
The Defence of Faradras

Sombre were the faces of everyone who looked past Bann as he made his way inside the palace. The staff of officer aspirants, responsible for overseeing the various divisions within the Imperial Guard regiment, carried the heavy burden of the dire situation that had befallen them. The dimly lit corridors whispered with hushed conversations, and the air felt laden with the weight of impending doom.

Two thousand and five hundred souls from the Imperial Guard regiment would be left to defend each city, and a similar allocation awaited the planetary defense forces. The numerical reality, while attempting to create a semblance of defense against the relentless Tyranid swarm, painted a grim picture.

Even with levies raised and the call to arms answered, the prospect of facing sheer overwhelming numbers left little room for optimism. The desperate hope lingered that each individual might take down five or more creatures before perishing—a wishful thinking that struggled to gain ground against the harsh truth of an uncertain survival.

'Well, this certainly is a stark contrast between what I witnessed before and these people,' Bann ruminated as he moved through the vast corridors of the palace. Seeking guidance from servitors, he traversed the complex structure, his steps echoing the somber atmosphere that pervaded the surroundings.

Led outside a two-door room guarded by various soldiers, Bann entered at a fortuitous moment, catching the room in the midst of a heated discussion.

The spacious room hosted a holographic map of Redentia and its surroundings. Various figures, a mix of military officers and officials, surrounded the table. The focal point of attention was a peculiar man—a commanding figure with a deep beard, an exotic greyish hairstyle, and an augmented left eye. His regal appearance, adorned with medals and motifs from the Imperium, seemed incongruent with his enraged countenance.

Within the tense atmosphere of the room, the man's voice reverberated as he fervently argued with Palatine Ursula. "IT IS A FOLLY FOR YOU TO DENY THEIR HELP! WE STAND NO CHANCE, YOU FOOLISH WOMAN. HOW IS IT THAT YOU CANNOT UNDERSTAND IT!?" The outburst, accompanied by the spray of spittle, punctuated the urgency and frustration that gripped the assembly.

The Palatine's retort echoed with disdain, her voice filled with venom as she lashed out, "YOU HAVE COLLUDED AGAINST THE IMPERIUM AND THE EMPEROR. HOW IS IT THAT YOU FEEL NO SHAME, YOU PATHETIC EXCUSE OF A HUMAN? YOUR ANCESTORS MUST BE ROLLING IN THEIR GRAVES TO SEE THEIR UNSULLIED LEGACY BE TARNISHED BY YOUR ACTIONS!" The air seemed charged with animosity as her bloodshot eyes bore into the man, her fist colliding with the table in a display of unbridled fury. The ornate decorations on her armour seemed to quiver with the intensity of her emotions.

The senior officer, a stern figure with grizzled features and military precision, rubbed his temples in an attempt to subdue his anger. He countered with a somber resolve, "There would be no legacy after this, there will be no Imperium for us to answer for our actions. See reason, Palatine, because what we're dealing with now is our survival." His words, laden with desperation and a touch of resignation, temporarily subdued the tumult in the room.

The holographic map flickered, casting ethereal light on the tense expressions of those gathered.

As eyes turned toward him, Bann directed his gaze over the senior officer and the Palatine. A frown creased his face as he questioned, "What is the problem? Don't tell me, Palatine, you are against cooperating with us." His voice, a dangerous undercurrent, was accompanied by a laugh that hung in the air, a disbelieving chuckle that questioned the reality of the situation.

His imposing figure, clad in Saiyan armor, seemed to absorb the ambient light, casting shadows that mirrored the turmoil in the room.

Before the Palatine could respond, the officer interjected, "She's refusing to cooperate with the Xenos, the Eldars, and the psykers you were training." Bann nodded, acknowledging the information, his scrutiny still fixed on the Palatine. The subtle hum of machinery and the shuffle of boots created a symphony of tension, underscoring the gravity of the situation.

Ursula scoffed defiantly, "We have done enough accepting you and your help, especially when we retreated from this world. Do not push your luck by trying to make us cooperate with those filthy Xenos and the witches trained by them." Groans echoed from some officers, disheartened by the emergence of internal discord amid the dire circumstances.

