
Chapter 84: No one messes with my food 4


As Aurianna pondered which way was left, her mind struggled to keep up with her fancy gown. "Left, right, left, right," she murmured, feeling more lost than a mouse in a maze. Finally, she made her decision: "Left is this way!" she proclaimed with all confidence, and promptly headed towards the right.

'Princess no! That's not left but right!' The knights cried inwardly as they watched the princess go in the wrong direction.

As Aurianna continued down the corridor, her confidence quickly turned to confusion. "What in the world?! How did I end up at a dead end?" she exclaimed, scanning the walls for any sign of an exit. To her dismay, all she saw were stone walls surrounding her. She turned around to see only knights standing and guarding the halls. And she scratched her head in confusion.