
Saiyan Primal Ascension

Emi is a fierce and spirited young woman, standing at 5'10" with a unique blend of Japanese and Hispanic features. She leads a life as a member of a female Sukeban gang in Japan, where her unyielding passion for combat has earned her the respect and fear of her fellow gang members. Despite her tough exterior, Emi secretly harbors a deep love for anime, particularly Dragon Ball Z. Her life takes a drastic turn when she meets Aya, the Divine Guardian of Battle, who offers her three wishes to be made within a universe centered around fighting. Emi chooses the Dragon Ball universe, her favorite anime world. ((please be aware this is a series that will head to different universes. Not just the dragon ball one))

Iros · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Reunion and Anticipation

Gine's expression softened with concern, her eyes flickering with worry. "But Celera, we can't just leave Raditz here," she protested, her voice laced with apprehension. "He's still Kakarot's brother, regardless of what he's done."

I nodded in agreement, understanding Gine's sentiment. "You're right, Gine," I conceded, my tone thoughtful. "We'll need to find a way to restrain Raditz and ensure he doesn't cause any more trouble. But first, we need to tend to Kakarot and Piccolo's injuries."

Tato and Hanasia exchanged a knowing look, their expressions grim. "We'll handle Raditz," Tato volunteered, His smile, I remember that smile and it meant nothing good. Sighing I agreed. " Take it you're taking him home?" 

"Yeah, we can talk to him and get things settled down, shouldn't really take that long." Tato finished" Besides He needed to learn how to act like a prince" he tried to add but ended up laughing. Hanasia and I even ended up laughing, we had known Raditzs since he was small and there was no way he would ever act like a prince.

Finally calming down Hanasia nodded in agreement, her eyes narrowed. "We'll make sure he doesn't cause any more trouble," she affirmed, her tone resolute. "And if he tries anything, he'll regret it."

With a shared understanding, Tato and Hanasia prepared to take Raditz back home. I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of Raditz learning to "act like a prince." It seemed like an impossible task given his history of mischief and rebellion. Nevertheless, I trusted Tato and Hanasia to handle the situation.

"We'll hold down the fort here," I assured them, my voice filled with confidence. "Take care of Raditz, and Drop back in two months tops to check on everything."

Tato flashed a grin in response, his eyes glinting with mischief. "Don't worry, Celera. We've dealt with Raditz's antics before," he replied, his tone teasing. "This time will be no different."

Hanasia nodded in agreement, her expression determined. "We'll keep an eye on him," she affirmed, her voice resolute. "And if he steps out of line, we'll handle it."

With that, Tato and Hanasia hoisted Raditz onto their shoulders, preparing to make their departure. They walked forward to me and I nodded Gathering my Ki into my fist as I opened a portal by punching the air, One for them to head back home.

With a final nod of acknowledgment, Tato and Hanasia stepped through the portal, disappearing from view as they returned home. As the portal closed behind them, I turned my attention back to Gine and Kakarot, who stood nearby, watching the scene unfold with a mixture of emotions.

Gine approached Kakarot with a gentle expression, her eyes filled with concern. "Kakarot," she began, her voice soft yet determined. "I know this must be difficult for you. But please, believe me when I say that I am your mother."

Kakarot's brow furrowed in confusion, his gaze flickering between Gine and me. "I... I don't understand," he admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "I don't remember anything before I arrived on Earth. How can you be my mother?"

Gine reached out to Kakarot, her hand trembling slightly as she gently brushed his cheek. "I may not have been there for you in the past, but that doesn't change the fact that you are my son," she explained, her voice filled with emotion. "I've missed you every day since we were separated, and I've never stopped loving you." 

As they were speaking me and my aunt left giving them some privacy, Moving fast enough to where my enhanced hearing wouldn't pick anything up. After finding the top of a mountain to rest on we sat back and took a few moments to enjoy the view. "So how were things after getting married?' I couldn't help but ask, since marriage wasn't something we Saiyan's normally did.

Fasha glanced at me, a nostalgic smile playing on her lips. "Marriage is... interesting," she replied, her voice tinged with amusement. "Mansam always has his moments, that's for sure. And while I know ill never really want anyone else its still a bit weird being married"

I chuckled, recalling some of the stories Fasha had shared about her husband. "I can only imagine," I remarked, shaking my head in amusement. "He always has a knack for getting into trouble."