The room, adorned with military insignias and holographic projections, witnessed a clash of ideologies within its high-stakes confines.

Creating a path through the gathering, Bann approached the holographic map, tapping it thoughtfully.

With a dangerous smile, he addressed Ursula, "Dear Palatine, although I promised Cielo not to touch you and your sisters, I can assure you there are certain ways to make you an example and make you understand the gravity of this situation. So, please, stop barking and accept the fate you've been dealt." His words, delivered with a veiled threat, prompted a growl from Ursula. In an act of restrained fury, she swallowed down her rage, choosing silence over further confrontation.

The atmosphere in the room seemed to hang in suspense, awaiting the next move in this unfolding drama.

Acknowledging Ursula's decision with a solemn nod, Bann shifted his penetrating gaze towards the officer, an unspoken command for a comprehensive update on the defensive preparations. The dimly lit room, illuminated only by the holographic map, heightened the gravity of the situation.

Releasing a prolonged sigh, the officer initiated his briefing, manipulating the holographic map with deftness to illustrate their strategic assets. "Our artillery faces an unprecedented challenge when divided among four cities, yet it's an imperative measure to prevent the catastrophic loss of all cities following the initial Tyranid onslaught," he began, each word bearing the weight of the impending threat. The holographic projection brought forth an array of weapons, vehicles, and artillery pieces, creating a visual representation of their formidable arsenal.

As the officer spoke, his eyes momentarily met the stern gaze of the Palatine, subtly acknowledging the delicate collaboration between the Imperial Guard and the Sisters of Battle.

Detailing the deployment of units around the city, the officer continued, "These forces are predominantly equipped for ranged combat. However, the ground-level defense will be reinforced by the martial prowess of the noble houses and kingdoms, engaging directly to impede the Tyranid advance toward the city walls." The holographic display evolved, reflecting the intricate choreography of forces on the battlefield.

Bann, keenly observing the augmented forces, raised a pertinent question, "How many soldiers make up this formidable force? I had anticipated a more dire situation." The unspoken concern lingered in the air – the vital need for a living barricade, comprised of melee infantry from noble houses and kingdoms, to shield the Imperial Guard from the relentless Tyranid swarm.

Pausing, the officer conveyed the city's predicament with solemnity, "Redentia, being the central stronghold, musters the largest force with a total of 353,000 soldiers. However, it's crucial to note that the majority of these troops are levies, lacking extensive training and proper equipment to withstand the ferocity of the initial Tyranid assault."

The staggering reality of 353,000 soldiers attempting to shield the millions of evacuating citizens underscored the direness of their predicament.

Bann, a frown etching across his face, made a decisive command, "Arm every able-bodied man, even with rudimentary weapons. Their sacrifice, even in taking down one Tyranid, could provide vital seconds for our trained troops. Their contribution is not just valiant but indispensable." Seeking further insights, he inquired, "What is the situation in the other cities?"

A servant, having received Bann's directive, quietly exited the room, leaving the officers to share a contemplative silence.

Responding to Bann's inquiry, the officer remarked, "Several kingdoms have regrettably rejected the evacuation call, opting to defend their territories. While precise numbers remain uncertain, we anticipate their forces to be comparatively lower than ours, given their refusal to heed Imperial orders." A palpable undercurrent of resentment infused his words, reflecting the officers' frustration with kingdoms prioritizing autonomy over unified defense.

Yet, the pressing Tyranid threat constrained their ability to address such insubordination as they collectively faced an enemy that brooked no defiance.

In the dimly lit chamber, a man with a moustache and a robust figure sneered at the seemingly delusional kings who believed their walls could shield them from the Tyranids. "These foolish peasant Kings believe their wall can protect them from the Tyranids, heh. How idiotic can they be?" His words resonated among the officers, a shared skepticism reflecting the disdain for rulers clinging to false security.

Bann's gaze swept across the officers, silencing their murmurs with a glance. He confronted their contemptuous sentiments with a sobering rebuke, "These peasant Kings are ignorant, a consequence of the Imperium's actions. Instead of shedding light on the threats we face, the Imperium has kept them in the dark. Ignorant of the insurmountable dangers that mankind confronts." His resonant voice filled the room, injecting a somber gravity into the atmosphere.

