
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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447 Chs

Chapter 38

Chapter 38 Three Swords

As Luffy's fire fists were all dodged, the fire fists that hit all hit Bharati's fin deck.

The texture of the deck couldn't resist the impact of Luffy's fire fist.

With every punch, a large pothole will be smashed, bringing up swirling sawdust.

And as the machine gun-like fire fists continued to pour out and Hawkeye kept dodging and moving, the half deck where Luffy and Hawkeye were located was completely destroyed.

As their bodies flickered, they both stopped on the other half of the deck at the same time.

Looking at the burning deck wreckage, Zep, Sanji, and Zoro were completely speechless.

And Usopp has been mumbling in his mouth how awesome.

Only Nami, although Luffy has not been injured so far, and has basically maintained an offensive posture, but Nami's worries have not diminished.

"It's not going to end like this! This deck can't support our battle at all!"

Luffy looked around at the messy deck on the other side, which had been destroyed by the two of them, and said involuntarily.

"How, are you going to stop here?"

Hearing Luffy's words, Hawkeye also looked around, but he didn't care at all, just asked Luffy if he wanted to continue.

"If you stop here, isn't the purpose of my challenge to you completely in vain?"

Luffy answered without hesitation, but it would be a waste of time to continue like this.

"Oh? What are you going to do then?"

Hawkeye was not surprised by Luffy's persistence. For people like Luffy, he would not give up something easily.

"The next attack you send, I won't dodge it anymore!"

Luffy looked at Hawkeye seriously, if he just avoided it, he would not make any progress.

Even Observation Haki wouldn't make much progress against such an attack.

But resisting the attack is different, not only need to use Observation Haki to judge the strength and direction of the attack, but also use Armament Haki to resist.

Once he makes a mistake in some way, Luffy is likely to be seriously injured or even killed by Hawkeye.

"Interesting, since you want to test your limits, why don't I accompany you to practice? I haven't seen anyone interested in me for a long time. I didn't expect this trip to East Blue, but I met once. Two, interesting, very interesting!"

Hearing Luffy's words, Hawkeye agreed without hesitation.

Even without the relationship of Shanks, Hawkeye decided to meet Luffy's request once.

As early as when I saw Luffy, as an old friend and rival of the red-haired Shanks, I discovered the straw hat on Luffy's head.

Coupled with the boy he had talked about when he met Shanks before, Hawkeye immediately recognized that Luffy was the boy Shanks was talking about.

Seeing that the old friend's favored person was so good, Hawkeye glanced at Zoro, who was looking at the two in shock, and suddenly had the idea of ​​accepting an apprentice.

But at the moment when this idea appeared, Hawkeye snuffed it out.

What Zoro lacks now is not the professor's master, but the real battle with strong opponents!

And letting him stay by Luffy's side and constantly challenge powerful enemies is what he needs most at this stage.

"If that's the case, then you have to pay attention!"

Having said that, Hawkeye's original posture of holding a knife with one hand was changed to holding a knife with both hands.

After seeing the dark Armament Haki appearing in Luffy's hands again, he slashed with black knives without hesitation.

The staggered slashes are more solid and faster than the slashes from the previous casual slashes.

And watching the two fight again from a distance, and Hawkeye changed from holding a knife in one hand to holding a knife in both hands, Nami's already worried heart raised his throat again.

Even if you don't know swordsmanship, you know that the strength of two hands is definitely stronger than that of one hand.

Faced with a slash that was much stronger than before, Luffy's expression remained unchanged.

All the Armament Haki, which was originally covered in the hands in case of emergency, flowed to the right hand, making the right Haki stronger.

Then his right hand slammed out.

The invisible air was suddenly pushed out by the fist in the second gear of this blow, hitting the slashes like an air cannon.

The air cannon and the slash collided in the air, and the air flow generated suddenly spread.

The formed gust of wind swept away towards the surroundings, and finally, the attacks on both sides were eliminated at the same time.

The moment the air cannon and slash disappeared, the eagle-eyed black knife slashed again.

A more solid slash came straight at Luffy!

There was only one slash this time, but it felt more dangerous to Luffy than all the previous slashes combined!

Fortunately, the strength of the slash is still within the perception range of Luffy Observation Haki.

But this seems to be the strongest attack that Luffy can call Armament Haki so far!

If Luffy's Haki can't break through, then Hawkeye's next attack, Luffy, may not be able to resist.

"Third gear – Xixiang!"

There was no time to think about anything else, Luffy's right hand suddenly clenched, and the normal right hand suddenly swelled in a circle.

But it was only a little bigger than before, and it didn't turn into a giant arm like the third gear in the original book.

The swollen right hand clenched a fist and slammed, forming an air cannon that was more powerful than before.

The air cannon, which was like a transparent beam of light, shot directly at the huge slash that came fast.

More vast waves erupted from where the attacks on both sides collided.

Centering on the place where the two attacks collided, the wooden deck was completely shattered after just holding on for a moment, and spread out like radiation.

Although the farther from the center, the lower the attack, the wooden deck is still fully lifted.

The stalemate between the two attacks did not last long before dissipating together.

But the damage caused this time has left the only remaining half of the deck with only two people's footholds still intact.

"The next is the final attack, but don't die!"

Hawkeye looked at Luffy expectantly while squatting slightly.

Hold the black knife-Ye's handle in both hands, point the black knife diagonally behind the head, and charge slightly.

Armament Haki flows towards the black knife through Hawkeye's pitch-black hands.

Looking at Hawkeye's slashing power, Zoro, Sanji and the others opened their eyes wide and stared at Hawkeye motionless.

Only Nami, his hands were clenched tightly, his knuckles were white, his teeth were biting his lower lip forcefully, and a strand of blood flowed from the corner of the bitten lip.

Nami didn't notice it at all, her teary eyes flushed slightly, and she stared at Luffy's standing figure in the distance.

At the moment Haki covered the entire black blade, Hawkeye's hands slammed violently.

The black knife slashed out from top to bottom, and the pitch-black slash flew out swiftly.

Seeing that the dark slash that did not dissipate swiftly flew, but did not cause any damage to the surrounding deck, Luffy's first reaction was to dodge to the side.

Intuition tells me that this slash is not something I can resist now!

But there is another voice telling him that once he can slash this slash, his Haki will get a qualitative improvement! *