
Salvation(Naruto Fanfic)

For Naruto, clan and family mattered more than anything. For Itachi, village interests outweighed clan interests. With such conflicting ideals, can the two work together to save the Uchiha clan from tragedy? Uchiha Naruto. Exclaimer: I do not own this story/fic! I just cross-posted in this platform so everyone here can enjoy it The author of the fic is: The Omnipresent Sage

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Chapter 11: Rock Bottom

"When your potential started to shine, I'd imagined the clan would finally get its first Uchiha Hokage…" Fugaku said in a voice that had no hint of emotion. "The whole clan was excited. Alas, things have a way of turning south. Nevertheless, you'll always be loved by Konoha. And I am proud of what you have achieved."

Itachi watched his father's back under the Naka shrine. This was the man who brought him to this world—taught him many fundamentals. If he hadn't taken him to the battlefield during the Third War, he may have been different. His father often lamented his regret, but Itachi did not. The battlefield had made him see the value of life.

He didn't think he was fundamentally wrong. The principle was correct, it was just the company. A true shinobi was one who protected the village no matter the cost—even his father agreed to this.

Yet, hearing his father talk like that blew a clouding smoke into his heart. His father has always shielded and protected him. He'd never criticized him for being on the side of Konoha and never truly giving an effort for the clan; It was the love of a father. It surpassed logic and defied reason.

"At the end of this, I am going to die."

It felt like a knockout punch to the gut. Itachi had not imagined that outcome, not even in the wildest dreams.

Itachi wanted to say something, but there was nothing more he could say. His father had been an exemplary shinobi. If he made the choice, he could only sit and listen, no matter how much of a burden it was.

This brought chaos into his heart. This man was choosing to die. It had nothing to do with saving the clan. Saving the clan was covering himself in the blood of fellow Uchiha. Perhaps that was a sin too great to carry. Or maybe, he felt, as clan leader, he had to die for the sin of the clan.

This was the result of his failure. And maybe, his father protecting him once more. The village would have ordered him to carry the deed. Was there anything his father was not willing to do to protect him?

"Naruto does not know and I don't intend to tell him."

"You're the only parent he has. If you die, he no longer has a parent." Itachi shook his head, his voice, somber. "In an event like that, he would abandon reason and choose to sacrifice himself."

"Indeed." Fugaku agreed. "Some part of him may have already figured it out, but he is in denial. He is torn between loyalties to me and the clan."

"He is much more of your son than I am." Itachi said in a sad tone. "I am willing to accept your death without an attempt to persuade you otherwise. To lose the one person who has always supported me even when the whole clan turned on me would be painful. You've been a father in all sense. I just wish Sasuke too had the opportunity to experience this love."

Fugaku went against the clan to protect him. As a child, there was nothing more he could have asked from his father. Nothing. Not a damn thing. He was the complete parent, and yet, if it had come to it, he would have turned his blade against him. Itachi was certain, his father wouldn't have fought him.

It left him bitter, and regretfully sad. Worse, he couldn't show that. He didn't want to break his father's resolve or even alert anyone else. For now, he had to swallow everything and even look at Sasuke as if he wasn't going to lose his beloved father.

"You're all my sons, the three of you and I have loved you. You have chosen different paths, but I am proud of both of you." Fugaku said in a firm tone. "Don't let guilt overcome you. Revolting is wrong. The village led us to it, but the interests of the village come first. As a clan head, I cannot say this openly. But the village system works in this way."

"I understand." Itachi faced down. He felt a heavy burden his shoulders; a swelling darkness within his heart. "But, if you're unwilling to carry this burden, I will."

"Itachi!" Fugaku's voice was harsh. "I am your father. I have lived my life. I leave a legacy behind. I'm doing this to spare both you and Naruto the burden of getting your hands bloodied by your cousins.

"But, even as I do this, the clan will not get a new life. I opposed Naruto going to the Council because I knew he would not hold his tongue. Nobody trusts him. When I am gone, nobody will protect him. His every action will be scrutinized. They might not allow him to gain any political power because they know where his loyalties lie. You're the only one who can grow in politics. He is your brother; you must watch out for him."

"You think he might do something?"

"What do you think Naruto was doing at night?" Fugaku asked. "Naruto knows every corner of this village. Been in Anbu, he probably knows how to kill the Hokage and get away with it. Naruto loves the clan above all things. He knows Konoha is wrong. And if they continue to wrong and suppress the Uchiha, there will be consequences. I do not think this will happen, but it is a possibility."

"What is likely is that they won't let him gain political power. I doubt they'll even allow him to take up Military Police." Itachi said. "But won't that cause a problem?"

"Unlikely. As long as they are justified. If the clan is treated with respect, Naruto will not complain. But your role is to be an intermediary between clan and village."

"I understand."

Fugaku had debated about telling Itachi about the other half of the Kyubi, but he decided against it. His son was likely to immediately tell the Sandaime, and there would be a collision with Naruto.

"One more thing," Fugaku said. "Naruto may be willing to work with the new Council, but he will never forgive nor forget this. The village was wrong in how they treated us, and we get to be the ones to suffer. It may not look like it, but he does not forgive easily, especially when it comes to the clan. He will hold a grudge over this."


Itachi was late. Too late to send his father off. His father's body lay comfortably on the wooden floor, small amounts of blood around him, hands folded on his chest peacefully. Naruto sat next to the stone table, a knee raised, a kunai stabbed on the floor beside him. His face was covered by a veil of darkness.

Itachi walked up to his father and knelt beside him. This was the cruel reality. It started with the clan plotting to rebel. He shook his head—it started with the clan being treated with suspicion and unfairly treated.

Fugaku Uchiha was no more. If he'd finished earlier, he may have seen him off. His father had served without question. Despite his power, he allowed himself to be given orders. He was a true shinobi. The village would never know the extent in which he was willing to keep them safe, but Itachi would always keep it in heart. For there was no better shinobi than his father.

Today, he had lost a father and a teacher. The Uchiha had lost its leader and Konoha had lost a fine shinobi.

"His eyes," Naruto took out the kunai and hurled it at Itachi.

Itachi did not need to question Naruto on what he meant. He knew what Naruto meant. But he hesitated.

"I'll do it later. We will keep what happened between us. As far as anyone else is concerned, father was injured in battle and succumbed to his injuries."

"I see." Naruto replied without emotion or even looking at Itachi.

"I'm sorry you had to go through this alone." He said in an earnest tone.

Naruto didn't respond to this. "And everything else?"

"We retrieved everyone. The Sandaime Hokage is out to sort out the Anbu. Nothing changes on the story to be told tomorrow. No one will know about the revolt."

Naruto nodded and did not move. He didn't feel like moving. He didn't even have the energy. He could sit here until morning. "Take him… I'll stay here for a little while."

"I'll be going back to sort out other things with the Sandaime Hokage. He wants to ensure there is nothing that surprises us in the morning."