Turning his attention to the holographic map, Bann steeled himself for the task ahead. "If necessary, I will personally train the men myself. Every strong arm must wield a sword, a spear, or even clubs. Each man must sweat to stand stalwart against the impending doom that Faradras faces." He met the eyes of the officers, his words carrying an inspiring weight, "As the rulers of this world, we Saiyans will bear the brunt of their forces. We only ask for time – hold the lines, guard humanity from fading away. Fulfill your duty, die with honour, and make your Emperor proud of the ones who upheld the Imperium of Mankind in this lost world."

His words ignited a profound sense of pride in the hearts of those present, straightening backs and lifting chins with defiant determination.

Addressing the diverse assembly, Bann underscored unity in the face of adversity. "Guardsmen, soldiers, peasants – all of you are men and women. Even your psyker brothers, often despised, will fight shoulder to shoulder when ammunition runs dry. Those who were once ostracized will be the ones covering your backs with their unique abilities." The resonating words echoed through the chamber, evoking a spectrum of emotions, from pangs of shame to furrowed brows deep in thought.

Exhaling deeply, Bann refocused on the holographic map, meticulously outlining his strategy for the impending battle. "I will be covering Redentia alongside the Aeldari. My focus will be on the more threatening foes to grant you respite. Just ensure the protection of the population. That's all I ask." With a last, lingering glance towards the Palatine, Bann strode out of the room, leaving everyone to contemplate his departing figure.

The weight of his position didn't fully burden him yet, and his confident steps conveyed absolute resolution for the upcoming battle. His departure provided more than a brief sense of security; it was a beacon of inspiration to those who observed, knowing that he would face the majority of the Tyranid onslaught.

However, others regarded his retreating figure with a mixture of admiration and uncertainty, unsure if his might would indeed prove sufficient.

As Bann exited the palace and weaved through the city, his perceptive gaze drank in the rich tapestry of emotions painted on the faces of its inhabitants. Each expression was a chapter in a collective story, revealing the visceral impact of the impending crisis. Fear lingered like a shadow, etched on the brows of those who looked to an uncertain future.

Concern furrowed brows, reflecting a shared worry that permeated every conversation and fleeting glance. Desperation clouded the eyes of those grappling with the weight of impending calamity, while anxiety rippled through the air, palpable in the hushed whispers and furtive glances exchanged among the populace.

Resignation, a heavy burden, weighed on shoulders bowed beneath the impending threat. Helplessness manifested in the hands that clutched at meager possessions, searching for some semblance of control in a world spiraling into chaos. Yet, amidst these myriad emotions, Bann discerned a resilient spirit—a collective determination to face the storm that loomed on the horizon.

In the heart of the city, Bann, once Thomas, felt a familiar ease. The soulful connection to ordinary people resonated deeply, and with every act of kindness, he not only alleviated physical burdens but also stoked the ember of shared humanity. As a Saiyan and their ruler, the duty to protect these people transcended a mere obligation; it became an intimate responsibility rooted in the recognition of shared vulnerabilities.

These seemingly ordinary individuals, often overlooked by others, held a profound significance. They were the unsung heroes, the providers of tangible and intangible support that would fortify the foundations of Bann's legacy. Each interaction, every shared burden, contributed to a collective bond that would withstand the trials ahead.

As Bann invested time in connecting with his people, sharing laughter, and offering a comforting presence, the city's vibrancy seemed to respond. His interactions resonated, and though his official position remained a mystery, the unspoken authority he carried became a source of inspiration. His footsteps echoed the promise of protection, the assurance of a leader who understood the trials and tribulations of those he led.

Only after these immersive engagements did Bann retreat to the training base. Yet, his presence lingered in the hearts and minds of the people, leaving an indelible mark that transcended the boundaries of official titles. In those moments of shared humanity, the Saiyan ruler solidified not just his physical strength but the enduring strength of their shared spirit.


15 chapters in advance on my patreon. /Sr_Devoxero

So few defenders for the amount of enemies they have to face.

SrDevoxerocreators' thoughts
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