
Chapter 145: War against the Infinite Nation 7

"Ah yes the Sandeph army people are still alive. They'll do," Eva muttered as she looked at the people coldly.

"Ruigo turn them into a mana ball. In Aurianna's state she can't eat their souls easily. And I'm not sure she is willing to eat humans, even though she eats monsters," Eva blurted out with her hand on her chin.

"As you wish Jewel," Ruigo said as she pointed her staff at the army, confusing everyone.

"Why is she pointing her staff at us?" Melissa asked with a nervous expression.

"She's going to kill us, everyone run!!" Antya warned, her eyes glowing as she pointed her staff at Ruigo, but it was too late. It was like an invisible giant hand had grabbed her body, restricting her movements and it squashed her into paste, transforming her into a rainbow-colored ball.

"Duke Antya is dead!!" a knight yelled, sending the army into chaos.