
Saints and Scourges: The Half-Demon of Stassi

Main Plot: Saints and Scourges "If there exists a world filled with wondrous amounts of power, would it be a blessing or a curse?" Set on a modern-medieval era where literally everyone has access to magic, the SnS series revolves around Sol and his misadventures. He doesn't know what happened to him and he's immortal for some reason, so he decides on a quest to regain his lost memories. He then meets (on a rather ridiculous circumstance) and later befriends an eccentric knight named Jean, who is rich for some reason and is willing to give stupid offers to get what he wants. Join Sol and Jean as they fulfill their mutual desires and travel the realm of Ensaeres to unravel what the real world of magic is capable of. Subplot: The Half-Demon of Stassi The demon, the mastermind, and the wildcard. Told in the eyes of Sol, the first edition of the SnS series revolves around the half-demon Nelen. Often referred to as "The Maiden", she got her reputation after killing the king of Stassi twelve years ago. The people doesn't know why she did it, and they're too afraid to ask, so Nelen had a very small social circle. Sol later found out that Jean managed to convince her to join his team, but he always knew there would be a catch. In exchange for joining his crew, Jean promised what Nelen desired: Her mother's killer. . WARNING: STRONG LANGUAGE, VIOLENT ENCOUNTERS, MORE STRONG LANGUAGE AND MEME REFERENCES FOR ANIME ENTHUSIASTS. THAT IS ALL, THANK YOU.

Kuuzuu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

"Date" with a general's daughter (IV)

She told me that the place was a thirty minute walk to the west, and we got delayed because my clothes needed a bit more drying, so the trip to the fields took longer than expected. By the time we got there, it was already dark, and patches of phantom lilies already bloomed from various sides. So a part of Stassi looks like this at night, huh? This place never ceases to amaze me. The large basket I carried contained everything from the blankets, masks if we were to observe the lilies, Danella's stir-fried vegetables, curry, rice, sandwiches from a random shop, pillows. Meanwhile, Arra carried a radiant lantern and hummed a strange tune. Everything's perfect.

"How come I didn't see this when we looked for Nelen?" I lay the blanket at the clearing, obviously hinting at the lilies.

"It's because they only bloom at the west and east. From what direction did you come from?"

"North. Can you teach me about this place?"

"Sure. What do you want to learn?"

"That's a hard question. What can you suggest?"

"I can only tell you about the places I've been interested on visiting. I've done my homework and read books about it. Don't worry." Her eyes sparkle.

"What about this place? Stassi? Tell me a bit of history here first. It might give me clues about our case."

"If that's what you want, then okay. Do you see that hill where the king's castle stands?"

"Yep. It sure stands out."

"There's a huge Ancient buried deep inside of it. Now look at the large, amethyst gems floating atop each gate. Those are called Cygil Stones, and they're responsible for sealing the Ancient, so casualties will be minimized once Judgment day strikes."

"Erm... Casualties will be minimized? You mean there are others?"

"Yes, but their sizes may vary."

"How do you even know if there's an Ancient?"

"They spawn specifically on the eight of June, and no. You can't just kill them. They will come around next year unless you block their entrance. We know where they'll come from, but we can only afford to seal one."

"What's the date right now?"

"It's the twenty-third of August."

"Thank the gods I woke up late."

We prepared the pillows and laid down, giggling as we munched on the sandwiches. Neither turned our faces to each other. We only stared at the sky for a good couple of minutes. Then came the talk about the places she wanted to visit. There's Hardyn, a mountainous land filled with flowers and elves. Alchiemen, the largest exporter of top-grade magical items. Xolas, a lawless desert where only the strong survive. I didn't understand the names of the other ones, but it didn't matter anyways. She knew the culture and its botany despite not seeing it, and it honestly amazed me how much she can talk about it. She also struck me with a random fact about the people of Stassi. Stassians are adept in using magic that causes drowsiness, because apparently, nature decides on that. The city was near the patches of phantom lilies, so I'm guessing it played a part in their affinity towards mesmerism? I don't know. She talked about a lot of things, but I only noticed three: Her desire to visit the places she'd known from books, her love of flowers, and her overzealous attitude in sharing her knowledge.

"Oh, my. It seems that I've been rambling on for quite a while. Pardon. I want to know more about you, now." Arra's voice got muffled by the sandwich she's eating. "Why are you with the Black Scourge?"

