
Salvation(Naruto Fanfic)

For Naruto, clan and family mattered more than anything. For Itachi, village interests outweighed clan interests. With such conflicting ideals, can the two work together to save the Uchiha clan from tragedy? Uchiha Naruto. Exclaimer: I do not own this story/fic! I just cross-posted in this platform so everyone here can enjoy it The author of the fic is: The Omnipresent Sage

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Chapter 3: Unwavering Faith?

The Hidden Leaf's walls no longer crawled with Anbu. The outskirts were still guarded. Anything could still happen. But if this was the mood, then Kumo's demand had been given while they crawled through shades in fear of their lives, from enemies within and outside.

The good thing was that war had been averted. The Uchiha name would not be dragged through the mud and maybe some of their clansmen would be at peace.

Naruto really didn't think that though.

He glanced around the gates; the guards didn't seem as if they were going to question them. Then again, who didn't know Fugaku and his son? The etrance was quiet. The streets seemed to be normal once more. The cloud of war no longer hovered about Konoha.

Yet, the dark cloud that rained on the Uchiha would continue to darken their moods. It was unlikely they would receive any credit.

"I will go report to the Sandaime, you two head on home."


As soon as Fugaku walked away, Itachi faced Naruto. "I'm going to check the academy."

"How envious." Naruto commented dryly, a slight roll of his eyes. "Sasuke must really be happy to have an older brother who loves him this dearly."

"I'm just going to check on him. You can come along."

An offer to watch Sasuke flaunt his genius at the academy? Naruto had no desire for it. But perhaps Itachi was offering an opportunity to spend some time together, to get along as they should.

Naruto shook his head. "I'm going home to sleep. Got to go back to work later tonight. With everything being said, I may not enjoy the night shifts anymore."

"But it is a good shift." Itachi replied.

"Maybe… for the clan…" Naruto sighed.

For the clan, he would move mountains. He would step into holy fire. He was aware there might be ulterior motives but if his day walking would benefit the clan, then so be it.

He smiled; a second later, the smile turned into a bitter chuckle. "I always say you do nothing for the clan and prefer the village… though, I'm not entirely false on the narrative… I've just noticed something: for someone who claims to love the clan, I contribute nothing to it. I spend my time guarding the order of Konoha and protecting it from spies." He shook his head. "Well, we'll see what tomorrow holds. But I'm certain I'm going to be butting heads with people."

"I was under the impression that you prefer things that way."

"Are you making a joke?" Naruto stared blankly. When Itachi did not reply, he spoke again. "I don't enjoy chaos. I'm just misunderstood."

"So is the clan."

"Somehow, I get the feeling that you're being sarcastic… but that's not you… give my regards to Sasuke."

Itachi watched Naruto walk away and wondered what he could do to break Naruto's shields. He was certain, had it been Shisui who made the request, Naruto would have followed.

Hokage Office

More than anything, Fugaku was relieved to be finally home. To be back in this village without having lost his life or coming across any shenanigans from Danzo. It was actually sad that he feared the people who ran this village than actual enemies outside of Konoha. The dissatisfaction within the clan was understandable, if he too felt it.

The Sandaime was a good Hokage but he was often left dissatisfied with his choices. Fugaku would never admit it to just anyone, but Hiruzen hasn't done much for the Uchiha. He has stood in the side-lines and watched as Danzo terrorized them. What was laughable was when he tried to sympathize. Fugaku knew he was but his inability to stop people he could stop made him think the Sandaime wasn't sincere at times. Yet, he never lost faith.

"Did we pass the test?" He asked the Third Hokage.

Hiruzen did not smile in response but nodded. "I had hoped this would change things with the elders but they remain unmoved," he replied grimly.

"Then nothing changes." Fugaku had not expected miracles. He didn't expect Danzo to suddenly turn into an Uchiha fanatic. He would loathe and mistrust them until death, either his or theirs.

The one thing that would make him lead calls for rebellion would be if Danzo actually became Hokage. They would be doomed if such a hellish scenario occurred. He could imagine Danzo sending everyone to their deaths in suicide missions, yet telling them to be proud to die for the sake of the village.

"I'm afraid so." Hiruzen admitted. "But the bigger picture is that there will be no war and their fears did not come to pass. And once more, I was proved right. It will enhance your standing."

"I did nothing."

The decision had already been made. He was merely testing just what kind of person the Raikage was and testing his resolve. He averted nothing. Konoha still had to make the sacrifice. It could have been done without him going to the Cloud.

He liked to think it was not useless, at least not for his reputation. It was a learning lesson for both Naruto and Itachi. If they picked up something that would deliver them in the future, them Fugaku was happy he made the long trip to the Cloud, risking treachery from the village while at it.

"And the Hyuga?"

"Hiashi isn't taking it well." Hiruzen smiled sadly. "It has changed him. He blames being weak for this happening. Power is everything and without it, you cannot protect anything."

That was somewhat true. The shinobi world was obsessed with power. They were just dealing with a man who was power hungry enough to threaten war.

"He was powerless to do anything… you are bound to feel this way. But Hiashi is a grown man."

"There might be guilt making things worse for him."

"He has himself to blame for that. He was the one who treated his own brother like a slave. I really cannot understand their traditions…" Fugaku had no sympathy for Hiashi. "But as they say, its internal clan matters…"

Hiruzen nodded. "How was the Raikage?"

The Sandaime Hokage was curious about Fugaku's impression of the Yondaime Raikage. From the letters, he could imagine. How a Kage would be willing to wage war over the death of one man was beyond Hiruzen's imagination. You became a Kage and your responsibility was not just on the select few but every civilian and shinobi were under your control. To be willing to throw them to their deaths over a matter you started was not justifiable in any way.

Those who craved for power went through extreme levels to attain it. And once they had it, it corrupted them.