Fasha nodded in agreement, her gaze distant as she reminisced. "But despite his antics, he is a good partner," she admitted, her voice softening with affection. "He has a way of keeping me grounded, even helped me deal with what I had done, He's a good man. Now if only he would drink less"

I smiled, feeling a sense of warmth at Fasha's words. "Sounds like you two make quite the pair," I commented, my tone laced with admiration. "I'm glad you found someone who could fulfill your dream."

Fasha chuckled, nudging me playfully with her elbow. "What about you, Celera? Any romantic entanglements I should know about?" she teased, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head in amusement. "Not exactly," I replied, a wry smile tugging at my lips. "I've spent far more time looking for Kakarot than really looking for that stuff, though I did take some time to learn how to fight better"

Fasha's playful demeanor shifted slightly as she glanced at me, her expression turning more thoughtful. "I see," she replied, her tone gentle. "But what about those planets you conquered? Have you come to terms with what happened there?"

Her question caught me off guard, stirring up memories I had long tried to bury. The weight of guilt and remorse settled heavy in my chest as I thought back to those days of conquest and destruction.

"I... I've tried to make peace with it," I admitted, "But the memories still haunt me. maybe I should have acted sooner, bringing everyone to that new universe, maybe I could have done things differently.

Fasha gently extended her hand and placed it on my shoulder, offering a comforting touch. In a soft, empathetic tone, she spoke, "I understand, Celera," her eyes conveying a deep sense of understanding. "But you can't let those memories define you. You're more than your past mistakes."

Her words echoed with a familiarity that stirred something deep within me. it was as if I had heard those words before. but I couldn't remember from who?

"Mansam always tell's me," Fasha continued, her voice taking on a hint of her husband's warmth, "that dwelling on the past won't change it. What matters is what you do now, how you choose to move forward."

I nodded, feeling a lump form in my throat as I coughed to get rid of it, or at least tried too. "Thank you, Aunt Fasha," I said, my voice thick, "For being here, for understanding."

Fasha's eyes softened with understanding as she nodded in response to my gratitude. "Anytime, Celera," she replied, her voice gentle yet firm.

But before I could dwell further on our conversation, Fasha's playful demeanor returned, and she flashed me a mischievous grin.

"But for now, how about a little spar?" she suggested, her eyes twinkling with excitement. "A chance to clear your mind."

I couldn't help but smile at the prospect. "Sounds like just what I need," I replied eagerly, a surge of energy coursing through me. "Let's do it."

With a nod of agreement, Fasha assumed a fighting stance, her ki surging around her in a vibrant display of power. I mirrored copied the stance of Apachai Hopachai, focusing my energy as I prepared to face her in combat. He was honestly my favorite teacher out of the others at Ryōzanpaku. Feeling the familiar surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins as we prepared to clash.

With a swift movement, Fasha darted forward, her fist aimed at my midsection. I reacted just in time, blocking her strike with my forearm, the impact sending a shockwave rippling through the air.

The force of her blow was strong but I wasn't weak either with a powerful kick, I aimed for Fasha's side. To my surprise, Fasha effortlessly evaded my attack. Before I could react, she closed the distance between us, launching a flurry of rapid punches and kicks that forced me to backpedal defensively.

Despite my efforts to block and evade, a few of Fasha's strikes landed, sending jolts of pain reverberating through my body. But I refused to let the discomfort slow me down, pushing through the pain as I launched a counteroffensive of my own.

With a fierce shout, I unleashed a barrage of energy blasts, each one aimed with precision at Fasha's position. She dodged and weaved between the blasts, Still, some managed to hit her. but she kept going.

As our exchange intensified, the ground beneath us trembled with the force of our blows, creating some shockwaves that rippled across the landscape.

Each collision of fists, feet Knees, and elbows echoed.

Despite our somewhat evenly matched power levels, each blow exchanged between us carried Joy and excitement. With every strike, we pushed ourselves to the limit, each moment fueling our desire to push beyond our limits.

But even as the intensity of our spar reached its peak, there was a sense of exhilaration in the air, a shared excitement that fueled our competitive spirit. As we continued to trade blows, I knew that this was only the beginning of a battle that would push us both to our limits.

I could feel my body adapting to the rhythm of Fasha's attacks, each strike met with increased resistance my body was adapting because of the smart atoms. With each blow, I responded more swiftly And kicked Fasha away.

