

Saitama, the protagonist of One Punch Man, finds himself in the Dragon Ball world, a place unlike his own. He stumbles upon a battle between Goku and Vegeta and challenges them to a fight. With his power to defeat anyone with just one punch, Saitama proves to be a formidable opponent. Goku and Vegeta, impressed by his strength, ask him to join their team. Saitama accepts the offer and becomes a member of the Dragon Ball world, ready to take on any challenge that comes his way. Obviously I do not own characters and the worlds.

Poisoncheaker · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

New worlds training

Saitama's training regime had never been anything flashy or complicated. In fact, it was downright cheap. He focused on simple, repetitive exercises that built his strength and endurance over time.

One of his go-to exercises was the daily run. Saitama would get up before dawn and jog for miles, focusing on his breathing and his form. It was a simple routine, but it helped him build the foundation of his strength and stamina.

Another staple of Saitama's training was the one hundred push-up, one hundred sit-up, one hundred squat routine. He would perform these exercises every single day, gradually increasing the number of repetitions until he could do them effortlessly.

Saitama also made a habit of taking cold showers, a practice that he believed helped him build his mental toughness and resilience. He would grit his teeth and endure the icy water, pushing himself to remain calm and focused even in the face of discomfort.

But even though Saitama's training was simple and cheap, it was far from easy. He would often find himself struggling to complete his routines, his muscles burning with exertion and his breath coming in ragged gasps.

But he refused to give up. Saitama was determined to become stronger, to push himself to his limits and beyond. And he knew that with hard work and dedication, he could achieve anything he set his mind to.

Despite his simple training routine, Saitama had become one of the strongest fighters in the Dragon Ball universe. His one punch had taken down foes that even Goku and Vegeta struggled against, and he had become a legend in his own right.

But Saitama was never one to rest on his laurels. He knew that there was always room for improvement, always another challenge to be conquered.

One day, he heard about a powerful fighter who was said to be even stronger than he was. The fighter's name was Beerus, and he was a god of destruction with the power to destroy entire planets with a single blow.

Saitama was intrigued by the challenge, and he set out to find Beerus and test his strength against him.

After weeks of searching, Saitama finally found Beerus on a distant planet. The two warriors faced off in a fierce battle, trading blow for blow as they tested each other's limits.

At first, it seemed as though Beerus had the upper hand. His attacks were devastating, and he moved with a speed and agility that Saitama had never seen before.

But Saitama refused to give up. He dug deep, drawing upon the strength and endurance he had built through years of cheap training.

With a fierce roar, Saitama unleashed a devastating punch, connecting with Beerus and sending him flying across the planet. The impact was so powerful that it created a massive crater in the ground.

Beerus got up, looking stunned but also impressed. "I must admit, you are quite strong," he said, his voice filled with respect.

Saitama grinned, feeling a sense of accomplishment that he had never experienced before. He knew that his simple, cheap training had paid off, and that he had truly become one of the strongest fighters in the universe.

From that day on, Saitama continued his cheap training, always pushing himself to be the best that he could be. And he knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, he would be ready to face them head-on, armed with nothing more than his own determination and the strength he had built through hard work and dedication.