
Salthey: Sin of Wrath [Flame Spearman]

Conros woke up alone, mute, and bloodthirsty with a small side of Amenisa. Oh, yeah, and a system, emotional attachment to a makeshift Spear! However, who was Conros and what caused this?

Fates_Writer · Fantasy
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Chapter 3 Backstory

The world's name is Crythenia, a world forged by the cosmic deitiy Salthey the Joyful who According to the Church of Demius the cheif divine created our world for her own amusement and from her creation she added the 'system' of which the Chosen were thrown into the endless battle where at the end they stood at very pinnacle of power the First gods rose from endless bloodshed that was the The first Era the Era of Carnage

it was afterward when the newly arose that they ended the endless battle caused by Salthey, who had fallen into deep slumber and created a new world order. the first kingdoms rose, and alongside them, the Dungeons created by the gods to challenge heroes and Ordained the Second Era the Era of Heroes, that is the story of world to the current age the Era of Heroes.

[About the system]

it was made Salthey to motivate bloodshed by gaining power. The new gods took the system and changed it to allow for peace and prosperity for the chosen rather than mindless killings. The main functions are as follows


Is something given at birth and is shown by the skill analysis


is a representation of what your current position as a Chosen


Common/Uncommon/Rare/Epic/Pusedo Legendary/Legendary/Divine


is an accumulated power from you and your ancestors.

Commer/Knight/Baron/Count/Viscount/Marques/Duke/Arch Duke/King/High King/Emperor


can be granted by completing a hidden objective or through quest or via reputation.

[Curses] are a certain quality taken to the extreme

for example, [The Curse of Courge] makes you incapable of backing down from a challenge.


[Power House]

Is a title for a Chosen who had reached Lv.100 and is broken into subcategories

Low Rank:100->110

Mid-Low Rank:111->120

Elite-Low Rank:121->130

Low-Mid Rank:131->140

Mid Rank:141->150

Elite-Mid Rank:151->160

Low-High Rank:161->170

Mid-High Rank:171->180

Elite-High Rank:181->190

Peak Rank:191->200




Animals that have awakened their own versions of the system and have evolved to hunt the chosen.


They are born from the emotions of the slayed

momsters and seak vengeance against the Chosen.


Being created by the thoughts of Salthey

who crave bloodshed and amusement just like the head they came from gifting power to the evil and needy for amusement.


is a title given to Chosen who's First class is a Rare and is given a title by the 'System'

[Conros P.O.V]

My name is Conrus, and I'm the grandson of a [Level 109] Power house, Sir Claymont, who was the Cheifton of our village, the birthplace of my grandfather, who after becoming village Cheif protected The village from all threats Forign or Domestic and their he meant my Grandma Scarlett a merchant's daughter who had my Mother who's [Curse] was the

[Curse of the Slient Tongue]

You can never tell a secret when you have been sworn to secrecy.

which forbade her from telling secrets preventing her from telling me who my father was.

I was fine, not knowing my father. My grandfather taught me the way of the Spear to help protect the village and as well as governance. I was also taught the language of the Northern Folk Yallish and Dwarfish alongside Etiquette and Mathematics from my grandma and mother.

I was no mathematical Genuis, and I hated all of the seemingly endless rules of Etiquette. I was decent at the Governance Bit. However, the art of the spear was the bread and butter of my talent you could here my Grandfather rave about my talents I was pretty sure every was a little annoyed with even I was starting to get annoyed by It.

My life was simple I was to be the future Cheiftan, the one to put a small village on the maps of the snobbish noblemen. However, the man that I never really cared to meet came a knocking

on a particularly hot day in the middle of Harvest.

I was out in the fields helping cause even though I was the cheiftons Grandson I had no intention of shirking the reasonablility of member of our village. I heard the Thunder drum of a war horse's

hooves, I looked up towards the main road of our village, a knight, a prominent one by the look of his full plate armor. he pulled out a long scroll and pronounced with an air of authority

*[Flash Back]*

"Good Peoples of Mearvin duchy I come to day to find find the lost son of our good

Duke Mallcom of Mearvin"

A blank look responded to him of our ignorance until my grandfather walked out of our villa. He responded to the Knight

"Hello, Fellow Knight, I am Sir Claymont of the 3rd royal band," His Grandfatherly Aura calmed the rampant villagers who were quickly panicking.

"I recognize Sir Claymont, I am Sir Williams of The Nobel House of Mearvin," the knight said respectfully, bowing his head in recognizance.

returning the bow, my grandfather continues, "There be many a village are you sure you are at the right one their be no man or boy of any Nobel blood here"

"Ai, His Lordship gave me an artifact to identify his son by," Sir Williams said, pulling a long metal pole of his saddle bag

he continued, "Sir Claymont, can you bring all boys of around 15-16 years of age?"

my grandfather's face bore a look of dread, which quickly vanished, singling us over. I looked at my mates. "Come on, you heard Sir Williams come along now,"

after arranging us in a long row from shortest to tallest, I stood at around 6'2 with only Thomas and Lerin standing to my left. Sir Williams pointed the rod at a boys head, muttered, a phrase, and moved along my feet, burned in my leather boots, cooking them like brick oven. He repeated the process until me and him stood head to head and pointed the rod at my head, and I could make out the phrase [Bloodline Detect] he's using a skill through the rod all of sudden the rod started glowing in Aura of golden glow I was Duke's son my father was Duke Malcom

*[Flashback End]*

[3 weeks later Conros's P.O.V]

we had been traveling for three weeks. My grandfather tried to argue, but even a power house still had to listen to the commands of the Noble Houses.

My ass hurt, and eventually, even the cushions were of no help. we only stopped at night, and I was forbidden to leave my carriage. I had grabbed the book [The Stories of the Mearvin Family] of which told the story of the founder

[Conack the Ruthless] the first generation of the second Era who, along [Anak the Golden] the First King of Searia Slayed the Demon King

[Bezelbub The Black] over 1000 years ago.

The Mearvin Family was known for being renowned [Spell Swords], those who had a mix of martial and magic classes.

Taking out Cloth and Oil, I oiled the shaft of my grandfather's Pride and the joy of his Middle Years the [Searian Spear] a Rare Tier Artifact

Bestowed by the then Prince Maldrick, the current King of Searia. My grandfather gave it to me as a parting gift before my departure.

Sir Williams opened the carriage door. Looking down at my grandfather's spear said,

"Fine Spear, you got their take care of it, milord."

"I will, Sir Williams it was a gift from King Maldrick during his years as Prince and General of the 3rd Royal Band to my grandfather,"

"Honorably, Man Your Grandfather, but alas, I am here to inform you that the Arch-Priest and the Lord-Mayor Alchia the city we have to pass through before reaching the Ducal Capital requests that you join them For a feast"

"Hmm... I assume I am not in a position to turn Them down."

"It is currently not recommended. However, I am not aware if Young Master is aware of the ways of Etiquette..."

I cut Him off

"Do not worry, my grandmother taught me the ways of Etiquette, but I thank you for your concern, Sir Williams"