

simple warnings is all



no ones pov

Kokichi and Shuichi are friends, the killing game just ended. they've been dating for 2 months and they just got into their first argument who started it? well, a jealous Kaede, that's who. all she had to say was that Kokichi was lying about everything he told him. Kokichi told Shuichi nothing but the truth because he trusts Shuichi with all of his heart. "I told you I'm not lying to you! I never have been!" The grape yelled.

the argument went on and on before Kokichi just walked out of the room. the couple ignored each other all day. then Kokichi picked up his old habit that he just stopped. They didn't break up though.

a few weeks later the argument hasn't stopped mostly cause of Kaede. soon the argument annoyed everyone. "I HATE YOU!" they yelled in unison. Kokichi started crying you could tell that it was a lie but Shuichi looked serious. "do you hate each other?" The astronaut asked. "no" Kokichi replied he looked hurt when he heard..."yes" from the detective.

for another few weeks, they've been arguing nothing good came out of it. then finally, "JUST GO KILL YOURSELF!" of course it was only out of anger but no one could tell if the detective was serious. "d-d-d-d-do y-y-you r-r-r-real-l-l-lly w-want m-me to die?" asked the grape. who only got a "yes" from the detective. Kokichi smiled and started crying, "your wish is my command Saihara-chan" he managed to sob out but everyone was able to understand perfectly what he said...by everyone I mean Shuichi who just went to Kaito.

{meanwhile Kokichi}

he wrote a letter to Shuichi it read,

"Dear, My Beloved Saihara-chan,

by the time you read this I already probably have full filled your wish. but If I have just remember I love you with all my heart even though you hate me. but I know everything will be alright with you meaning you'll be happy even though I'm not going to be there anymore all I know is that I made a promise and I've kept it. just know out of all the cast members of v3 you were my favorite person and I've never lie to you after the killing game. I love you so much Saihara-chan I'll never be able to tell you to your face but I truly and dearly love you. before I wrap up this....note? letter? I want to tell you that I left something on your nightstand in your room. I hope you like it. I've been working on it ever since the killing game ended but wasn't sure to give it to you weather or not until I almost commented suicide and woke up to see you crying...not sure why...

Saihara-chan, no, Shuichi Saihara, I love you deeply and I don't know how to explain my love to you but I know you will be happy with someone else I just hope you accept them...and treat them with kindness and respect that didn't I deserve but you still gave me anyways. I have only one wish for you my love is don't change! you're perfect, beautiful, pretty, worthy to date anyone you wish! I'll full fill any wish you desire but have never asked you to do anything me...this is my only wish for you other than keep living!

Shuichi, I love you so much because you were the only one who saw potenal in me even though the only thing I have ever done was lie. you mean the world to me but since I'll forever full fill your wishes this is the last wish I'll be able to full fill.

love you with all my life,

Kokichi Oma"

(I started crying while writing this letter...note..thing I hope yall are happy! I put my heart and soul in writing that note letter thing)

Kokichi put the letter in a black envolpe and wrote in a light blue marker Shuichi Saihara.

{Meanwhile with Shuichi}

Shuichi and Kaito was talking about the situation until the last sentence. "BRO YOU WENT WAY TOO FAR!" yelled Kaito as he shook the blueberry to death. "I Know! I Know! what do I do?!" said the poor blueberry panicly as he was being shookin to death. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'WHAT DO I DO'?! WE GO AND CHECK ON HIM!!!" yelled the overly paniced astronaut "why are you panicking?!" yelled the blueberry who was still panicking "KIRUMI BRO SHE'LL KILL US BOTH!!!!!" yelled the astronaut out both of anixity and panic then ran straight to kokichi's room.

when they got there they didn't see Kokichi but instead saw a black envople with light blue lettering with the words "shuichi saihara" Kaito picked it up and gave it to shuichi he read it. then went straight to his room with kaito following behind. Shuichi went to his room and looked in his nightstand and saw a little box he picked it up and opened it and saw...

a picture of him and Kokichi.

a hand made blue bracelet

and a store-bought one.

he hugged the little box and put on both bracelets and ran back to Kokich's room and checked his bathroom.

when he opened the door (okay you choose the a number/situation and read it)


Kokichi was in a bathtub full of red blood. Shuichi's heart almost broke he just had to check his pulse and it was slowly beating then...it stopped...


Kokichi was hung the railing of the shower curtain thingy he wasn't breathing his arms were cut deeply and most of all he was dead...


Shuichi's heart broke he hug his chest looking like he's trying to keep his chest together. before he sobbed in pain. as he was crying you could hear his heart breaking everyone followed the sound of Shuichi's sobbs and looked at the cause of it either cried with him, amptted to comfort him, or if you were Kaede you weren't there.

Kirumi called 911 and later an Ambulance came.

soon Kokichi was pronounced dead.

Shuichi only stayed in his room. he didn't eat, didn't he speak, didn't sleep. the only thing he could do was cry heart broken sobbs. everyone felt bad for the emo boy.

few months later, Kaito came to check on shuichi. when he knocked on his door no answer so he opened it. he saw Shuichi a sleep at first he thought 'oh finally he gets some sleep' but when he walked closer he didn't hear anything from the blueberry cause at this stage he is a light sleeper cause he doesn't have Oma but he noticed a smile on the detetcive's face. Kaito checked his heart beat and regretted not making Shuichi eat the whole stage.

Shuichi died of starvation.

the reason why Shuichi smiled was because he was with Kokichi.

Kaito was depressed about it but this floated in his mind:

at least his pain stopped, at least he is with Kokichi.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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_Kokichi_Ouma_creators' thoughts