Power corrupts, yet many shinobi would fall prey into its enticement. He'd been blind to Orochimaru's lust for power, but at least he'd not made the mistake of clothing him in the Hokage's hat. He could imagine the Sannin terrorizing everyone along with Danzo. Even the Uchiha wouldn't be spared. They would be used as experimental tools.

"He had no intention of backing down. He seemed like the who makes the decision and sticks with it, even if he was reckless in doing so…" Fugaku managed a small, tiny, smile. "But, I reminded him that the power he holds can be used against him. He won't grow too comfortable with us around."

Hiruzen didn't want to know what Fugaku did, even if he could make a good guess.

"How do you think we should treat this in the future in terms of our relationship with them?"

"I don't know."

"Surely not."

"We're not going to take any direct action that would take us to war. That is not you. But we cannot just let it slip. When the time is right, this can be used against the Cloud."

The Sandaime nodded. "Thank you for honouring my call despite the circumstances. I know I've let you down in many cases. But I plan to make some changes. I should have solved things before I appointed Minato…" he smiled. "But without doubt, even before Minato could be considered, your name should have been heavily supported. You're no less of a shinobi than my students. My decision to overlook you and then appoint Minato changed things."

Fugaku would not deny this. He did not expect anything but his clan had been filled with joy when it was said he too was being considered for being Hokage. But it remained as merely a consideration, just like with his predecessors.

"If anyone had doubts before, it became obvious then we Uchiha would never be trusted by the leadership of this village." Fugaku admitted. "My clan changed. We saw what was happening. Despite our sacrifices, our commitment in protecting Konoha, we couldn't be trusted. What more could we do? Perhaps is what we asked then, but when I was overlooked, they stopped asking those questions. We started to think perhaps Konoha wanted to get rid of us."

Hiruzen winced grimly. It happened under his watch. Maybe he was useless. He knew the issues, but what if he had appointed Fugaku as Hokage? Perhaps Minato could have fulfilled his potential and potentially succeed Fugaku when the time was right.

Yet, he thought he made the right choice. Minato ended up dying to save Konoha. There was no greater sacrifice than that for a Kage.

Even now, Hiruzen didn't even think about making Fugaku Hokage. His Council would not support it. The village would be at an uproar over it. But would there be civil disobedience? Maybe the village would suffer from some dysfunction, but that could change over time.

"And when Minato died, things reached another level."


"Why do you trust me?"

"I wonder about that. Many in my clan think you're a snake who smiles at me and then backstabs me. All decisions in the village need your approval. You've approved decisions that have brought us suffering. So, I wonder about trust. Maybe I do not want to lose faith," Fugaku closed his eyes for a moment, imaging a scenario in which he lost faith. "What do you think would happen if I lost faith?"

That Fugaku would openly say such words in front of him was surprising. Yet, nothing made him tense than the hard pressed question the man asked.

He could imagine the scenario. Fugaku just kept faith because there was no better alternative. For him, to lose faith was doom. He didn't want to take that decision as it would cost his clan.

"I have failed you miserably."

Fugaku did not reply. There was nothing to add – it was simply the truth and nothing more to it.

"But there will be changes. You'll soon get an invitation to a meeting where I will introduce those changes."

"What of the role my clan will play?"

"You'll find out."

"I see." Fugaku saw no reason to be excited or to expect any big changes. "Was there anything that occurred in my absence?"

Hiruzen shook his head. He wasn't going to tell Fugaku that his Council suggested getting rid of him. "It was quiet. When the threat of war hangs over our heads, some other things become secondary."

"Not when you think we could contribute to those flames."

Not much needed to be said, but it was enough for Hiruzen to tell Fugaku knew. He knew what those people likely thought about the Uchiha leading delegation to the Cloud. He just wasn't going to say it aloud but he knew.

It made Hiruzen a little uncomfortable.


Naruto saw no other reason other than that the higher ups were trying to set him up by assigning him to the streets of Konoha instead of walls and fences. It wasn't to say he wasn't familiar with working along the streets. Much occurred. There wasn't the quietness of Area 44 nor the sound of hunters preying within the night. It was just humans. Some hardly even slept.

He had learned displeasure in the streets. Drunkards, unruly civilians. It was no wonder his fellow clansman always acted harshly against those who threatened peace. Enforcing order in such ways wasn't Naruto's liking. Hunting after those who ran through the forest was much more fun. There were no rules. In the streets, you had to be delicate. And you saw the worst of humans. It was always disappointing to see fellow humans act like wild animals.

He was seeing it. Alleys always had secrets. He come to learn, children were fathered in dark alleys. Some passed out while drunk there, to be woken by sun rays come morning, or fed up wives who followed the trail. He'd once seen a wife drag the husband by his ear after finding him with another woman. Truly, human relationships were such complex things. He wished he could be an adult to cherish and enjoy them.

For now, he had a job.

There were three men, fighting together in an alley. They were all shinobi – Genin. Grown ups who couldn't develop skills and thus stuck in the same rank was fresh academy graduates. A waste of resources that taught them. Such people were always bitter and grumpy about being stuck in Genin. They were as experienced in failing Chunin exams as the Sandaime was at running the village. And he had to waste his energy trying to separate them.

Truly such a waste of his energy.

He dropped by the alley entrance. His Sharingan glowed magically along the night. It always had an effect on people.

While Naruto hated dealing with this kind of lowlifes, they were good as practising tools. Shisui would disapprove if he learned that he practiced manipulating the minds of men by using innocent people; Fugaku would ask if he was being successful, and well, Tobirama would rise from the dead to burn him atop of the Hokage Monument if he knew about it.

But what was he to do? Some people did not listen. To avoid trouble, he had to make use of his eyes.

"Good evening Gentlemen." Naruto greeted a bit happily. "It's just past 8pm, drunk already? Had an early start?"

