
the low class saiyans warrior bardock die try to save his world in went back in time to be the first super saiyans or ssj



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Who is Bardock?

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This article is about the mainstream Bardock that was formerly controlled by Towa and Mira. For the Bardock that currently appears in Super Dragon Ball Heroes, see Xeno Bardock.

Directory: Characters → Saiyan

"Maybe it's because I'm constantly fighting, destroying, that I'd actually like to save something for once. Especially someone who is judged to be a lower-class warrior... like my Kakarot."

— Bardock in Dragon Ball Super: Broly







Anime name


Manga name




Time Breaker Bardock

Masked Saiyan

Bardock: BR


Appears in

Manga Debut

"The Ultimate Battle Begins!"

Anime Debut

"Fighting Power: One Million??"

Movie Debut

TV Special: Dragon Ball Z: Bardock - The Father of Goku

Film: Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge






Death Date(s)

Age 737[1]

Age 739[2]

Professional Status


Squadron Commander


Tournament of Time participant[3]


Frieza Force

Saiyan Army (Team Bardock)

Dark Empire

Time Patrol

Team Beerus[3]

Resistance faction (allies)[3]


Bardock's House

Personal Status


Gine (wife)

Raditz (son)

Goku (son)

Kakarot (alternate timeline son)[4]

Chi-Chi (daughter-in-law)

Gohan (grandson)

Goten (grandson)

Videl (granddaughter-in-law)

Pan (great-granddaughter)

Goku Jr. (descendant)

Beat (descendant)[5]

Youth (Dragon Ball Online) (descendant)[6]


Future Bardock

Xeno Bardock

Warrior in Black

Bardock (バーダック Bādakku) is a low-class Saiyan warrior, the husband of Gine, and the father of Raditz and Goku. He makes his debut as the titular protagonist of the 1990 TV special Dragon Ball Z: Bardock - The Father of Goku. Bardock's childhood until his early years in adulthood is unknown, but he is shown to lead his own squad into battle, and they are very successful in accomplishing their assignments. He is an adept fighter and a devoted Saiyan Army soldier under the Frieza Force until he realizes his tyrannical boss plans to annihilate the Saiyan race.


1 Appearance

2 Personality

3 Biography3.1 Background

3.2 Broly film and Dragon Ball Minus

3.3 Dragon Ball Z3.3.1 Saiyan Saga

3.3.2 Frieza Saga

3.4 Dragon Ball Super3.4.1 Granolah the Survivor Saga

4 TV Special & Other Film appearances4.1 Bardock - The Father of Goku

4.2 Cooler's Revenge

4.3 Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan

5 Other Dragon Ball stories5.1 What-if scenarios5.1.1 Episode of Bardock

5.2 Dragon Ball Online

5.3 Xenoverse

5.4 Xenoverse 2

5.5 Dragon Ball Fusions

5.6 Dragon Ball Heroes5.6.1 Dark Empire Saga

6 Power

7 Abilities

8 Video Game Appearances

9 Voice Actors

10 Battles

11 List of Characters Killed by Bardock

12 Trivia

13 Gallery

14 See also

15 References

16 Site Navigation


Bardock in Bardock - The Father of Goku


As noted by Raditz and Frieza, Bardock bears a striking resemblance to Goku: he is a tall man of muscular built with black hair. His hair is unkempt with three bangs hanging to the right of his forehead and two hanging to the left. His hair also stands up in the front with five spikes and four in the back. Unlike his younger son, he has a tanner skin-tone and his eyes are more defined and sterner, much like his elder son. Arguably his most distinctive trait is the long thick rough scar running down his left cheek. Like most Universe 7 Saiyans, he has a long prehensile tail with brown fur which generally keeps secured around his waist akin to a belt. He wears a dark blue and green Battle Armor, dark blue combat pants, long red armbands with matching leg warmers, a green Scouter on his left eye, and black and green boots. Later, Bardock adopts Tora's blood-soaked armband as a headband when he fights Team Dodoria on Planet Meat, which he retains when he attempts to kill Frieza.

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In Dragon Ball Minus: The Departure of the Fated Child and Dragon Ball Super: Broly, Bardock wears beige Battle Armor with rectangular shoulder pads and his boots are white with beige tips instead of black with green tips and does not have the red shinguards. His arm bands are blue instead of red. Bardock has no headband of any kind. The scar on his check is smoother and x-shaped. He also has an additional thin scar running horizontally across his right bicep. His tail is also draped more loosely around his hips.

In Katsuyoshi Nakatsuru's original character design, Bardock had a longer scar, his hair was more spiked (similar to Vegeta's hair), his Battle Armor was a lighter shade of green, and it had three or four flaps at the waist, and did not wear the long-legged jumpsuit he has in Akira Toriyama's final design for the 1990 TV special.

The author also comments that all he really did was take Goku and give him the brutal edge of a warrior race, and dress him in the Battle Armor provided by Frieza's forces.[7]

In Dragon Ball Online, Bardock wears a black and golden armor with a strap around his neck, his pants are black instead of dark blue and he wears dark armbands along with the older ones, and dark leggings along with the older ones as well, features provided by the Time Breakers. Additionally, while being controlled he wears a Mask, with the Time Breakers symbol on its forehead. While at this state, he is referred to as the Masked Man, Time Breaker Bardock or Masked Saiyan.


Like most Saiyans from Universe 7, he is somewhat cocky, loves fighting, and will kill in cold blood. But compared to the cold-hearted and simple thoughts of his race, Bardock also happens to possess calm judgment and a measure of humanity. Due to his actions of saving his companions, which is rare for a Saiyan, he is greatly adored among a portion of the low-class warriors.[8] He has a great sense of pride and independence as while most Saiyans have all been tamed by Frieza and his army, even King Vegeta, Bardock is the only one that maintains something of their pure nature and showed a willingness to challenge Frieza.[9]

As shown in Dragon Ball Z: Bardock - The Father of Goku, he has a very plain view in life. While praised by others as brilliant, Bardock rejects such compliments, believing that he is simply experienced for combat. His loyalty and compassion for his friends and allies was shown so deep that he mourned their respective deaths and vowed to avenge them, particularly Tora who he openly viewed as his best friend. Along with this, he also attempts to warn the other Saiyans that Frieza is coming to destroy Planet Vegeta, and even though they don't listen, he still risks his life to save them all. He has a laid-back and fearless personality as evidenced by him taking responsibility in confronting Frieza alone. He is a highly capable tactician in battle, able to perceive the situation at hand and act accordingly with it, as shown from his ability to out-maneuver Frieza's men. Later, in Dragon Ball: Episode of Bardock, Bardock remains unsociable, he says his name to Berry right after the boy asked him. But he also shows a little bit of stubbornness, when Berry offers him a basket of food and he denies it even being hungry, but soon Bardock starts to accept Berry's persistence and becomes softer with the child. When the Inhabitants of Plant thanked Bardock for Chilled's defeat, Bardock replies with a smile.

