
Saiki's Disastrous Life at UA High

One day, Kusuo Saiki decides to merge his universe with another: My Hero Academia. He thought he could live a peaceful life where he wouldn't have to hide who he is, but he never expected this.

Beefcupcakes · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 14- In Each of Our Hearts

"That damned kid! How did he defeat my Nomu so easily? He cheated! That's the only explanation! HE'S A FILTHY, GOOD FOR NOTHING CHEATER!" Tomura breaths heavily, sprawled out on the floor with bullet holes in every limb. He sits up, his fingers twitching in annoyance. He fights through the pain to claw at his neck, relaxing slightly as his own blood seeps through his fingers.

"Tomura Shigaraki, you must calm down. We'll have more chances."

"I want that kid dead. I want to see him suffer. And at my own hands. His days are numbered."

A TV in the corner of the room flashes on, an ominous voice buzzing through it, echoing throughout the eerie bar.

"We were merely unprepared."

"I agree. We underestimated them. Thankfully, we hailed under the cheap "League of Villains" name and not our own." Another voice rasps, adding his opinion through the TV.

"If they were to discover our real name, they would take us a lot more seriously. We must be cautious.���

"By the way, where is Nomu?"

"He was thrown into the sun by a student." Kurogiri inserts, his eyes narrowing.

"We truly underestimated them."

"This is a travesty! And after all we did to make him as powerful as All Might! This kid, how strong was he?"

"Stronger than All Might, that little brat," Tomura hisses, his fingers twitching once more. "He deserves death."

"And death he shall get, but you mustn't forget our main goal. We need our assassin back. Along with what he stole from us."

"Don't forget I want All Might dead. And that kid."

"You will get what you desire, but you must be smart. Gather the elite. Take all the time you need. I must remain hidden in the shadows, which is why I need you to be my face; a symbol of your own. Tomura Shigaraki, next time, you will show the world that it should be afraid of you."

"Saiki, I think it's time we had a talk." I nod as Nezu appears on All Might's shoulder. All Might jumps, his smile tightening as he turns to Nezu.

"How long have you been there?"

"The whole time."

'But... I didn't feel him? And how'd he hang on? I ran here at top speeds!'

"Meet us in the conference room after school," Nezu speaks, gesturing toward the main building. "There is much to talk about." I nod, bowing quickly. All Might turns to leave, before realizing something.

"You still can't move, can you?" I shake my head.

<I'm not going to risk it without my limiters.> Nezu hums to himself, a paw on his chin.

"All Might could carry you to Recovery Girl! That way you have somewhere to stay until your limiters are fixed!"

<I refuse.>

"But you can't move?"


"So you can't fight it. Go on, All Might! Get the boy to Recovery Girl!" All Might nods, gently picking me up.

<I hate you.> All Might shrugs, unable to go against Nezu's wishes. I sigh, not moving a muscle. <Just, hurry up, will you?> All Might nods, running at full speed away from the USJ.

Outside the police are making sure everyone is alright, though no one is paying attention to them.

"Attention, everyone!" Nezu announces, appearing on a police man's shoulder. "I know no one is hurt, but I need you all to help the police capture these villains. And for those wondering, Saiki is fine. All Might took him to Recovery Girl to be sure. Aizawa should be okay as well, Saiki stopped the monster in time." The class nods, though the continue to whisper amongst themselves, occasionally glancing at All Might's retreating figure.

'Saiki is crazy…'

'He's insane!'

'He's so powerful.'

'He's… a god.'

[Damn. I didn't want this attention. If I'm not careful, the world will look at me like this…]

I stare at the sky that blurs by, my mind echoing with the doubtful and fearful thoughts of others.

[…with fear in their hearts.]

I sit in a bed in Recovery Girl's office, my hands neatly folded on my lap. My limiters haven't been fixed yet, but Nezu made sure they were top priority.

"I'm sure you're wondering why we're here." The teachers huddle around my bed, curiosity coursing through their veins as they watch me.

<You want me to explain my quirk, in detail.>

"Oh. Well, yes." Nezu nods, gesturing to the teachers in the room. "We think it would be very... informative."

"We would ask your father, but…"

<He's useless, he doesn't know of half of my powers.>

"We figured." I stare at the teacher, making brief eye contact with all of them. Besides father, of course (he wasn't invited). Aizawa is absent as well, his injuries are too severe to make it to the huddle. He's in the room, but he's unconscious.

"Saiki, what exactly is your quirk?" All Might asks, leaning forward. I can tell he's struggling to maintain his form, but he doesn't show it.

<I'm a psychic.>

"AND WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?" Present Mic questions, his voice echoing into the hallway.

<It means a lot of things, honestly.>

'He's so hot, especially for a high schooler…'

I glare at Midnight, mentally sighing.

<For one, I can read minds.>

'HE CAN WHAT?' Midnight's face flushes red in embarrassment, a rare emotion for her.

<I can't control my powers. My limiters help, but only to some extent. I can't stop reading minds. Which means...> I look at All Might, who's now visibly sweating. <I know your secret. You don't have to stay in that form.> All Might sighs in relief, turning his head to cough some blood before becoming his normal self.

"You can't tell anyone."

<I won't. No point.> All Might nods thankfully, relaxing now that he's in a better form.

<My basic powers include levitation, strength, teleportation, and telekinesis, among other things, those aren't that important right now.>

The teachers stare at me, their mouths agape and their eyes wide.

<Aren't you supposed to know all of this?> Nezu hums to himself, nodding.

"For some reason, no one knows anything about you or your quirk."

[Thanks to my universe switch, no doubt.] Though I technically grew up here, my current conscience didn't arrive until fairly recently.

"You must be pretty darn powerful to defeat such a villain with ease!" All Might compliments, though I can tell he's anxious about my strength.

<You could say that.>

I glance at my hands, uncomfortable with the staff staring at me.

"That'll be all, for now. You had a rough day. We'll let you rest." Nezu smiles, shooing everyone out of the room. I nod, sighing as the teachers are only replaced with classmates.

"BUDDY!" Nendo yells, jumping forward and wrapping his arms around me.

"We were so worried about you!" Hairo mentions, prying Nendo off of me.

<I'm fine.>

"You're so powerful! You were able to defeat the Dark Reunion! Well, you didn't defeat them, but you slowed down their plan!" Kaido congratulates, covering his face with his bandaged hand. "I knew you could do it! I would've helped you, but you needed to have experience of your own against these monsters. If it would've been me, I would've defeated that guy much faster, but you did good too!"

"Kaido... I'm pretty sure any one of us would've had a much harder time." Uraraka gently mentions, patting his back. Midoriya nods, then turns to me, tilting his head.

"I was wondering, what is your quirk?" I sigh, causing the freckled boy to panic. "O-oh! You don't have to tell me! I was just curious! I didn't mean to pry, I just find your quirk really cool an-" I cut the boy off, deciding that I'd rather tell him than listen to his rambling.

<I'm a psychic, I can do anything a psychic can.>

"Oh! Okay!" Midoriya nods, sprawling down notes in a notebook.

"Buddy? Why haven't you moved at all?"

"Oh yeah, why is that?"

<My limiters broke, I can't move until they're fixed. If I do I risk doing some serious damage.> Midoriya nods, jotting down more notes. Uraraka smiles, placing her hand on Midoriya's shoulder.

"Well, we just wanted to check on you! We'll let you get some rest, mkay?" I nod, watching as they leave, though Hairo has to offer Nendo ramen to get him to leave.

[What a pain.]