"I see." Naruto said. "Sasuke?"

"We will lie. But my mother knows. Sasuke is still too young to understand anything. He'll hate you for taking away his father even though that is what he wanted." Itachi stared at Naruto. "You will be fine?" He asked with concern.

"The man there is your father."

"I was more than prepared to turn against the entire clan."

Naruto let out a cold laughter. "A heart more prepared… is that what you're saying?" He asked but did not wait for a response. "Yes," he let out a long breath. "But not now…" he said in a quiet tone. "And you?"

"He'd told me. I was prepared." Itachi replied. "It does not make it easy but even worse for you," he conceded in a sad tone. "He gave everything for this clan and village. He gave us everything. He always protected us. Even from within the clan. Even when I sometimes questioned myself, he was always there. It became obvious, even if I'd turned my sword against me, he wouldn't have stopped loving me."

It was more than what normal parents do. Some parents disowned their children. Any other person would have kicked him out of the Uchiha clan long ago. But his father kept him and protected him.

Simply, because he loved him.

"I really hope it was not for nothing, Itachi and the village will recognize how it went wrong. Uchiha blood will not be shed anymore. Fugaku-sama did this, so we may have a fresh start."

"It is my hope as well. But, nothing will change if we ourselves don't change."

Naruto sneered. "To demand the Uchiha to change is to imply there has been something wrong. As far as I am concerned, we have done nothing wrong. And I still expect my questions to be answered when I face the Sandaime."


A buzz of lightning burst through the air, leaving behind bits of static in the atmosphere. For the naked eye, it seemed like a lightning strike. The lightning went through multiple trees, leaving behind gaping holes in them, until it finally stopped. There was no explosion, just a complete halt once the lightning dispersed and the spear became visible, stuck to the trunk of a tree.

About a hundred metres away, Naruto was on his knees, panting slightly.

He needed more strength and finesse. This was the best he could do to increase speed. Burning more chakra consumed stamina. It was physically draining to hurl just one of those things at a speed in which he couldn't be humiliated again.

"That is quicker than last time," Pakura commented, leaning against a tree with her hands folded across her chest.

"Removed some unnecessary actions and increased the speed in which I release," Naruto said, and then looked embarrassed. "I had an episode using it in battle. I'm afraid if it happens again, I might even consider dropping it altogether."

Pakura shook her head. "Your pride in battle never ceases to amaze me. It is even funny how you can even look embarrassed just by that."

"I'm a warrior, there are bear minimum levels I set for myself."

"I thought you'd be at home."

"Considering the circumstances?" Naruto asked with a blank expression. "I need to exercise. Sitting at home changes nothing. I'm just going to be miserable over my inability to prevent such a calamity from happening."

"Some people don't think it is a calamity."

Naruto stared at Pakura with narrowed eyes. "Well, we've not been famous. It would be naive to expect empathy from everyone," he said. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to train, then I sensed you."

"I see," Naruto said.

"Want me to join you?" Pakura asked. "You look down. It would help with releasing some energy. You saved my life, I can take any hit you throw."

She'd already heard what happened. Everyone knew by now. It was the gossip doing rounds within the streets. Pakura was curious, as it seemed there was more to the story, but she wasn't going to stick her nose into anything. She was still very much an outsider in this village.

Naruto laughed. "Really?"

Pakura replied by lunging straight at Naruto. Her right foot swept through the ground as soon as she landed in front of him. She lifted it, aiming for his face. Naruto raised both hands and folded them across his face to block the kick. The attack slammed into his wrists, with so much force that it lifted him from the ground, sending him hurdling backwards.

He flipped several times before landing on the ground.

Pakura was right above him with a drop kick. Naruto's reaction was swift this time as he was able to leap backwards. Pakura's foot crashed into the ground, creating a bit of debris.

Naruto shot at Pakura like a bullet. He tried to deliver a roundhouse kick and Pakura replied in kind. The kicks collided in mid-air. The moment they collided, Naruto glanced at his belly to see Pakura's right palm moving toward his gut. He immediately tried to pull away, but she formed light flames, which exploded right in front of him. The explosive flames hit him across his upper body, entirely burning his shirt. He managed to get away with just a burning shirt and landed against the trunk of a tree.

While he was still pressed against the tree, a small orb flames came flying toward him. It exploded into a large cloud of flames as soon as it came into contact with 'him.' The flames completely reduced the tree into ashes in the blink of an eye.

Naruto blurred into existence where his gunbai was lying. He grabbed it and then turned around.

A hail of Kunai was airborne, toward him. He lifted his gunbai and swung it in a single flick. The slight movement caused a powerful gust of wind to pick up in front of him. The gust collided with the kunai, sending them backwards.

Two more orbs of fire were sent toward him, from the left and right side. Naruto just closed his eyes and waited. He did a Shunshin to avoid the orbs. The second he disappeared in burst of flames, the orbs collided with the tree, incinerating it within seconds in a huge column of flames.

Naruto appeared in a small clearing, shirtless, with his gunbai at hand. He sensed Pakura darting toward him from behind and then threw the gunbai into the air while twisting around to face her.

Pakura disappeared the second he faced her, flashing behind him. But Naruto was swift. He turned around with a roundhouse kick, hitting her on left shoulder.

He wasn't done; He grabbed her flailing right arm before she went airborne, yanking her toward him before punching her straight on her face. He then let her go and did a quick jump, twisting around in mid-air, but by the time he turned around, Pakura had managed to leap away.

Naruto wasn't bothered as he held out his right and grabbed his gunbai. The face of the gunbai picked up flames, before Naruto hurled it toward the airborne Pakura; a wide wave of crimson flames, increased in speed and power by Wind, poured toward his opponent. For this reason, it took less time to reach Pakura. The wave slammed into her but did not explode.

When Naruto landed graciously, Pakura burst out of the flames with slight burns.

"Wind and Fire, huh?" She said, looking at herself. She then glanced at Naruto, who looked as calm as ever. Though, a little imposing given the way he stood and the Sharingan staring right back at her. She was sensing a crippling blood lust from him. "You Uchiha are famous for Fire Based Ninjutsu, I thought, you'd be using that to offset my jutsu."

"You use Scorch release. That is not just normal flames. Throwing fire based jutsu would be pointless. At best, I should use Suiton jutsu. Even if it is scorch release, it should have qualities," Naruto replied with a slight shrug of his shoulders. "Still, were you trying to kill me? I would have died if those orbs hit me."

"I was confident you'd avoid—"

Pakura's eyes widened when Naruto suddenly appeared in front of her. His gunbai was burning with flames. In a swift strike, her hurled the fan toward her. The flames seemingly collided with Pakura, igniting into a huge column, forcing Naruto to jump back.

Within the column, Pakura was s little relieved because she'd not been prepared for Naruto to suddenly appear in front of her. What made her relived was that she was surrounded green chakra that formed a protective shield around her and her saviour.