"Jean is popular? Why is he called like that?"

"He's called a lot of names, but he's mostly known as the wanderer who brings misfortune to those around him. He's notorious around all the cities in Ensaeres. You never knew?"

"No. So the part with him having many names is true, huh?"

"Oh... Well, let's not talk about him. What's your story?" She sits up and takes another sandwich from the basket.

"Funny. Jean asked me the same thing when we first met."

"How did you respond?"

"The same thing I've been doing this entire time. I just tell them that I'm an amnesiac."


"Yeah. I can't remember when it was, too. When I first met the bastard. Time seems to flash by. Can I ask you something weird?"


"What kind of life would you take if you were to choose on your own?"

That stopped her thinking. For a second, at least. She hands me her unfinished sandwich, lays on her pillow, and hums that strange tune again. Fireflies pass by as she puts her right forearm to cover her eyes, the invisible waves of air messing our hairs up. Is she thinking that hard about it? It's a simple question, really... Oh. I'm still not feeling sleepy. A sign that I should eat some more.

"I think I'll be one of two things: A florist or a wanderer. Something about the beauty and the freedom of a flower captivates me, and travelling sounds like it will be fun. I really want to know more about this world." She whispers just enough for me to hear.

"Don't be shy. You can tell me." I flash my award-winning smile at her. She peeks and giggles.

"Why do you smile like that?"

"Oh, sorry. Did I scare you?"

"Heehee. No. I was surprised. That's all. You smile just like her."

"Like who?"


"Who's that?"

"Nelen's mother. You both don't look alike, however. She's better-looking."

"That hurts my feelings, but okay. If it makes you feel better."

She laughs again, lighter this time. Like she's thinking of something. I hope it's about my offer. She can travel, just like she wanted, and Jean will pay for everything. I get to see just how far Jean will spend his money. It's a win-win situation. Maybe I should convince her again.

"My offer still stands, you know. Jean will pay for everything. He's pretty lax. He'll be a better boss than your father." I take another piece of sandwich.

"Sorry. I can't. I still have something to do." Her smile fades.

"Are you scared?"

"I'm not. I'm telling you that this whole getaway will be useless."

"Then tell me. What's stopping you?"

"Please don't pry any further. It's making me uncomfortable."

"I get uncomfortable when I see you uncomfortable."

"Please don't."

"What is it?"


"What is it?"

"Not telling."

"What is it?"

"That's it. Picnic is over. I'm getting out of here."

She grabs one last sandwich and marches back to the city, barely noticing a frog that had the same yellow eyes as mine. She flinches, and I took this as a chance to do something extraordinary. I took her right hand and turned her to me, donning the same serious expression ever since I woke up. Her glassy eyes lit up for a second, and a cold wind follows as I tightened my grip. Her hand feels warm.

"Your hand feels warm."


"Are you sure the picnic's done?"


"You're not going to say anything?"

"Just kiss me if it makes you feel better."

"I'll only do that if you're willing."

"... Fine. I consent."

"Good. Let's clean our mess up. I don't know how to fold a blanket."

Silly words that came from my mouth made her frown, although it did ease the tension. She sighs and lightly shakes her head as I lead her back to the camping site, flashing my child-scaring smile again. An awkward silence, followed by laughter. Genuine laughter. I knew how bad my smile was, and she knew how bad she needed it.

"You know, I've been thinking about this for a while." She starts as we make our back to the city.

"What?" I yawn.

"You're attracted to me, yes?"

"We wouldn't be in this state if I wasn't."

"I really like how you're honest on this one. So that means I'm beautiful?"

"Yes. What are you getting at?"

"I think it's pretty funny. The things I like start to take control of me. If you think about it, I can be comparable to flowers."


"They're beautiful and free, but they can't move from one place to another."

"That's sad, actually. I disagree, though. You can move it. Flowers." I yawn again.


"You just need someone to help you."

"They'll die once you do that."

"True, but for a second, at least, you can move."

"Funny. I like that."

The rest of the trip's time was lost gazing in the stars. She hummed that same song again, but my ears are starting to get used to it. Its melodic tune sounds sad and serene. I wonder what it means? Dead air filled the streets when we got back, as usual. It's like a ghost town in here, honestly. Shouting can be heard inside the orphanage, followed by the thump of something. It's female, and it's familiar. Danella.