In the manga, Bardock's personality has some distinct differences. While still a Saiyan soldier at heart with a stern and straightforward approach to things, he was more social as he would warmly greet other Saiyans after arriving in his home world. He showed great care and compassion for his own children, an action he says that is due to Gine's softness rubbing off on him. Initially, Bardock was rather careless and somewhat inconsiderate towards Gine and his children, being gone for several months and missing the birth of Kakarot, something Gine chastises him for, but after seeing his child in-person and naming him, he begins to feel more compassion for his family. Later, during the invasion of Planet Cereal, Bardock's growing compassion was shown by his willingness to spare a mother and her child, even working to protect them. In Broly, he stated that it might be that after all the death and destruction he had caused, he felt the fickle urge to actually save something, particularly if that something was judged to be a low level like his son, Kakarot. Upon learning of Frieza's growing fear of the Super Saiyan legend, Bardock quickly comes up with a plan to get Kakarot off the world so he could live. Bardock also displays some heroic qualities as well, as when Frieza launches his Supernova to destroy Planet Vegeta, Bardock flies up to try and stop it, resorting to fighting several of Frieza's minions and then throwing himself in front of it as a last ditch effort to save his race from extinction.



Bardock is a low-class Saiyan mercenary who leads a small platoon comprised of four other Saiyan soldiers in Bardock - The Father of Goku: Tora, Fasha, Borgos, and Shugesh. His wife Gine was also part of Bardock's Team at one point. Together, the team makes a living by traveling to various planets where they decimate the defenses of these civilizations and prepare them for Frieza's Planetary Market. Bardock was famous for his bravery even among the Saiyans;[10] he is mentioned by Paragus in Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan when he recognizes Goku as Bardock's son, and it can be thought that Paragus was Bardock's superior according to the Supplemental Daizenshuu.[10] After being saved on the battlefield by him several times, Gine developed some feelings for Bardock.[8] Due to her gentle nature, Gine was not cut out for fighting and retired.[8] Her gentle nature has also changed Bardock's behavior, as Saiyans usually do not demonstrate care for their children but Bardock does.[11] Bardock and Gine already had two sons by the time of the destruction of Planet Vegeta. According to Akira Toriyama, the pair of Bardock and Gine were those rare Saiyans who were joined by a bond other than for reproductive purposes, and in an interview, he says that Bardock himself might have had siblings, but perhaps even Bardock himself does not really know and, at any rate, he probably has no interest in it either.[8]

Bardock attacks Gas

A year after Frieza took command of the Frieza Force, Bardock was dispatched along with other Saiyans to Planet Cereal in order to lay waste to it as Great Apes, decimating the population and leaving Granolah as the sole, unknown survivor. This came from Bardock witnessing Granolah as a child with his mother. Seeing Kakarot and Gine in this situation, Bardock opted to spare them and hide them in the mountains with Monaito. Despite these efforts, they were found by the Heeters, who mercilessly killed Granolah's mother. Bardock managed to help Granolah and Monaito briefly escape, but he was soon stopped by Gas, leading the two to fight. Gas mocks Bardock about the Saiyans about their imminent destruction, confusing Bardock.

Bardock is beaten around by Gas

After Gas unleashes a portion of his instincts, Bardock finds himself completely on the back foot. During their battle Monaito summons Toronbo and tries to send Bardcok back to Planet Vegeta, but Bardock refuses, not wanting to run from the fight. When Monaito asks what wish Bardock would like, Bardock states that he just wants his sons to thrive. Gas then proceeds to beat Bardock further, tearing his tail off. Gas throws a spear at Bardock to finish him, but it is intercepted by Monaito. This enrages Gas into using his full power before knocking Monaito away and grabbing Bardock by the neck. Bardock manages to escape the hold knocks Gas away. When Gas asks him why he is fighting, Bardock responds by saying that in a life or death battle, victory is all that matters and he simply fights when there is an enemy to beat.

Bardock turns the tables on Gas

Bardock's Saiyan Power activates, allowing him to push past his limits and defeat Gas. Drained of energy, Bardock falls to the ground. Bardock proceeds to tell Elec, who came to retrieve Gas, hat he thought they were loyal to Frieza. Elec explains that in business, you don't show all your hands and then proceeds to mock Bardock and the rest of the Saiyans for not realizing what Frieza was planning. Instead of elaborating, he shoots Bardock in the shoulder, causing him to fall off a cliff into a forest below. Elec shoots the area where he landed several more time before leaving. Bardock, having survived, is found by Monaito, but his scouter is broken.

Broly film and Dragon Ball Minus

Main articles: Dragon Ball Minus: The Departure of the Fated Child and Dragon Ball Super: Broly

"You have to stay alive!"

— Bardock's last words to Goku in Dragon Ball Minus: The Departure of the Fated Child

Bardock during his battle with aliens in Dragon Ball Minus

Bardock and Leek are in a battle against aliens on another planet when they receive a message on their Scouters ordering all Saiyans back to Planet Vegeta.

The two head back to the planet, noticing Frieza's Spaceship hovering in orbit above Planet Vegeta. Bardock believes that Frieza must have a hidden agenda. Upon his return to Planet Vegeta, Bardock learns from Taro that Frieza's men had been asking about the Super Saiyan legend.

Bardock heads home to reunite with Gine and asks if their son, Kakarot, is still in his incubator. Gine says that he is, but it has been three years, so he will be released soon. Bardock also learns that Raditz is off world with Vegeta and Nappa. Bardock fills Gine in on what is going on and reassures her everything is going to be alright as he has a plan. His plan is to send Kakarot off world to a planet called Earth, which he already scouted prior and the population is mostly peaceful and anyone may not pose a threat to Kakarot. From there, they would wait it out and if Bardock is wrong they will simply go to Earth and get Kakarot. Bardock deduced Kakarot would be safer if they did not escape with him since their power levels were large enough for Frieza's scouters to detect them and they lacked the ability to lower their power levels.

Bardock charges the Final Spirit Cannon in his confrontation with Frieza's Supernova

Later at night, Bardock steals an Attack Ball, and he and Gine send Kakarot away to Earth, also deciding to inform Raditz about this. Bardock places his hand on the cockpit window as to does Kakarot. Bardock tells his son to be strong and brave for him and smiles at him as Kakarot is flown to safety. A month after this Frieza flies up above Planet Vegeta and throws his Supernova at it. Bardock tries blasting it but his attack is overwhelmed and he is disintegrated.

Dragon Ball Z

Saiyan Saga

Main article: Raditz SagaBardock appears at the beginning of the first episode of Dragon Ball Z Kai, he appears confronting Frieza in the stratosphere of Planet Vegeta, and attempts to attack him with his Final Spirit Cannon to change the future, however Frieza merely laughs and fires his Supernova which overtakes Bardock and then hits Planet Vegeta, resulting in the genocide of the Saiyans.

