
The White One

Amazement… This was what Rias, Akeno, Issei, Koneko, Asia and Xenovia were feeling right now upon seeing the new look that Gohan was now showing. Gohan began walking out of the crater that he had made thanks to his new found power. As he made his way towards Rias and everyone, Asia, who had quickly snapped out of her daze when looking at Gohan's new look, began trying to heal Kiba's wound to his stomach.

"Gohan...your hair..." Issei stuttered as he looked at the sudden change in Gohan.

Gohan stopped as he got close to his friends and looked down on the severely injured Kiba, "Rias your main priority right now is Kiba's well-being, leave Kokabiel to me..." Gohan then turned to look at the smirking Fallen Angel as he seemed very pleased with what he had done to Kiba.

"HA, YOU WANT TO FACE ME ALONE..." Kokabiel began cackling in his obnoxious way again, "I don't know what happened to you brat but don't think a sudden growth of hair is going to help you in beating me!"

"You have no idea Kokabiel..." Gohan vanished from sight.

"Where did he go..." Kokabiel looked left and right but still couldn't see the boy.

"I'm right here..."

Kokabiel quickly goes to turn and punch Gohan, unfortunately for Kokabiel, Gohan ducks with ease and punches the Fallen Angel leader straight in the stomach. Kokabiel gasps for air but thanks to the punch, his lungs and stomach just don't want to work as he struggles to gasp for air. Kokabiel drops to his knees shocked at how one punch from this spiky haired brat had managed to deal such damage to him.

"Woah...did you guys see that? He just made Kokabiel get on his knees just from one punch!" An excited Issei watched on amazed by the difference in power shown just from that one punch.

Gohan then kicks the Fallen Angel sending him flying into one of the school outbuildings destroying it in the process.

"Asia, how is Kiba?" Rias still concerned for her Knight asks while the others continue to just stare in awe at Gohan.

"Oh, yes, I have managed to seal the wound up but due to him already losing so much blood he needs a transfusion"

"Koneko! I need you to take Kiba to Sona and Tsubaki, Asia will go with you and tell her what needs to be done for Kiba" Rias declared, Koneko nodded in understanding and rushed over ready to take Kiba somewhere safe.

Gohan was now stood in front of the group again, "Koneko, don't worry about Kokabiel attacking you as you leave, I will protect you" Gohan smiled at the small girl as she carefully picked up Kiba.

"BOY! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!" Kokabiel exploded in anger as he sent the debris surrounding him in all different directions.

"THAT'S IT EVERYONE DIES!" Kokabiel then began charging two light spears in each hand and with each passing second, they grew in size and power.

Rias was now feeling fear as was the rest of the group as they could all feel the amount of Holy magic being inducted into the spears that Kokabiel was making. Gohan smirked, "Everyone, get behind me now! Koneko, Asia, get ready when I say go I want you to take Kiba straight to Sona okay?" Gohan's voice was calm which seemed to put the others around him at ease, yet, they were all still concerned about the soon to be incoming Spear's.

"NOW DIE!" Kokabiel then threw the colossal sized light spears at Gohan and co.

As the spears came closer and closer to the group they all did as Gohan had said and stood behind him as he put his arm in front of him.

BOOOM...! a huge explosion caused the very ground to shake which Sona and her peerage could even feel from outside the school. Smoke and dust formed all around the site of where Kokabiel had thrown the spears.

Kokabiel began smiling and laughing loudly, "So much for Rias Gremory and that blonde haired brat..."

Soon enough the dust cloud and all the smoke began to dissipate as Kokabiel looked on waiting to see the charred remains of their corpses, however...

"Wow Gohan, you really know how to scare the crap out of us don't you.." Issei muttered as he brushed the dust off his clothes.

"Sorry..." Gohan chuckled as he released the barrier that he formed around himself and the others.

"That can't...be..." Kokabiel's mouth was wide open as he heard the pair talking and soon enough could see that annoying golden aura surrounding the boy, I put all my power into those spears...how...how can this child be so strong...

