
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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447 Chs

Chapter 167

Chapter 167 Different Fire Fist Guns

"Brother is really amazing!"

Seeing that his unleashed ability was blocked by Luffy, Aokiji sighed sincerely.

The key is to look at the other party's appearance, and it doesn't seem to use much effort at all.

It seems that this battle will not end so easily.

"Are you Marine Admirals so insincere?

Luffy wouldn't be complacent at being praised by Aokiji, these Marine Admirals, one more dishonest than the other.


Aokiji, who was scolded by Luffy, was speechless, but he sincerely praised the other party, how could he become dishonest?

Now, though, is clearly not the time to think about messy things.


Even the fist covered with Armament Haki still only smashed some ice cubes, but failed to do any damage to Aokiji.

Even because the fist smashed the ice, Luffy's right hand was wrapped in the part where Aokiji, who had turned into ice, was hit.

Luffy's eyes narrowed and he quickly pulled out his right hand.

Sure enough, the moment Luffy's right hand was pulled out, Aokiji's originally smashed part quickly condensed.

If Luffy was one step behind, Aokiji might freeze his right hand.

"As expected of Marine Admiral, Observation Haki is amazing!


As long as Luffy doesn't use Emission, Armament Haki alone can't do any damage to Aokiji who has been elementalized in advance.

But if you keep using Emission, Armament Haki will be depleted very quickly.

However, it is not impossible, as long as his attack range can cover Aokiji's entire person, unless he dodges, it is useless even if he becomes elemental.

And, all I need is to be able to hit Aokiji.

Even if the third gear makes the body part bigger, as long as the Armament Haki covered is a little less, it will not be consumed particularly fast.

To catch the entity of Logia Devil Fruit, even a thin layer of Armament Haki is enough.

In the current situation, Luffy doesn't need to hurt Aokiji, as long as he can hit Aokiji, it's enough.

But in this way, the possibility of being attacked is even greater.

After all, if he became big enough, his speed would not be as fast as it is now.

It's hard to do, as expected of Marine Admiral!


For Luffy's sigh, Aokiji was speechless again, if the Marine Admiral himself were really water, Marine would have ceased to exist.

How can there be a position of maritime hegemony that has lasted for hundreds of years.

"caught you!

Although the two were still praising each other during the battle, there was no ambiguity in what they should focus on.

Aokiji's right hand quickly formed several icicles and shot at Luffy, who was not far away from him.

After the icicles approached, the icicles that had hit each other quickly condensed, forming a puck that trapped Luffy.

"Then, it will be over! 35

Seeing Luffy trapped by his puck, Aokiji breathed a sigh of relief.

But he didn't relax because of this, his right hand continued to go deep and waved towards Luffy, who was trapped by the puck.

"Frozen Time Capsule! 99

The cold air of the forest spiraled towards Luffy.

"It's not that easy!

With a loud shout, the puck that had trapped Luffy burst.

Luffy, who escaped from the predicament, looked at the cold and cold air that was coming, and did not show a panicked look.

Even in a hurry, Luffy can easily dodge an attack of this speed.


Aokiji stunned, but it didn't freeze the other party, it was a bit tricky!

It seems that he can't keep his hands anymore, otherwise this battle will never end.

Thinking of this, Aokiji's eyes became full of seriousness.

"Next, I won't keep my hands anymore, but don't die, little brother.

Otherwise I can't afford Mr. Garp's iron fist!

Looking at the serious Aokiji, Luffy's eyes narrowed slightly, and the next battle might not be so easy.

Don't look at how easily Luffy seemed to be trapped by Aokiji just now, but that didn't do Luffy any harm.

(beae) Not even making Luffy a little sluggish except the temperature is a little lower.

Luffy didn't say anything, just more focused.

The use of Observation Haki requires a calm mind to perceive.

The surrounding temperature had just dropped to a certain extent, but as Aokiji's voice fell, the temperature dropped again.

The biting chill was already able to affect Luffy, and Luffy's exposed skin seemed to condense a layer of frost.


Luffy swung his hands violently, and while his arms were covered with a layer of Armament Haki, fiery flames began to burn on them.

The skin that was originally condensed with frost was shaken away when Armament Haki covered it.

As the flames burned, the temperature around Luffy seemed to form two extremes with the surrounding temperature.

"Rubber Fruit, can it still do this? 35

Aokiji's eyes widened suddenly when he saw Luffy whose hands were suddenly on fire and his eyes were equally serious.

What's the situation? Shouldn't Rubber Fruit be afraid of high temperature?

Even if it is covered with Armament Haki and the flame is generated by friction, it is not so exaggerated that it can keep burning all the time, right?

Luffy didn't know why he kept burning this layer of flame.

At first, I just thought that since Sanji can achieve the level of the devil's wind feet and the devil's wind feet, maybe he can.

But Sanji may be able to do this because of the pedigree factor, so Luffy didn't have any expectations at first.

But what I didn't expect was that it actually succeeded in the end.

So, Mera-mera Fruit, dogs don't eat it! (Ace:…)

Don't look at this move, it seems that it is just a fire fist gun with both hands, but this move is very different from the fire fist gun that goes out after it is released.

At least, in this state, Luffy's attack power has increased a lot.

Even Luffy felt that if the quality and quantity of his Armament Haki could go further.

It may be possible to cover the main parts of the attack with this layer of flame.

Moreover, Luffy always felt that in this fire fist state, his shot speed seemed to be faster.

As for the specific principle, Luffy is not very clear, in short, this is a state-type move with a power slightly lower than the fourth gear, but the consumption of Haki is much smaller.

Luffy wouldn't just go into fourth gear without a lot of confidence.

Otherwise, if you can't solve the enemy after your Haki is exhausted, not only yourself, but the entire Straw Hat Pirates may be over.

This trick, Luffy, hasn't given a name yet. After all, it is very different from the original 2nd, 3rd, and 4th gear, so Luffy simply doesn't bother to give it a name.

But this is not important, the important thing is that now against Aokiji, it is time to try the power of this trick.

It shouldn't be too fancy!