some supplements to keep going. He feared that if something happened while they were on the trail, even he could get blamed for having killed Pakura. It may not necessarily change things with Konoha and Suna, but it would negatively affect the Uchiha clan. He didn't want to end up like Sakumo. He couldn't end this way.

They stopped by the trees as the group entered a clearing. Kiri's team was apparently still far away. As illogical as it seemed, Suna and Kiri were on this together and it was likely that the latter made this demand in order to get the former to ally with it.

Wasn't Kiri the same village that lost ten thousand shinobi to the Sandaime Raikage? A powerful man that was.

Naruto stopped on the tree, blending with the leaves. "What to do?"

"We're supposes to wait for when they attack."

"If they kill her while we're waiting?" Naruto didn't even trust his stealth technique to be able to get closer without being noticed. Besides, he didn't even know if there was a sensor among them.

"You'll have to move fast enough. Besides, she is Pakura. She can't die that easily." The Ne agent was way too indifferent for his liking.

Naruto had known he wouldn't like the masked man from the moment he met him. He didn't display his contempt, but he had little respect for the Uchiha and saw him as nothing more than a tool to be used to complete this mission-not for Konoha but for his master. The very idea was infuriating that Naruto would have considered sabotaging the mission if it wouldn't reflect badly on the Uchiha clan.

To be treated as a tool by a lower life was insulting. Those weak shouldn't be looking down on those blessed with amazing power. Alas, he has to swallow his thoughts.

He sighed deeply, considering his options. He wasn't about to sit back and watch the woman be attacked. He needed to let loose some steam, be a little reckless.

"I'm not that fast," Naruto said, staring toward the group. There were at least twenty shinobi with Pakura. She was leading the pack but unbeknownst to her, they were leading her to her death.


"Then get close enough. We can't afford to let her die. She will be a great asset to Konoha. Danzo-sama does not tolerate failure."

Naruto turned around to glare at the masked man. Being bossed around left a bitter taste in his mouth. It was insulting to his pride as an Uchiha. Worse, he was being bossed around by a lowly Foundation agent. It was ridiculous. He could snap the man's neck if he so wished.

"I'm not waiting for them to attack. I'm going in."

"Are you stupid? If you go in, they are not going to attack her. We need them to attack her so she can see the treachery. Without the attack, she will attack you."

"You're testing me. I'm certain this will be the last time I work with Ne agent. I'll just end you slaughtering you all." Naruto said with contempt. "I understand the premises. My job was to return her to Konoha. And that I will do. How I go about it, doesn't concern you," he said.

"Don't do anything stupid, Uchiha." The shinobi said harshly. "They are not going to attack her before the Kiri shinobi arrive. The more the numbers, the more chance they have of killing her. Kiri shinobi would be useful in countering her Jutsu."

"Doesn't matter. The more shinobi there are, the more it becomes a nuisance for me." Naruto said with a shake of his head. "Stand in my way, and I'll end you... blame it on the Suna shinobi." The man did nothing. "I'm well aware your other friend has been tailing us. Get him over here. And don't interfere."

"What are you going to do?"

"My mission. You're welcome to report to your master that I misbehaved. I'm not interested in winning his approval. As long as I succeed, I'll be happy."

And of course, if he earned Danzo's eye, it wouldn't necessarily be a crime. He could always use that to his advantage. The village elder would always be a nuisance to the Uchiha clan. If Naruto could earn his ire, he could draw him out, and make him attack him. That way, he could prove a conspiracy and get Military Police to arrest him. Maybe that was a plan. Bait Danzo to do something reckless. He could of course, justify himself by saying he was merely acting in the best interests of the Village.

Naruto frowned thinking this would create a problem. But, getting rid of Danzo would make life much simpler. The only problem would be seducing the noble clans. The Sandaime was a lost cause.

"Succeed and the Danzo-sama will not have a problem. Fail, and the Uchiha will take the fall."

Naruto sneered. "Of course, you'd want to muddy my clan's name. But have no worries... Naruto Uchiha will not fail."

"I shall observe your performance with anticipation."

Pakura came to an abrupt halt, and raised her right hand to stop the men running in behind her.

"What is it?"

"Someone is coming," Pakura said in a mild tone. "They are not even hiding their presence. But be on guard," she said.

Who could it be? Was it the Kiri company? Or maybe Iwagakure? They were far from home. Anything was possible.