It was only then that they became conscious of his presence. But neither seemed alarmed or frightened.

One of them, he was tall and bulky. The other two flanked his sides as they slugged toward him. They reeked of tobacco and alcohol. If they were fathers, their children would be ashamed to call them fathers. The bigger one stopped in front of him, his frame hovering over him, and he leaned down, staring straight into his eyes.

"Mind your own business, Uchiha brat." He said, spitting saliva on him.

It was filthy and disgusting. Naruto felt as if he was being looked down. For a moment, he considered trapping the man in a genjutsu to show him something truly terrifying.

"You speak properly… so you're not that drunk…" he said casually. "I am willing to help each of you get to your homes before someone gets hurt."

"Who's gonna get hurt?" The man was poking on his right shoulder.

Naruto stared at the index finger poking at him so disrespectfully. The man looked down at him but it was he who was small. That an overgrown genin would look down on him in such a manner rubbed Naruto the wrong way. If he was in Area 44, he'd break the man's right leg, just to stare him down. But he was in the streets, the walls had eyes and ears. And there were rules. He couldn't just break people. He had to be diplomatic before using force.

He sighed, such a snooze fest.

By 10pm, Naruto was already at clan compound, in a meeting. It was not an emergency meeting, but a scheduled meeting. They held one then and there. It was already in session by the he arrived. He sat by his corner, his eyes closed hands folded across his chest, and he listened.

"Itachi can't be trusted. Where is he now? Just came back and already he has gone to the Sandaime's arms!"

"He loves Konoha more than his clan!"

"We can't keep seeing him as the light!"

"A Genius, yes, but we must admit, we have lost him. He values village over his own family. A man like that cannot be trusted. We must keep him out of clan matters!"

"Naruto can easily replace Itachi as the clan's representative. He is not an inferior shinobi."

"Yes. Naruto is an faithful Uchiha. He is not like Itachi."

They were bickering. That Itachi was absent made no difference. Even if he was here, they still say the same thing. And Fugaku never really interrupted them.

Naruto thought perhaps this may be therapy for some clan members and Fugaku always used this to help them vent. If it was, it would be laughable.

They were filled with anger and suspicion. The Majority didn't even trust the village leaders with anything. None in here would eat food served by of Konoha's leaders. Hell, if one of them leaders walked past the clan compound, they'd be hell and sniff dogs searching if no explosive tags were buried in their wake.

"Fugaku-sama, we all believed Itachi would be our saviour. But it is not turning out right. Attention needs to be paid to Sasuke."

"He has proved to be smart as well. He can surpass his brother, but we can't make the same mistake as we did with Itachi."

"There was so much hope. We were all proud that the clan produced a genius…" someone said with so much sadness, the room quieted. Naruto was tempted to open his eyes. "But the genius has turned against us."

"Itachi has not turned against us!" Shisui finally spoke up.

"You're becoming way too familiar with him, Shisui."

"It is because I am familiar with him that I can say he has not turned against us. Itachi loves his family and the clan. His service to the village is something that was decided."

"Indeed." Fugaku finally found his voice. "I decided to send Itachi to the academy and allowed him to join the Anbu ranks. Because of this decision, he has been favoured by the villagers. He serves the village with loyalty and has in turn earned the trust of the elders."

The anger, suspicion and mistrust was so thick within the room that even those words were not accepted.

"A pity, nothing has changed for us."

"While true he does have the Sandaime's ear, the old man does nothing. He has condemned us with a smile!"

"We may think Danzo is bad but his silence he even worse!"

"He has been Hokage and allowed all this to happen under his watch!"

Naruto would agree that the Sandaime was a part of it. Fugaku may trust the old man, but Naruto did not. He had no interest in meeting him for this reason.

"We can't lose hope. We have to trust that things will change."

"Who do we place our trust in?"

"As long as the Sandaime continues to allow his Council to do as it pleases, then nothing will change. Those people have nothing but evil intentions toward our clan. They want to suppress us and drive us away from the village we helped found."

"The Sandaime has been a good leader. He is the one who has trusted both Itachi and I…" Shisui tried to reason.

"A good leader to Konoha." Fugaku was forced to admit. There was just no denying the truth of the matter. "But he has not been well to us. As long as the current leadership remains, nothing changes for us. Danzo will continue to do as he pleases and the others will always look at us with suspicion."

"Then we can't keep holding back. If Itachi is to discarded to the village, then so be it. We can simply shift Naruto to the streets."

A debate ensued on what had to be done to change things. Some harsh words were said. Fugaku remained resolute but tried to find common ground with all of them. At least, there was a general consensus that the current leadership held no love for the clan. Even Shisui was forced to make the admission.

By the end of the meeting, Naruto departed and went back to his duties.

He lay on his back atop of the hospital, watching the stars.

Things were spiraling out of control. There were some who whispered the thoughts of violence. The killing of the village elders. Some thought it best to just rebel and take power by force. Such whispers haven't reached the meetings. But they would soon. Someone would have the guts to take them to Fugaku. If they were openly debated, it was going to be a new low they could never recover from.

Naruto was certain Fugaku knew. He was just never going to say it.

He imagined, if the village elders knew of such thoughts, it was going to be hell. They would claim they had been right all along. They would order their extermination. For Naruto, that would be unholy. Konoha could face destruction but he would not give those people the satisfaction of thinking they were right about them.

Something had to give.

When someone landed beside him, he glanced at the person for a moment and then back into the sky.


"Naruto-kun." The Anbu replied without emotion. "Surprised seeing you here. Area 44 got boring?"

"Area 44 is never boring. Here you're forced to deal with stupid people."

"Some interesting things happen."

"Once in a while."


Naruto sighed. "Some people don't like that I am spending too much away from Konoha. It was decided that I move back here. Soon enough, I fear, I may no longer walk the night I love so dearly."

