
<PROLOGUE> "The Celestial War"

In the realm between living and dead known as "Purgatory" "The old geezer has pulled an army of mixed creature who are currently advancing in the frontline with ease" a desperate claimed by the God of Destruction Azelous who is wearing a blue plate full body armor carved with heavenly arts while holding his helmet. "So as suspected Draco and Lucia are working with Cronus" answered by the Goddes of Deception Zenia who is currently sitting between Aamon The Malevolent God and Zapartos God of Drought. They are the former God and Goddess that bears the title of Love,Wisdom, Peace and Growth. "How come the Dragon king and The Princess of Hell working together in order to protect mankind?" asked by Jorus Another Former Celestial God. The God of Drought who is seeming ready to inflict scarcity anytime answered. " That pair is a secret couple and they agreed to work things out with Cronus in order to protect the world they'd currently considered as home". " Then we should also eliminate them alongside with the God of Creation this war is just the beginning of their destruction" Azelous exclaimed while his dark aura started to flow all over the room.

" Call the Twelve Sword and we will be joining Demon King Azura who is currently mobilizing his army to aid our pawn"


Meanwhile somewhere in the Celestial field near the Gate of 3 realms which is currently turned into a battlefield.. A beautiful Girl who looks like in mid twenties with an angelic face, purple hair and dress in red is shooting a barrage of fireball made of hellfire that instantly vaporizing every enemy that recieved a hit. While riding in the back of a black Dragon who is currently breathing a blue flame continuesly turning every enemy into ashes. "As expected with those to power houes hahaha" an excited shout by the Beast Master Leonard Who is leading his beast army to meet the incoming former celestial guards wearing heavenly white armor. "Well that's Lucia and Draco our number one trumpcard" Cliff replied the leader of the elven forces. while shooting arrows cloaked with ice and spiral wind hitting the enemy directly in the heart. on the other side Lumia the Queen of the fairies replied " Lucia must keep Draco in her bossom or i will snatch him from her as she keep hitting anyone gets on her way with a ball of light" Posibilities Zero" answered by the Angel of Knowledge and Wisdom Uriel with a deep sigh. who is currently providing healing magic for the wounded beastmen "Lumia stop dreaming" answered by Jagga The King of all monster.. as he keep ripping every enemy army. with his claw cloaked with his enhancement magic on his left is Milnea the Dryad Princess making a path way as she is clearing obstacle with earth and wood magic.The Party stopped advacing as the sensed a number of very strong individuals flying above the battle field.


"Looks like I'm all alone now". sighed by an old man wearing white silk cloth which only covered his left chest and lower body part but did not reach his knee. It's Cronus the God of creation who is currently sitting next to Azura's dead body. As he looked around he saw a thousand dead bodies of the Demon army as he anticipated them before they could reach the battlefield.. "Will that was a good fight" as he moved his shoulder and his cut arm started to grow instantly. "Okay i think i must check the others" he added and disappeared instantly.