With a fluid motion, she managed to steady herself in the air as she raised her palms towards the sky, fingers spread wide as she drew in the surrounding energy. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as power coalesced around her, forming a swirling vortex of crimson light.

Her muscles tensed with controlled intensity as she focused her ki, channeling it into the swirling energy above her. The air thrummed with power as Fasha's determination infused every movement. With a primal roar, she thrust her palms forward, releasing the gathered energy in a devastating wave.

"Galactic Blitz!!!!"

The crimson energy surged forth in a blistering torrent, streaking towards me with unstoppable force. I focused my energy into my cupped hands, palms pressed together as I channeled the immense power within me.

With a steady breath, I began the intricate hand motions, tracing the familiar path of the Kamehameha. My muscles strained against the force of the energy building within me, crap I get now why they screamed the name of the move.

"Ka... me... ha... me... HAAAA!"

With a shout, I thrust my hands forward, releasing the concentrated energy in a brilliant blue wave that surged toward Fasha's Galactic Blitz. The air crackled with power as the two beams collided.

The ground trembled slightly beneath us as the forces collided, sending shockwaves rippling through the air. Sparks flew as the energy surged and roared, each beam pushing against each other in a fierce contest of wills.

But then, with a deafening roar, the beams exploded outward in a dazzling burst of energy, scattering shards of light across the sky. The shockwave rippled through the air, sending a powerful gust of wind sweeping across the landscape. 

Looking at my aunt who was smiling and seemed slightly winded I rushed at her with a burst of speed, I closed the distance between us, launching a barrage of punches. She blocked and parried my strikes, but more of my Strikes were landing. With a determined grin, I pressed forward, increasing the pressure on her with each passing moment.

Her eyes blazing as she tried to counter my attacks. Despite the mounting pressure, she refused to back down, meeting my strikes with equal force.

We pushed ourselves to the limit with every punch, kick, and energy blast. I could feel the strain of our exertions taking its toll on my body. Bruises across my skin, and every movement sent waves of pain radiating through my muscles. But despite the fatigue, I refused to stop I was having so much fun, drawing upon the last reserves of my strength to press forward.

Fasha, too, showed signs of weariness, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she fought to keep pace with my relentless assault. Her movements were slower now.

With a surge of adrenaline, I attacked with a mix of elbow and knee strikes. She blocked and parried as best she could, but with each blow, her resistance weakened, until finally, I saw my opening. My fist connected with Fasha's side with a resounding impact. She staggered back, Then I followed up with a downward strike to her head the force of the blow sending her crashing to the ground with a grunt of pain.

For a moment, the air hung heavy with tension as we both caught our breath, the echoes of our battle fading into the stillness of the surrounding landscape. And then, with a weary smile, Fasha looked up at me.

"Well fought, Celera," she said, her voice filled with pride. "You've come a long way since we last sparred."

I grinned, feeling a sense of satisfaction at her words. "Thanks, Aunt Fasha, Im no longer that little girl anymore" 

As Fasha and I caught our breath after our intense spar, I couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction at our battle. The bruises and fatigue were worth it for the exhilaration of the fight. 

 I glanced over at Kakarot and Gine who both had arrived at the halfway point of our fight, I noticed the excitement in Kakarot's eyes. He was practically bouncing with anticipation, eager to join in the action.

"And hey, Kakarot," I called out to him, my voice carrying across the clearing. "Looks like my Aunt Fasha and I are pretty strong, huh?"

Kakarot's face lit up with excitement, his eyes sparkling. "Yeah! That was amazing!" he exclaimed, his enthusiasm infectious. "I can't to have a go at you two!"

I chuckled at his eagerness, " So now what?"

"Well we should go to Kami " Kakarot Stated " Im sure they have some sensu beans and we can come up with a plan.'

With Kakarot's suggestion in mind, we made our way towards Kame House. The journey was swift and soon enough, we arrived at the small island where Master Roshi resided.

As we landed on the sandy shore, the familiar sight of Kame House greeted us. The quaint little dwelling stood against the backdrop of the vast ocean, its weathered exterior a testament to the many adventures that had taken place within its walls.

 "Well, well, what do we have here?" he chuckled, looking nervously at Goku. "Looks like we've got some more visitors! Hope these ones are nicer than the last one"