Daiki glanced at the men with him and then nodded. Regardless of whoever it was, Pakura had fully opened her back. She was fully focused on the incoming person, leaving her back for them to cover. Throughout this time, they'd been waiting for her to drop a little of her guard, but she never did. He was conscious, if they made a single mistake, she would kill them all.

If they failed, Pakura would be on a path of vengeance against Sunagakure. A disastrous consequence for their village. But there was an opening, and even without Kiri team, they could do this.

He raised his right hand and the man took out kunai, tagged with explosive tags. He made a single hand sign, while leaping backwards, and the men hurled the kunai toward Pakura.

"A child?" Pakura raised an eye brow, seeing the boy walking toward her.

Her danger senses flared up and she sensed movement from behind. Her eyes narrowed behind to see what was coming and she saw kunai flying toward her. They were not directed toward the child but her? Why? She panicked. They couldn't be attacking her. They were her fellow shinobi. They belonged to her village and she loved them just as they loved her.

Swirling flames appeared behind her, and a gunbai seemed to burst out of the flames. Naruto waved the gunbai toward the projectiles in one swift movement. The wave caused powerful gusts of wind to pick up. The gusts were powerful enough to pick up debris, causing sand to rise. They collided with the projectiles. Before they could repel them backwards, the explosive tags then exploded in a fiery of flames just above the air.

Naruto leapt back to be on the save side as the huge ball of flames above erupted, blowing a wave of wind from his attack. Pakura remained still, but she had turned around to face the attack. So, he was still behind her despite his change in position.

Pakura stood still, shocked by what had just happened. She was so shocked, her body had frozen, her mind trying and failing to grasp the damning reality.

The very village she had sworn to protect was now trying to kill her. She had walked through pits of flames for her village, putting her life at risk at every fight for the sake of Suna. And they were now betraying her? The mission was all a ruse to murder her?

She was now being betrayed?

"What is the meaning of this, Daiki?" She demanded, hoping that she was wrong about something.

She was the hero of Suna, how could they betray her like this? Was Rasa this treacherous that would stab her in the back like this?

"It is what it is, Pakura." Daiki replied with indifference.

"You would betray one of your own? What have I done to deserve this?! I have given my life for the sake of Sunagakure!" She shouted with anger and pain.

Her heart pounded with ferocity. Her body's temperature rose rapidly, with her breathing becoming a little labored. The cruel reality was dawning on her.

"And now you must give up your life for the sake of Suna."

"If there was any noble reason, you this would have been explained to me!" If it was truly for the sake of the village, the village elders could have explained things to her. No shinobi would refuse a missions.

"Orders from above."

"So, you're not just acting on your own?" She asked in a hopeless tone, her voice still ringing with the pain of betrayal.

Daiki didn't reply. He stood still for a couple of moments.

Pakura grew impatient and spoke again. "After everything, you pay me with this?" she asked in a whisper. "Do you think I can let this slide?"

"Kiri shinobi are not yet here. Let us hope they join us before we all die," Daiki ignored Pakura and spoke to his men. He then turned to Naruto. "Why is a Konoha shinobi involved in this? This is an internal matter for Suna."

"What gave me away?"

"You're Uchiha."

"Ah," Naruto blinked, realizing his tendency to always keep his sharingan activated in battle always gave him away. "Well, I have my reasons... but still, to think Suna and Kiri would conspire like this? Treachery like this is of the highest order."

"You have no bone to pick unless Konoha wants to recruit Pakura."

"Attack again... I have no interest in talking. I just want to slaughter all of you."

"Konoha shinobi... this is my fight... I will deal with it." Pakura said in a firm tone.

Naruto shook his head. "He said there would be Kiri shinobi. Let me handle them... you can deal with Kiri shinobi."

"No. this is my fight. You have my thanks for saving me... but I will deal with this."

Naruto frowned deeply but then relented. "Fine..." he said. "I've heard of your name. It will be interesting to see what you can do," he said, and then settled down, placing his gunbai beside him.

Pakura confirmed one last time if Suna had plotted with Kiri to kill her and she received a positive response. Her expression changed and she burnt them to the ashes. It didn't take more than two minutes for her to do this. She completely went through them without hesitating.

Naruto realized that she was indeed as strong as rumored. Once she was done, she turned over to him.