Gohan had erected a barrier just before the spears were about to him them so everyone had been protected from the explosion that followed as well.

"Koneko, Asia go now!" Gohan said to the girls. They both nodded and with Koneko carrying Kiba and Asia following close behind they made their way towards Sona and her peerage at the front of the school.

Kokabiel was now slightly concerned as this blonde kid had first undergone some strange transformation upon entering with Rias Gremory, then went and undergone another transformation due to seeing his friend being nearly killed right in front of his eyes and now had barely broken a sweat in blocking his light spears which he had put almost all of his power into.

"Boy, tell me your name!" Kokabiel shouts, gaining the attention of Gohan.

"It's Gohan...why?" Gohan's aura seems to resemble his feeling for Kokabiel as the blue sparks began to resemble a thunderstorm around his body.

"What are you? Are you really a Devil...?"

"I am a special case that's all I will say about what I am... As for am I a Devil, I guess in a way yes I am but I am also part of something you will never understand or want to come across again" Gohan smirks as his cocky Saiyan heritage kicks in.

Kokabiel begins to laugh loudly again causing Gohan to be confused, "Why are you laughing...?"

"Well, I've seen many things through my life... I've killed thousands of Devils, Angels and Human's in my time but you are the first I have ever come across where I cannot understand just what you are" Kokabiel paused as something suddenly came to his mind as he looked at Rias and Xenovia, "There was one thing that I will never forget though from the past war between the three factions..."

"What are you talking about Kokabiel?" a curious Rias shouts as Kokabiel continues to cackle.

"Ohhh...did your dear older brother the Devil King not tell you fools... DURING THE LAST WAR, IT WASN'T JUST THE FOUR GREAT DEVIL KINGS THAT WERE KILLED, GOD WAS KILLED ALONG WITH THEM!"

"No...it can't...be true..." a distraught Xenovia mumbles.

"YOU'RE LYING KOKABIEL!" Rias yells, "My brother would have told me...wouldn't he?"

Kokabiel continues to laugh hysterically upon seeing the shocked faces of Rias, Xenovia, Akeno and Issei were also in shock from the sudden news.

"We were so close to winning the war until that soft-hearted fool Azazel, your pathetic brother Sirzechs and Micheal all decided to stop the killing... THE FALLEN ANGELS WERE SO CLOSE TO DESTROYING ALL OF YOU AND THEN WE WOULD RULE THIS WORLD!" Kokabiel seethed upon reminiscing over the past.

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" A voice from behind Gohan shouts out, "You think I care what happened in that war or how you came close to winning it... I DON'T GIVE A SHIT!" Issei walked forward with his eyes covered by his hair.


"I don't care if God is dead, I don't care about your past..."


Issei walked past Gohan and was now slowly walking towards Kokabiel. "All I care about right now... IS KICKING THE CRAP OUT OF YOU!"


A bright green light engulfs Issei's arm as the gauntlet begins to change shape adding more dragon-like scales and adding another sphere to the gauntlet.

Kokabiel laughs hysterically at the pathetic Red Dragon Emperor, "You pathetic worm, you shall die!" Kokabiel creates another light spear, significantly smaller than his last two and throws it at the incoming Issei.

Issei just smashes the spear with his gauntlet as he begins to push all of the boost's power into his fist and smashes the Fallen Angel on the bridge of his nose sending him flying back towards some trees which cause them to collapse on top of Kokabiel.

"Issei..." Rias, Akeno and Xenovia look on amazed by the boy.

You've really grown Issei... I promise, once this is over I will train you so that you can protect Asia and everyone too… Gohan smiles, I wonder... is this how you felt when watching me Piccolo...Dad...

Gohan is brought out of his thoughts as he suddenly feels a very high power coming towards the school from outside the barrier, Who is that... whoever it is, they are far more powerful than Kokabiel and not far away from my Super Saiyan 2 Form...

"That one...was for Kiba...you bastard peacock..." Issei panted.