Boar chuckled behind his mask. "Nothing wrong with changing the scene. You might like it."

"Doubt it."

"Unless you just don't like people."

"Hahaha… I have no problem with people. I doubt you came here to casually chat with me."

Boar was perhaps the only person Naruto spoke with without having the urge to lunge at him. There were two other Anbu captains, but he met with Boar quite often than not. The others were scums who demanded subservience from the Uchiha.

"I need your help."

Naruto was already on his feet by the time the man finished speaking. "Are we chasing after someone?" He asked with barely contained excitement.

Anbu missions were always thrilling. He would never admit it to Itachi or Shisui, but whenever asked to tag along, Naruto jumped in. even if it was a fall on the cliff, he would jump. Something interesting was bound to occur.

"Unfortunately, no."

His happiness disappeared in a flash. "What?"

"We caught someone trying to sneak into the village. We have him by Area 44. He wont talk. And we need someone who can give us quick answers before we give him to Ibiki."

"Aren't the usual methods working?"

"Are you coming?"


He hopped through rooftops along with Anbu in silence. They then reached the Area 44. Within the dark forest, filled with wild animals and venomous snakes, three Anbu, stood by a tree in a protective formation.

They moved out of the way upon recognition.

There was a man clothed in dark civilian clothes. He was hanging upside down, his clothes bloody, cuts all over his body. His face was a bloody pulp, and it seemed both his arms were broken. There was a puddle of blood on the ground.

Naruto shook his head.

Torture was the word.

Anbu did this kind of thing to spies caught. But the mean torture was Ibiki. The man was famous throughout for his interrogation skills. If they did this, it was obvious something deep was happening and they wanted quick answers. They used crude method. Then again, these were trained killers.

Anbu dressed as woman and men masks to get what they wanted. They seduced and deceived. Woman Anbu sometimes wore slutty clothes and touched man in the right places. Even men had to transform to take the appearance of a woman. It was truly a fascinating world were all tactics were allowed. Maybe in some sense, Anbu were the real shinobi.

It was no wonder Itachi had such an affinity to them.

"He still didn't talk?"

"They take worse and still refuse to talk." One of the three replied.

"Bastard passed out after we broke both his arms."

Naruto shook his head. "To be used like this," he said.

"I thought you Uchiha took joy in using your Doujutsu like this."

"Not all of us have chakra powerful enough to carry such a task. But it is such power that has your leaders always questioning us…" Naruto replied in a flat tone. "Are you going to wake him up?"

Boar replied by doing a quick water jutsu. He hit the man with splash of water and his eyes snapped open.

"What do you want me to ask?"

White watched as his captain thanked Naruto. The Uchiha seemed more than happy to help. Usually, he helped them track people in the darkness of the forest. White would admit, the Uchiha was an excellent tracker. He was no specialist sensor, but he did a great job. He was young, but a lethal Uchiha.

He did a great job of not showing too much. After all, he usually employed Taijutsu. In fact, White had never seen the Uchiha use Ninjutsu. He was Uchiha. Those damn eyes could copy Ninjutsu, there was no way he didn't know any. He just didn't show any because some secrecy around his existence within the clan.

"He is going to be like Madara." Whitesaid.

Boar shook his head. He didn't deny the Uchiha was taking that form. "You think he might be related?"

"Could be."

"Well, it could explain some things."

"Still, the Uchiha clan is going to be very powerful in the future. They have Itachi… nothing needs to be said about him. He is just thirteen and there is Shisui who is already famous."

"Itachi is the best Genjutsu user in the village, but that brat seems to have a special ability in tricking people."

"It is still Genjutsu… and all Uchiha have the ability." Boar said. "It is just tricking the mind. But your Genjutsu has to be powerful… anyway, we have a job to do."

"Still, doesn't it make you wonder?"

"There are questions. But let us not think about them before reaching unwanted conclusions."

Three days later

"Itachi-kun." Hiruzen greeted the young Uchiha with warmth. He was as proud for Konoha for raising a brilliant shinobi as he would be for his own son.

"Sandaime-sama." Itachi knelt in front of the Hokage's desk.

Hiruzen had often told the Uchiha to keep standing if it was just the two of them and it was not about work. But he hardly listened to those orders.

"I apologize for dragging you away from your clan upon just returning." In the day Itachi returned, he had been forced to go out on a mission with his team. It was delicate times, and when you were as useful as Itachi, there was hardly time to watch the clouds.

"I'm always happy to serve."

"I understand it causes some tensions within the clan."

"It does." Itachi admitted.

"We will try to find a more flexible schedule for you. But we may have to replace you with someone else," Hiruzen said in thought. "It would do well for your clan if you took some duties within Military Police Force. We can get to that later… first tell me about Naruto. Anbu reports do not have a personal view of him. They are reports about interactions with him and what they observe. I'm afraid they might not show the right picture."

"Whatever they have observed of him, that is Naruto." Itachi replied with confidence. Naruto was not the one for wearing masks to deceive people about who he was. He wasn't loud about it, but Itachi had a feeling it was about 'what you see is what you get.'

"Well, that is a little troubling."

Hiruzen understood why Shisui expressed concern for Naruto. If the reports were anything to go by, the Uchiha was cold and ruthless when in duty. And he had an obvious dislike for Root shinobi. At the same time, he was very skilled.

"How powerful is he?"

"I cannot honestly say. I have not sparred with him in a couple of years."

Hiruzen raised an eye brow. "Why?"

"We are not that close." Itachi replied. "Besides that, Naruto spends the day sleeping and training. Shisui is the one who can give a better picture of his strength but I'm afraid, without fighting him, even Shisui wouldn't be able to tell."

"He hides his strength?"