Frieza Saga

Main article: Frieza Saga

Bardock, along with Fasha and Tora, during a cameo appearance

Because Bardock was primarily the creation of Toei Animation,[12][13] it was only after the airing of The Father of Goku that Bardock would make an appearance in the manga. Bardock appeared in a two-panel cameo appearance, in Frieza's flashback when he sees Goku, who reminds him of Bardock, Frieza recalls that Bardock had attacked him right before he destroyed Planet Vegeta, and was killed alongside the rest of the Saiyans when Frieza destroyed the planet using a Supernova.[14]

Bardock also made cameo appearances in the Dragon Ball Z anime series,[15][16][17] including during Frieza's flashbacks to the 'final confrontation' scene featured at the climax of Bardock - The Father of Goku when Frieza deduces Bardock's relation to Goku when recalling his destruction of Planet Vegeta.

Dragon Ball Super

Granolah the Survivor Saga

Main article: Granolah the Survivor SagaAs Granolah's single-minded hunt for revenge against the Saiyans continued, nearly killing Goku and Vegeta, Monaito revealed to the man the truth about Bardock's kindness, making him settle down. It is also revealed that Vegeta knew or was at least aware of Bardock, as he told Goku that Bardock was his father. Goku was shocked to learn his father's name. Gas later recognized Goku as Bardock's son and learns Bardock is long dead.

TV Special & Other Film appearances

Bardock - The Father of Goku

Main article: Dragon Ball Z: Bardock - The Father of Goku

"Frieza's taken our loyalty and paid us back in our own blood."

— Dragon Ball Z: Bardock - The Father of Goku

Bardock after the battle on Planet Kanassa

After clearing a society on the Planet Kanassa as Great Apes, a weakened survivor emerges, catching Bardock off-guard, and instills in the Saiyan the ability of precognitive foresight. This ability, the Kanassan believes, will over time serve Bardock with vengeance for the crimes the Saiyans commit in the name of Frieza. While in recovery after the platoon's return to Planet Vegeta, Bardock is met with what he passes off as a delusion. In his vision, he witnesses the destruction of his home planet by the hand of Frieza and also sees the salvation of the planet Earth through his son Kakarot. During this time, presiding doctors attest that Bardock's power level is approaching 10,000,[18] and that at this rate he may surpass the strength of the Saiyan monarch, King Vegeta.

Bardock recuperating after the invasion of Planet Kanassa

Bardock is still out of commission when Frieza executes his selfish plan to resolve the paranoia he is experiencing. Following Frieza's orders, the capable Soldiers Tora, Fasha, Borgos, and Shugesh are instructed to clear the civilization of Planet Meat. During their visit to the planet, the group encounters one of Frieza's most dangerous minions, Dodoria, and his elites, who betray them by Frieza's orders and make short work of Bardock's Team. When Bardock is informed that his Team has accepted an offer on planet Meat, a still injured Bardock hurriedly makes preparations to pursue his friends, unaware of the dangers that await at his destination. On his way to his Attack Ball, he comes across his newborn son Kakarot and checks his power level to see if his visions about him growing up to be a strong warrior is true, but disregards the notion after seeing that his son only has an average power level.

Bardock endures one last conversation with his most esteemed friend, Tora

Eventually, once upon Meat, Bardock discovers his ravaged comrades and, to some fortune, finds that Tora is alive but in critical condition. Vowing to avenge the four, Bardock removes Tora's Armband, now soaked in blood, and dons it over his head. Bardock is suddenly assaulted by Dodoria's Elite, although for a low-class Saiyan, he is able to dominate over the elite-class fighters until Dodoria launches a Energy Cannon, overpowering Bardock, blasting him into his friends' dead bodies and leaving him for dead. Bardock barely survives this attack, and coming to terms with the fact that his visions are actual premonitions and not a case of delirium, he desperately struggles against time to return to Planet Vegeta and change the grim fate of his people. Upon his return to the planet, he immediately begins spreading the word of danger, but his panic (as well as the state of his condition) only leads the other Saiyans to believe Bardock is overreacting after having finally met his match during a typical mission.

"This will be an opportunity to change Planet Vegeta's fate, my own fate, to change Kakarot's fate... And yours too!"

— Bardock about to deliver his "Final Spirit Cannon" to Frieza

Bardock strikes a "Frieza Soldier" with an elbow

Angry at the reaction he has received, Bardock yells at the other Saiyans for their disbelief and they are stunned into silence. Bardock realizes the hopelessness of his situation, but his son appears into him in a vision and Bardock goes into a frenzy takes to the skies where Frieza's Spaceship is orbiting, in a last resort effort to throttle Frieza's plan to eradicate the Saiyans. As Bardock displays an abnormal ability to fend off hundreds of Frieza's soldiers, Frieza decides that the situation is growing out of hand. Frieza's decision is solidified by his perceived insolence of another Saiyan, King Vegeta, who has invaded Frieza's Spaceship with his servants in an attempt to rescue their prince, Vegeta (who at this time is nowhere near the ship, as he is carrying out orders on another planet).

Bardock charges the Final Spirit Cannon in the final confrontation with Frieza

After killing King Vegeta and his Royal Guard, Frieza steps out into the orbit of planet Vegeta where he encounters Bardock, who insists that the Saiyans refuse to continue being oppressed and commanded by the tyrant and announces his intentions to avenge all killed for Frieza's cause. Intending to wipe out the Saiyans anyway, Frieza does not see a problem with Bardock's allegation, and somewhat patiently listens to Bardock's speech, staking out the perfect opportunity to commence his genocide. This opening comes when Bardock attempts to kill Frieza using a Final Spirit Cannon, which Frieza retaliates with by laughing maniacally as he expands a charging Supernova which absorbs Bardock's blast.

Bardock's last moments

Within moments, the Supernova is set free from Frieza's fingertip and careens through numerous bystander soldiers en route toward Planet Vegeta; Bardock is among the first of many to be consumed by the ball of energy. As he is incinerated within the Supernova, Bardock has one final vision, that of his son Goku (born Kakarot) challenging and defeating Frieza, which brings a smile to his face. His regret, however, is that he never had a chance to hold his infant son in his arms before his child was commissioned to Earth only days after being born. In the Japanese version as well as in Dragon Ball Z Kai, however, Bardock tells his son Kakarot to avenge the Saiyans and Planet Vegeta.

Cooler's Revenge

Main article: Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge

Bardock's appearance in Cooler's Revenge

The opening of Cooler's Revenge shows the ending scene of Bardock - The Father of Goku, which appears Bardock confronting Frieza. Cooler witnesses his brother confronting the last Saiyan as well as him destroying planet Vegeta. Salza then detects a space pod flying away, but Cooler decides to ignore it, saying that Frieza is careless and it is his fault that a Saiyan will survive.

Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan

Main article: Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan

"Yes, and you must be Bardock's son."

— Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan

While he doesn't appear in the movie, Bardock is mentioned by Paragus. After Goku arrives on New Planet Vegeta by using the Instant Transmission technique to track down the source of the Legendary Super Saiyan's energy, Paragus arrives and greets him. Goku identified him as a Saiyan, and Paragus identified Goku as Bardock's son. This gave Goku a stern looks on his face, until Paragus offered him to a meal, which Goku gladly accepted. He was also briefly mentioned by the medics looking over the then-infant Broly and Goku in Paragus's flashback to the birth of the two Saiyans, also in relation to Goku.

