
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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447 Chs

Chapter 28

Chapter 28 Harvest

After being surrounded by Luffy's outstretched arms, Nami tied his hair up and jumped off the Merry without hesitation.

First, I quickly searched the unsinkable hull. I was lucky. Most of the treasures were still in the unsinkable cabin. With the speed of Nami picking up the treasures, Luffy quickly received a large bag of treasures with his empty hands. , I don't know why Nami's strength suddenly became so great at this time.

While Luffy and Nami were still rescuing the treasure, Usopp had already pulled out his slingshot, and rotten eggs were precisely shooting at the pirates desperately trying to get on the Merry.

For those pirates who were still struggling, after being hit by rotten eggs in the eyes or even in the mouth, the mental and physical torture made them unwilling to give up the idea of ​​​​climbing on the Merry.

Although Luffy has been paying attention to Nami's situation, he also frequently looked at Usopp's shooting, not to marvel at the accuracy of his shooting, but where did so many rotten eggs come from? Luffy can't remember that there are so many eggs in the supplies, the key is all broken rotten eggs!

Hope his rotten eggs are hidden, or if the Merry smells like rotten eggs, Luffy doesn't mind throwing them all away.

Zoro is still paddling manually, there is no way, if no one is paddling, the boat will be spun around by the unstable waves around, or it will be smashed by debris from the nearby pirate ship.

It didn't take long for Nami to pull Luffy's arm around her waist, signaling that Luffy could pull her up.

Luffy didn't hesitate, and his right hand shrank directly, leading Nami, who was entangled, to ascend towards the Merry.

In order to prevent Nami from being rubbed by the hull, Luffy slammed Nami and the treasure bag she was carrying up.

And Nami, who was thrown into the air, did not panic. First, he threw the bag he was carrying on the deck of the Merry, and then adjusted his position a little. Before Nami was about to fall on the deck, Luffy was still wrapped around Nami's waist. With a little force on his arms, he hugged Nami's entire body in his arms, and Nami also took advantage of the situation to hook Luffy's neck with both hands, and wrapped his feet around Luffy's waist without falling behind. The whole person hung on Luffy's body like a koala. .

Because they were all soaked in water, Nami's clothes were completely attached to his body, and Luffy seemed to hug Nami's exquisite body directly, which made Luffy's heart feel hot.

Suppressing the fascination in his heart, Luffy put Nami down steadily, and the arms wrapped around Nami's slender waist were untied layer by layer, and finally returned to its original state.

"I made it this time, so many treasures can be exchanged for at least 10 million Baileys!" Nami didn't care that Luffy saw and touched him. immersed in it.

"Okay, okay, since the treasure has arrived on our ship, it won't be taken away by others. You should go and change your clothes first! I'm not the only one on the ship, and it's so troublesome if I catch a cold or something!" Nami had no plans to change clothes at all, and Luffy had to remind her that it would be fine if she read it herself. Luffy didn't want Nami to be seen like the original and didn't care at all.

O man!

Hearing Luffy's undisguised words, Nami finally recovered from the state of being obsessed with treasure. Naturally, Nami didn't care about being seen by others, but only Luffy was here, and the others were busy not far away. Well, with Luffy's body covering them, they couldn't even see them if they wanted to.

Also, why did you change your clothes before? Not because you just want to wear it for someone to see?

"Got it! I'll change it right now." Although she muttered in her heart, Nami obediently returned to her room in a hurry.

By the time Nami was out of his clothes, the Merry also got away from the wreck with the efforts of Zoro and Usopp, who was re-paddling.

"Since the enemy has been resolved and the treasure is in hand, shouldn't it be time to discuss how to deal with this little guy?" Looking at the little boy who hadn't spoken since just now, Luffy touched his chin and asked everyone's opinion Opinion.

"You…you want…what do you want? Let me tell you, I…I'm the big pirate Fei… Fei Nan, I won't… I won't be afraid of you!" Originally sitting quietly on the deck, The little boy who looked around from time to time saw that Luffy and the others all turned their attention to him, and the boy who thought they were finally going to attack him finally panicked and wanted to say something threatening, but he stumbled a little because of fear.

"Why are we considered bad guys every time?" Luffy didn't soothe the fear of this little boy who claimed to be a flying man, but looked at his other partners thoughtfully.

The first to bear the brunt is Usopp, because at that time he also regarded Luffy and the others as pirates who wanted to invade the village of Xilob.

"Ahahaha…that's because…because… Zoro, yes, it's Zoro, the expression on his face is so hideous, others will think he's not a good person!" Seeing Luffy looking at himself, Usopp hurriedly tried to hide the past, but Luffy stared straight at him, and Usopp had to move out of Zoro as a last resort.

"Huh?" Zoro, who was named by Usopp, frowned and had blue veins bursting out of his forehead. I had to say, Usopp was right.

"Wow! Don't kill me, don't kill me!" Fei Nan shouted while holding his head at the right time, completely confirming what Usopp said.

Nami on the side covered his mouth and chuckled after seeing this scene, and Luffy also showed an expression of sudden realization. The corners of Zoro's mouth twitched when he saw it, and he didn't know how to refute it. After all, the children were so obvious!

"Okay, no kidding, then, Fei Nan, let's call you that. Can you tell us who you are and where you came from, so that we can send you back." Luffy looked at the little boy again.

"I don't want it, I won't go back. You are so strong, you can definitely find Wu Nan, please let me follow you. I want to meet Wu Nan, the legendary pirate, and let him accept me as his younger brother." Seeing Luffy Wanting to send himself back, Fei Nan immediately shook his head.

After finally getting the news of Wu Nan, I must see the other party, and it is best to let the other party accept me.

"How do you know that we can take you to see Wu Nan, and as far as I know, the great pirate Wu Nan seems to have died a long time ago!" Although he was regarded as a villain, Zoro did not take it to heart. To a certain extent, that is also true.

"Wu Nan won't die, he is a pirate with immortality, I believe he must still be alive!" Hearing Zoro say that Wu Nan was dead, Fei Nan, who was still quite afraid of him, forgot his fear and moved directly towards him. Zoro growled. *