"Nothing is really hidden about him. My father just wanted to keep one of the geniuses to the clan. To say he hides his misleading. He just isn't in a position to show it."

"I thought Naruto wasn't a genius."

"He is not stupid." Itachi replied. "He just wont show his strength against someone weaker because he considers it bullying… If fighting against someone much stronger, that's when you'll realize he loves to fight."

"I see… I'll arrange a sparring session to see what he can do. If he passes, then I'll free you to handle some clan duties. And have Naruto take your place. You must understand Itachi, for the sake of Konoha's future, we need your clan to be happy. There are issues I'll sort on my side. But you can help sort out issues among the village. It means nothing if we trust them but the village does not.

"We will do what we can to avoid war, but you've seen with the Kumo incident that anything can happen. If it so, we must have all available resources. The Uchiha add more to Konoha's military power. If we head to war and they are not pleased with us, do you think they'll give their best? Now more than ever, we must solve our issues. I admit, I have allowed it to get out of hand because others have made the decisions for me. We have lost Minato and two Legendary Shinobi in Orochimaru and Tsunade, we cannot afford to lose the Uchiha."

"I understand. Should I speak to him?"

Hiruzen shook his head. "I'll have to speak to your father first. Keep this between us."


"That will be all."


Around 3pm that day

Hiashi glanced around the rectangular table within an underground room in the Hokage tower; a meeting of the four noble clans, plus Shikaku and the Sandaime Hokage.

It was always a good opportunity for the Hyuga to asset its strength, but Hiashi was in no mood. That he was too weak to stop his brother from dying still shook him. More needed to be done. He had to become strong that no events as those occurred again. As a result, as he glanced around the table, his face was masked with coldness, and unreadable eyes that dared anyone to question him.

"Thank you all for coming here. There are matters that we must deal with and some announcements that I will be making regarding the future of the village."

"Is it about your successor?" Chouza asked quietly. The Sandaime was aged, but he could still lead for more years. He was by no means weak because of his advanced age. But the questions would still linger.

"That is another matter." Hiruzen didn't deny it. "All of you, aside from Shikaku, are clan heads of the Major Clans within the village. Shikaku sits here as the Jonin Commander. He holds the position of the most senior Jonin in the village. While I don't want to make it a competition, it must be noted that the Uchiha clan remains the most powerful clan in the village. So, whatever happens, reflects their position in the village."

"A pity, that power hasn't reflected on the good standing in the village." Shibi Aburame said in a slightly sympathetic tone.

It was no secret to any of them that there were tensions between the Uchiha and the village elders. The word around the streets wasn't all ignored by them. But no one wanted to get involved. They had no place to do so. Everyone was looking out for their clan.

"If they had a bit more self control, things wouldn't be like this." Hiashi replied sharply.

Fugaku was normally civil, but he would defend his clan against any slander, even if it was true.

"A lot of good that self control did to you… you ended up killing Kumo's head shinobi when your clan Ninjutsu is perfect for immobilizing people."

Shikaku suppressed the urge to smile, not at the situation it self, but Fugaku's response. The Hyuga and Uchiha always fought for dominance. They were the ones who held bloodlines and the most powerful Doujutsu in the shinobi world.

Had Hiashi just disabled the Head Ninja, none of this would have happened. But Shikaku knew circumstances were different. Sometimes, you were placed in no position to cripple a man. No doubt, the man wouldn't have even wanted to be captured. He'd have killed himself before being captured. Either way, he was going to die.

"I was not filled with rage when I did what I did. The circumstances only made possible to deal with him by death." Hiashi replied curtly.

"I know that."

"Then why insinuate something?"

"Same reason you choose to make things the fault of the Uchiha when you know very well that it is not like that. The Village Council does not trust the Uchiha, and that is it. It is not something we did, but something that has passed down for generations since the founding of this village. That you can act like it is on us is deeply offensive, Hiashi-san."

Hiruzen sighed, just when he thought things would work out. He cleared his throat to quiet everyone. Hiashi stepped on a landmine. Fugaku's response was sharp and he didn't want anything to explode and lead them away from the matters at hand.

"We all know the situation with the Uchiha clan and that the village has not handled it properly." Hiruzen said in a quiet, yet firm tone. "Nonetheless, I didn't call you here to bicker like children. We are all fathers, let us behave in that way. If we behave in such a manner, what do we expect of our children?"

Nobody said anything.

Hiruzen spoke once more. "I have said the village has not handled the issue correctly. And I am going to say something that I have yet to even admit to Fugaku. But you must all know the reason I have made the decision I made. I sent out the Uchiha to Konoha to test them and my Council. I made the decision with Shikaku without my Council. But what was their reaction? They told me that the Uchiha would go to Kumo and make things worse by ensuring Kumo does indeed go to war with us. The objective would presumably be to weaken Konoha and then take over power."

There was silence, the other clan heads shifted uncomfortably at the revelation. It just showed how deep rooted the problem was. If they thought of that, then clearly there was no trust in the Uchiha. And they all knew then that worse things were said behind closed doors.

For Fugaku, it was to be expected for those three to think that. He was certain they had even hatched a plan to get rid of him. He wasn't going to say it and he was certain the Sandaime wasn't going to admit it. The old man was simply revealing just how problematic the situation was.

"The Uchiha are our most powerful clan and the village Council have no trust in them. Not even a little." Chouza shook his head. "It is understandable why the Uchiha would feel hard done by this."

"I must also correct something. As you all know, the Uchiha clan was busy evacuating civilians during the Kyubi's rampage. And as a result, were not available to face the Kyubi. I must admit, had they been there, we wouldn't have lost as many lives as we lost and we wouldn't have lost Minato."