Other Dragon Ball stories

What-if scenarios

Episode of Bardock

Main article: Dragon Ball: Episode of Bardock

"I'm just a Saiyan, I suppose."

— Bardock's answer to Chilled after the latter asked who he is

Bardock after saving Ipana from Chilled's soldiers

As he is being overwhelmed by Frieza's Supernova, Towa uses a wormhole to capture him, however, he runs to the past.[1] Bardock survives after his battle against Frieza and wakes up in a bed on a planet that looks a lot like Planet Vegeta. He is being treated by two aliens: the village doctor Ipana and his son Berry. Bardock remarks that the medicine used to heal him is similar to the fluid in Medical Machines and Ipana says that the name of the planet is Planet Plant, the old name of Planet Vegeta, so Bardock starts to wonder if he is in the past. When two Soldiers named Toobi and Cabira arrive and declare that they are going to conquer the planet, Bardock confronts and kills them. The villagers thank him, but Bardock flies away to a cave. When Berry arrives at the cave with a basket of food, Bardock tells him to leave, but eventually eats the young alien's food and grows tolerant of him over time.

Bardock attacked by Chilled

When the space pirate Chilled and his soldiers come to investigate Planet Plant, due to the death of Toobi and Cabira, Berry tells Bardock that he has a bad feeling about him. When Chilled and his Soldiers start terrorizing the planet, Berry begs Bardock to help the Inhabitants of Plant. Remembering his friends' decimation on Planet Meat, Bardock accepts and saves Ipana from Chilled's men. When he sees Chilled, Bardock confuses him for Frieza and angrily attacks him with a punch to the face. Chilled kicks him and begins to crush him.

Super Saiyan Bardock about to walk towards Chilled

Chilled is about to deliver the finishing energy blast to Bardock when Berry rushes forward in an attempt to save him. However, Chilled throws the blast instead to him, wounding Berry. Upon seeing this, Bardock thinks of Frieza and the death of his crew and becomes furious. He then transforms into a Super Saiyan. He and Chilled begin fighting once more, and Chilled tries to Ki Blast him to death, and as a last resort, he uses a Death Ball to try to destroy Planet Plant along with Bardock. However, Bardock fires a Rebellion Trigger at Chilled, and the force of the blast sent the tyrant flying into space. The villagers cheer on Bardock and he smiles and then walks away. It is revealed that Chilled's knowledge about Super Saiyans was passed to his descendants.

Dragon Ball Online

Main article: Dragon Ball Online

"That's right! Even though you saved my life just before Frieza's attack, I'll act on my own will."

— Bardock towards Mira just before his Self Destruction.

Time Breaker Bardock makes his first appearance

Bardock is saved by Mira from Frieza's technique, but he is then controlled by Mira to be his servant. When under control by Mira, Bardock wears a Mask that brainwashes him and is capable of blocking Blutz Waves. During the third Time Machine Quest (TMQ3), Time Breaker Bardock appears in the Age 761 to interrupt Gohan's training with Piccolo, the player has to pass through a number of battles, whilst doing it, Time Breaker Bardock succeeded in brainwashing Gohan in his Great Ape form. After the player defeated Time Breaker Bardock, all the story returns to normal and Piccolo destroys the moon in the process. Later, in the fourth Time Machine Quest (TMQ4) during Age 762, Time Breaker Bardock appears again and he fights against the player, during the climax of the battle, his mask breaks on the left side, showing a slight of a red headband what appears to be a scar on his cheek. Mira appears and attacks Time Patrol Trunks. The player has to fight against him (while Time Breaker Bardock is nowhere to be seen), after the battle, Mira decides to destroy Earth, but eventually Bardock appears (now with the mask totally broken) and grabs him on the back, Mira asks how dare he does so, to which Bardock replies he was wide opened while prepared the attack. Bardock then says even though Mira saved his life, he will act on his own will, thus, Bardock charges a self-destruction attack and says farewell to his son Kakarot and launches it, apparently killing both of them while Time Patrol Trunks was waking up and could see the destruction of Bardock, but as the smoke wiped clean, Mira had survived the explosion.

Bardock's first appearance after his self-destruction

At the end of the fifth Time Machine Quest (TMQ5), it has been shown Bardock also survived his own self-destruction attack. In the sixth Time Machine Quest (TMQ6) during the events on Planet Namek, as a Galactic Frieza Army soldier is about to shoot Time Patrol Trunks in the back, Bardock appears and kills the soldier, he then greets Time Patrol Trunks and supposes he has a lot to ask, but Bardock warns him that Towa is trying to brainwash Goku, Time Patrol Trunks replies this is impossible since Goku has a pure heart, Bardock counters saying that if Ginyu's soul is embedded in Goku's body, then it is possible. Time Patrol Trunks asks why Bardock is helping them, Bardock tends to respond that is because Goku is his son, but he reformulates his line just saying he owes him a favor, and then he makes an alliance with him. Although now a hero, Bardock retains his Time Breaker Bardock state when he aids Time Patrol Trunks in saving Goku, since his eyes are still red, and he also keeps his Time Breaker Battle Armor.


Main article: Dragon Ball Xenoverse

"Kakarot has the critical responsibility of beating Frieza, he is fighting for the Saiyans, for everyone who died on planet Vegeta! I will not... Let you interfere with Kakarot!"

— Bardock towards Broly in Dragon Ball Xenoverse.

Legendary Super Saiyan Saga

Bardock appears in a secret post-main story scenario. In it, Bardock is facing Frieza's Soldiers under Demigra's Dark Magic, the Future Warrior helps Bardock passing through all of them in order to get to Frieza. When done so, Bardock must face Frieza himself also under the dark magic until he launches his Supernova attack and hits Bardock, but instead of dying, Bardock suddenly vanishes, being saved by a wormhole as explained by Chronoa just after this incident.

Bardock while on Earth

Later, Bardock appears in Broly's scenario, Broly is trying to attack Goku during his fight against Frieza, the player must help Bardock in stopping Broly in Age 762, on Dying Namek. During the battle, Future Trunks reveals this is all due to Demigra. Then, all three characters are transported to Earth due to the Dragon Balls (a wish made by Goku to transport everyone to Earth). There, they continue to fight until Vegeta eventually appears, Bardock asks him to create a Power Ball, by doing so, he could transform into a Great Ape, Vegeta does it and Bardock reappears in that form, but not before destroying it, preventing Broly from turning into a Great Ape as well. Later, Great Ape Bardock, Future Warrior, and Vegeta managed to defeat Broly. Bardock then falls unconscious.

Xenoverse 2

Main article: Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2

"How dare you make a fool of me... This time, it's not about the Saiyans... or even my son Kakarot! I'm here for payback! Never underestimate a Saiyan's power!"

