
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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447 Chs

Chapter 191

Chapter 191 Robin, Being Targeted Again

"I've been used to the days of sailing at sea for a while, and suddenly I have to move on land. I'm really not used to it!"

After resting for a night on the Merry, everyone who set foot on the Seven Waters again expressed emotion.

"However, the Seven Waters are all water cities, not all land.

Although walking on the ground, but looking around, the main roads are all waterways.

"Today, it's still free activities. If you want to see or play, just take advantage of these few days to have enough fun!""

It has always been sailing on the sea. Although there are many people on board, there are not many things to play.

It was a rare opportunity like this, and Luffy wouldn't stop them.

It was Sanji and Chopper who stayed to watch the boat today. Originally, it was only necessary for Sanji to stay.

With Merry's presence, even if he doesn't sleep whenever he has time like Zoro, he won't be alone.

But Chopper also chose to stay because he wanted to continue his research, and said that he would not come out for a few days.

"There are agents of the World government in the Seven Waters, Robin, follow me today!

With the intelligence ability of those people, the news of Robin's presence here should have reached the ears of that idiot Spandam.

Observation Haki sensed the situation in the Seven Waters City, and there were indeed some people wearing masks and white clothes moving.

Although it is now during the Mask Carnival of the Seven Waters.

But several people wore the same masks and costumes, and Luffy recognized the identity of these people as CP9 at a glance.

"Okay, Mr. Captain."

For Luffy's proposal, Robin did not refuse, but agreed with a charming smile.

Ever since Luffy was able to get out of Aokiji's hands, Robin has stopped thinking about it and left alone.

Moreover, with Luffy's ability like foreknowledge, perhaps, the idea of ​​​​that he wanted to leave has never been hidden from him!

"Are you following us, or go shopping by yourself"~?"

Luffy looked at the other people again, although the more people, the bigger the target, but it also meant that the other party couldn't do it easily.

Moreover, even if the target is big, Luffy is not afraid of the opponent at all, unless the World government sends two or more people with the strength of Admiral.

Just relying on these few CP9s is not enough to watch.

Even Rob Luqi, the strongest who has been called CP9 for 800 years, is vulnerable in front of the current Luffy.

"I will not follow you, I will go around to see if there are any powerful swordsmen on this island. 35

Zoro, as always, wants to challenge people, but he may be disappointed. There is no opponent who can make him happy on this island.

But Luffy didn't say it, let him go shopping by himself, as long as he doesn't get lost.

"Then I'll go with Zoro, lest this guy get lost and can't find his way back to the Merry."

During this time, Zoro's road idiot attribute has been known to everyone, so Gal-Tino did not miss the opportunity to start mocking.

"What did you guy say?"

After being choked by Gal-Tino, Zoro's calm expression immediately turned into annoyance.

And then left in a certain direction without looking back.

When Gal-Tino saw this, he followed at the same time. If he didn't follow, God knew if he could get back to the Merry before dark.

"I'll go with them too."

Usopp greeted and ran in the direction Zoro left.

"Then let's go shopping with a few girls. With Conis's slowness, no one can hurt us, and we don't have a bounty on our backs."5

Nami doesn't seem to want to go to the Seven Waters with Luffy today.

Instead, they pulled Marianu, Conis and Mikita, and Sisi the Fox and left together.

"Then it's just the two of us, Mr. Captain.

Robin gave Luffy a meaningful look and said pointedly.

Luffy glanced at Robin speechlessly, then walked up first.

Seeing that Luffy didn't speak, Robin chuckled and followed Luffy at the same time.

Since joining the Straw Hat Pirates, this is the first time the two have been together alone.

But it didn't take long for Luffy to feel like he was being watched.

When I opened Observation Haki, I found a corner not far behind, a man in a white mask was watching.

"You've been targeted so quickly, it seems that you are really a sweet pastry!"

Luffy didn't care about the people peeping behind him, and made a rare joke.

Hearing Luffy's words, Robin also opened Observation Haki at the same time.

Although not as outrageous as Luffy's, it was enough to cover a small area after a few days of familiarity.

The figure behind him is not too far away, maybe it is the reason for the mask carnival, I think people like Luffy will not pay attention to themselves.

However, this kind of malicious breath, and the breath is not weak, this is too conspicuous in the eyes of those who have Observation Haki.

~ Is it someone from CP9?"

Robin, who also sensed it, turned to look at Luffy.

Although he was being targeted again, this time, Robin didn't have any fear or anxiety.

It's because of this man's side, this kind of reassuring feeling, it's really good!

"It's them, but if they don't take action, we don't have to care about them. The new ship hasn't started construction yet, so it's not suitable to provoke the World government for the time being.

Robin naturally understood the meaning of Luffy's words.

Temporarily, that is, once the new ships are built, will these people be dealt with?

However, Luffy really wanted to see if Iceberg would let Rob Ludge and the others help build their own new boat garden.

It would be fun if the iceberg really let them build it together.

The agent of the World government (Wang Haohao), helping the pirate group where the Devil's Son belong to build a pirate ship, this kind of thing must be very interesting, right?

As for whether they will destroy it when they are made? There are two master shipbuilders, Franky and Iceberg. Once they do something, they will be discovered immediately.

At that time, Bingshan will naturally be able to discover that those people are agents of the World government.

But it doesn't matter if they find it or not, as long as they choose to do it, Luffy will definitely not let them go.

When the new ship starts construction, Luffy will also choose to watch, anyway, when the time comes to visit, it is better to see if there is anything that can be improved.

Of course, if there is an emergency, it can only be handed over to Franky Ha Bingshan.

With the current situation, will there be Enies Lobby and Buster Call?

Luffy is very curious, this may be regarded as a big event, but I don't know if the plot will develop in the original direction.