
Saiyans in Marvel

A spaceship lands in the Texas desert. The person inside is not a Superman from Krypton, but a survivor of the fighting race Saiyans. The otaku with the Saiyan Revival System struggled to accept his new identity – Broly. The super boss in Dragon Ball The Movie, the legendary Super Saiyan. Afterimage Boxing, Turtle Style Qigong, Vitality Bullet, Human, Universal Capsule! Broly thought he was about to start a career of chopping wires with a kitchen knife, sparking lightning all the way, but who knew? DISCLAIMER THIS IS A TRANSLATION FIC SO YOU HAVE BE WARNED.

Artoriapendraragon · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 3 Reyes Group

A brand-new Dodge Ram was driving down the interstate with Metallica's "Fade To Black" playing at full blast.

"Life it seems, will fade away

Drifting further every day"

In the passenger seat was a bald young Hispanic man with a large beard holding Kakarot's tail. His body was covered with teeth marks and scratches and dripping with blood. It was obvious that he had been subdued after a violent struggle.

"Fake! Benny, I really don't know why you brought this kid back to El Paso. We still have five kilos of merchandise in the trunk! If anything happens, Burton will skin us!"

He tied Kakarot up with a rope.

"What do you know, Marlin, have you seen her tail? Have you ever seen a child this age with such strength? This is a mutant, brother! We will give her to Burton and sell her to Mexico, in Juarez we can make at least 800,000, 800,000! Do you understand, brother, 800,000 is enough for us to brave the police patrols and make twenty trips!

There is an underground boxing market in Juarez that specializes in buying mutants for brutal and bloody fights. Mexican and South American gang leaders, important officials in Washington, Wall Street investors, and Hollywood stars are all clients of this fighting arena.

The adult mutant is worth $1.2 million, and the juvenile mutant is worth $2 million. Even if Burton takes 60% of the water, it is still a lot of money for both of them.

Young mutants are very valuable in training. After brainwashing and cruel training, they make excellent cannon fodder and bodyguards. Many gang leaders are willing to pay high prices for them. What's more, this mutant is female and even more valuable.

Following the interstate, they soon returned to El Paso and pulled into a tire store.

A pair of eyes stared warily at their Dodge Ram through the observation window of the rolling shutter door.

"We're closed today."

"Stop it, Bates, we just left here with the merchandise forty minutes ago."

There was a moment of silence in the tire shop, and the rolling shutter door opened, allowing Marin and the two of them to drive in. Several rifles were pressed against the car windows in front of the car parked at the work station, aimed at the two people in the car from all directions.

"That's against the rules, Benny. Even if you get in trouble on the street, you are not allowed to come back here. You fucked up! Man!"

A bald man with tattoos all over his body walked up to the car window with an angry expression on his face.

"No, no, Louis, there are absolutely no cops following us. You don't know what we met on the way, a mutant! He's only seven or eight years old! That is a lot of money, and Bolton will definitely not blame us!"

Louis' expression softened. If the two of them caught a mutant, they would be forgiven for rashly changing their route.

Broly opened a bottle of water, took a small sip, picked up a donut from the car and ate it in several bites. Now, his condition was not the best, and there would most likely be a fierce battle next, and he would have to adjust his condition.

"May I know your name?"

He asked the middle-aged man in the driver's seat.

"Earl Earl Sharp."

The middle-aged man was obviously very nervous and his hands were shaking.

"No, your name is Cade Eagle."

Broly pulled a package from under the seat with Cade Eagle's name on it.

"I remember you. What you need to do now is park the car here, wait for me to rescue my companions, and then take us away. There will be no accidents and no danger. Of course, if you're smart, that's not necessarily the case."

As he spoke, he opened the door and walked towards the tire shop two hundred meters away.

The combat power detection glasses on his head kept beating, detecting the combat power and positions of several people in the tire shop.

"8", "11", "7, "8", "9", "3".

As Broly walked, he tried his best to arouse his emotions and make himself angry. Until ordinary Saiyans reach the critical point of Super Saiyans, pure anger cannot increase their fighting power. But he is different. As a legendary Super Saiyan, he does not need a full moon to dramatically increase his fighting power through anger. In fact, he can enter the state of rage directly after his anger reaches the critical point.


Broly's battle in the combat power detection goggles is constantly beating, and a steady stream of power flows out of his body.


He started charging towards the tire shop.

Cade was stunned when he saw Broly charging towards him.

"Is he an idiot?"

Inside the tire shop, Louis squared his shoulders and looked at Kakarot in the car.

"Is she really a mutant? What else is special about her besides having a tail?"

Marin hastily showed the wounds on his body.

"She's really strong! I can't even begin to compete with her!"

Louis looked at Marin suspiciously and suddenly raised his hand to signal silence.

"Did you hear something?"

The next moment, the aluminum alloy rolling door suddenly twisted and deformed violently, as if it was hit by an angry elephant, and flew up. Lewis was caught off guard and was hit head-on. His skull was smashed, and his brains and blood spurted out on the floor.

[Experience +5]

The fierce sunlight came in, and the eyes of several people were sore from being stabbed. All they could vaguely see was a tall man rushing in.

"Maja Fake!"

A gunman raised his rifle and prepared to fire. The next moment, the rifle in his hand was hammered into a U-shape.

Broly shrank his body to avoid the bullets fired from the other side. At this time, he was still not sure whether he could withstand the close range direct fire of the rifle bullets.

He grabbed the foot of the gunman next to him and threw it directly, hitting the two gunmen on the opposite side. Then he pressed his hands on the side door of the Dodge Ram and opened it fiercely.

The heavy car body rolled like a roller, crushing the three people stacked on top of each other into a ball of meat and hitting the wall. The whole building was shaking violently.

[Experience +15]

Under the huge force, although the sturdy Dodge Ram was slightly deformed, the overall frame was still very complete. Broly ripped off the car door that was stuck on the car body.

Benny raised his pistol and aimed it at Broly. His whole body was shaking violently with fear, his face was pale, he was sweating profusely, and his teeth were chattering uncontrollably.

Before he could pull the trigger, his hand was held by Broly. With a little force, the palm and the pistol in his hand were crushed into a mixture of flesh and parts.

Benny looked at the hand that could be wrapped directly into the dumpling in disbelief, and screamed like a woman.

"Your daughter is here and she is not hurt. Let me go!"

Malone raised his hands, and he saw the tail on Broly's waist. Deep fear seemed to grasp his heart firmly like a hand.

Broly took Kakarot and tore the rope tied to her with one finger.

Kakarot, who regained his freedom, immediately hugged his waist and cried loudly, wiping all the snot and saliva on his combat uniform.

Broly glanced at her with disgust, took back the combat sleeves placed on the car seat, put them on his shoulders, squeezed them with both hands, and neatly broke the necks of the two people in the car.

[Experience +6]

[The enemy's fear: As an enemy of the Saiyans, there is only one ending: destruction. Destroy the Reyes Group. The mission rewards 60 revival points]

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