She'd not expected Naruto to act like that. They were still talking, he could have waited a little.

"You shouldn't excite him like that." Shisui said with a small smile as the flames dispersed.

"Is this the famous Susanoo of the Uchiha clan?" Pakura asked instead of replying to Shisui.


"Impressive." Pakura said with honesty. "But most impressive is your ability to intervene like that. You really live up to your name," she applauded him. The speed Shisui showed to get in between her and Naruto's attack before it hit her was nothing short of miraculous. The flames hadn't had been solidified by wind, to increase their speed. And Naruto had been at point blank range.

Thinking about it left Pakura awed. He really was Shunshin no Shisui. Were all Uchiha this skilled? How did enemies even compare in battle?

Shisui managed a small smile. "Thank you. Your scorch release is as fearsome as they say," he said. and then faced Naruto before cancelling his Susanoo. "I imagined you'd be utilizing a higher Doujutsu." he said.

Naruto stared at Shisui with an icy look. "No," he said.

Shisui chuckled. "You don't have to look at me like for getting in the way," he said. "You trying to kill her? I could feel your blood lust miles away. Its frightening, since you're even trying to conceal it."

"She said she could take whatever I threw at her. That was even hardly an attack that could kill her. She was Suna's most famous Kunoichi." Naruto replied with a shrug.

"It wouldn't have killed me," Pakura confirmed. "It caught me by surprise, but not enough."

"Dont encourages him," Shisui said with a sigh.

"Why the interference?"

"Clan meeting."

"There isn't so much as many people to be calling a meeting."

"Civilians need to be talked to about what happened. Everyone is gathered in front of the Naka shrine. Mikoto-sama is there as well." Shisui said, his voice stern.

Naruto closed his eyes and then nodded. "Some other time," he said to Pakura and then created a clone.

"I understand," Pakura said. "Be well."

Shisui joined him in leaving the Forest of Death, toward the Uchiha compound.

"I thought you'd have gone to see the Sandaime Hokage, given everything. We are much weaker now. The village could easily impose on us and there would be hardly anything we could do about it."

"A possibility. And Itachi would help them if I tried anything," Naruto replied calmly. "I'm sorting out my thoughts. The future is with many possibilities. I want to choose the path carefully. If I were to speak to that old man without clearing my head, I'm afraid I wouldn't watch what I say."

"As if you watch what you say."

"The village is not planning anything?"

"No. The Council hasn't even sat. We will know once they have discussed things." Shisui replied. "We are safe."

"For now." Naruto frowned. "Knowledge of the rebellion will give me sleepless nights. I don't trust those people not to use that information against us some time. As long as they know, they'll hold it against our heads. We will always be reminded about it and they'll always act with caution. I cannot have that."

"I'm afraid of what you're going to ask me."

"It is a necessity for the sake of the clan. You have to use your power, for all our sakes. You don't have to do much. At the very least, make sure they keep the knowledge and never pass it on. It is possible clan heads will pass it on."

"You're asking me to manipulate the village Council."

"For the sake of everyone."

"My power as limits. If use it now, I may not be use it for a while."

"Just think about it." Naruto said calmly. "You decide. And you don't need to tell me. But I understand you might have reservations and think we don't have the right. Only the Sandaime can do so. I cannot compel you."

"Your reasoning is not flawed. But it is extreme."

Shisui couldn't do that. It was perfectly rational, but they were not in the position to do this much. They were not the rulers of Konoha. And doing this ones means they open the door for abusing the power when something they don't like occurs.

"There are no extreme lengths to protect ones clan. The extreme was almost wiping us out," Naruto replied. "We'd be like the Senju now."

"For someone who has relations to the Senju, you speak ill of them."

"I have no relations with that clan. They are nothing more than our rivals. I can't say eternal, since they are dead." Naruto replied sharply. "We could have gone this route to ensure the rebellion never occurred. But things are this way. We must now be united to forge a way forward."

"Yes," Shisui nodded in agreement. He put a hand over Naruto's shoulder. "If the three of us cannot be on one page, the Uchiha will cease to exist."

"You are my brother. So is Itachi. Of course, he will always be Konoha's boy, but we can still work."

Shisui smiled. "I'm glad for that," he said. "But I'm still worried for you. The pain of loss is far greater than anything."

"I'll be fine."

"You've never been truly fine, Fugaku-sama's loss just exacerbates the misery." Shisui said with concern, a glance toward his fellow Uchiha.

"You worry too much. It is not good for your health."

"You're like a younger brother. I'm always going to worry about you."

Naruto shook his head. If something did happen to Shisui, it would be a disaster, for his sanity. Shisui was always around to lift him and offer emotional support. There was no other emotional support he received from anyone else. Without it, he was sure to turn off the lights in his house, and immense in all dark ploys his mind could creatively device.

The thought made him chuckle darkly.

"You don't know how much I appreciate your efforts."

"How would I know if you don't show it?"

Uchiha Compound

Mikoto stood still on the stairs leading to the Naka shrine. Sasuke was being gently held by Itachi, who stood beside her. The rest of the clan was below. It was just sadness. Grieving and a heart shattering mood that fed the dark cloud lurking in the above.

The children had lost their fathers and mothers had lost their children. Everyone had lost something. Sasuke and Itachi too had lost their father. Sasuke has wept uncontrollably. His eyes remained red, but so did hers. She'd not slept at all. Itachi had been beside her most of the time. Despite everything, he was a kind child and as a mother, Mikoto felt for him.

The clan had lost almost everything. The biggest disaster would be allowing the pieces that remain to disintegrate into bits of uncontrolled rage.

It took a few minutes, but Shisui did finally return with Naruto. The latter settled down on the stairs in front of her and the former stood with everyone else.

Mikoto braved herself and gathered everyone's attention. "We wanted everyone to be here so we can explain things," she said in a smooth tone, full of emotion. "We have lost the people we loved. You have lost husbands, children and fathers. My children have lost their father. The clan has lost its head. We have all lost something, and that is true. No one can take that from us. Nobody can take away the pain we feel. The anger we feel toward their deaths. This pain is real." She poured so much emotion into her voice that some members started crying.

The soft, pained voices became a gut wrenching melody within the shrine. If only the heavens would darken and wee0 with them. For a great disaster has befallen the Uchiha clan.

Mikoto stopped talking and allowed them to cry. She would not cry. But Sasuke did join the others.

"A few days ago," Itachi took over from his mother. He did not display the same emotions as her. His voice was clear as a whistle and his expression gave nothing away. "Inabi-san discovered that there was an imposter within Military Police force. Upon investigation, they found out that Kagen had been murdered and replaced by someone. This was all done under the orders of Danzo. He was not just a village Councilor, but also headed an Anbu division who reported only to him. During the investigation of his conduct, it was revealed that he'd committed acts of treason and had tried to even kill the Sandaime Hokage for his power.