There wasn't a hint of regret in her face, just anger at the betrayal, and sadness. Naruto could understand her.

"That was quick."

"Despite being this young, you're not even bothered. You shouldn't have been old enough to fight in the Third War." Pakura said to Naruto. He appeared young, but his voice and expression were of someone who has seen it all.

"I didn't fight, but I saw it." Naruto said with an expressionless mask. "It was horrible. At least I once thought so at that time. But I've seen worse things since then. Compared to pile of dead shinobi, and betrayal by the shinobi you've been protecting, what is worse?"

"Both are bad circumstances that damage your mind. The latter however makes your question everything."

Naruto nodded. "My mission was to save you and bring you back to Konoha. Whether it is to recruit you or not, I don't know."

"Shinobi are not for the why, but to simply take orders," Pakura replied, her anger soothing a little. "You have my thanks for saving me. But I cannot go to Konoha with you."

She had to return to Sunagakure for the sake of her sanity. She would grow into a walking pile of hate if she didn't see this out. She needed to face her betrayers to get closure. It was okay if she had die as result. The alternative was living with the knowledge that her village had betrayed her and she would ultimately think of harming it.

"I must insist. I don't have a problem with facing you. But I must warn you, if we fight, both of us will die." Naruto said in a bitter tone. "You will not win a fight with me, I assure you of that. If by some chance, you win, you will be severely exhausted. You will be killed by either Konoha or Kiri shinobi."

"I have no intention of fighting my savior."

"If you don't want to willingly come to Konoha with me, I'll have no choice but to fight you."

"Even if you cannot win?"

"Orders are orders."

"Why would Konoha shinobi kill me?"

"To blame you for my death. Another possibility is that if we fight and I win, I'll be exhausted afterwards. There are Konoha shinobi watching... the second they see me weakened, they'll kill both of us because they can't just kill me. You'd be a witness."

"You're not lying."

Naruto chuckled coldly. "Of course not. The shinobi belong to a group who don't like the Uchiha. And my circumstances are different which make me ripe of elimination. If you don't cooperate with me, both of us will die-that's a fact."

After having seen her fight, Naruto was still willing to fight her. He said orders were orders, but Pakura was conscious of the fact that he was an Uchiha with a fully matured Sharingan. History has always been a clear-fight an Uchiha alone at your own risk. During the Third War it was an operational rule, if you come across an Uchiha, flee. You could only fight if you had a partner, that way, if you get caught in genjutsu, you could be freed by your partner. The Sharingan genjutsu prowess were not to be underestimated.

After thinking of this, Pakura relented. "But, if I'm going back with you, I want guarantees that I will be allowed to handle things my own and I certainly don't want to end up in the same situation as you."

"Just stay away from a man named Danzo. Consequently, he is the one who arranged this mission, but we will report to the Sandaime Hokage," Naruto said, standing up.

The two Ne agents appeared in the scene behind him.

"Is everything fine?"

"Yes." Naruto said.

"We should leave then. We don't want to face Kiri shinobi."


Naruto stopped walking, seeing the two Foundation agents walking behind him. He didn't feel comfortable with them. Mission was completed, he didn't think it would be beyond them to try to stab him in the back and blaming Pakura for it. To remove any threat, Danzo was willing to play any dirty tricks.

"Something wrong?" Pakura asked, her voice still shaking in anger.

Naruto shook his head and then turned to face the Foundation agents. "If you try to kill me, I'll rip up both your arms, gouge out your eyes and then take you back to Konoha."

"As if your word would be believed. You just came into the scene. And nobody trusts you. Not even the Sandaime."

Naruto smiled bitterly at the thought. They were not completely wrong. The words stung. It felt like a poisoned kunai was being twisted in his chest.

"I won't deny this." Naruto said. "Regardless, make any attempt and I wont show you mercy."

"Have no fears, Uchiha. We won't do anything. Right now, the priority is getting to Konoha before the Kiri company finds us."

"Why don't we wait for them?"


"A pity."


The daylight didn't find its way into the chamber, but Hiruzen thought the mood was as clear as it was outside. The sun blessed even this Council with life and energy. A fresh breath had been breathed into the chamber. Before, it was always doom and gloom. This former Council loved draconian rules and lacked compassion. Danzo desired to spread chaos and carnage wherever.