Elsewhere, Koneko and Asia were just arriving at the school gates where Sona and her peerage were trying their best to keep the barrier up, however, thanks to Gohan's transformation earlier on the barrier had been sufficiently weakened.

"President Sona look..." Tsubaki pointed to the arrival of Asia and Koneko, with the latter carrying Kiba.

Sona looked to see them coming towards her and soon realised that someone was severally injured, "Tsubaki, quick come down here!" she shouted to her Queen.

Tsubaki quickly dropped down to Sona's side as Koneko and Asia got to them, "Please President Sona, Kiba needs immediate attention. I've managed to seal the wound but he needs a blood transfusion" Asia tells Sona as Koneko gently lays Kiba on the ground.

"Don't worry Asia, Koneko, Tsubaki will take him back to my home and have him healed in no time" Sona then ushered her Queen to take the boy away.

"Yes President..." Tsubaki soon enough disappeared with Kiba via magic circle.

"Now, you two" Sona turned to the tired girls, "Tell me what is happening in there..."


"Rias..." Gohan mumbled causing the crimson haired princess to look in his direction, "Listen to me very carefully… I want you and the others to move back as I can feel someone else getting closer to this location and they are a lot stronger than Kokabiel" Rias was shocked at first but because of the seriousness coming from her boyfriend she complied, "Okay, but Gohan please...be careful"

Gohan smirked at the girl, I don't know how much longer I can sustain this form so I better finish this now…

Kokabiel slapped the tree's that had toppled over on him away using his wings, however before he could even begin to retaliate a bright white light made itself known to him, Gohan and the others.

"What is that..." Issei said while staring at the strange light.

The barrier that Sona and her peerage had made around the school was suddenly smashed as the white light burst through it and made its way towards Kokabiel.

It would seem that you have finally arrived Albion… Ddraig instantly knew what the white light was but decided not to say anything yet and see what would happen first as he watched on from Issei's gauntlet.

The light soon dissipated and revealed someone to be covered in Armour, the armour was just pure white but what everyone on the ground noticed mainly was the pure blue wings that seemed to be giving off some kind of energy.

"Why…why are you here White Dragon Emperor...Vali!" Kokabiel shouted as he looked at the newcomer.

"Simple Kokabiel… to take you away, can't have you running around doing whatever you feel like doing now can we" Vali replied as he slowly began to descend.

"Gohan, can you hear me..." Ddraig was trying to contact the Gohan telepathically as he didn't want Issei to hear this.

"Yes I can hear you Ddraig, why are you only talking to me?" Gohan replied to the voice he could hear inside his head.

"The person that has just arrived is the White Dragon named Albion and his partner, I need you to make sure that Issei does not get into a fight with him right now as he is too weak at the moment as I am sure you can sense"

"I will protect him don't worry Ddraig, I think you need to tell him though or else he won't be mentally prepared for any future fight" Gohan replied to the Heavenly Dragon.

"I will, but right now is not the best time..." Ddraig then cut the link between them as Gohan then looked to Rias and motioned for her to move along with the others.

"Issei, come back here..." Gohan muttered loud enough for him to hear him while Kokabiel and Vali were talking.

Issei looked back at Gohan and nodded as he ran back behind him to Rias, Akeno and Xenovia.

"We need to move back just in case anything happens...Right now Gohan is the only one among us strong enough to take on Kokabiel and us being to close will only hinder him" Rias said to the group.

"Nice punch by the way Issei" Akeno praised the brown haired boy.

"Thanks, I was just angry about his reasoning for wanting to destroy our town and because he hurt Kiba" Issei replied as then looked at his new looking gauntlet.

"Speaking of which, Ddraig… is that the White Dragon Emperor?"

"Yes, partner, that form he is showing right now is the scale mail armour. I believe that you are close to achieving that armour for yourself but right now he is far more powerful than you" Ddraig hoped that him saying that wouldn't cause Issei to feel depressed about the power difference.

