
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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447 Chs

Chapter 113

Chapter 113 Elbaf'S Gun

Luffy didn't answer Blackbeard's thought of quitting, but the power in his hand was almost finished.

"If you can take this move, I'll give up.

In addition to the dark Armament Haki, Luffy's right hand has only the third-stage expansion form.

However, even in this simple state, there seems to be a heart-pounding power wrapped in it.

"Hey hey hey, this is not a joke!"

Blackbeard looked at Luffy's right hand rather apprehensively, then glanced at Van Oka, who was unable to move because of the injury.

If necessary, Blackbeard can only abandon Van Oka and leave.

I have to admit that the power that Luffy is gathering is indeed very powerful.

You may be able to defend yourself, but the price to pay is definitely not small.

"Blackbeard−, you're about to pick it up!"

Black energy is constantly surging around Blackbeard. Obviously, there is no way to escape. We can only see if Dark Fruit can absorb this power.

Although Dark Fruit also has a wide range of moves such as Dark Acupuncture, it's obviously not going to be effective here.

It may be able to cause some disturbance to Luffy, but it is useless, it is better to use all the power to defend.

Moreover, the current Fan Oka can't move, and if he uses the trick of the dark acupuncture point, he will undoubtedly kill him.

Although he planned to give up his own escape, killing him by himself was two different things.

I didn't expect that I would encounter such a tough opponent in the first half of the Grand Line.

Just as Blackbeard continued to gather Dark Fruit's power, Luffy's charge was finally complete.

In fact, the charging time didn't take long. It only took 2 or 3 seconds from Luffy's start of charging until now.

"Third gear – Elbaf's gun – Tyrant Fist!

With Luffy's loud drink, Luffy's right hand flashed black lightning.

At the same time as the fist was swung, black and purple lightning wrapped around it, and then a black and purple shock wave finally formed.

As Luffy's fist swung out, the black-purple shock wave rushed in the direction of Blackbeard and Van Oka with a terrifying speed and power.

With the rapid advance of the shock wave, the ground was lifted up by layers of rubble, and behind the shock wave, a smooth path was formed.

"This power…"

Looking at the black-purple shock wave that was getting closer and closer, a cold sweat fell from Blackbeard's forehead.

Even in all his years on the Whitebeard ship, Blackbeard had never encountered an attack of this magnitude.

And the few times I encountered it, I didn't need to bear it myself.

Also, is Elbaf's spear the strongest spear of the giants?

Even though he is a human being, he is able to use this giant's signature ability. The man in the straw hat in front of him may become his biggest obstacle in the future.

There's no time to think about all that mess.

Blackbeard's Dark Fruit ability has also moved to Ultimate, and he has been planning for so long, so he can't fall into trouble here.


The black Dark Fruit energy Ultimate exploded, and the monstrous black smoke collided with the black-purple shock wave that flew from it.

The two forces stalemate in mid-air, and the surrounding house tiles also collapsed and shattered under the shock wave generated by the collision of energy.

The gust of wind blew the surrounding trees upside down.

As the Blackbeard Dark Fruit's ability accumulated more and more, the rest of the island finally discovered the strangeness here.

"What's going on there?"

"With this power, is there any big pirate here to fight?

Although there are pirates in Magic Valley Town, there are few who can really fight.

Moreover, almost all the people who can come here are people with some knowledge. I just heard someone say that there are people over there, and they want to join in the fun.

But now it seems that if I go to join in the fun, I may be bombarded by these two hedging energies, and there will be no slag left.

Hope those who have already rushed over are okay!

"Where is it? Did Luffy get into a fight with someone?

On the Merry, everyone also saw the two energies of the hedge.

Although I have never seen Luffy use this kind of move, but intuition tells everyone that one of the energy must be played by Luffy.

"Really, that guy is messing up again!"

Nami was a little angry, because he was too weak and was afraid that Luffy would be implicated, so he didn't follow.

Now it seems that without him following, Luffy's guy is messing up again, but Nami is not overly worried.

・・・・・Seeking flowers….

Although a little surprised that someone on this island could play like this with Luffy, Nami believed that Luffy would not lose in such a place.

"That guy, has he become so strong?"

Feeling the terrifying aura produced by the two energy hedging, Sanji opened his mouth in disbelief.

Although I have witnessed the fight between Luffy and Hawkeye before, at that time, the fight between the two was more like a point-to-point battle.

Even the final collision is far from the terrifying imposing manner that the two energies collide with at the moment.

This is not to say that Hawkeye is not as strong as the man who is fighting Luffy now, but the situation of this meeting, it is obvious that the two are fighting with all their strength.

At that time, the eagle eye completely gave people the feeling of walking in the courtyard, but it was more like pointing Luffy.


"Captain Luffy…"

Gal-Tino stared at the sky-high energy in the distance.

Although he was defeated by Luffy before, Luffy at that time was far from having this kind of power.

Originally thought that even if Luffy defeated himself, his strength was limited.

Later, although I knew that he defeated Mr.0, that is, Crocodile, but after all, I didn't see it with my own eyes, and I didn't know the situation at that time.

But now, Gal-Tino has fallen into deep self-doubt.

On the other hand, Marianu was sitting on the deck trembling a little. He didn't expect that the person who captured him on this ship was actually so strong.

"Captain Luffy…"

Mikita, who was standing on the observation deck, looked at the two colliding energies with a certain frenzy in her eyes.

"Is this kind of power…a match for Marine Admiral?"

Robin, who was walking alone on the trail, was not far from where Luffy and Blackbeard fought, so he could clearly see the strength that Luffy showed.

Thinking of the man who brought him deep nightmares, Robin looked at Luffy with a strong hope.

"You're taking a lot of the slack off you, Luffy.

Zoro put the knife back in its sheath, and his sharp eyes also looked at the place where the energy collided violently, and a fiery fighting intent flashed through his eyes.

Behind him, a rather burly man, now covered in blood, collapsed next to the place where Poison Q died.