"Our clan as Military Police was entrusted with solving this problem. Last night, during the battle, members of Military Police engaged with Danzo who took it upon himself to try to eliminate us. He'd always been against us and took it as an opportunity to do so." Itachi closed his eyes, and allowed a bit of emotion on his face. "My father headed the team, but he too succumbed to his injuries. Everyone died in their service and to avenge one of our own."

"But at what cost?"

"Why couldn't the village send Anbu?"

"Did everyone have to die?"

"We shouldn't have thought of avenging anyone. We have now lost everything! The Uchiha has lost. We did not lose anything during the Kyubi rampage but now we have lost everything!"

Naruto thought a few of those who had lamented that the Uchiha was unscathed during the Kyubi rampage, would now revel in their loss. People were sinister like that. He wouldn't even find it surprising to find some mocking them for their losses.

But, to hear members of his clan crying like this was heart shattering. The anger and contempt he felt retreated to the back of his head, ready to be awaken like a beast in the near future. For now, he grieved like everyone.

"My father had served the clan with love. He raised us to serve the clan and the village as he did." Itachi continued speaking.

Naruto's sharp eye turned toward Itachi with a sneer. But he was quick to swallow it. He turned to everyone and then spoke.

"Your children have become orphans. Shisui and I have grown up like that. We go home alone. Sleep alone and have to wake up alone. There are children who've lost everyone. I had Fugaku-sama. Mikoto-sama ensured I was clothed.

"I grew up to view everyone as my brothers and sisters. We are all Uchiha. We are all related by blood. We come from the same seed. We are one. We cannot allow the children to feel loneliness when we are there. My plea, let us support each other in this time of need. We cannot have our children in an orphanage. We are Uchiha. I don't mind, taking a child who has lost all parents to live with me. I will love him as my brother or sister. To parents, love your children. Care for them. It is the only thing that will make them cope. To have parents is a blessing. Be that to your children, and they'll grow well. We will train them to become strong than such a tragedy never occurs again."

Mikoto nodded her head in agreement with Naruto. His words were nothing planned. She hadn't thought he would even say anything. But she was glad he did.

"A mother's love is important for nurturing children. If a child remains behind, bring him to me, I will take care of him," she then moved closer to Naruto and placed her hands on his head. "Naruto loves everyone. We all know this. But he too is still a child and I cannot allow him to raise another child. He is a shinobi. We can do that. This is a time we must be united. There will be those who will mock us, but let us stay together, and we will emerge from this."

A memorial would be held later in the evening. And everyone would be laid to rest. After this, they would celebrate everyone's lives and their achievements.

The shinobi moved into the shrine in their little place. It was a sad view. There were only nine Uchiha left behind who could fight.

The mighty has truly fallen. But they would rise from the ashes. They would fill this room once more. The children would grow stronger. And the name of the Uchiha will be feared once more. Naruto didn't care if he had to do it himself, but he would lift the Uchiha crest high above even that of the village's symbol. For before Konoha, there was the Uchiha.

"Umm… Naruto?"

Naruto glanced at Naori.

"You're kind of making some of us uncomfortable."

Naruto blinked and looked around; the others seemed tense, and afraid. He realized his killing intent was leaking uncontrollably. He quickly reigned on it and kept an expressionless mask.

"You're not going to go on a killing spree, are you?" Naori asked him in a light hearted tone.

"I might."

"Don't joke like that," Shisui said sternly.

"I know how everyone feels about me." Itachi said before anything else could be discussed. "Some of you may even blame me for what has happened. In considering this, I will not become clan head."

"Who will become clan head then?"

"It is obvious," Shisui said with a small smile. "Naruto was also Fugaku-sama son. He will lead us from now on. You will agree that even the others will have agreed to this."

"Why not you?"

Naruto spoke before Shisui could respond. "Military Police will still be active. Shisui will be heading to Military Police and Itachi will continue to be the light that connects us to the rest of the village.

"This I must make clear; we are weak. This happened because of this much. We must become stronger. The Uchiha cannot be looked down and while I love all of you, I will not tolerate purposeful mediocrity that brings shame to all of us. And we all have a duty to look after the children who lost their parents. There are questions you have. But let us not go deep into them, lest we go to the same path as others. For now, we only have each other, not Konoha. We can only get out of this if we stand together. If we bicker of needless things, we will fall. There cannot be bickering about who must become clan head. Over conspiracy theories over what happened and if the village planned this because we were planning to rebel.

"I'm not saying you mustn't ask questions. But let us be respectful and not resort to dark twists. Let us be frank with one another, as I am. And know this much, you are just as important to the Uchiha clan as Itachi is. Nobody is Lord. We are all Uchiha. And if you see your fellow Uchiha being bullied, protect them, defend them. But must not fight everyone. We will not enjoy the fruits our forefathers labored to plant when they founded this village.

"It will be difficult. We can't just forget. But we can accept. We all shinobi. Death happens. We must accept this. This is our pain and loss. We must accept it and move forward. For it us who must carry the name of the Uchiha forward…" he paused, allowing his thoughts to settle. "If you think, this is not the right way, feel free to say your thoughts."

Naori clapped her hands. "This is nice," she said. "You're honestly asking and not trying to intimidate everyone into submission and death like last time."

"Fear is for enemies. Love is for my friends and family."

"Our clan has lost a great deal," Shisui said. "Naruto is right. We are all family. We are alive and can carry the Uchiha name forward. But we must not forget the most important things. Konoha is our home. If we go around fighting everyone who mocks us, we will not become comfortable in this village."

"We must endure." Itachi said.

"Easy for you to say. I wouldn't even be surprised if I see girls lining up to wipe off your tears," Someone commented dryly.

"Itachi is loved by everyone," Izumi said, not so pleased about it. She knew girls threw themselves at him, even though he had no interest.

"Well, we can only hide on his shadow."

"Certainly not you." Naori said with a roll of her eyes. "You're Shisui. There is no one who doesn't love you."

"I really didn't do anything." Shisui said, a bit sheepishly.

"Being skilled is not nothing," Naruto commented. "It's a pity… I have no such name."

"I don't pity you."

"You don't make things easy for anyone."

Naruto raised an eye brow. "Have you ever seen me in Military Police? I am the epitome of civility."

"As much as that is hard to believe, it is true," Hikaku said. "He did once rescue me and handled things well. I thought it may have been a Genjutsu…"

"When carrying our duties, we must just know what is important. And it is always important to realize that whatever you do out there, reflects on the clan. If you shout and start attacking people out there, they will think we are barbarians. People must be handled well. Their opinions are swayed by acts and words."

Naori whistled. "Our clan head is talking about manipulating people's perception as if it was some minor thing."

"I never said that."

"You're suggesting it." Itachi said and Shisui agreed with him.

Naruto shrugged. "The Hyuga are brothers and yet, the younger brother is enslaved by the older brother. They act like the most dignified clan, but they are cannibals. We too have our history. But there are a few of us, let us trust, and love each other," he pointed at Itachi. "Even this guy. He does love the clan. This much is true."