"You can't trap me in this cage forever!" She slams the door behind her.

"Little girl! Come back!" A gruff voice follows her from inside.

"I'm not your little girl anymore! I'm going to carve my own path now! Tell Jean he knows where to find me!"

"I ain't tellin' shit to that lecherous bastard!"

"... THAT'S IT! I'M OUT OF HERE!" She notices us. "Sol, do you mind doing me a favor?"

"I guess."

"Please tell Jean to meet me at our place. He knows where it is. Thank you."

Danella rushes towards the direction of the castle, and Arra glances at her as we enter. Jayce doesn't notice us and repeats to a kid that she'll come back, and that she just needs time to calm herself down. Arra taps me on the shoulder, points to the basket, and ushers me to the kitchen. No one seems to be around this time. Where did Una and Diana go?

"What do you think happened?" I ask.

"It's better we don't know. Err... Before I go, can we check on the couple? I'm pretty worried about them."

"Right. You sure love your best friend, huh?"

"I'd give her the entire world, to be honest. They must be in the bedroom."

"An unusual obsession towards your friend, but okay."

The door to the bedroom squeaked as I opened it. It's dark, but the faint light coming from the bathroom doors provided at least a small amount of vision. Some of the children slept now, and the couple chose the one closest to the corners. Nelen's flaxen hair shone as they laid next to each other, sleeping soundly while covered in a plain white blanket. An empty cot stood beside them. Jean's nowhere to be found, too. Weird. What's taking him so long? I look at Arra, but she leads me into the empty cot from before.

"What now?" I ask, but she didn't respond. She just gets me into the bed and covers us with quilt. "Hey. What's the problem?"

Silence again. She buries her head in my chest. A sniffle. Water. I didn't do anything. I didn't know what was happening. She releases her grip and looks me in the eyes... Wow. She's beautiful when she cries. Then everything starts to make sense. Her attentiveness towards Nelen. Her worry. The hidden sadness in her eyes. She pulls and kisses me. One. Two. Three. Four. She lets go. I didn't resist. What kind of idiot would resist? She's fantasizing. Might as well play along with her illusion. She's my date, after all.

"You really don't need to force yourself on me, you know." I stare back.

"She really looks like her mother." She tries to smile between tears.

"I bet she does. Wanna sleep here?"

"I'd really appreciate that. Thank you."

"What about your adoptive parents? Won't they get worried?"

"I already told them I'm spending the night. Don't worry."

"Okay, good... So what now?... Oh, right!" I uncover the blanket. "Oh, right... Gods. He's missing again."


"Jean. The guy's crazier than a coconut. How am I going to tell what Danella said when he's not here?"

"Do you worry about him?"

"Well, yes, but not for the same reasons as yours. I need Cings in my pocket, and a place to stay at. Otherwise, I wouldn't have exploited him. Besides, he's asking for it."

"Is he aware of this?"

"I think he is. He doesn't mind it, though. I think I'll wait for him to get home so I can tell him about Danella."


She hugs me again, tighter this time. I can feel her breath in my chest, and she's stronger than she looks..... A lot stronger than she looks. I can't break free. Fuck. Just what type of training did you have to endure back at the Chimeria Legion? I'm getting dominated again. Why am I so weak?

"I'm worried about Danella." I babble.

"She'll be safe. This is Stassi."

"I don't know, though. I've gotten away from brawls, house poisonings, and a lot of terrorist attacks. From an amnesiac's perspective, the Legion isn't really making much of a threat. Sorry."

"It's fine. It's true, anyways. So does that mean you won't cuddle with me?" She pouts... Fuck.

"I'll stay with you until you fall asleep."

Is what I said, but I slept earlier. I can't blame myself, though. It was just so comfortable laying next to her. For a moment, I forgot all about my problems. My conquest for lost memories. Cerberus. My clothes that keep on breaking. It didn't matter, at least for a short while... Until the smell of lilies woke me.

Little did I know that trouble was catching up.

Sorry for the late post. I'm having a hard time thinking up words rip :( I honestly think that I'm not improving (or learning) at all, so gueeeeeess what? I'm thinking of taking a short break for a little while. I'll be back, though. I promise on Sol's immortal life.

Kuuzuucreators' thoughts