He'd primarily changed the Council's formation in an effort to create a new dimension on how the village was being led and to get new ideas. The ideas of his former Council had become outdated-they were hardened with war and not suitable for peace times. Hence, in emergencies, they would always form part of the Village Council.

He'd thought giving the Uchiha some authority and role would pacify them a little. But it appeared, things had just worsened. Primarily because of his decision to make Tsunade his successor.

"Thank you everyone for coming," Hiruzen started with a small smile, his eyes dancing around the rectangular table. Fugaku sat across him on the other end of the table. Shikaku sat his right side with Hiashi. Shibi and Chouza sat on the left side. Perhaps the other four stood on equal grounding. While Fugaku stood slightly above the everyone else. "There are two major issues we will discuss. Firstly, you're all aware that Suna and Iwagakure have been feuding. Their troubles from the Third War have not ended. Recently, I had Danzo investigate the matter as Kirigakure too was getting involved. My main fear was that if another war was to break out, we would be caught in the middle due to Kiri's involvement.

"A few days ago, Danzo returned with a report. Suna and Kiri conspired to have the former's hero murdered and the blame would be put on Iwagakure. I do not know to what end. I authorized Danzo to deal with it. But knowing him, he is likely to lead her back to this Village. That creates another problem."


"Suna's hero is Pakura... the Scotch user..." Hiashi said. "She is a fearsome kunoichi... why would Suna have her killed? Even if they are going to blame it on the Stone... it seems wasteful."

"Exactly Danzo's thinking," Shikaku didn't need to hear what Danzo thought of the matter. For the mere fact that he was assigned to the mission meant he would want to recruit her to Konoha. "I can see why it would create a problem. I assume they are not going to know what happened unless we tell them we have her."


"Then they can't blame Iwagakure. Mostly, they'll turn on each other and that might create another problem," Shikaku said.

"It won't affect us if we keep her presence a secret," Shibi said.

"We can't do that forever. And someone of her ability can't be kept hidden. Will she even want to become one of us? It is rare for a kunoichi as powerful as her to join another village."

"With the betrayal, she'll be angry, but whether she joins another village is another issue."

"Can she even be trusted?"

"There is that element," Hiruzen sighed deeply. "We can simply make it known we have her and know what happened. Have her say the words herself. That way, Suna can't accuse us of anything."

"They were found wanting to kill their Hero. I'm sure they're going to deny it. She is Suna's hero. The rest of the village will have a different opinion. If they can do this to Pakura, others will also be afraid. It would be in their best interests to deny it and blame us." Fugaku spoke for the first time. He then smiled cynically. "They might even claim it was our plot rob them of their best shinobi and we're manipulating her. This is just to save face."

Shikaku agreed with Fugaku. "It would be the same scenario with Kumogakure. They might even try to add Kiri into the mix," he said, smiling. "I see why you brought this meeting together. Neither are going to admit to their actions and will blame us. With Minato and Tsunade-sama gone, they'll be thinking they can turn on us."

Another bloody war. Shikaku hoped it didn't come to this because Konoha couldn't afford another war and certainly not against two Great Nations.

"I doubt they would decide war. But they will make noise," Fugaku said with confidence. "However, if they make too much noise, we can always cut Kirigakure apart. Its Seven Great Swordsmen are falling. The village itself is falling apart because of the reign of its current Kage. It would be easier to inspire a revolution. If that happens, Suna doesn't have an ally."

"Isn't that a bit extreme?" Chouza asked.

"What would you rather do?" Fugaku dared the man to come with an alternative idea.

"Regardless," Hiruzen intervened with authority. "Konoha has moved from its dark past. We cannot be repeating the same thing over and over again." He said. "How about this? If the mission is handled smoothly, we can always tell Suna that Pakura came to us for refuge after surviving an attempt on her life. We don't wait for them to find out, but we send someone to speak with the Kazekage."

"Diplomatic resolution, huh? Well, that can work."

"It would be the Hyuga's first duty after being appointed to be in charge of handling Diplomatic missions. We would of course, send Military Police Force with them for protection. This is just to ensure nobody tries anything," Hiruzen suggested.

"The Hyuga would be able to handle the mission on its own."

Fugaku rolled his eyes. "There is already an agreement on this. Are you forgetting?" He asked his fellow clan head.

"Fugaku is right. We already have an agreement on the matter and nothing changes," Hiruzen said. "Are we all in agreement with this plan?"