"I figured as much..." Issei went quite as he looked down, "That doesn't matter though, I know that once this is over Gohan will help me train and soon enough I will be a lot stronger so it isn't always Gohan saving us" Issei lifted his head and looked at Gohan's back, I must become stronger for Asia and for everyone…

Rias, Akeno and Xenovia then look over towards Kokabiel who seemed to be very angry at the arrival of Vali. Gohan keeps his eyes on the pair in case of any partnering up of the two seeing as they both seem to know each other very well.

"What makes you think I will come back with you" Kokabiel sarcastically remarks to Vali.

"You don't have a choice Kokabiel, don't make me drag you by your wings back to Azazel"

Upon hearing that name Kokabiel gritted his razor like teeth, Azazel… always getting in my way!

"I WILL JUST DESTROY YOU THEN!" Kokabiel began to create another light spear that was similar in size to the two he had thrown at Gohan earlier.

Vali just looked on unamused by the power the Fallen Angel was trying to show, "Fine… have it your way"


"What's going on!" Kokabiel yelled in surprise as the massive spear he had created suddenly decreased in size and power until it just vanished.

Vali disappeared from Kokabiel's sight and reappeared behind the confused Fallen Angel, Vali grabbed two of his wings and pulled hard instantly ripping off the pair.

"Ahhhh!" Kokabiel screamed in pain as he tried to take a swing at Vali behind him only to miss.

"You have become a hindrance to mine and Azazel's plans Kokabiel therefore you will be sent to purgatory when we return" Vali announced.

Kokabiel needs to be dealt with now or else he will only come back for revenge...just like Cell… Gohan turns to look at Rias and Akeno and makes eye contact, he smiles at the beautiful girls that have become his girlfriends, they smile in return and he winks at them as he turns forward again looking at Kokabiel and Vali.

Kokabiel begins wildly swinging at Vali only for the White Dragon Emperor to easily dodge each attack, "I will make you pay you bastard!" Kokabiel shouts.

Just as Vali looks ready to counter attack he is shocked to see a shiny golden haired by appear in front of him and Kokabiel, How did he get between us so quick and why didn't I even sense him coming…

Gohan had caught one of Kokabiel's incoming punches towards Vali, "WHY DO YOU CONTINUE TO GET IN MY WAY!" Kokabiel screams at Gohan.

"For what you did to Kiba and what you have done to my friends, I WILL MAKE YOU PAY!" Gohan is suddenly enveloped in his golden aura which causes Vali to be blown back by the sudden burst of energy as the wind begins to pick up all around the field.

"This is for Kiba and all those you have hurt!" Gohan uppercuts Kokabiel causing his jaw to completely shatter due to the immense power difference between the pair now. Kokabiel manages to regain his composure after being sent into the sky by the boy by using the remainder of his wings as he just hovers in the air holding his broken jaw.

"Time to end this..." Gohan mutters as he cups his hands together and brings them to his side, "Kaaaa…..meeee…..haaaaa…..meeeee….HAAAAAA!" Gohan brings his hands forward and releases a massive Kamehameha wave straight at Kokabiel.

"NOOOOOO…..!" Kokabiel screams as the blue energy soon engulfs him and eventually destroys his whole body.


Koneko, Asia and Sona all recognise the giant blue energy wave envelop the sky as it continues to leave the Earth's atmosphere.

"Looks like Gohan finished Kokabiel off..." Sona said as Asia and Koneko smiled at what their friend had done and knowing that it was all finally over.

Thank you...Gohan, Asia and Koneko both thinking the same thing as Sona breathed a sigh of relief.


"Holy crap..." Issei mumbled as he watched the energy wave disappear into the sky.

A huge magic circle, which Valper had created by using the Excalibur Swords energy from all seven swords which they planned to use to destroy Kuoh Town appears above the school and begins to dissipate meaning that Kokabiel had finally been killed.

Rias and Akeno both looked on at their boyfriend, Oh my I want him so badly right now… Akeno was thinking while Rias was not far off with a similar thought.

