
Sakura's Glasses

What if Haruno Sakura unintentionally develops a personality similar to Uchiha Obito's? How would Kakashi feel upon seeing her wear his goggles? What if Kakashi mentors Sakura out of nostalgia for his old teammate, and she learns the chidori instead of Sasuke? What would happen when Tobi finds out?

Tobeee · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

The Hyuuga Prank

"But Old Man! Sasuke-teme attacked me first!"

Sarutobi sighed. "According to Iruka-sensei, you always initiate the violence."

"They were both in on it," Sakura ratted out,

"Sakura, you were in on it too," the Hokage reprimanded and Sakura blushed in shame.

Sasuke grunted, opting to stay silent.

The Hokage shoved aside his paperwork and set his elbows upon the desk, contemplating the three kids before him. Then, he took a deep breath and released as much killing intent aura as possible, scaring the hell out of them. Sakura and Naruto were hugging each other in fear and Sasuke's feet gave out that the only reason he was still vertical was that his body was leaning against them.

Sarutobi removed the killing intent, and they all gasped in relief and slumped to the floor. The Hokage smiled like a grandfather. "You three are still academy students of the Village, so there's not much you can do to amend to your actions." He tried to give them a stern look. Naruto and Sakura tensed up, before they slumped, crestfallen, and Sasuke glared back, sweat still tricking down his neck.

"From now on, don't spar without a supervisor until you three are genin."

Naruto was the first one to recover, and the only one who read the Hokage's cue. "Yatta!" He turned to Sakura and Sasuke. "He's saying we're free to go!"

Sakura blinked. "Really?"

Sasuke smirked. "He's right. Let's go." He slid his hands into his pockets and led the way out.

Sakura followed after and Naruto was the last one out, but not before giving a thumbs-up to the Hokage.

Sarutobi chuckled at his antics, and as the door shut, he smiled. "Wolf, I believe it's about time you retire."

The silver-haired ANBU removed his mask, revealing another mask. He eye-smiled. "It is."


"Sasuke, you okay?"



"I'm awesome!"

"...I'm fine," Sasuke decided to answer after seeing her ask Naruto too.


Apparently Sakura was determined to treat Sasuke 'normally,' even if it meant interacting with him more often in order to pull that off.

Naruto tried to protest at first but ended up listening to Sakura. Secretly, he also liked Sasuke, they both had no parents, and Naruto related to that.

Sasuke figured, better them than anyone else.


It was lunchtime. Sakura grabbed Sasuke's hand and he was about to pull back, but saw her grab Naruto's as well.

This would happen every time the three of them went off to do something, so Sasuke gradually grew used to it, she did release his hand after reaching the destination, after all. Naruto was long accustomed to it.

This was how Sakura was always in the middle when the future team 7 stood together. Neither would admit it, but she was also their leader, at least in leading them to places.


Everyone gaped at the sight, rubbing their eyes to make sure it wasn't just a genjutsu.

Sasuke Uchiha was sitting with the two misfits of the class.

Sasuke Uchiha was eating lunch with Naruto and Sakura.

Sasuke had a disgruntled expression on his face while Sakura giggled at something Naruto blurted out.

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At the library, some fangirls murderously watched the scene of Sakura tutoring Sasuke.

Sasuke scored perfect grades in every test, what did Ugly Forehead have to teach him?

"Work on this problem yourself, I need to go wash my hands," Forehead said, standing up to leave.

Ami gaped, she expected Forehead to eat up all the time Sasuke-kun had to offer, not excuse herself in the middle of their 'study session!' Her hands weren't even dirty! Hell, even if Ami had dirt and blood on her hands, she'd stick with Sasuke-kun 'til the end before going to wash her hands.

"Again?" Sasuke clicked his tongue in annoyance, without looking up from the papers. "Tch. It's your fourth time today. You're always off washing your hands." He didn't know Sakura was mentally washing the Uchihas' blood off her hands.

Sakura ignored him and left, but not before slapping the back of Naruto's shoulder just as he arrived. Naruto saw Sasuke by himself and eyed his notes. "Oh! I know this stuff! I'll tutor you while Sakura-chan's peeing!" Naruto's face took on a deep red blush at his vulgarity.