"That is going to be hard."

"Itachi is a kind person. You just never see it because you never get close to him. He is the kindest person I know. You should see how he dotes on his brother!" Izumi on the defensive for Itachi.

Shisui placed a hand on her shoulder. He smiled at her. "I agree with her. Get to know him and you'll know Itachi. There are not may of us. It is easier for us to know each other."

"Training sessions?"

"Why not? There is no better way to know another person than crossing swords with him."

"I did not handle things well before," Itachi conceded in a quiet tone. "But, I will make time. There are few of us. We have a duty to protect Konoha. And we can only do so together."

"There are just a few of us. You're going to be dragged back to Anbu."

"There will be changes to Military Police, but it is still ours and remains our duty. When new people come, we must teach them the right ways."

Naruto nodded. "I suppose we will hear from Konoha on that." He said. "And while it hurts me to make this admission, we cannot afford to lose any more members of the clan. When we leave the village, the risk of death arises. The thought of extinction frightens me." He admitted in a bitter tone. "You will all exclusively work for Military Police Force. You'll not leave the village unless part of a team strong enough to ensure your safety. There are a few of us, so, it won't cause much of an issue."

"We won't be secluded even. After all, everyone will be spread around in teams within Military Police. So, you'll interact with other shinobi and the village in your duties." Shisui said.

"The three of us will handle missions. Although clan head, I will act like any other shinobi." Naruto said.

"What of me? I like a little bit of freedom."

"You're needed to hold fort when Shisui is not around. Head of Military Police, but his power is valuable to Konoha. He'll be sent to missions. We can't have anyone else running Military Police. A curse by the Nidaime, but it is our curse."

"Without military Police, we are nothing. At the moment, we don't even have Military power. Not even political power. We're just a small clan."

The happy mood was drowned out by those simple words.

Even Naruto deflated. "That is indeed true."

After that, everyone left, leaving just Naruto, Itachi and Shisui.

"You handled that well."

Naruto stared at Shisui with an expressionless mask. "They are lost children and must be treated with care. There are bigger problems we must face. We are small, powerless and although Military Police will still be headed by us, we've lost power over it."

"We haven't heard of the new changes, yet."

"I don't need to know the changes. Its just the way things are going to happen. And I'm certain the village will very well try to interfere in clan matters. They are not going to be pleased with me being clan head. I don't like them and they don't like me."

"My father held the same concerns." Itachi revealed. "What are you going to do about it?"

"What do you think?"

"He told me to be the bridge between you and the village. Don't make things intentionally bad."

Naruto rolled his eyes. "I'm not rolling over for anyone, nor will interference be permitted. When the Sandaime tells you of his funny ideas to force me to step down and let you be clan head, let him know Uchiha Naruto says he'll have to kill me."

"You're just going to make things worse like that."

Naruto shrugged. "Clan matters are clan matters." He stared at Shisui. "Do you want me to beg them? They ordered members of our clan to be killed, there will be no begging. We can negotiate, but I won't disgrace the Uchiha by crawling and allowing our clan to be treated like ants."

Shisui sighed. "Well, this is not unexpected," he said of Naruto's attitude. "We will try to make things clear. I also agree the village has no right to tell us who should be clan head. We have already paid for attempting to rebel, anymore actions will prove the village does not intend to change its attitude towards us."

"This is where our beloved brother, Itachi, comes in."

"Why do I get the feeling you're not even going to make an effort to appease the Council?" Itachi asked.

"You're right."

Hokage Office

Jiraiya stared at his sensei with an expressionless mask. He'd been here yesterday and his sensei hadn't said a damn word. But when he woke up today, he'd be woken by hell.

"Are you going to explain?" The Sannin demanded.

"Don't you think if I felt it was necessary, I would have spoken to you about it?" Hiruzen replied in a calm voice.

The village streets had been chaotic. There had been people gathered in groups, discussing what had transpired. A large crowd had gathered around the Hokage tower, awaiting answers from the Sandaime Hokage.

Many members of the Uchiha clan may not have held favorable appeal with the villagers, but Fugaku was a respected man. But as Hiruzen had gathered from the chatters, there was an express concern toward Itachi's wellbeing rather than of the Uchiha in general.

"Members of the Uchiha were killed along with Fugaku-san! The crime scene has been cleaned up already! I'm not stupid enough to think this wasn't some covert operations that went according to plan." He stared. "There is no way Danzo could have killed Fugaku."

"As expected but one would think this way since no one is panicking from either side," Hiruzen said, drawing out his pipe. He lit it and inhaled some smoke. He closed his eyes as he blew a cloud above him. It always felt soothing. Yet, a bad habit he'd passed onto his son.

He did wonder how Asuma was doing at the Fire Capital. He hoped, his son would eventually return home to support his father.

"What is really happening sensei?"

"A covert operation as you say. But, Jiraiya, this is a matter you shouldn't worry about. Just know all went according to plan…" he stared at his student. "I have made many mistakes in the past. This was an unintended consequence of such blunders."

"You know I'll eventually find out."

Hiruzen smiled sadly. "Perhaps," he said. "You still have no interest in becoming Hokage?"

"Not when you're hiding something like this from me." Jiraiya said with disgust. "I know there was conflict with the Uchiha. I don't want to think that there was a plot to get rid of the Uchiha. But it seems like the only option. Danzo has never been anyone's favorite person. But something had to have happened."

"All for the sake of the Leaf… and covering up my blunders," Hiruzen conceded in a bitter tone. "Internally, the village will be fine. But we're not sure how the others will react."

Jiraiya folded his hands across his chest. Villages did a lot of unholy things. The darkness was galore. It would disgust the purest of civilians, if they could even believe their village was capable of such malevolence. Who would even believe the kind hearted Sandaime Hokage was just as capable? Shinobi wouldn't blink. But the civilians would laugh it off.

It was the nature of the shinobi world. But it didn't make it right or even uncomfortable. This whole situation bothered Jiraiya greatly.

But like most things, he had to swallow it whole.

"The Cloud will be of most interest," Jiraiya replied in a worried tone.

Hiruzen agreed. "Young Naruto recently did a mission that collided with the Cloud's interests. They have demanded some things from us. And Naruto came against one of their Jinchuriki. He left a big impression on her."

"Her?" Jiraiya narrowed his eyes. "That would be the Two Tails Jinchuriki… is he really that skilled to do that?"

"We have vastly underestimated him. He may even be better than Itachi purely in terms of prowess…" the Third conceded. "At any rate, Kumo still perhaps feels undone because although we bowed to their previous demands, we have also fooled them.

"Once news of the Uchiha's demise reaches them, Konoha could be in grave danger. We unfortunately have a lot of enemies. Sunagakure has turned on us because of the Pakura situation. Iwagakure still holds grudges over how things ended in the Third War. I'd even thought given how Onoki is, after Minato's death, he would have declared war.