— Bardock after being freed from his mind control in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2

Bardock seeing a vision of Super Saiyan Blue Goku and Golden Frieza's battle in Xenoverse 2

Bardock plays a tertiary antagonist role as the Masked Saiyan under Mira and Towa's control. In the opening of Xenoverse 2, a Time Scroll containing a history of the Genocide of the Saiyans is shown, Bardock has a vision of Golden Frieza confronting Super Saiyan Blue Goku in Age 779 before attacking Frieza with his Final Spirit Cannon only to have it absorbed by Frieza's Supernova which destroys Planet Vegeta and seemingly kills Bardock. However Towa and Mira apparently intervene by creating the wormhole that sends Bardock to a distant past, and he is later shown near the end of the opening as the Masked Saiyan. It is later revealed by Towa that after being swallowed by the wormhole she created Bardock had managed escape into the distant past, forcing Mira and Towa to follow after him and captured him after the events of Episode of Bardock had transpired thus Towa and Mira were partially responsible for Bardock's encounter with Chilled that lead him to become a Super Saiyan. Interestingly, the Time Patrol considers the fight with Chilled part of the official timeline, as Jierra is sent to ensure Chilled survives long enough to pass on the knowledge of Super Saiyans, hinting that Episode of Bardock may be canon after all.

When Towa and Mira encounter Turles and Slug and give them their enhanced Fruits of the Tree of Might, the Masked Saiyan appears next to them. The Masked Saiyan is also seen watching as the Future Warrior helps Trunks against Mira in Age 762. It is revealed in the Decisive Battle with Majin Buu Saga that the Masked Saiyan has been secretly gathering Kili from the Time Patrol's battles with the villains empowered and/or recruited by Towa and Mira which is stored in an Energy Absorber like the one used by Babidi's Forces and he is shown giving it to Towa so she can use it to power up Mira. Towa also notes that Turles, Slug, and Cooler have all been doing their part to collect damage energy through their battles with the Time Patrol. Future Trunks also spots the Masked Saiyan with Supervillain Janemba when they are in Hell to stop Vegeta from leaving to aid Goku during the battle with Super Buu in Age 774 and later reveals this to Chronoa and the Future Warrior after he recovered from the injuries inflicted on him by Janemba shortly after the defeat of Kid Buu. The Future Warrior spots the Masked Saiyan and chases after him as he tries to flee to another timeline and they end up traveling to Age 778, interrupting Goku and Beerus' conversation about how he absorbed the Super Saiyan God power. The two fight and Bardock's Mask is partially broken, prompting Mira to appear. After Beerus grows angry Chronoa manages to calm him down with pudding, Bardock and Mira retreat when Beerus politely offers them a pudding cup which Mira views as a buzz kill. Though Mira and the Masked Saiyan get away, Future Trunks recognized Bardock's face when his mask was partially broken thus allowing the Time Patrol to discover both the Masked Saiyan's identity and learn how the Time Breakers operate forcing Towa to change tactics during The Emperor's Return Saga.

Super Saiyan Blue Goku in Bardock's vision in Xenoverse 2

After convincing Beerus to let the Time Patrol handle Mira and Towa after Towa tricks Beerus and Whis into leaving Age 779 during Frieza's revenge, Trunks, Chronoa, and the Future Warrior realize that Bardock is being manipulated and decide to investigate Age 737. Trunks and the Future Warrior witness Bardock being swallowed up by a wormhole and follow to Earth in an Unknown Timeline. They are confronted by Towa's present self who Trunks tries to attack, but the Masked Saiyan stops his punch. Soon Mira joins in the fight as well. Upon fighting with the Future Warrior and Trunks in an unspecified age in time, Bardock's mask is completely broken, leading him to get unconscious for a short time. When Towa tries to suck the Future Warrior and Trunks into a wormhole leading to an isolated dimension, they are saved by Bardock waking up from his mind control. Back to his senses, Bardock holds Mira in a full-nelson. Bardock then takes Mira with him into the isolated dimension while smirking at Towa.

Bardock holds Mira in a Full-Nelson to trap both of them in the Time Rift that had been created by Towa

In the secret ending, after pulling Mira into the Time Rift it is revealed that Bardock fought against Mira in this isolated dimension. Supreme Kai of Time, Elder Kai, Trunks, and the Future Warrior observe their battle via the Scroll of Eternity during the Unknown History Saga. Due to Bardock's massive power increase, he overwhelms Mira with his Super Saiyan form. As the fight with Mira drags on, Bardock manages to transform further into his Super Saiyan 2 and Super Saiyan 3 forms. Bardock manages to defeat Mira but mysteriously disappears from the Time Rift, leaving the defeated Mira beaten, yet alive. The battle with Bardock causes Mira to realize that as he was created to be powerful what he lacked was an unbreakable will. While pondering Bardock's absence after defeating Mira, Trunks states the Super Saiyan 3 comes with exhaustive power and due to Bardock's sudden explosion of power, the Future Warrior and his group assume that Bardock has either destroyed himself due the strain of his Super Saiyan 3 transformation or has been transported to another part in time where he continues to fight. Regardless, Trunks and Chronoa assures the Warrior that will probably meet up with Bardock eventually.

In the Infinite History Saga, if Bardock is a mentor in the final battle against Dabura and Demigra, Bardock will tell the Future Warrior that he didn't join the Time Patrol to protect people or save history, instead he joined so he could fight strong people throughout different eras.

Dragon Ball Fusions

Main article: Dragon Ball Fusions

"Get good and strong, Kakarot! I mean, Goku."

— Bardock thinking to himself in Dragon Ball Fusions

Bardock can be found by Tekka's Team atop a rocky pillar in Area 4F of the Timespace Rift. At first, he doesn't recognize his son Kid Goku until he asks if they had met before causing Bardock to realize he is his son Kakarot. Bardock decides to keep his identity a secret from his son and denies knowing him, causing Goku to reveal that Bardock's scent feels familiar, kinda like his Grandpa Gohan's implying that Goku instinctively remembered his father's scent from when he was young, though he was unable to recognize it due to losing his memory of his life as Kakarot. Bardock asks Goku if he would like to fight, Saiyan to Saiyan which Goku and Tekka accept leading Bardock to battle with Tekka's Team. This leads to Sub-Event: "Father's Fist".

After dealing a certain amount of damage, the fight ends. While the other members of Tekka's Team are tired from the fight, Goku and Bardock continue fighting. Eventually, Goku and Bardock stop fighting and Bardock asks him his name and his son reveals his adopted name Goku. Bardock offers to join Tekka's Team so he can train Goku causing Goku to ask Tekka if Bardock can join and Tekka agrees. Thinking to himself, Bardock tells Kakarot to get good and strong, before correcting himself and calling him Goku. As a result, Bardock is recruited as a member of Tekka's Team.

In Sub-Event: "An Unlikely Pair", Bardock's wife Gine is also transported to the Timespace Rift after Tekka opens a time hole with Burst Ki and like Bardock meets their son Kid Goku, though she too also chooses to keep her true identity and relationship to Goku a secret. Flustered by meeting her son she runs off and is later saved from a group of fighters that were planning to target a Saiyan before he could become a Super Saiyan, which Gine overheard and objected too, by Goku and Tekka's Team. Afterward, Gine almost mentions Bardock by name to Goku but she stops herself and simply refers to him as a Saiyan she knows and tells Goku that Bardock could have taken out the group by himself easily, impressing Goku who hopes to become that strong one day. After Gine is allowed to join Tekka's Team, thinking to herself she tells Bardock that she wants to help their son and notes that he would probably tell her that she's being overly sentimental. Interestingly, Bardock and Gine are not shown interacting after both join Tekka's Team, though Tekka's Team occasionally encounter them together on the same team as enemy NPCs (due to the nature of the time-space rift, multiple counterparts can co-exist and even fight one another).