Sasuke facepalmed. "Alright, dobe. Don't think you're smarter than me, you simply learned this material first."

"Heheheh, ya sure about that? 'cos Sakura-chan says I'm as smart as she is!" Naruto taunted as he took Sakura's vacant seat, pulling out his crayons to doodle on the seals Sasuke was working on.

Sasuke chuckled. "Only a moron uses crayons for advanced sealing techniques."


The fangirls had backed away thirty feet. Their moms and dads told them to stay away from the Naruto brat. Ami whispered furiously to the others; "Why is the dumbest boy in class teaching Sasuke-kun?!"

The second girl merely shrugged. "Beats me. But I'm not going to be close to Sasuke-kun with Naruto around him or mom will get mad."

The third girl frowned. "So get Naruto away from Sasuke-kun then!"

"There's no need," a voice sounded, and all three girls turned to see Sakura. Sakura pointed. They looked back to see Naruto and Sasuke wrestling around on the floor and the papers torn to shreds. A few more loud outbursts later, they hmphed and crossed their arms, stubbornly looking away from each other. Then they stomped away from each other madly.

Sakura pointed her nose up knowingly. "Oh it happens a lot, and there's nothing you girls can do about it." She smirked. "If you try to drive them apart, it makes no difference because they already hate each other in the first place. So save yourself the time and don't bother," she said in a snobby voice.

Ami glared. "Then why are they always together?!"

"And why is Sasuke-kun nice to you?!" Another backed up.

The other girl leaned a little closer to Sakura, curious of her answer.

Sakura smirked back confidently. "Because we're best friends and nothing can split us apart!"

Not even their rivalry.

----------------------------------------------------Time skips ----------------------------------------------------

Sasuke groaned. Naruto was tugging Sasuke's sleeve and pulling him towards the Hyuuga compound. Sakura was already crouched behind the bushes, and upon spotting them, waved them over.

"Today we're going to put slugs inside their beds and record their reactions! This is going to be the best challenge ever!" Sakura exclaimed, eagerly adjusting her glasses.

Naruto explained. "That's 'cos they have these super white eyes that make them see everything! From the back of their heads too!"

"Which means this will be a good training exercise for us to get stronger," Sakura persuaded him before Sasuke decided it was a 'waste of time.'

"And they always got this face on them liiike," Naruto's hand stroked his chin in thought, before figuring it out, "Yeah! They got YOUR face, Sasuke-teme!"

"He's saying they're expressionless," Sakura felt the need to explain, quite unnecessarily because Sasuke already knew it was an insult from Naruto.

"Dobe," he started, but felt a hand clasp over his mouth. It was Sakura's, and one of the rare times she actually touched him, aside from their spars. Sasuke almost recoiled; if it were anyone else, he would have pushed them off with brutal force. But Sakura wasn't a fangirl, so he settled for a death glare.

"Shh!" Sakura hushed him. "Okay, we all know how to suppress chakra, right?" She shot a pointed look at Naruto, who gulped and nodded. "Just a lil'," he admitted.

"Sasuke, did you bring the seals?"

Sasuke frowned, pulling out his notebook. He had filled out 3/4th of the book with surveillance seals, and had planned to finish the rest by today, which was why he brought it along in the first place.

Sakura snatched it and skimmed through the pages before nodding firmly. "Okay, Sasuke, you're going to sneak in, break inside their homes and install the seals. Naruto, you're going to tag along with Sasuke and slide the slugs in every bed you can find. I'll be the lookout."

"Oi! You're making us do all the grunt work again Saku-chan!"

"Neither of you have chakra detecting glasses," was her retort.

Sasuke snorted. "Don't tell me we're going to barge inside enemy territory without a map."

"A real shinobi must take risks, no matter how dangerous! Right, Naruto?"

"Yeah! I never go back on my word!"

They shared a conspiring grin, and Sasuke harrumphed condescendingly. "Knuckleheads, both of you."

Nonetheless, he went through with their plan. He was curious of how well his seals functioned, after all.

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