"If the three team up, an unholy alliance is formed that could potentially destroy us. We have to make sure such doesn't happen, while also projecting strength…"

"That is far from your natural self."

Hiruzen smiled sadly. "While I desire peace, I cannot be naïve about the dangers that Konoha faces. If we do nothing, this village may well cease to exist. I cannot have that. I have made many mistakes, one of them cannot be one that leads Konoha to being invaded."

"I very much doubt Sunagakure and Iwagakure will form an alliance. But then again, a common enemy does make friends," Jiraiya finally settled down and let out a cold breath. "Was this necessary?"

"Yes; if not, a civil war would have occurred."

Jiraiya stared at his sensei with disbelief. Something so big could have happened and his sensei never bothered to tell him? A civil war could have destroyed the Leaf!

"That is serious."

"Indeed. That is why the village Council made a decision. Danzo was on my part. He was brewing too much trouble." Hiruzen said with a shake of his head. "Konoha is safe, for now… but the enemies are at large. The plans I have will also only infuriate the Cloud. What I don't want is an alliance between the Cloud and Stone. Two of them combined and Konoha will cease to exist."

"I will send my people to keep an eye on things. What you intend to do that will displease the Cloud?"

"Stop them from plundering Kiri's bloodlines."

"If they do that, they become an even bigger threat. Didn't they also try to capture Kushina?"

"Yes." Hiruzen said. "There is also something I want you to do. It is very important for Konoha and I feel there is no one I can trust with this role. As you know, Konoha has a Jinchuriki. He is still a child, but recently, he has been with Danzo. I want you to take him and teach him how to control his powers. The village doesn't know him yet. I'm afraid, if they find him, they'll direct their hatred toward him. He needs to be mentally prepared because he will eventually become a shinobi and everyone will know."

Jiraiya shook his head. "All my students have died, sensei. I am not cursing another person to their deaths."

"Jiraiya, this is me. And I am saying a Jinchuriki will be necessary for Konoha's survival."

It took a second for Jiraiya to grasp the severity of those words. His sensei had been steadfast against teaching the Jinchuriki how to control the powers. He'd not wanted for the boy to become a shinobi in the first place. Konoha had never needed a Bijuu because it was that powerful but powers were declining in an alarming rate that even the peace loving Hiruzen felt it necessary to abandon some of his ideals for the sake of the Leaf's survival.

"I'll think about it," Jiraiya said with gritted teeth.

Council Meeting

Everyone seemed optimistic about the future,. Fugaku had carried his task without any troubles. Danzo was gone and nothing about the Uchiha's rebellion had been leaked to the public. As far as everyone was concerned, Danzo was the evil man who sought to usurp the power of the Hokage and Fugaku had put an end to it.

Konoha wasn't out of the woods yet. Shikaku was sleepless. It was laborious. Too much stress on his mind. Even his wife had gawked at the effort he placed in thinking things over. He should have been sailing the winds, but he was rowing hard in a boat being pummeled by dangerous waves.

"I would have preferred if no one outside the room knew about what happened, but it can't be helped," The Sandaime Hokage said in a quiet tone. "We are here. We must not make the same mistakes I made. If there was anyone to replace me now, I would have retired, again."

"Does Jiraiya-sama still not want the mantle?".

Hiruzen shook his head. "No," he said. "He refuses. And I have sent him to monitor the Cloud and Iwagakure."

"It would have been preferable if we could speak to him to try to convince him," Shibi replied. "But the danger that could come from those two could threaten us if it catches us asleep."

"Indeed," Hiashi said. "What are we going to do? I'm not too keen on having diplomatic relations with the Cloud after what they did. I don't think we can even get away with anything from Iwa. But something has to be done."

"If it possible to form some connection with Kumo, we can't ignore it due to personal feelings," Chouza said, staring straight at Hiashi. "Alas, I don't think that is possible, given the circumstances."

"I wouldn't try to sabotage things. I don't hold grudges like that." Hiashi responded in a flat tone.

"There is nothing much the village can go. For now, we can watch," Hiruzen said. "We can however stop Kumo from getting Kiri's bloodlines. From Danzo's report, Kiri is falling down the edge of a cliff and will soon crash if nothing is done. There is a brewing war between bloodline wielders and the rest. This is been because of what the Kaguya clan did. But the current Mizukage is a tyrant. The Mist is now called the bloody Mist.

"We don't have an alley. And while this goes against my very nature, I believe we have to bring in the Mist as an alley. We can only do so by stopping Kumo from plundering it and doing all we can bring stability."

"We can't send an army. And so, we have drawn Shisui, Naruto and Itachi to handle this dangerous mission. There is no other team much more powerful than them." Shikaku added.

"That is sound," Shibi said. "But can it be done quietly?"

"We will be sending the three of them discreetly for this purpose. We don't want to alert the others."

"What are the specifics? What do you mean by stability?"

"I will discuss those details with those three," Hiruzen said. He closed his eyes, fighting his naivety from taking hold of his thoughts. "They will do anything to ensure Kiri is stable."

"Does that include putting in a new Mizukage?" Chouza asked.

"If there is no other room… then yes." Hiruzen replied before he changed the subject. "You should all be aware, Naruto has taken the reigns of Uchiha clan head."

Hiruzen was certain this would draw negative reactions. But even he had held some negative thoughts about it. Really, everything had happened for quicker than he could exert some influence. He'd wanted to sit with Itachi and tell him how he was not to relinquish control over the Uchiha, no matter what. But a report came that a meeting was held and Naruto became clan head.

It was just going to be a disaster. Hiruzen liked Naruto but the Uchiha was fine as a normal Uchiha. Giving him authority over the clan meant he could very well become the biggest headache in the near future.

"Naruto has no loyalties to Konoha!" Hiashi exclaimed. "Someone like that will just plot another rebellion or try to get the Uchiha to another village if he feels like it!"

"That is a possibility with him being clan head," Hiruzen conceded.

"Then we can't possibly allow this to continue."

"It is a clan matter." Shikaku pointed. "We did not even answer Naruto he asked us a certain question. If we remove him from his position, and install Itachi, do you think he will sit still?"

"He should have been killed as well."

"Out of the question." Hiruzen said. "Nobody interferes in clan matters. If we're going to interfere in the Uchiha clan matters, we may as well interfere with the Hyuga or any of your clans. Perhaps I should outlaw the Hyuga practice."

Hyuga glared at the desk, but said nothing.

"We will not interfere with the clan matter. But what I can control is who sits on this Council," Hiruzen said calmly. "Once Itachi has become of age, or has reached a certain stage, he will take the Uchiha seat in the Council. Regardless, they still remain a noble clan. And Itachi is a loyal shinobi."

"This is acceptable."

But that was still going to make things curious. Shikaku really wanted to sit with Naruto and get a little brain teaser. "We should nonetheless call him and tell them about this." He suggested.