It was all hypothetical, but Hiruzen was certain, if the Uchiha had been in the scene the second the Kyubi broke free, they could have subjugated it using the Sharingan. No one would have fought it. He would have had the opportunity to talk Minato out of sacrificing himself. He would have done it, thus ensuring Minato lived on and the Uchiha were honoured for their role.

"I have never admitted this, but the Uchiha did so because they were under orders. There was fear that the clan could take the power for themselves and that they caused the rampage." Hiruzen made another revelation. "I was Hokage and I allowed it to happen. I have always kept quiet all these years. But I am saying this to you all because I have decided to replace my Council. I have signed and order, the four noble clans, the Jonin commander shall form a new Council."

Hiruzen might not have said it, but he was making a significant revelation. He listened to his Council and it was them who have led the questionable treatment of the Uchiha clan.

"My former Council will only join us when it is a time of emergency or wartime. They will still be Councillors, not part of this Council. I just believe their wisdom and experience would help the village in such circumstances."

"Hokage-sama…" Chouza called the attention of the Sandaime. "If the Council had been against the idea of sending the Uchiha to Kumo before you sent them, would you have listened to them?"

"Yes… and come to a compromise. While the Council acts to advise the Hokage, it is important to listen to it, otherwise, there is no need for it to exist. You may be able to see things I cannot see." Hiruzen admitted. "Are you all happy with this?"



"We would be honoured to serve the village."

"Good." Hiruzen smiled. "Your duty is to advise the Hokage. And handle any other duties assigned to You. There will be specific duties assigned to each clan.

"The Hyuga will be tasked with handling diplomatic missions for the village. A squad of Anbu will always be available for protection. But what mission they go to depends on security.

"Aburame will head a tracking division which will be in support of Hunter-nin and the Anbu. Given sensitivity of the issue, we will have to create some training on this. The Clan's jutsu makes it effective for those role.

"Akimichi's role will is undecided for now. I will decide with Chouza to find a specific role for the clan. We have discussed this together, and once we have reached a decision, it shall be done."

"The Uchiha already control Military Police. Its duty has always been to maintain law and order within the village. There have been some of you who feel one clan shouldn't be in control of Military Police Force. For now, there will be no changes. The Uchiha remain Konoha's most powerful force. Military Police Force will also be in charge of protecting the Hyuga in the event they have to handle diplomatic missions in dangerous situations.

"I wanted to give the young ones an opportunity to experience normal childhoods in the academy. But it has become apparent, it will only lead to our own doom." Hiruzen smiled inwardly. Even when he knew there were changes that needed to be done, he couldn't do it himself. He would pass the buckle to others. "Shikaku, you will be responsible for the shinobi academy. I will hold the final authority on all decisions, but you'll oversee it and make changes were you see fit." He paused, and looked around. "Is there any question?"

"Will we have to bear the financial burden?" Shibi asked.

"No," Hiruzen shook his head. "You will operate as an independent division of Anbu. Your funding will come from the village."

"How big must it be?"

"Not big." Hiruzen said. "If it can have just five teams, it will be fine. You can employ the help of the Inuzuka clan if you wish. I'll see that those in Anbu are released to train your clan members for the new role. You're welcome to design your own clothing for the specific role you'll do. We will still go through the fine details together."

"I understand."

"There is the issue of succession. The Hokage still maintains the right to select his successor. But you're all welcome to offer a suggestion. In case I suddenly die without a successor, you will have the power to elect a new Kage. You must all agree. If you don't, an emergency Council must be called, with the Anbu commanded included. The Uchiha shall chair this meeting. A new Kage will be elected by the majority of votes.

"There is also something that you must know. Danzo must never become Hokage. In any event the Feudal Lord intervenes and Danzo becomes Hokage, know that he will be removed by force. In the event a Hokage is selected and becomes corrupted by the power, and you're all in agreement, you shall send a message to the Feudal Lord and with his authority, that Kage will be removed. I highly doubt we will ever go through that as we will be careful when selecting a new Kage."

"Are you worried about the situation in Kiri happening?"

"Yes… but sometimes, a Kage can misjudge a person. If not because I was forced to retire after the war, I would have selected Orochimaru as Hokage. You have seen what he does, this village could have been ruined. Because Kage are absolute powers, nothing short of a civil war or assassination would have rescued the village. We cannot have that record. Once there is a precedence, it becomes a normal thing. This is why when selecting a Hokage, this Council must voice its opinions strongly."

Either way, the Hokage would still hold all the power and the Council really had no power to recall a Kage. It was only them who could ask the Feudal Lord to force out the active Kage. However, it required a unanimous vote. It meant they all had to foster unity. Without such unity, nothing would work.

"The last issue is around my successor," Hiruzen sighed tiredly. "Jiraiya has refused to take the role. If anything happens to me, I have decided that Tsunade should succeed me. This Council will be tasked with ensuring she is returned to the village."

Fugaku found this insulting. Tsunade had abandoned the village. She went around gambling and drinking. And has until now refused to return. But the Sandaime would still choose her over anyone. He was certain, none of these people would question her, not even the previous Council.

But let the name of Uchiha be mentioned, it would raise hell. He was sure even these people he called fellow clan heads wouldn't agree to any Uchiha being named Hokage.

Fugaku really didn't want his faith to waver but those words alone didn't sit well with him. He could boast about being the most powerful shinobi within the village at the moment, but nobody considered him. It was like he didn't exist. If they couldn't even consider him, what of his son? Wouldn't they just be happy to let him continue serving in Anbu while being an obedient dog?

"She is one of the Sannin, but will she return to the village?"

"It will be your job to convince her. I will send Jiraiya to let her know that she has been made my successor."

"Hopefully, we don't spend time without a leader."

"It would be wise to get her back to the village now rather than going out to look for her at a time of emergency." Hiashi suggested. "We don't want anyone taking advantage of the power vacuum. And since there would be a named successor, we wouldn't be able to do anything to select another Hokage."