Fugaku still held reservations nonetheless. "Regardless of what we tell them, it is a fact they tried to kill her and won't want the truth to be out. I don't want my clan being out in the middle of it all. Since, they won't admit to their guilt, they could even claim to their people that we are manipulating her."

"That remains a possibility," Shikaku said. "No, it is the likely scenario. They are not going to admit to any wrong. And will put the blame on Konoha."

"Hence the diplomatic mission," Hiruzen said.

"We're just alerting them." Fugaku said. "If it is Danzo, we've handled it secretly. A Kunoichi of power, but Konoha still has the facilities to keep her presence a secret for the short term. She will be gone and Suna will start thinking she died. However, without her body, it creates that doubt. They are not going to suspect us nonetheless."

"What happens when they find out and demand action?" Chouza asked.

"We just have to wait and see. They tried to kill her. They can't claim anything with this knowledge. I have to agree with Fugaku-san on this... without her body, Suna will have no other choice but to assume the assassination attempt failed. In this case, what is best for Suna is to claim she went rogue. If she suddenly shows up with them having said this much, it makes things easier for both of us. We can admit we the truth to them and can reveal it. They wont want to face a revolt from the villagers. They'll be forced to continue to say she went rogue and we'll just stay silent on the issue."

With that, Fugaku and Shikaku persuaded the others and a decision was made to hold onto the diplomatic mission.

"Who gets custody of her. We cannot certainly leave her for Danzo."

"Indeed. I will have custody of her and plan how she is integrated into the village. I will not force her." Hiruzen said, offering no hope for anyone disagreeing with his words. "The other issue I want to deal with is about my successor. Jiraiya came back and said Tsunade has refused. In the event something happens to me, and she still refuses to come back, you'll have to think carefully about who succeeds me. Temporarily, of course, this Council will be making collective decisions. However, the Fugaku-san will act in the official capacity and the Anbu will report to him. I must stress that he will be acting on the authority of this Council."

"We didn't talk about this last time, but will it be fine with sentiments around the village?" Chouza asked with concern. "Are we not going to have a situation were the Uchiha are being accused of grabbing power?"

"You will all be there to dismiss such thoughts, isn't it?" Hiruzen asked with a small smile. "Jiraiya has refused the position many times. I am even sitting here because he has refused. After that, there is no one else powerful enough who can steer the village smoothly."

"If you say it like that, I cannot have complaints."

"But I hope you're not doing this just to pacify the Uchiha, Sandaime-sama," Hiashi said.

"Of course not," Hiruzen said with a wave of his right hand. "This is also something we must also discuss. But I think it will be more satisfactory to have the discussion without the Uchiha's presence. I want everyone to be free to voice their thoughts..." Hiruzen looked at Fugaku apologetically but before he could even ask, the Uchiha clan head was already stepping up. He left the chamber without another word.

"That was unpleasant," Chouza said, regarding of the way Fugaku left.

"I've not spoken about this with any of you, even Shikaku. This was a matter solely for the Village Council but you're the Council and you have the right know. I should have discussed this before anything else, but I didn't want things to become bad.

"Your Predecessors thought the Uchiha clan was responsible for the Kyubi going loose in the village. The reason they didn't partake in the fighting was because there were orders for the clan to stay away." Hiruzen smiled bitterly. "It is perhaps for this reason that Minato was forced to sacrifice himself. The Uchiha had long been dissatisfied with village leadership. But it only became worse during my reign. The Council believed at the time that the clan wouldn't be against using its military power to take the village by force. After the Kyubi rampage, its location was shifted and it was placed somewhere we could observe them and ensure they didn't do anything."

"You wouldn't have put him in this position if you thought they had something to do with the Kyubi becoming free," Shikaku said.

"Yes... Fugaku has always been honest with me and taken orders without question. It is only now that he has become vocal," Hiruzen conceded.

"Was there any concrete truth to the allegations?"

"No," Hiruzen said with a shake of his head. "Regardless, it is a fact that the Uchiha clan has no trust in the village leadership. I'll admit, I don't know where things stand and things could turn for the worst. Many are dissatisfied with the village."

"So you did give me that position to pacify them." Hiashi said to the Sandaime. "If there is a problem, we shouldn't be letting them have this much authority. If something happens to you, they are likely to do something. They must be thinking one of them must become Hokage, starting from Madara."

