
Saitama In Dragonball

Stepping into the world of Dragon Ball, Saitama transforms into One-Punch Man! Is Majin Buu causing trouble? Just one punch! God of Destruction Beerus showing up? My normal punch will do just fine! The formidable Angel Whis? Let's get to know each other up close and personal. The Grand Priest seeking vengeance for his son? He should brace himself for an unending barrage of serious punches! Zeno reigning supreme across all universes? Well, he hasn't encountered Saitama yet! ----- *MTL Translation - Original Link: mtlnation.com/novel/dragon-ball-i-am-one-punch-man*

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18 Chs

Chapter 5: The Tower of Tragedy

As the martial arts tournament continued, tensions were running high, especially among our Z Fighters. The ring was set, the battles fierce, and the fate of our heroes hung in the balance.

Babidi, the malevolent sorcerer, had met his end, but his legacy lived on through his surviving offspring. Seeking vengeance for his father's demise, the younger Babidi had arrived on Earth in a spaceship from Universe, determined to resurrect the terrifying Majin Buu and unleash chaos upon the world.

The key to Majin Buu's revival lay in the collection of sufficient Ki energy. With every gathering of this vital energy, Babidi drew closer to awakening the monstrous Majin and exacting his revenge upon Supreme Kai and the entire world.

Videl, the brave warrior and daughter of Mr. Satan, found herself facing a daunting challenge. Controlled by Babidi's sinister magic, the once-human Spopovich had been turned into a formidable adversary, more powerful and unrelenting than ever before. Videl's awakening of Ki energy was impressive, yet it was clear that she was still outmatched by her relentless opponent.

As the battle raged on, Videl's strength waned, and Spopovich's brutal onslaught left her at a significant disadvantage. Her body battered and bruised, she struggled to hold her ground against the relentless assault.

Watching from the sidelines, Gohan couldn't bear to witness his beloved Videl's suffering. The rage within him boiled over, and he unleashed the legendary power of the Super Saiyan, shedding his cloak and headscarf as they were torn asunder by his newfound strength. His voice trembled with fury as he vowed, "I won't let you get away with this, you bastard!"

Goku, ever the voice of reason, tried to calm his son's raging emotions. "Remember, Gohan, this is a martial arts tournament. She won't be in any real danger."

But Gohan's anger burned hotter than ever, his resolve unshakable. His fiery Super Saiyan aura radiated a powerful presence.

Vegeta, always quick to offer his own perspective, interjected, "You've let yourself become a tower of tragedy, moping around like you're worth twenty-five cents! When young folks see their loved ones suffer, they should be prepared to step up and defend them."

Suddenly, a new and unexpected presence joined the scene. Saitama, the bald-headed warrior who had recently mastered Flying Technique and Instant Transmission, appeared by Vegeta's side. He couldn't resist taunting Vegeta, saying, "Who are you calling a Tower of Tragedy? Drop the nicknames, Prince of Saiyans. If it weren't for your little rendezvous with Bulma, you'd still be a lonely bachelor."

Vegeta bristled with indignation, retorting, "How dare you call me the Prince of Saiyans..."

Saitama interrupted with a smirk, "Prince? Do you have any subjects left in your Saiyan Star Kingdom? And by the way, the whole 'Tower of Tragedy' thing is a nickname from Dragon Ball fans. Your infamous meme, the one where you were humiliated by Frieza, it's all over the internet, you know. You really ought to check it out."

Vegeta struggled for a response, but Saitama's mockery left him speechless. He turned his gaze away, unwilling to give Saitama the satisfaction.

What stung the most for Vegeta was being referred to as "the second child of ten thousand years." The weight of Goku's presence had always been a thorn in his side.

As tensions flared, Vegeta teetered on the brink of losing control. In his eyes, Goku remained his eternal rival, and nothing else mattered. Saitama, the bald-headed Earthling, was but a minor annoyance, easily dismissed. In Vegeta's mind, a simple flick of his finger in the ring would reduce Saitama to ashes.

But behind Vegeta's tough exterior, the cracks were showing. His patience had worn thin, and he was on the verge of a berserk outburst. To him, Goku was the one and only goal, and he couldn't tolerate any distraction, especially not from an Earthling.

As Saitama lost interest in needling Vegeta and turned his attention back to the ongoing battles, Piccolo and the blue-skinned Supreme Kai had already stepped into the ring.

Piccolo, a god for some time now, possessed a keen sense of perception. As he faced his opponent, he immediately sensed an overwhelming Ki energy, one more noble and sacred than even King Kai or Grand Kai.

Piccolo's voice quivered with recognition as he stammered, "You... are you..."

His opponent interrupted, "Let's not speak of it for now."

Piccolo, overwhelmed by the magnitude of the situation, declared his forfeit and descended from the ring, his body covered in sweat.

The shocking turn of events left Goku's group in disbelief. Piccolo had conceded defeat without a fight. It seemed that on this planet, there existed beings who could overpower even Piccolo without breaking a sweat.

Concerned and curious, Gohan and his companions sought answers.

"Piccolo Uncle, why did you give up so easily?"

"Is this opponent really that formidable?"

Piccolo wiped the sweat from his brow before addressing his companions, "This is no ordinary being; it's beyond my comprehension. I stand no chance against them."

Watching from the sidelines, Saitama knew exactly who this mysterious opponent was: a god on par with the likes of Beerus, the God of Destruction, and Supreme Kai. It was no wonder Piccolo had conceded.

As the tournament continued, the main event was about to unfold. Gohan was next in line to fight, facing Jebit, Supreme Kai's squire.

Jebit, aware of Gohan's Saiyan heritage, didn't waste a moment. He demanded, "Become a Super Saiyan!"

Publicly revealing one's Saiyan identity was a significant step, one that could impact one's everyday life significantly. Gohan hesitated, unsure of the implications.

From the spectator seats, Piccolo nodded at Gohan, signaling his trust in Supreme Kai's intentions. Gohan, fueled by that trust, transformed into a Super Saiyan, his aura ablaze with power.

The stage was set for an epic battle, one that could reshape the fate of the tournament. The onlookers held their breath as the showdown between Gohan and Jebit began.


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