"I will send out Jiraiya once more." The Sandaime Hokage agreed with the suggestion. "There is nothing more. I hope you will all consider the roles you must fulfil and give it your all. In a few days, I will make the announcement to the village. You will become seen in a new light."

A few words were said before the Sandaime dismissed everyone. He then requested Fugaku to stay behind. The Uchiha did so.

But with some discomfort. He'd always trusted the Sandaime, and blamed everything on his Council. He may be Hokage, but he still had to listen to his Council. But this sudden announcement about Tsunade made him realize that while the Sandaime trusted him, there was a limit.

He didn't want to think that being placed as chair of the Emergency Council to select a new Hokage, meant he couldn't put his name forward. He didn't want to think this was intentional. And he would not ask why he was not being considered because, he would not like the answer.

The truth was however that Hiruzen would rather choose his student, someone who abandoned Konoha than him. Because, simply, he wasn't trusted with that power.

Wicked Eye Fugaku, for what?

"I wish to speak with you regarding Naruto."

"What about him?"

"I want him to become a shinobi of the village. It seems to be a waste to have someone like him walking around the night. Anbu can handle such duties. We must have more powerful shinobi to avoid being dragged into war. I believe if we can create a team of Naruto, Shisui, and Itachi, we can have another team of legendary shinobi who may even surpass the current generation."

"Both Shisui and Itachi are working in Anbu, is that not enough?"

"I plan to free Itachi to handle clan duties. It should bring him much closer to the villagers. And ease some tensions a bit." Hiruzen said. "But we simply cannot just lose his talents. Naruto must replace him."

"I see."

"But the village does not know his full capacity. We will have to give him a test. Should he pass it, he will be assigned a rank and will have an Anbu codename. He is of course, still be obligated to perform normal shinobi duties. Anbu assignments will only be given when his type of skills are required."

"I will talk to him."

"Once you have spoken to him, send him to me."

"It will be done."

As he departed, Fugaku was certain, some clan members would be sceptical about this change. They would be thinking Itachi was being brought closer to be a spy.

Given everything that has happened, it wouldn't be unreasonable.

Uchiha Compound

There have been many red flags, but in quest to remain rational among clan members who seem to have lost all rational sense, Fugaku had remained resolute. He'd trusted the Sandaime, even when decisions didn't go his way. The Third was an honest person. He wasn't a conniving bastard like Danzo or the clan elders. His heart wasn't filled with the same trust issues his former council held. And yet, decisions had still not gone their way. They did not demand special treatment, just a little bit of trust.

None came their way.

Fugaku feared, he would soon become cynical like everyone else. He was holding it in. But the Sandaime's decision left him paralyzed. He wanted to think what was good, but the glaring reality wouldn't let him. What was he to do? Who could be turn to? What could he even trust?

He hadn't held any expectations but the fact that his name didn't come up bothered him greatly. He was considered for Hokage before Minato was appointed. But now he wasn't being considered. Nobody owed him a reason, but Fugaku thought he deserved one. If one didn't come, it was that they just didn't trust him. He was no power hungry, he wouldn't plunge this village into darkness. The Sandaime Hokage knew him well. He'd trusted the old man and even had his youngest son named

"You called for me, Fugaku-sama."

Fugaku turned to face Naruto. The young boy stood in front of him as he sat behind his house. It was sad that he trusted this child over his own son when it came to matters of the clan. Naruto would become a fine clan leader. But he was not his son, that duty would fall to Itachi. It wasn't to say Itachi would ruin the clan. It was a question of loyalties. Competing interests would make it difficult for him to make certain decisions for the clan. Then again, if Itachi became Hokage, he could pass over the role of Clan Head to Sasuke.

"Don't you rest?" He was asking because he looked beat.

"I do. It is just that I have to do more. I'm heavily reliant on my Sharingan. To be honest, I've forgotten how to fight without it. To make up for this, I have to enhance my physical strength and grow chakra a bit more to accommodate the over usage." Naruto answered. "Compared to a beast like Gai, I'm not making enough effort."

"You have lost all my teachings." Fugaku said with disappointment.

For a moment, Naruto was still, processing Fugaku's disappointment in him. Honestly, that felt a little weird.

"Sit next to me."

Naruto did as instructed. It wasn't unfamiliar with being close to Fugaku. If anybody questioned him on whom he was closest to within the clan, Naruto wouldn't say Shisui, he would say Fugaku. From a young age, he'd always been in this backyard, only returning to his house while worn out. If he said the man was like a father to him, he wouldn't be lying to himself.

"There are some changes made in the village. For starters, Danzo and his friends are no longer part of the Village's Council... but they remain village elders…" At least, not part of the normal Council.

Naruto's reaction was as expected. He was on his feet, fist pumping with a wide grin on his face. After a couple of seconds, he seemed to gather himself and then settle down once more.

"I could go to Area 44 and burn a couple of trees," he admitted, unable to contain his happiness.

Why wouldn't he be happy? Without those cruel hyenas, there would now no more draconian decisions taken against the clan. If anything, the Sandaime Hokage had no spine to take harsh decisions. While he didn't think much would change, the removal of those would no wound spark wild celebrations within the clan. He was certain, fire works would be lit tonight upon the news. If they knew, he was certain, he'd have seen brooding bastards wearing wicked grins.

"We wont have them trying to oppress us anymore. It is good for the clan."

It took for a moment for Naruto to finally notice that Fugaku didn't seem thrilled by the news. "Are you worried about something? Are they replaced by more bad people?"

Fugaku shook his head and then smiled at a thought. If he ordered Naruto to kill the Sandaime and his Council, the child would do it with a smile and then drift into the wilderness as a Rogue shinobi. No doubt, Kumogakure would accept him with open arms at the thought of starting their own Uchiha clan.