"Indeed. Even the Shodai wanted Madara to lead the village. But he was elected instead. Ge wanted Madara to become the Nidaime, but Tobirama-sama sensei was elected instead. And with Danzo's actions, there is genuine fear that we are trying to oppress them and may eventually try drive them away." Hiruzen sighed deeply. "We must discuss things to ensure chaos doesn't happen."

"All this changes things," Chouza conceded.

"I know."

"But if there is an issue, we must be able to know what is happening."

"That I agree with everyone. We must talk with Fugaku and members of the Uchiha clan to diffuse tensions. We cannot make the same mistakes as the past. The Uchiha remain the founding clan and Konoha's most powerful clan-this is a fact."

"Their power only appears to be growing with each day." Shibi said in a serious tone. "Fugaku-san's strength is comparable to that of Jiraiya-sama. They have Itachi and Shisui. Kakashi is our next big thing. But much of his fame is due to the Sharingan. And now, I hear they have another one who has strength comparable to that of Itachi..."

"The youngest son has proved to be as much of a genius as his brother," Shikaku added. "Their strength would be frightening is it were to ever be turned against us. But we can't let such talks leave this room or else it reaches the villagers."

"It would be a disaster if that were to happen," Hiashi conceded.

The fire burnt under the shades of trees. The shades coming from the full moon lighting in the heavens. Pakura was sitting across Naruto, with the Foundation agents keeping guard from the trees. They'd ended up coming to face Kiri shinobi and quietly dispatched of them. They would reach the Leaf by morning and he would finally get his much needed rest.

"You can sleep, you know. It has been a long day," Naruto said to Pakura.

Pakura had stopped calling Naruto a child because of what she had seen. She wasn't even going to ask why he didn't want to sleep. His concern about the masked men was genuine. The two had expressed no emotion throughout. She had come to decide they were not normal shinobi.

"Is everyone in Konoha like this?"

Naruto shook his head. "Only Danzo is like that. You know, in every place, there is that one force that always tries to drag people sideways. These people are them. They do not represent Konoha," he said. "It would be cruel for me to save you from treachery to a place where they train you to be treacherous."

"Shinobi only follow orders."

Naruto chuckled. "Indeed," he said. And then smiled. "I cannot imagine a fellow Uchiha doing me like this. I frown at anyone who would betray a brother or a sister," he said with contempt at the very thought.

"Neither did I think this would happen to me but some people lack morals and have no conscious of what is wrong or right."

"Does that even matter?" Naruto asked, staring at the flames.

"You're still young to be talking like that. Having morals matters for shinobi. It means you will always do the right thing and will not fall into the same line as common criminals. Morals must be the thing that separates you from rogue shinobi." Pakura said with passion.

Naruto smiled and didn't immediately respond. He lifted his eyes and faced her. "I wonder about that," he said. "My job doesn't require me to discern morals but what is legally right," he chuckled once more. "It is the mindset I've adopted because I spent time in Military Police Force. My moral compass can't trump village laws. So, it had always been my thought that you can do anything, as long as you don't break the laws of the village." He shook his head. "What are you going to do?"

"I don't know."

"I might need a training partner. It's always a challenge to face stronger opponents," Naruto said with a grin. "I just love to battle. The rush of blood excites me." He admitted.

Pakura raised an eye brow but didn't say anything. "What can you tell me about the Sandaime Hokage?"

"I don't know him that well. Actually, I've only become a shinobi."


Hidden Leaves; a name from the very lips of the Uchiha's notoriously infamous Madara. Naruto couldn't call him an ancestor-if Hiruzen was trained by the Shodai, then the man hadn't been dead for more than a hundred years. He was still a former clan head, a man of power and lust for battle. History would suggest, he was a man who could stand the battle prowess of the Legendary Senju. But hid death wad too recent for him to be called an ancestor.

Standing at the village walls, Naruto stared at the buildings, and then his eyes went toward the location of his clan compound. He wanted to rush there and kiss the very ground. To be far and separated from his family was a sickness. It was troubling even, considering a dark cloud of thunder that hovered over the village.

"We'll take her over to Danzo-sama and hand over the report. You can report to Anbu HQ," one of the Foundation agents said to him.