Dragon Ball Heroes

Dark Empire Saga

Main article: Dark Empire Saga


Sometime after Bardock's battle with Chilled, Future Trunks encounters the mainline Bardock and mistakes him for the Bardock he knows, though Bardock does not recognize him. Bardock attains the Super Saiyan 4 form.[19]



On Planet Cereal, he was strong enough to effortlessly block an attack from Monaito, whose power level was 213. Bardock was also stated by Monaito and Gas to have defeated him in their battle. The fighting prodigy was openly impressed at Bardock's performance despite being a low-class soldier. According to Monaito, Bardock forced a battered Gas to undergo his Heeter's transformation to have a chance. Despite this, Bardock's resolve was able to endure the foe's assault long enough for his Saiyan Power to activate, giving him a boost needed to overpower the foe.

While on an unknown planet with a fellow Saiyan comrade, he is able to easily decimate the native aliens of that planet. Months later, he is easily killed by first form Frieza.


In the Funimation dub of Bardock - The Father of Goku, after returning from Kanassa and having his wounds healed, Bardock is said to have a power level close to 10,000, and was expected to surpass King Vegeta in due time (Who, according to Vegeta himself, has a power level of under 18,000). He is able to defeat four of Frieza's elite soldiers at the same time after they ganged up on him before being blasted away by Dodoria's Energy Cannon. Later, despite being heavily wounded, Bardock forces his way through dozens of Frieza's troops on his own in an effort to reach Frieza's ship, which he does successfully and without any effort.

What-if scenarios

After surviving Frieza's Supernova and being sent to the past, Bardock is seen defeating Toobi and Cabira, two soldiers of Chilled's army, with extreme ease. After achieving the Super Saiyan transformation, Bardock is able defeat Chilled, Frieza's ancestor who eventually died of the injuries he substaibed while fighting Super Saiyan Bardock.

Statements by authors and guidebooks

It was stated by Akira Toriyama that Bardock was one of the strongest low-class warriors, but was not strong enough to be considered a mid-class warrior (Which implies that his power was below Nappa's and possibly his eldest son Raditz who was considered powerful and brutal enough to be classified as mid-class soldier, albeit on the low end of the mid-class similar to how his father was on the high-end of the low-class). Bardock was also strong enough to protect Gine several times and other members of his group whenever they were caught in danger.[8]

Video games

In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, Towa having captured Bardock brainwashes and augments his body to turn him into the Masked Saiyan, resulting in Bardock receiving a massive power increase, though over time his power increased further still. As the Masked Saiyan, he is capable of standing up against the Future Warrior during their battle in Age 778, though he is ultimately defeated and his Mask cracks, forcing Mira to intervene. Later in Age ???, the Masked Saiyan is shown capable of blocking a punch from Future Trunks, though he was eventually overpowered by Future Trunks and the Future Warrior and defeated alongside Mira, which resulted in his mask being destroyed completely freeing Bardock from Towa and Mira's control.

After being freed from his mind control, Bardock's new power allowed him to keep Mira at bay in a Full Nelson; Mira is unable to shake him off, though Mira claims that his power level is higher than Bardock's and Bardock's ability to overpower him is later attributed to a combination of Bardock's indomitable will, his rage over being manipulated, and due to Mira and Towa underestimating his Saiyan Power. While fighting in the time rift between dimensions, Bardock takes advantage of the power increase he received from Towa's modifications to fight Mira in his base form. As the battle rages on, Bardock transforms into his Super Saiyan form and soon afterward his Super Saiyan 2 and Super Saiyan 3 forms during his battle with Mira and ultimately is able to overpower Mira in his Super Saiyan 3 form.



Forms and Transformations



Flight – The ability to fly with the use of ki.

Ki Blast – The most basic form of energy wave.

Saiyan Power - The genetic abilities of all Saiyans to quickly and instinctively grow in power and performance the more they endure struggles or the more injuries they recover from.

Power Ball – By combining ki with the planet's atmosphere, a sphere of condensed Blutz Waves is created. Using this, a Saiyan can achieve the Great Ape transformation even when a full moon (or similar planetary body) is not present. In the Ocean Group dubs, Vegeta claims that Bardock was the inventor of this technique. However in Legendary Super Saiyan Saga of Xenoverse, Bardock while aware of the technique's existence, is forced to ask Vegeta of Age 762 (post after being transported to Earth by Porunga) to create one for him so he can transform in order to aid the Time Patrol defeat Villainous Mode Legendary Super Saiyan Broly. Additionally during the Cerealian genocide, he never attempts to use a Power Ball after Cereal's moon was destroyed by the Cerealian Flayk.

Divination – The ability to see events far away in time and space. In Dragon Ball Minus and Broly, Bardock lacks the ability.Keen Intuition - Replacing his ability to see visions of the future from Bardock - The Father of Goku, he naturally possess a keen intuition which causes him to feel something is wrong with Frieza's recent order for all Saiyans off world to return to Planet Vegeta, and begins suspecting Frieza's betrayal after learning the Frieza Force is asking around about the legendary Super Saiyan in Dragon Ball Minus and Broly. Named in Dragon Ball Legends where it appears as the Special Quirk Skill Arts for Bardock (DBL19-01S) which represents the current canon incarnation of Bardock from Broly.

Final Revenger – First, Bardock grabs his clenched fist as he charges at the opponent and punches them in their face before reverse side kicking them up into the air. Then, he yells as he flies after the opponent and punches them up into the air again. Next, he grabs the opponent by their head and leaps over behind to knee them up further into the air. Finally, Bardock flies up above the opponent and Double Axe Handle punches them down to the ground, inflicting a high amount of damage. One of Bardock's Blast 2 in the Budokai Tenkaichi series.

Bardock fires a Full Power Energy Wave at Dodoria's Elite

Full Power Energy Wave – An energy sphere charged and fired in the form of an energy wave from their hand. One of Bardock's basic Energy Wave Blast 2 attacks in the Budokai Tenkaichi series.

Flip Shoot – Bardock flips backwards, avoiding enemy attacks, and fires a blue energy wave at the opponent.

Flash Spirit – First, Bardock elbows the opponent in the face, he then kicks the opponent away and then shoots a Full Power Energy Wave at them, inflicting great damage.

Rebellion Spear – First, Bardock charges a light-blue aura around his body as he strikes a crouching pose. Then, he shouts "I will never forgive you!" as he charges toward the opponent using the blue aura as a shield, inflicting a great amount of damage. In addition to the physical attack portion, it doubles as a movement technique as the user can change the direction of the charge to avoid attacks or change the course of the charge to attack a specific target.

Final Spirit Cannon – As he says "I'll blow you away!", Bardock puts his hand forward and charges a blue energy sphere. Then, he shouts "THIS ENDS NOW!" as he draws his arm back, and then he brings his hand forward and fires the attack at the opponent, inflicting a great deal of damage.Last Riot Javelin – Used in Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit.