Xenovia was in a state of shock at such a show off power by Gohan, her and Irina had both been told to be careful of the boy but never in her wildest imagination did she think that someone who was near her age would be as powerful as this, If he decided to wage war on Heaven, Hell or the Fallen Angel's, none of us would stand a chance against such power…

Vali was shaking and had goosebumps all over his body at feeling the power behind that strange looking attack. "Vali, be careful with that one… His power seems to dwarf ours as of this moment, it's incredible..." Albion made Vali know as he too was shocked someone could be this powerful.

Vali didn't reply to the White Dragon as he was excited by someone who was so strong, I want to fight and defeat him…

Issei, Rias and Akeno run over to Gohan with the latter two hugging him tightly, "You did it man! That was amazing!" an excited Issei said.

Vali began clapping as he walked over to Gohan and his friends, "Very well done in defeating Kokabiel…"

Rias and Akeno let go of Gohan as he turned to look at the Armoured man walking towards him, "Gohan...my name is Gohan" he replied.

"So you are the one who everyone is talking about… well it's nice to meet you, however, I'm slightly annoyed by you interfering in my fight with Kokabiel as I was meant to take him back to my leader alive..." Vali snorted.

"I've seen people like him before who return for revenge later on, he needed to be dealt with now before he could hurt any more innocent people" Gohan feeling some hostility from Vali kept on his guard for any sudden attacks like the one he had seen earlier on which seem to deplete Kokabiel's power.

"My name is Vali, I am the White Dragon Emperor… I look forward to meeting you again Gohan"

"Not going to say anything Albion..." Ddraig called from Issei's arm.

"Ah, I thought I could sense you close by Ddraig..." Albion replied, Vali turned to see Issei with the red gauntlet on his arm.

"So you are the Red Dragon Emperor then...pathetic" Vali shrugged his shoulders when looking at Issei.

"What did you say pretty boy!" Issei barked back.

"Issei...just leave it, right now you are not strong enough" Gohan quickly interjected before Issei did something stupid.

Issei snorted as he tried to calm himself down.

"If I was you Albion, I would make your partner stand down… this boy here is not someone you want to mess with" Ddraig advised his counterpart.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to fight any of you...for now" Vali teases as he begins to walk away.

"Gohan, I will fight you soon and when we do fight I will destroy you along with the pathetic Red Dragon Emperor..." with that Vali disappeared.

"Phew..." Gohan released his new Super Saiyan 3 form and collapsed to the floor causing the others to rush to him.

"Gohan! Are you okay!" Akeno and Rias say in unison worried about their boyfriend.

"Yeah… I'm fine, just not used to that form yet and used a lot of my energy up" Gohan grinned at the girls showing that he was fine.

"Gohan, what was with that new form anyway" Issei asks.

"Well, for the past month or so I have felt this power hidden deep within me, yet every time I would try and bring it out, I just couldn't for some reason" Gohan paused, "But when I saw Kokabiel stab Kiba I suddenly remember the last time something like this happened and used my emotion to bring that power forth and there you go I ascended to Super Saiyan 3"

"My Dad told me about it not long ago, he told me that he had managed to get that form a different way but didn't say how because I think it's different for every Saiyan" Gohan finished up as he wondered if Vegeta had managed to achieve Super Saiyan 3 yet.

"Gohan, you continue to amaze us..." Rias smiled, glad that Gohan was around to help her and her friends.

"I think we need to go and tell Sona what has happened" Akeno announced.

"Yeah, we need to see if Kiba is okay now too!" Issei blurted out as he was concerned for his friend.

"Let's go!" Issei and Akeno began to run off to towards the school gates thinking that Rias and Gohan were following them.

"Rias Gremory..." Xenovia muttered as she slowly walked over.

"Yes Xenovia, what's wrong? We should go see if Irina is okay along with Kiba and the others" Rias pulled up Gohan who was stood next to her.

"There is something I would like to ask before that..." Xenovia seemed to be fidgeting as she spoke.

"What is it…?"