"I'll speak with Itachi about it first. Then we can explain the decision to him." Hiruzen said. "The village does need to have a successor ready in case something happens to me."

"What of Kakashi?"

"Still young…" Hiashi said. "Are we still not going anywhere with Tsunade?"

"No; she still refuses."

"She has done so much for Konoha, but we can't turn a blind eye to everything." Hiashi said in a cold tone. "Konoha is approaching a dangerous time. If she were to return, even if she doesn't become Hokage, it would do so much for our military power. At this point, we have to ask if she is any loyal to Konoha. If she is not, I would find it offensive, as the Uchiha did, that we want someone like that to become the next Hokage."

There was an uncomfortable silence in the room. Tsunade was still the Sandaime's student. The others didn't want to speak ill of her.

"At any rate, you're still able to continue. The Sandaime Tsuchikage still reigns supreme. We just have to be on the lookout for potential candidates," Shikaku broke the silence. But really, other generations didn't have much in terms of Hokage worthy shinobi.

At this rate, if Pakura had been born in this village, they would have been recommending her. There was only Kakashi who stood out of the rest. In a few years, it would only be Sharingan wielders fighting for the Hokage position.

Hiruzen sighed. It seemed he was going to become Hokage till his death. "Military Police has to be changed. Itachi has informed me that aside from the obvious, there are only six more shinobi available within the Uchiha clan. Military Police does an important role. We cannot afford to take Shinobi from active duty to position them in Military Police. I have decided that some members of the Hyuga clan will be drafted to Military Police. I expect the other clans to make provisions as well.

"Shisui will head Military Police. For now, I will have supervision over it. But without the Uchiha, we need to have a stream of shinobi who will be ready to step into Military Police. A different kind of education is required for Military Police. You're not only dealing with shinobi but civilians as well. You also need to be able to know laws of the village to enforce them.

"In light of this; I have decided that a Military Police academy will be made. It will only have a single class. Those capable will be drafted to Military Police and the village can take some exceptional shinobi into village force."

"This means not a single clan will be responsible for Military Police and it gives options to our shinobi."

"No so much option," Shibi said in a thoughtful tone. "Hokage-sama said it will only be a single class. Placement will be limited."

And with that, came politics. There would be some powerful people who want their children to become part of the academy. It was possible to find children from clans within the academy. Within Military Police came with Security. There was no threat of death once living the village. These were concerns of every parent, when facing the world they were living within.

"Who will be in charge?"

"The Uchiha, of course. I will speak with Shisui about it," Hiruzen said. "It is still an idea and it will require a little more funding."

"We're already giving them responsibility of Military Police, should we give them more?"

"Military Police was already theirs. And they know Police conduct more than anyone." Hiruzen said in a dismissive tone.

Hokage Office

When Baki entered the office, he held some sense of hope on how things could flow. The moment he'd entered the village, news about the demise of Fugaku had reached him. Everyone was talking about it. There wasn't so much sadness over the Uchiha but one particular Uchiha.

At any rate, Baki had suppressed all urges to smirk at the situation. If was a blessing upon Sunagakure and all of Konoha's enemies. Hell even Suna could work with Iwa to destroy the Leaf.

The old wizard still looked as powerful as before. Aged, but there was still the same presence. Nothing had diminished. It was just like with the Sandaime Tsuchikage.


"Baki-san." Hiruzen greeted. He'd considered not letting the man into the village considering the circumstances. The second he leaves, everyone would know. But that was fine. Konoha needed to see how the others would react to the news—when they think the village wasn't prepared to deal with any invasion.

"I will not stay long. And I'm sure you have a lot on your plate."

Hiruzen smiled. "Not at all," he said. "I have time. But I'm sure you have some rush to get back home," he said. "Rasa-san said you wanted to talk about Pakura."

"He sent me to tell you that Suna demands that Pakura be sent back to Sunagakure. If not, Suna will cut off all ties with Konoha and we will become enemies."

Hiruzen shook his head with disappointment. "Why are you all so quick to act in such a manner?" He asked with sadness. "Have you no regard to the lives that will be destroyed in a war?"

"We don't have to go to war if Pakura is returned. She is Iwa's Kunoichi."

"Was but you tried to have her killed and she came to us. We will not betray her. If Suna wants to wage war against Konoha over this, you can tell Rasa-san that I hope he reconsiders it."

"Is Konoha even in a position?"

It was his naivety that brought this situation. Danzo had been right about him. He permitted Kumo to get away with murder and now, even the likes of Suna dared question the Leaf. Had Konoha become so weak?

"We must have really become weak for even Sunagakure to ask if we're in a position to refuse its demands," Jiraiya said, appearing from the window.

"I thought you'd left."

"I wanted to see what Suna had in store."

Baki was silent, staring at the legendary shinobi. Even with all his strength, Baki would never dare try to challenge Jiraiya. That was a man far beyond the powers of a mere Jonin. That was only a mountain only Rasa could attempt to climb. And to think Konoha once had three of them.

"Jiraiya-sama," Baki acknowledged the Sannin.

"The Shodai Hokage gave all other nations Bijuu to balance powers. He didn't keep any because Konoha never needed any. We've survived three wars without any Jinchuriki on our side." Jiraiya shook his head. "Suna brazenly tried to kill Pakura. For whatever reason, you know. It takes Pakura coming out to say that Suna tried to kill her for some reason. It doesn't have to be a true reason. She may well as say it was because Rasa-san felt threatened. Suna wants to avoid that embarrassment and the civil strive that may befall you."

Baki stared. "We didn't try to kill her."

"You'll explain that to Suna's shinobi and its civilians. The Wind Lord already sends his missions to us. It will only take a matter of time for Suna to start falling without its Feudal Lord." The Toad Sage stared. "So, I'll ask you the same question; Is Suna in the position?"

"So, you won't bring her back."

"No," Jiraiya replied. "She has become our shinobi and attacking her is attacking the Leaf. We will not be merciful. We are kind, but we will not allow anyone to threaten the Leaf."

It took him a moment to digest the words but Baki left the office and Hiruzen sent Anbu to escort him away. He didn't want the man slipping away to try to find Pakura.

"You handled that far better."

"I wonder if peace is possible, sensei," Jiraiya said in a quiet tone. "We try by all means to avoid war. We are actively trying to put out flames, but show them kindness, and they think you're weak. What must we do? Must we show them our weapons? That only creates fear, and soon enough, they will act on it, as they did with the Uzumaki. What then is the right way to live in the shinobi world?"

"I wonder about that, Jiraiya. I have developed policies to ensure the children grow up with peace. However, it seems, another war is heading our way and my efforts to shield them from the harsh realities of our world will only lead them to their deaths." If indeed, they go war. "We cannot afford to show weakness anymore. The Leaf will be destroyed."