Rebellion Trigger – A Final Spirit Cannon fired in the form of an Energy wave.Revenge Assault - Used in FighterZ.

Rebellion Hammer - An energy punch attack, used against Gas. The Super Attack of Super Saiyan 4 Bardock in Dragon Ball Heroes.

Vortex Crusher – Bardock rolls in a rapid motion and lands a hard elbow on the opponent's head.

Dragonthrow – A grapple throw Super Saiyan Bardock used against Chilled.

Ginyu Fighting Pose: Heart – Used in Dragon Ball SD.

Heat Phalanx – Used in the Budokai series, Burst Limit, and Dragon Ball Heroes.Final Heat Phalanx – Used in Dragon Ball Heroes.

Tyrant Lancer – Used in Dragon Ball Xenoverse.

Spirit of Saiyans – Used in Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3, Dragon Ball Z: Infinite World, Shin Budokai - Another Road, Burst Limit and Xenoverse.Brave Heat – Used in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2.

Super Energy Wave Volley – Used in Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi.

Saiyan Soul – One of Bardock's Blast 1 in the Budokai Tenkaichi series.

Wild Sense – One of Bardock's Blast 1 in the Budokai Tenkaichi series.

Chou Makouhou – One of Great Ape Bardock's Blast 2 in the Budokai Tenkaichi series. It is called Super Rebellion Cannon (超リベリオンキャノン) in Dragon Ball Heroes.Ultra Rebellion Cannon S – An ability used by Bardock in Dragon Ball Heroes. It increases the power of his Ultra Rebellion Cannon.

Giga Meteor Storm – A much more powerful version of the Chou Makouhou Barrage used by Bardock in his Great Ape form in the Budokai Tenkaichi series.

Explosive Wave – One of Great Ape Bardock's Blast 1 in the Budokai Tenkaichi series. Also used in Xenoverse 2.Super Explosive Wave – One of Great Ape Bardock's Blast 2 in the Budokai Tenkaichi series.

Ki Explosion - After the 1.09.00 Update in Xenoverse 2, it can be added to his custom skillset after it is purchased in Partner Customization.Super Ki Explosion - After the 1.09.00 Update in Xenoverse 2, it can be added to his custom skillset after it is purchased in Partner Customization.

Howl – One of Great Ape Bardock's Blast 1 in the Budokai Tenkaichi series and Great Ape Bardock's Evasive Skill in the Xenoverse series.

Backstep Ki Blast - Bardock's signature attack in the Raging Blast series.

Time Breaker mind control – Used in Dragon Ball Online.

False Self Destruction – Used in Online.

Rebellion Edge - The Super Attack of Bardock (BR) in Dragon Ball Heroes.

Wild Counter – A counter technique used by Bardock in Dragon Ball Kai: Ultimate Butōden. Bardock taunts the opponent with a "Come on" gesture, then knocks them away with a vicious punch when they try to attack him.

Blast Cannon – Used in Dragon Ball Fusions.Super Blast Cannon - A stronger version of Blast Cannon used by Bardock in Dragon Ball Fusions.Hyper Blast Cannon - The strongest version of Blast Cannon used by Bardock in Dragon Ball Fusions.

EX-Fusion - Used in Dragon Ball Fusions.

Five-Way Fusion - Bardock can use this as a member of Tekka's Team in Dragon Ball Fusions.

Crushing in Hands - Used in the Xenoverse series.

Boulder Toss - Used in the Xenoverse series.

Spread Shot Retreat – After the 1.09.00 Update in Xenoverse 2, it can be added to his custom skillset after it is purchased in Partner Customization.

Kiai - Bardock can utilize several kiai based techniques in Xenoverse 2.Shockwave - After the 1.09.00 Update in Xenoverse 2, this Super Skill can be added to his custom skillset after it is purchased in Partner Customization.

Ki Blast Cannon - After the 1.09.00 Update in Xenoverse 2, the Super Skill can be added to his custom skillset after it is purchased in Partner Customization.

Spirit Explosion - A powerful two handed kiai technique originally used by his youngest son which appears as an Evasive Skill for Bardock's custom skillset in Xenoverse 2.

Double Sunday - After the 1.09.00 Update in Xenoverse 2, it can be added to his custom skillset after it is purchased in Partner Customization.Weekend - After the 1.09.00 Update in Xenoverse 2, it can be added to his custom skillset after it is purchased in Partner Customization.

Saturday Crash - After the 1.09.00 Update in Xenoverse 2, it can be added to his custom skillset after it is purchased in Partner Customization.Shining Friday - After the 1.09.00 Update in Xenoverse 2, it can be added to his custom skillset after it is purchased in Partner Customization.

Vacation Delete - After the 1.09.00 Update in Xenoverse 2, it can be added to his custom skillset after it is purchased in Partner Customization.

Kamehameha - After the 1.09.00 Update in Xenoverse 2, this Super Skill can be added to his custom skillset after it is purchased in Partner Customization.Super Kamehameha - After the 1.09.00 Update in Xenoverse 2, this Ultimate Skill can be added to his custom skillset after it is purchased in Partner Customization.

Kill Driver - An explosive energy ring technique originally used by follow low-class Saiyan Turles. After the 1.09.00 Update in Xenoverse 2, this Super Skill can be added to his custom skillset after it is purchased in Partner Customization.

Sudden Storm - After the 1.09.00 Update in Xenoverse 2, this Super Skill can be added to his custom skillset after it is purchased in Partner Customization.

Meteor Burst - After the 1.09.00 Update in Xenoverse 2, this Ultimate Skill can be added to his custom skillset after it is purchased in Partner Customization.

Genocide Shell - After the 1.09.00 Update in Xenoverse 2, this Super Skill can be added to his custom skillset after it is purchased in Partner Customization.

Murder Grenade - After the 1.09.00 Update in Xenoverse 2, this Super Skill can be added to his custom skillset after it is purchased in Partner Customization.

Giant Storm - After the 1.09.00 Update in Xenoverse 2, this Ultimate Skill can be added to his custom skillset after it is purchased in Partner Customization.

Bloody Sauce - Used by the Masked Saiyan in Xenoverse 2.

Phantom Fist - Used by the Masked Saiyan in Xenoverse 2.

Peeler Storm - Used by Great Ape Bardock in Expert Mission 12: "Attack of the Lone Supersoldier" in Xenoverse 2.

Gigantic Ki Blast - Used by Great Ape Bardock in Expert Mission 12: "Attack of the Lone Supersoldier" in Xenoverse 2.

