
saint of order

mozerk, a fallen noble of house erznark, was banished to urnos after his family died in a mysterious way, and one day he remembers the memoirs of his past life, where he seemingly died of old age, the last thing he did before dying was writing for him to be reborn in a guilt pleasure history and cultures book he had made up, he decides that he wants his nobility back and he wished to take revenge for his now dead family, and for that he has to excel in the arena program of asner nobles, he joins the faith of light that had appeared one day to gain the poweres related to the light an : i wont edit the first few chapters for now, but from chapter 14 on ward is when i started to write chapters better, so please bear with me

NMRisthebest · Sci-fi
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29 Chs

Slight annoyance

Looking at his fallen hand, Morzerks mind was in horror, Than it quickly went back to being calm.

In the short duration that the beast was about to attack him, He healed the bleeding veins and bits of his pain receptors, He could reattach his hand if he managed to survive.


his arm was cut down was due to poor judgement, He already knew those who had septillium integrated in their bodies had variety of powers compared to more... normal folk, he should have been more careful, and should be.

It seemed the move the monster had done costed it some mild amount of pain, so morzerk quickly constructed some chains of light around its body and ran away to the last floor, the chains would hold the monster down for long, morzerk just needed some breathing room due his jikan.

after he deactivated it, all of the tucked away feelings and pain quickly rushed back to him, he now could feel them in a proper manner.

"blghhhh" he threw up whatever he had ate in the morning, and his body started sweating all over itself, and his eyes started swelling with tears, it was something common if one used their jikan seriously for the first time, as all the tucked away thoughts, feelings, and bodily reactions all rushed back to him.

Those who were more proficient in using their mind empowerment let the tucked away bits to flow back to them while they were using jikan, morzerk was luckily he didn't wet his pants., showing he wasn't entirely clueless, but lacked practice.

the only he didnt outright faint due to the pain however was his adrenaline, but even he could tell even reattaching his arm was going to be a pain. Morzerk hid his bag in a corner, and puled out his hybrid pistol and aimed at the stairs, hoping the monster will just leave the building and ruin another persons life so he can get his arm back before it gets too contaminated.

alas, he wasn't that lucky.

Hearing the sound of outraged screams closing to him, morzerk activated his jikan.

Time started to slow down

His mind also became sharper and focused

feeling that the monster was close to where he was, morzerk pulled the trigger and let go of the weapon, the gun was now falling to the ground

before the gun fully fired and fell to the ground the mutated monster apeared, in the split mini split secound that "it' saw the muzzle it was already too late, the bullet pierced the upper half of its forehead off, which caused the monster to shriek from pain, showing its jikan wasn't activated.

Morzerk quickly took the opportunity to slash at its body again, a huge gush apeared over the chest of the monster, and while morzerk was getting ready to slash at its body red sparks flew off its body, and it barely blocked the lethal charge with its forearm, But the arm was gushed deeply enough to reach its bones, hence making it mangled.

Even wth the empowerment of his flames and jikan morzerk couldn't cut its flesh effectively, he had to come with another way, taking a quick glance, he found a way to kill the monster.

It was only a hunch, but it might work.

Before he could get away from the monster fully however, the outraged human beast opened its mouth, morzerk that was more perpared than before started guarding himself with a grim expression.

a red glow appeared near the monsters throat, indicating it was healing itself using jikan, And than it let out a literal ear deafening roar.

Morzerks eardrums got torn and he started bleeding out from his ears, while getting a slight ignore able headache and a not ignore able nausea sense, The mutated monster didnt fare much better, as it started coughing blood violently.

Morzerk couldn't heal himself, Even if he was a priest of light with better healing ability than others, that ability was still apart of jikan, If he used more of his jikan than he was doing now, It would be expended fully, and he will become against the abomination

He had to crush the beast, literately, the blade of his sword was melting, the only reason it hadn't fully molten yet was because it was meant to redirect a bunch of heat to others.

While the monster was busy coughing morzerk had already cut a rusting pillar of support, with jikan and the golden flames it was like cutting frozen butter.

'two more to go'

most of the wall had aleady fallen, wit bits and pieces surrendering the pillars, morzerk was hoping that cutting the pillars would make the heavy reinforced concrete ceiling fall on the beast, he was hoping for a lot of things, like that he would survive it by jumping out the last secound, or that the beast would die before melting the concrete away.

The monster's coughing fit stopped after morzerk cut down the second pillar, it quickly ran towards morzerk and tried to attack him with its more intact arm.

of course alot of attacks went through, and morzerk was barely able to dodge a few more lethal ones.

he was now cornered however, And the creaking pillar was behind him.

The monster slashed at morzerk who barely decided to take the immature jump, deactivating his jikan and focusing his all on healing himself.

He broke a bone after falling down, but looking up he realized that the ceiling had actually came down

he was about to heal his leg and start dancing out of sheer happiness until a red glow appeared on what was once the ceiling of the 5th floor

Sorry if this chapter didnt feel as good and that it was late, I was really sleepy, I will edit its problems(grammerical) tmr, pls add the story to your collections, I am not asking, I am begging...

NMRisthebestcreators' thoughts