Around Evening

The streets were camped with darkness. Shades of the sun were still visible, even though it had disappeared into the other side of the world. The darkness was the result of a dark cloud that hanged over the village. The Leaf had lost a great man in Fugaku. The Sandaime had stood above the Hokage tower and addressed Konoha's people. Danzo's name had been dragged through the mud. But Naruto had felt it wasn't enough. He just wasn't given an opportunity to add his cents.

There were tears for Itachi. The rising star of the Leaf had lost his father. Oh, he must be crushed. He was even now called 'Itachi-sama.' It was the expectation that he would become clan head. But Naruto would have fought even Jiraiya if he had to stop Itachi from becoming the clan head.

He'd been bombarded with questions about Itachi. One or two people offered their condolences.

By the time Naruto returned to the clan grounds, he'd made up his mind about the village; in a day or two, even tomorrow, life would return to normal. They would enjoy their lives in ignorant bliss and the Uchiha would continue to toil.

The deaths earned them some sympathy. The main problem was now the village Council and Naruto had to navigate through those muddy waters.

The streets within the clan grounds were being prepared for late night fires and drinking. The elderly would be drowning in their sadness and the children would be playing with the fire.

Naruto didn't wander about for long. He walked over to the Uchiha burial grounds. And sat in front of Fugaku's memorial stone. It had been erected around noon. Fugaku had yet to be buried, but he would be laid to rest here tonight, along with everyone else.

The tail that had been following him sat behind him. She rested her back on his, lifted her knees and buried her face in between.

"I'm scared." Naori whispered.

How could she not be scared? Fugaku was gone. The hardened people like Inabi were gone. Shisui was too kind. And Itachi was the village's beloved son. Naruto was alone in this fight. The Uchiha no longer held any political power.

Naruto pressed against her. And stared into the sky. "There is every reason to be scared," he conceded. "Situations like this play to our paranoia. I'm not the one for comfort, but I'm pressed to believe that we will live."

"Happy or miserable? Without political power, we're going to be used until there is nothing."

"That is why none of you will be leaving the village. You'll be safe. I'll be carrying the heavy load," Naruto said in a firm tone. "I owe it to everyone. They may have thought to rebel, but they loved the clan. We cannot meet them in the afterlife with shame."

"What can we do with our numbers? What can we achieve? The Council will still be suspicious of us. We know the truth about events. They know you. The whole Uchiha clan will always be under suspicion!" Naori exclaimed with frustration, and a bit of hopelessness in her voice.

"You sounded confident earlier."

"I cant pass on that to everyone. And I'm not sure if I did, you'd have the ability to uplift everyone."

"If you're worried about our numbers, you have to start thinking about making a little Uchiha. We'll have go through that to ensure the clan doesn't become extinct. If we go to war anytime soon, the entire clan's existence will come under threat."

"You're going to be turning Uchiha women into baby factories?"

"A necessity."

"Why not outsiders?"

Naruto laughed. "Revive the Uchiha through outsiders? Ridiculous. It's already difficult for those born Uchiha to awaken the Sharingan. To pair Uchiha with weak genes would just be condemnation."

"Your ethnocentrism astounds me."

Naruto shrugged. "It is a frightening time… for the clan and its future," he said in a quiet tone. "I do not lack confidence. But I do not have the power to withstand the political forces of Konoha. That is our situation. Fugaku-sama believed we could pull through, and so we must… otherwise, everyone would have died for nothing."

"If Naru-chan is confident, then who am I to lack confidence?" Naori said and then lifted her face hearing footsteps. She saw the young Sasuke walking up to them. "Visitor."

Naruto pulled away from Naori abruptly, causing her to fall-over. She glared at him. But he just stared with an expressionless mask.

The Sharingan was active, those eyes sharp as a double edged sword. His form was an imposing menace. Naori was certain, in his prime, very few would stand in front of Naruto for battle. Her heart raced just looking at his dominating form.

"Our situation is like this. Our pillar has suddenly pulled away. We are down, and must rise."

He said, and then turned around to face Sasuke. He looked as sad as he'd seen him earlier. He didn't get too many opportunities to spend time with his father. And now, he'd lost him.

"Mom wants to see you." If Naruto hadn't been listening intently, he may not have heard Sasuke.


Sasuke nodded.

Naruto turned to Naori. "Later," he said and then turned to Sasuke. Without warning, he picked up the boy, causing him to yelp with surprise. He placed him on his shoulders and silently walked back.

"Our father is gone, Sasuke. Never to be heard or seen again."

Sasuke wrapped his hands against his forehead. And then buried his face on his long hair. The boy started to tremble, but Naruto didn't say anything to him.

There was an empty room in the first floor. Fugaku's body was laid to rest within a special podium, flowers around. Mikoto stood beside it, her head bowed.

Naruto had flinched when be walked into the room. This was the first time he was seeing the body since Itachi took it away.

Fugaku was dead. He was fine with not seeing the body. Seeing it brought dark thoughts within him. He was the one who killed his father. It didn't matter he wanted it done, the fact was that he went through it.

"Come," Mikoto's soothing voice had said.

He'd been standing by the entrance with the silent Sasuke. He'd told the boy to go outside and shut the door. Naruto hesitated and then slowly walked over. Each step felt like he was being pulled to Mikoto. He resisted, and came to a halt. After a couple of seconds, he continued walking and stopped beside the body.

He was pale. There was no life in him. He was no longer that vibrant man who intimidated anyone just by looking. He was now one with death. A mere corpse like all dead Uchiha before him. And Naruto put him in this state of rot.

His body trembled with fury. He balled his fists and bit his lip, drawing blood. The chakra within him threatened to explode, but he mustered every ounce of self control of reign on it.

Mikoto had welcomed him into her home. Was she to loath him? He had taken her partner. Sasuke definitely would once he knew the truth.

She put a hand over his left shoulder and gripped tightly. "I know." He flinched. "But, it is what he wanted. I would have preferred to go with him, but, he wanted me to be there for our children. I understood." She fell silent for about a minute. "You must be going through a lot. Which is why I think you should move in with us."

Hokage Office

The Anbu commander appeared before Hiruzen and immediately delivered his message.

"Hokage-sama; there is an emergency."

Hiruzen's expression became blank. "What?"

"Koharu and Homura-sama never actually made it to the Fire Capital. They have simply vanished along with the Anbu. We don't know where they vanished or when."

Hiruzen looked grim. Who could it be? An enemy? If they were kidnapped by Suna, they would be used as bargaining chips for Pakura. But what if it was not Suna and the problem came from within?

Was it the Uchiha? No. it couldn't be. Not even Fugaku had known of their travels. Only the Anbu commander, him and Shikaku were informed about their travel to the Fire Capital. So what had happened? Who had done it? Was it a declaration of war?

"Send a team. Find out everything you can. And summon Kakashi for me. His abilities should be useful. Send for him to come here along with Hana from the Inuzuka clan. They should be specialists in tracking the trail, along with a team of trackers from the Anbu." Hiruzen ordered.

"It will be done."

End of chapter