Video Game Appearances

Parental Guidance Bardock & Gine Japanese card featuring the couple as a team in Dokkan Battle

Bardock in FighterZ

Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3

Dragon Ball Z: Sagas

Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi

Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors 2

Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2

Dragon Ball Z: Bakuretsu Impact

Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3

Dragon Ball Z: W Bakuretsu Impact

Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit

Dragon Ball Z: Infinite World

Dragon Ball Z: Dragon Battlers

Dragon Ball: Raging Blast

Dragon Ball Online

Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team

Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2

Dragon Ball Heroes

Dragon Ball Kai: Ultimate Butōden

Dragon Ball: Zenkai Battle

Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi

Dragon Ball Z For Kinect

Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z

Dragon Ball: Tap Battle

Dragon Ball Xenoverse

Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butōden

Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle

Dragon Ball Fusions

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2

Dragon Ball FighterZ

Dragon Ball Legends

Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission

In Dragon Ball Z II: Gekishin Freeza, Bardock is mentioned by a Kanassan while Goku is visiting their planet.

Voice Actors

Japanese: Masako Nozawa

English:Funimation dub: Sonny Strait

AB Groupe dub: David Gasman (Bardock - The Father of Goku), Doug Rand (Cooler's Revenge)

Hebrew dub: Avi Vaanunu-Maor

Spanish:Spanish dub: Antonio Villar (DBZ episode 92)

Latin American Spanish dub: Mario Castañeda, Octavio Rojas (DBZ Kai)[20], Santiago Florentín (DBS Broly) (Argentine redub)

German dub: Tommy Morgenstern (Frieza Saga), Björn Schalla (Bardock - The Father of Goku, DBS Broly), Simon Derksen (DBZ Kai)

Portuguese:Portuguese dub: Henrique Feist

Brazilian Portuguese dub: Wellington Lima

Italian dub: Marco Balzarotti (Bardock - The Father of Goku), Simone D'Andrea (Frieza Saga)

French dub: Patrick Borg

Catalan dub: Josep Maria Mas

Greek dub: Zaharias Rohas

Indonesian Dub: Jeffrey Sani (DBZK, Indosiar)


Pre-Dragon Ball

Bardock vs. Gas (Base/Instincts Unleashed)

Bardock and Leek vs. Aliens

Bardock vs. Frieza (First Form)


Bardock (Great Ape), Tora (Great Ape), Fasha (Great Ape), Borgos (Great Ape), and Shugesh (Great Ape) vs. Kanassan Commander and Kanassan warriors

Bardock, Shugesh, and Tora vs. Toolo

Bardock vs. Team Dodoria

Bardock vs. Frieza's soldiers

Bardock vs. Frieza (First Form)

Bardock and Leek vs. Aliens

Bardock vs. Frieza (First Form)


Bardock vs. Tobi and Cabira

Bardock vs. Chilled's soldiers

Bardock (Base/Super Saiyan) vs. Chilled

List of Characters Killed by Bardock

Kanassans - Slaughtered by Bardock and his crew.

Team Dodoria - All four of them killed by Bardock.

Tobi and Cabira - Killed in quick fashion by Bardock.

Chilled - Killed by Bardock's Rebellion Trigger.


Bardock's name, like all other Saiyan characters, is a pun on edible plant material, in this case, the burdock herb (this pun is more apparent in the Dragon Ball manga, where the character's name is literally spelled Burdock). Bardock's family are all named after root vegetables (burdock, onion, radish, and carrot). The word "burdock" transliterated into katakana is badokku (バードック, bādokku), but the character's name is written as Badakku (バーダック, Bādakku), changing the 'do' character to 'da'. This character change actually makes the kana sound more like "Bardock" to English speakers, making it difficult to accurately romanize the word to convey the pun. The word could be romanized as "Burdock", "Barduck", "Badack" or any combination of these syllables. While Viz's English publications of the manga use the spelling "Burdock", the Funimation dub of Bardock - The Father of Goku and the original Japanese version of Dragon Ball: Episode of Bardock both spell his name "Bardock". "Bardock" is also how Frieza pronounces his name while speaking aloud during the Frieza Saga of Funimation's Dragon Ball Z English dub.

In a chapter of the Dragon Ball manga, Raditz alludes to Bardock when commenting that Goku "look[s] just like [their] father".

Bardock was the first anime original character to later be included in two panels of the manga.

In a flashback during the Frieza Saga, it is implied that during Bardock's confrontation with Frieza, all of the men behind him were part of his army to defeat Frieza. However, in Bardock - The Father of Goku, it is shown that those are all actually Frieza's men, and Bardock fought his way through them to get to Frieza.

A commercial advertising Dragon Ball Z Kai on Nicktoons shows Bardock when he forms the blast about to attack Frieza. No blood is present, and Bardock's scar is missing from his face, this was to most likely censor Dragon Ball Z Kai because it was on a children's network.

The way Bardock tries to warn the Saiyans about Frieza destroying them all in the 1990 TV special is similar to how Jor-El from Superman tries to inform his people of Krypton's destruction. Ironically, the 2014 Dragon Ball Minus manga further increases the similarities between Bardock and Jor-El.

Bardock is the only user of Super Saiyan 4 to keep his tail secured around his waist even while in the said form.

Sonny Strait gave Bardock three different voices; the first (in the original FUNimation airing) is somewhat high-pitched, almost similar to Krillin, the second (first appearing in 2000s until Raging Blast) is standard baritone in vocal pitch (as with most common male voices), and starting from Dragon Ball Z Kai, his voice exhibits a more virile and brazen disposition, sticking with his Japanese (aggressive) tone.

In the Budokai Tenkaichi and Raging Blast series, if the player has Bardock fight Nappa, the latter will refer to Bardock as "garbage", owing to Bardock's status as a low-class warrior. This is very odd, as Bardock has a power level of 10,000 whereas Nappa has a power of 4,000, which is much lower.

Bardock is notable for being involved in the genocide of at least two races, the Kanassans in Bardock - The Father of Goku and the Cerealians in Dragon Ball Super manga.Ironically, the last surviving Cerealian Granolah would later seek revenge on the surviving Saiyans, which includes Bardock's only surviving son, Kakarot. In a further level of irony, it would later be revealed that Bardock was the reason why Granolah lived to see another day.


Main article: Bardock/Gallery

See also

Bardock (Collectibles)


↑ Jump up to:1.0 1.1 Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, 2016

↑ Jaco the Galactic Patrolman, 2013

↑ Jump up to:3.0 3.1 3.2 Dragon Ball Legends, 2018

↑ Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission X, 2017

↑ Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission, 2019

↑ Dragon Ball Online, 2010

↑ Akira Toriyama's Comments on Bardock. kanzenshuu.

↑ Jump up to:8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Interview with Akira Toriyama - Saikyō Jump #3, 2014

↑ Interview with Tatsuya Nagamine. reddit (December 6, 2018).

↑ Jump up to:10.0 10.1 Supplemental Daizenshuu

↑ Dragon Ball Minus: The Departure of the Fated Child

↑ Daizenshuu 6, 1995

↑ Son Goku Densetsu, 2003

↑ Dragon Ball chapter 307, "The Ultimate Battle Begins!"

↑ Dragon Ball Z episode 78, "Fighting Power: One Million??"

↑ Dragon Ball Z episode 86, "The End of Vegeta"

↑ Dragon Ball Z episode 87, "The Ultimate Battle"

↑ Power level estimated by observing doctors in the special. imageshack.

↑ Bardock SS4 missions 1 2

↑ Dragon Ball Z KAI - Muestra del Doblaje Latino. youtube.

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