
Chapter 4

"You sure you got everything, Pops? Have you packed your prescriptions and medicines?" I asked while zipping up his bags. Pops just hummed in response.

"Pops, you really don't have to go away? I never said I can't work with you," I said as my voice dropped to a whisper.

Pops pulled me into a hug and said, "I know. I am not leaving because I will bother you at work. It's just a vacation. A long overdue one. Now don't make me feel all guilty about it!" I smiled up at his sparkling eyes before inhaling the strong smell of cinnamon and cocoa wafting from his clothes, from breakfast he made for me this morning. But this smell is what comforted me always because it was what my Pops smelled like.

It's been a long 6 weeks, working up to this moment. The whole place was abuzz. We were breaking down parts of the old place, bringing in new equipment. Pops and his team had a final week before they closed. We decided to keep the name, to Alex's displeasure but I just couldn't bring myself to change it. Gabriel decided to do travel back to his hometown to catch up with his family. He promised he would come to help when Pops was back. The rest of the crew decided to stay and we spent days together trying to understand the new menu and perfecting new techniques, all while being crammed together in a new house I had rented out close by. The two-bedroom house had furnished bedrooms and the entire kitchen and living area converted into a massive training ground while the restaurant got ready. Alex had managed to rope in an assistant for himself too to run the bar. The new restaurant would have a full-fledged bar area, indoor and terrace dining spaces, a small bakery over on the side of the restaurant nearer the corner. I had a lot of recipes from Pops who was always better at desserts than he was at inventing main courses. He had tucked them away safely into his things and never tried to reinvent his menu after a point. I had trained myself on these recipes and also the dessert chef. Pops was worried that I was stretching myself too ambitiously considering the patronage we would get in our town. But I was sure I was doing the right thing because I was building this for the next 40 years of my life not just for now.

Chief Hammond was the only thorn in my side throughout this process, he constantly sent squad cars to the restaurant or my home. He constantly gave the worse reasons to conduct these "checks" but I wasn't going to give in so easily. A couple of times, Alex even sent him back with a pie or two for his trouble. In a town that doesn't even have simple petty thefts, the new Chief was hoping we would be his entertainment as the "new rebels" - a term he constantly used to refer to Alex and me.

Pops finally got into the cab and after hugging me and warning Alex with bodily harm if he doesn't watch out for me, he waved us goodbye as he headed off on his dream vacation. The first stop would be London, he said he needed to say, "Hello" to the Queen before heading to further destinations.

"Come on Alex, we need to go talk to the meat supplier again," I asked rushing to get to my car but Alex hadn't moved. "Alex," I shouted again. He didn't respond but continued staring. I walked back to him and shook his shoulder which seemed to breakthrough. "Alex, I've been calling you, lets go. We have suppliers to meet!"

"I don't know, Sam. That mob lawyer is constantly here and nowadays he is accompanied by more people. They keep hanging out with coffees in hand but something doesn't feel right," he said. I looked back to see the same grey suit man sitting with a few other bulky and rough-looking men and talking. He turned and directly stared at me and Alex. I don't know why but I smiled and waved back. He turned back to his companions completely ignoring me.

"Why the hell did you wave to him?" asked Alex incredulously.

"I don't know, just being friendly, I guess. Plus, we are opening a restaurant, maybe they will be good customers for us considering they are here so often," I said walking back to the car.

"You are crazier than I thought you were. First, you move to this small town leaving behind what would have been a great career as a chef in the city and now you want the mob as customers," he whisper shouted the last part.

"Alex, calm down. I just want to have a good run with my restaurant here and I really don't care who eats here as long as they pay," I said sliding into the driver's seat leaving Alex boiling on the sidewalk. I was about to drive away before he jumped in at the last moment and said," You do realise if the mob comes to this town, you might have to pay protection money."

"Stop being dramatic Alex, we are not in a movie. Can we focus on getting better prices with the suppliers please?" I said I put the car into gear and slid out of the parking. As we passed by the group of men, I glanced at the lawyer again and he looked at me and nodded acknowledging me.

He was a handsome man but something about him seemed odd. I wasn't sure what it was about him but my gut was telling me he is someone I am going to get very curious about very soon.