
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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447 Chs

Chapter 120

Chapter 120 A Little Revenge

"There's nothing to be afraid of, right?"

Zoro said he was speechless about Chopper being frightened by Sea Kings, how dare he be the same as Usopp.

However, Zoro consciously stood in front of Chopper and pulled out the knife from his waist.

With a direct slash, the blue slash flew out, cutting through the air and directly slashing on the huge body of the Sea Kings.

After being hit by this slash, the seemingly huge body of the Sea Kings exploded like a balloon pierced by a needle.

"It's a little weird…"

In such a situation, Zoro thought that what he had cut was a balloon.

But looking at the little blood flowers scattered in the air, it shows that this Sea Kings is indeed real.

"It should be the cause of the sea of ​​​​empty! Look, these little fish are also very strange."

Robin didn't know when or where he caught a strangely shaped fish.

The whole body of this fish is flat, but it has two rows of 14 sharp teeth.

"And it looks very light in the hand. I have seen the introduction of this kind of empty fish in Rolando's diary."

"Huh? It's so strange, why does it grow like this?"

For those who do not have this knowledge, they can only ask the knowledgeable Robin.

As for Luffy, there is absolutely no intention to interrupt.

"It should be the reason for this empty sea. This empty sea should have no bottom. In order to prevent it from falling into this empty sea, the fish here, such as the Sea Kings, will grow into that kind of balloon-like shape."

Only a scholar like Robin can remember the knowledge he has seen so firmly and can quickly understand it.

"It's to reduce weight, no wonder that octopus exploded like a balloon after I chopped it off.

Only then did everyone understand what happened to the octopus just now.

"But are these fish delicious? How about trying it first?"

This first encounter with fish is also a new ingredient for Sanji.

And new ingredients are as attractive to Sanji as famous swords are to swordsmen.

"Everyone, there seems to be something coming this way in front of you, and it seems that the visitor is not good!

The Lookout is now Mikita's exclusive location.

At this time, Mikita saw something coming at high speed not far in front of the Merry, and shouted to the people below.

Hearing Mikita's warning, Zoro and Sanji immediately rushed to the bow of the Merry.

However, just as the two men stood still, they felt short of breath, and their footsteps swayed suddenly.

"What happen to you guys?"

As a doctor, Chopper keenly discovered something was wrong between the two.

"It's because of the air, it's at an altitude of 1,000 meters or even 10,000 meters, and the air is thin.

"Ah, so it is! We, who are used to the air conditions below, have not yet adapted to this suddenly changed environment.

When Robin mentioned it, Chopper instantly understood, but this kind of thing can't be solved by a doctor, it can only be adjusted by himself.

"But why are we all right?"

Usopp looked at the other people and himself, and was a little curious, did he adapt to the environment here better than Zoro and the others?

"That's because Zoro and Sanji just moved fast, and strenuous exercise doesn't consume the same air as we do!

"Then what to do, that thing is approaching fast, we won't be killed by him, right?

If that's the case, shouldn't the people on board be killed by that unknown thing?

"Luffy, are you all right?"

Seeing Zoro and Sanji, and hearing Chopper and Robin's explanation, Nami looked at Luffy, who was still holding him, with some worry.

"I'm all right, I sat down to get used to the environment here as soon as possible, and it doesn't take long for those of us to get used to the environment here.

Letting go of Nami, Luffy stood up from the deck and looked at the fast approaching figure in front of the Merry.

"You've gotten used to it so quickly, Luffy, are you a monster?"

For Luffy's situation, Chopper was surprised and directly regarded Luffy as a monster.


Before the enemy arrived, Luffy felt that he had received a cold arrow first, but it was from his own people.

Luffy gave Chopper a malicious look, last time he called himself a monster, Luffy encouraged him to stick chopsticks in his nose and mouth.

What should we do this time?

Luffy touched his chin, and for a while he thought seriously.

Everyone looked at Luffy like this, thinking that Luffy was thinking about who the other party was.

Even if Luffy really knew who was on the other side, everyone wouldn't be surprised.

And Chopper, who didn't know that he was thinking about him at all, just shivered unconsciously, but he just thought it was the reason that he didn't adapt to the air here.

Just when everyone was thinking about it, the figure finally approached.

Only then did everyone see the other party's appearance clearly, wearing a horn mask on his head, and other than that, he was wearing only a pair of shorts.

And the pants seem to be woven from leaves.

One hand held a shield, while the other held a bazooka-like firearm on his shoulder.

And the way he was able to move at high speed was all about wearing what looked like a pair of roller skates on his feet.

"who are you?"

Although they haven't fully adapted, Zoro and Sanji have been able to stand firm, looking at the people who are getting closer, and asking.

"Get rid of you 590s…"

The other party did not answer, but directly raised the firearm in his hand, as if he wanted to shoot at the Merry.

"It's really troublesome when you come here. Do you locals greet guests from afar like this?"

Without thinking about how to play with Chopper, Luffy looked sharply at the figure who was about to pull the trigger of the gun.

Conqueror's Haki poured out, and the invisible momentum spread directly towards the figure.

While these Shandians are good fighters, Luffy's Conqueror's Haki is no longer the juvenile he was when he first went to sea.

Conqueror's Haki cannot cultivate independently, but it will be improved with people's experience.

For Luffy, on the basis of what he had seen in his previous life, and through personal experience, Conqueror's Haki's improvement seemed to be faster.

Under the shock of Luffy's Conqueror's Haki, the trigger finger froze.

And the body that is moving at extreme speed, also because of the dizziness at this moment, the body is not well balanced.

After staggering a few times, the whole person left the clouds and flew towards the direction of the Merry.

"3, don't let him crash the Merry.

Luffy said to Mr.3, who had been watching the fun, that the use of Devil Fruit ability does not require strenuous exercise.