
Saiki's Disastrous Life at UA High

One day, Kusuo Saiki decides to merge his universe with another: My Hero Academia. He thought he could live a peaceful life where he wouldn't have to hide who he is, but he never expected this.

Beefcupcakes · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 11- Encounter with the Unknown

"That's a rap! Super work, you really stepped up to the plate! You should be proud! Excellent first day of training all around!" All Might gives his class a thumbs up, his smile deepening as he compliments us.

He soon ends the class, rushing away to hide his secret. Of course, I know of his secret, seeing as I can read his and Midoriya's mind.

[I'll keep my mouth shut. No use ruining his career and Japan's society.]

Some of the class stays behind, hoping to catch Midoriya and Ojiro to see how they're holding up after their battle. I decide to walk home, taking the rare opportunity to have a peaceful walk all to myself. But, as you may expect, that just isn't something that will ever truly happen.

"WHO'S READY FOR ANOTHER AMAZING TRICK BY ME, MASTER ILLUSIONIST URYOKU CHONO!" A street magician yells, attracting a rather respectable size crowd. I keep my head on my path, attempting to walk past without being pulled into the clearly amateur act.

"HEY, PINK HAIR! JOIN THE FUN!" I stop, sighing as the crowd turns their attention to me. "I'll do a trick to put a smile on that face!" I roll my eyes, using my x-ray vision to spot a dove in the man's hat.

<No thanks, I've already seen it.>

"Oh, I see you're a skeptic! Well, once you see my show, you will become a believer in my powers to amazing!" He gleams at me, happily laughing to himself.

<Fine, I'll watch.>

[Just so he leaves me alone.] I step into the crowd, blending in with them as if I were any other kid. I glance at the dove, worry pricking me when I see its limp figure.

The show begins, and as it does so does the onslaught of embarrassment growing beneath this "Uryoku Chono's" skin. He does all the basic magic tricks; you know, the obvious ones that everyone knows how to do, they're just to lazy to do. The only even slightly interesting thing he does is make some small marbles disappear. When it comes down to his final trick, it fails completely, and his lovely assistant, Michael, ends up "teleporting" to the incorrect spot.

This, of course, immediately turns off the crowd. They quickly dissipate, leaving only Michael, Uryoku, and I standing in the empty street. I quietly watch as they argue over money that was not earned due to their sad performance. I eye the poor dove in the magician's hat. It doesn't look so good. Finally, they notice me, enabling me to save the bird by having the man lift his hat.

"PIIICOOOO!" The man quickly lifts the dove out of the hat, gently rubbing its chest to calm it down.

"I completely forgot she was up there!"

[How can you forget there's a dove on your head?]

"So, you weren't trying to tip me, you were trying to remind me. Wait… does that mean…"

<No. It's just my qui->

"You're a magician! That's how you knew she was up there!"

[I should've kept walking.]

"With instincts that good you must've hated my show." The magician mutters, a sad smile on his face. "Maybe I'm not cut out for the magician game after all." Sad music begins to play as he dives into his back story, which I could care less about. "I've always wanted to be a hero, but with my quirk, I wasn't able to make it far. So, I was stuck behind a desk, doing what any other completely ordinary person does. I made a mistake and was immediately fired. My wife couldn't stand me, and she took her son and left."

[Is it too late to walk away?]

"With no job and no reason to live, I soon became homeless, desperately searching for a job of any kind, but I could never find any. Then it dawned on me: I should become an illusionist! I must've been born for it if I could make so many things in my life disappear!"

[That's a terrible reason to start a career.]

"So I turned down the job offered to me to become a street performer!"

[What? Why would you…]

"If I can earn enough money, I can buy the saw trick and win my wife back!"

[Don't be so sure.]

"I wonder if I made the wrong choices." He looks down at Pico, patting her head gently as memories flow through him.

<You definitely did. Get a real job.>

"Sorry to force you into listening to that. So, you're an illusionist too, right? Show me what you can do!"

[This is how I get him to quit street magic and get a real job. I'll just prove to him that he's not good enough.]

I pull out my bag, ready to perform my trick.

"Oh, are you going to pull something out? Let me guess… a dove? Well, I'll have you know I can do a bowling ball!"

I reach my hand in, MaryPoppins-ing out a lovely Michael. I turn to Chono, whose chin might as well be on the floor in amazement.

'That's impossible! It must be his quirk! But… to pull it off so well! How!?'

"Thank you. Now I can see… if your talent was hair it would be a flowing mane while mine would be merely an eyelash."

[That's a strange analogy, but as long as I got the point across…]

I turn to leave, but Chono gets on his hands and knees, bowing at my feet.


[That's unexpected. What a pain.]


"You're the best magician I've ever met! Well, other than my brother. But he doesn't matter right now. Please, teach me the ways of a master illusionist!"

<If your brother is so good, why don't you have him teach you how to become a magician?>

"… Why didn't I think of that?" He shoots up, his face bright. "Thank you, master! I will be forever thankful!" He grabs his bags, leaving his set and sprinting for town.

<Don't call me master.>

But it's too late to complain, for the magician is gone.

[That was easier than expected.]