"I would like to be resurrected as a Devil and join your peerage…"

Gohan and Rias were taken back by the sudden statement, "But Xenovia, what about the church?" Rias asks.

"I feel lost after hearing that God was killed, I don't know what to do anymore…" Xenovia's breaking as she tried to hold back her tears, "But, I have seen how all your peerage members are so happy and full of life even though they are Devils, I was wrong to think that all Devils were the same"

"Is this what you truly want..."

"Yes, Lady Rias… I wish to become your Knight" Xenovia lifts her head and looks at the Crimson Haired Princess.

Rias turns to see what Gohan thinks, Gohan just nods believing that Xenovia is being honest with herself and with them too. "Very well then, Xenovia you shall become my second Knight, I hope that you will become as loyal to me as you have been to God"

"I shall Lady Rias!" Xenovia asserts herself as this is what she has set her heart on, I'm sorry Irina, we won't be able to go back together like we promised…

Rias conducted the ceremony and soon enough Xenovia had been resurrected as a Devil to be a part of Rias's peerage.

"Now, I think we better catch up to the others and make sure everyone else is okay!" Gohan said as the two girls nodded in agreement. With that Gohan, Rias and the new member to Rias's peerage made their way towards everyone else at the school gates.


Rias, Gohan and Xenovia arrived not long after Issei and Akeno had, Sona was glad to see her best friend showing no severe injuries only a few scrapes and bruises.

"Hey Sona, how is Kiba?" Gohan asks, still concerned for his friend.

"Tsubaki took him to be healed, he was in no life threatening situation thanks to Asia's Sacred Gear she managed to heal most of the damage but I'm sure Tsubaki will update us soon on his condition" Sona reassured the group.

Multiple sighs of relief were heard as Sona finished telling them about Kiba, "Gohan do you mind showing me what caused that massive golden light from earlier and was it you as well that caused the earthquake?" a curious Sona asked as she pushed her glasses up while looking at the Saiyan hybrid.

"I would, but thanks to that last blast and not being quite used to the transformation yet as I haven't trained it yet, I can't manage to do it right now but I will show you next time once I've recuperated" Gohan grinned at the Student Council President as he finished, besides, I don't like that look she is giving me right now, it reminds me of my mother before she would hit me or Dad with that blasted frying pan of doom…

"Anyway, Rias..." Sona turned to her friend, "You can leave the repairs to the school and so on to us, you and your peerage need to get some rest after what you have been through today"

"We can still help you Sona..." Rias insisted, however, Sona quickly shut her down, "No Rias, it's fine, your group has managed to stop Kokabiel and his lackeys from destroying our town. Now it is time for us to do our part"

"Thank you Sona, I think we better be heading home to get some rest and heal up, besides we have school in morning..." Issei and Gohan sighed heavily at hearing this.


The next day arrived and Rias, Gohan and Akeno were all in the kitchen having their breakfast before going to school. When they had all gotten home the night before, each of them had a bath to get rid of any blood and dirt of their bodies. When Gohan went for his bath though he was soon interrupted by his two girlfriends who had decided between themselves that they wanted to help Gohan clean himself up so as they went into the bath showing off their very buxom naked figure's, Gohan quickly covered himself up and tried to look away from the beautiful girls, however Rias and Akeno were having none of that and decided to tease Gohan's muscular body all over. Unfortunately for Issei and the others in the house, they could all hear some strange noises coming from the bathroom and knew straight away who's voices the noises belonged too.

Issei, Asia and Koneko walked into the kitchen looking rather sleepy themselves, "Morning everyone" Asia's gentle happy voice echoed through the room.

"Morning Asia, Issei, Koneko, are you feeling better now after yesterday?" Rias asks, smiling at her younger peerage members.

"Yes President, has there been any news on Kiba yet?" There had been no word on Kiba's condition since Sona had told them where he was the day before.

"I spoke to Sona late last night and she told me that he has had a successful blood transfusion and is now just resting, but he will be moved back here later on today" Rias announced to everyone as Gohan and Akeno were both already asleep by the time she had finished her conversation with Sona last night.