"No." He shook his head. "The four noble clans along with the Nara have been elevated to a new village Council."

"We sit at the top of all clans."

"Yes. So naturally, we are in the Council and will chair it when the Hokage is unable to do so." Fugaku said.

"But you're still not happy."

"I'll admit this only to you. Though, you're likely only to feed into bad intentions."

Naruto smiled, cocking his head slightly. "Have a little faith in your student, Fugaku-sama. I have never advised you on anything. But you have always been there for me… even in the dark moments when I had no one else. I'll hold back wild urges and be reasonable."

"I wish you could do that often. We wouldn't have bad relationships with the Anbu."

"That is not entirely on me. I found the situation like that. Everyone is hostile to the Anbu."

"But you seem to take joy in the chaos."

Naruto smiled. "I do not." He then admitted with a straight face. "Maybe a little. But what can I do? They look down on us with their superior authority. We are supposed to be the ones to look down on everyone else."

How Naruto could say that with a straight was beyond Fugaku. It wasn't funny. "I did not teach you that level of arrogance."

"It isn't taught. Something gained."

"You're not even ashamed to give me that kind of response." Fugaku sighed deeply. "The Sandaime is talking about a successor. And my name is not included. In fact, he has chosen someone who abandoned the village over me. He has chosen Tsunade, his former student. They do it subconsciously. It seems, we just can't be trusted."

Naruto's frown deepened. "I have never liked that old man because of it. Everyone raves on about how great he is, but he is just like the rest of them."

"As a shinobi, few rivaled him in his prime."

"Past glories…" Naruto shrugged. "My more wild urges would be to offer to go and murder Tsunade…" he admitted flatly. "Are you starting to question the Sandaime as well?"

"Yes." Fugaku admitted. "I have ignored everything else because it was not him. But this is him."

"It was him who chose the Yondaime Hokage. He made a good choice, admittedly. Nothing has changed with him." Naruto said firmly. "At least you're in the village Council and will have a say in how the village is run."

"Yet I worry that this could be just a ploy to pacify us and keep us from gaining any real power."

"You're sounding like everyone, Fugaku-sama."

"The decision by the Third has just led me here. I am reevaluating things." Fugaku said. "The Third wants you to take Itachi's place in Anbu on occasions. As a result, you'll have to leave Military Police Force and join village ranks."

"Well, that sucks."

"You'll be tested soon to judge your strength. Itachi will be given time to focus on clan matters."

"Well, if it is like that… I'll happily make the sacrifice. Itachi has to do this to earn the trust of the clan members. If he becomes clan head with the situation like this, the clan will become unruly," Naruto paused for a second, shaking his head. "No; considering his personality, if the clan doesn't trust him, he would pass on the role to Sasuke. He does say you don't become Hokage to be recognized but it is those who are recognized who become Hokage. Sadly for us, we have not been recognized and by his words, having an Uchiha as Hokage will not get us recognized."

"It wouldn't even happen if we are not recognized." Fugaku said. "But yes, this will help things in the clan. However, we must be wary that he is not being sent with another mission. Even if he isn't being given a mission, if the Sandaime questions him, he would reveal things and side with the village than us."

"Well, he is married to the village, and is a very faithful person."

"I'll choose to trust him nonetheless. If I cant trust my own son, I'm afraid, I'll never be able to trust anyone."

"Must we live like that?" Naruto asked with emotion.

"Yes. Life is not simple. It is a matter of survival here, not just for you and me, but for future generations." Fugaku glanced at the boy for a moment. He seemed to be in deep thought. "How would you take it, if it was you? Would you have questioned the Sandaime when he made the announcement about his successor?"

"It is his prerogative, but I would have asked nicely; what more can one do? Can it be argued that Tsunade is a better shinobi than you? Nobody can make that argument. She has abandoned Konoha. Despite everything, you have protected Konoha and made sacrifices when called upon by the village. And yet, they would rather have someone who doesn't even want to be in the village as Hokage. It is insulting." Naruto didn't sound insulted, he was livid.

"Then my thoughts are only natural. Clan members cannot know about this."

"Of course." Instead of wild celebrations, it would be the purchase of weapons with two choices, kill the leaders or leave the Hidden Leaf. Either way, it would be a bloody ending. "But why do you continue to struggle with it, Fugaku-sama? It is a heavy burden for you to carry, especially when clan members demand action."

"I continue this way precisely because I am the clan head. I must think when everyone else refuses to think. Your future is what concerns me. I don't care about my present. If we can get to the future with everyone, then I have done a great job. We cannot make reckless decisions that will lead us to death and end up extinct like our once great rivals."

"The future, huh? At least we wont have to deal with Danzo anymore."

"Don't be certain about that. As long as that man is alive, he will continue to make things bad for us."

"Is the Sandaime not going to do a anything?"

Fugaku shook his head. "No. but being a Councilor, if he does anything, I will press the issue in the Council. If nothing gets resolved, then we can be sure the future is not bright for the clan." He placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder. "You have a new role. Do it with everything. Serve the village well. And don't be hostile. You'll do me proud and the clan."

Naruto beamed. "Understood."

"And I must order you to be closer to Itachi. I'll choose to trust him because he is my son. I want him to do what he thinks is best. But I must also look out for the clan. That is where you come in. You must be the rational one. If Itachi ever becomes a threat to the clan, you have a duty to do what must be done. I'll defend you in front of everyone, even if it costs me my life."

"As long as the clan can continue to live."

"But it is my hope that you're able to find some balance with Itachi, as you have with Shisui."

"That means I have to take some effort." Naruto closed his eyes. "If it is your desire, then I will do what I can. Besides, I think it will only be good for the clan if Itachi, Shisui and I are able to foster brotherhood. We could become the dynamic team that restores the Uchiha in its rightful place."