Of course, they'd want to drag her to the shackles of their master. That way, he would tie her down and turn her into his toy. It was just sickening thinking about it. There was a little spice of paranoia in it-he thought, Danzo would even use her against his clan.

"I've done my part," Naruto said with a shrug. "I-"

A full squad of Anbu dropped around them on the walls of the village. He remained calm. The Foundation agents and Pakura went on guard. "We'll take over from here," one of the Anbu said, stepping forward. "Return to Danzo-sama."

The Foundation agents didn't struggle against the Anbu. Like obedient little dogs, he stiffly disappeared from the wall.

"You must be Pakura," another Anbu said, a feminine voice. "Please come with me. We'll get you sorted before you meet Lord Sandaime."

"Sorted?" Pakura asked in a worried voice.

Suna didn't consider Konoha an ally and she was practically lost far from home. No, she no longer had a home as she was betrayed. As far as they were concerned, she was dead to them.

"Nothing to worry about. We're still unsure whether to let you meet the Sandaime. We just want to ask you some questions first," the Anbu replied in a casual manner.

Pakura glanced at Naruto and realized, his eyes were already far away. He didn't seem to be listening. But there didn't seem to be any hostilities between him and the Anbu. This gave her some comfort.


"Lord Sandaime is waiting for you, Naruto-san."

Naruto simply nodded and then leapt away without even turning to face Pakura.

Hokage Office

"Sandaime-sama," Naruto bowed in the quietness of the office. The Third, relaxed and smiling behind his desk nodded at him.

"I'm glad you're back safely... Fugaku would have revolted if something happened to you," The Professor said with a laugh.

Though he was laughing, Naruto thought there was a pinch of seriousness in his voice. Fugaku must have come here to object him being associated with Danzo. Naruto would agree. It wasn't that he hated the mission. The foul stench of anything to do with Danzo just repulsed him.

"There was no threat to my life."

"Hmm... I expect to see this in your report. It should be handed over to me before the day ends."


"What did you make of Pakura?"

Naruto wanted to say the Sandaime would read it in his report but he thought the report shouldn't provide such unnecessary details. It was meant to be objective on the finer details.

"She seemed like a nice person. Angry at the betrayal but still a good person," he smiled. "Though, she probably wouldn't get along with Itachi..." he said.

He'd first thought they could get along, but they were fundamentally different people. Pakura was a nice person with a clear views on morals. It wasn't to say Itachi didn't have any but their views of the world were different. She could get along with him, but Naruto was only interested in flame-full battle with her, not a clash of ideology.

"Why do you think so?" the Third asked curiously.

Naruto almost slapped himself-a rookie mistake. He'd opened a can of worms by voicing such thoughts. "Well, Itachi is the kind of person who would accept Suna's betrayal if he reasoned it was for the good of the village. But Pakura views it as treachery. Itachi wouldn't even consider going on a path of vengeance. I don't know about Pakura but I can't say she didn't consider it. She wanted to go back and if she did, I imagine she would have killed those who betrayed her..."

Observant and rational. "And you're not like Itachi?"

What was the point of asking things he already knew? If Naruto had a smile, it disappeared simply because of his annoyance. "Not at all. We can't all be the same."

"Indeed." The Sandaime's expression changed. The air became thick and Naruto frowned deeply in response. "You must be tired but before you get to your rest, I want us to talk about something. I know what your clan is thinking and I want to know your thoughts regarding the current impasse. Itachi tells me you're one of the few young ones that are highly respected within the clan."

Respected? Was it his power or just his thinking? Naruto didn't care. Whether the clan respected him or not was irrelevant-what was important was that everyone was alive. Naruto didn't even find it necessary to laugh with them all. It had never been the case. As long as he could see them alive and well, he wouldn't go around knocking on doors.

"I get along with some of the more vocal members."

"Then if things get tense, what would you do, Naruto-kun? What do you think should be done to make things better for everyone?"

"I don't know for the second question... but for the first, Konoha is my home and I love this village. If one day, an Uchiha became Hokage, I'd be happy. But what we want is simply acceptance. I suppose you're asking what the correct path is... and for me, it is to save my clan from its predicament."

Of course, how he would go about that was another matter. Saving the clan could mean hanging the Sandaime Hokage or slaughtering Danzo and his Ne agents.

But really, Naruto just wanted to see his fellow clansman walking around the village without any fear and for the leaders to show them some trust and respect.

End of chapter