Asia, Issei and Koneko quickly had some breakfast as they were all running a little late for school and once they had finished everyone then left to make their way to school.


The school day had been pretty uneventful for Rias and her peerage, a few girls were asking where Prince Kiba was as he had missed a few days of school prior to the fight with Kokabiel due to him searching for the Holy Swords, however, they were all told that Kiba was away on family business at the moment by Issei and Asia.

Eventually it came to the end of the school day and everyone was now in the club room once again. Akeno was busy making everyone tea, Rias was sorting paperwork out ready for summons, Koneko was sitting in her favourite spot while being petted by her "brother" figure Gohan and Issei was just chatting with Asia about their school day.

A bright magic circle soon appeared causing everyone to look. It was Sona and Tsubaki along with the now fully healed Kiba.

"Kiba! You're okay!" Issei blurted out.

"Hey guy's, yeah thanks to Asia, Sona and Tsubaki. I'm not 100% but I can at least move around and stuff" Kiba said whilst scratching the back of his head and smiling.

"Glad to have you back Kiba..." Gohan muttered.

"Thank you Gohan, thank you everyone, I know I've not been the easiest person to deal with over the last few days but thanks to all of you I can finally push my past away and become the best Knight possible for my King" Kiba bowed to his friends as they all smiled and had the same thought, I'm glad we have the real Kiba back…

Sona and Tsubaki couldn't stay as they had a meeting with the school council so they said their goodbyes and disappeared. As everyone in the clubroom began talking with each other again, there was a sudden knock on the clubroom door.

"Ah, that will be our new member..." Rias stated as she walked over to the door.

"New member…?" Kiba, Asia, Koneko, Issei all said at the same time.

"Come on in...Xenovia"

"XENOVIA!" Asia and Issei yelled in surprise, "Wait, I thought she was with the church…?" Issei asked confused by what was going on.

"Hello everyone" Xenovia politely greeted as she bowed to her fellow peerage members hoping that they didn't hate her or anything.

"When did this happen?" Issei questions Rias.

"After Gohan defeated Kokabiel and Vali left, Xenovia after hearing of God's fate felt lost and alone so she asked me if I would reincarnate her as a Devil" Rias said as she stood by Xenovia's side.

"Asia there is something I want to say to you first and foremost...I'm sorry...I'm sorry for the way I treated you when we first met and how I tried to have you kill yourself. I was a fool and if you wish to hit me then please do so as I deserve it..." Asia could hear the sadness and regret in Xenovia's fragile voice, however, Asia being the same kind and compassionate girl she always had been simply walked up to Xenovia and hugged her, shocking the blue haired girl.

"It's fine Xenovia, we are teammates now so let's put the past behind us and begin anew but as...friends"

Xenovia was almost in tears at hearing the kind words from the small blonde girl, "Thank you...Asia" Xenovia hugged Asia back as everyone smiled at the sight, especially Issei as it would mean that Asia would have someone to relate to which he knew she needed from time to time.

"Well, now that everything is out of the way… let's celebrate our new member Xenovia and Kiba's full recovery" Rias cheered.

"YEAH!" Everyone shouted in reply as they began to smile and laugh.

Gohan had sneaked away from the group not long after wanting to just think over what had happened. "NIMMMM!" Gohan shouted as his familiar popped up at the window as Gohan jumped on.

"Just to the roof Nim please, just want to collect my thoughts is all" The small cloud then moved slowly above the roof of the building and hovered there as Gohan looked towards the Town he now called home.

"I can't believe how much my life has changed in these past few months, still, I'm glad that I was able to come to this place even if it was by accident… I finally have friends my own age, I even have two beautiful girlfriends, I'm sure mum knows by now thanks to Dad" Gohan just gazed upon the descending sun, "I'm sure everyone is okay..." Gohan smiled as he reminisced on everything that had happened since his arrival to this dimension, he was happy and content with the way things had turned out but thanks to Piccolo he knew to never let his guard down, just in case…

Next chapter