
The not so grand encounter with the beast #2

(First 2 paragraphs are the last lines from the previous chapter. You can skip it)


Not even a mere second wasted and the woman summoned a magic sword that quickly flew its way to me. The event that just occurred happened so fast that I only could realize it when it was too late. It was then that-

My vision turned pitch black. It was as if the darkness had taken control of my eyes, like hell engulfing the sinners in the afterlife. That was what I thought happened to me, until I opened my eyes.

I looked around and realized that I was no longer inside that piece of junk yet I was still standing in front of the woman whatsoever. The question was: How am I even standing in the first place? The answer was simple: I wasn't. In fact, I was actually floating around.

Although I didn't possess a physical form, I could very well see what appeared to be my "body". I wasn't sure how I could explain it but me being some sort of ghost with a see through body probably was the most accurate explanation to my situation.

I was a bit too deep into my thoughts that I forgot about the prick that attacked me for no reason. She was there, looking a bit concerned with that dumb face of hers. Well, I guess it was bound to happen considering I awakened some sort of ability that'll make me some overpowered protagonist, that or something was behind me. I wished for the former to happen but it sadly wasn't the case.

A monster suddenly appeared behind me and started roaring. It was standing there, looking like a failed experiment in some mainstream horror movie. The creature looked so terrifying that anyone who came across it would agree about his name being (add later). That monster was so morbidly bad that any act of mockery towards it would be considered toxic and inconsiderate. I couldn't look at it without either laughing or feeling really bad for it. That woman, however, did not find it amusing.

From the look of her expression, I could easily tell that monster was actually dangerous. I got scared for a split second but then remembered that I was a ghost. I stood there doing nothing, watching the beast as it was about to mutilate anything on its way. The girl screamed:

"What in the heavenly hell are you doing, standing there like a moron?!? Can't your eyes even see this 10ft creature? Even if you did, why are not doing anything about it? I know who you are. You're a hero who saves the weak from evil. That is who you are, NOW BE ONE!"

" What the hell do you mean by that! Weren't you just trying to kill me a few minutes ago???"

" Stop bringing up the past or I swear on the Allmighty I'll beat you up to a pulp!"

" If you can do that then why not just do that to the amalgamation!?"

"If I could, I would! I don't, so go help me!"

The woman looked at me dead in the eyes and ran towards me, wielding the raging intent to grab me. She approached me with such fury that it almost, but I say almost felt like I was in the wrong here. I stood tall and firmly? as she tried to grab by the collar. As expected, her hand went right through my body. What I did not expect, however, was that I ended up getting hurt, like a knife piercing your body and that I sort of changed my field of view.

What I mean is, what would've been my front view ended up being my back. It's like I suddenly went south and forcefully tried to kill mys- or so I thought but I just ended up seeing what would've been behind me. It never occurred to me that something else was going on, at least not until that behemoth of a creature suddenly attacked us.

Looking at it, I should've tried to dodge that hit but sadly didn't, which resulted in us being brutally thrown against the guild hall's wall. What happened next will shock you so bad you'll piss your pants. You see, I apparently possessed the body of that woman, leading to me receiving that hit and absorbing the pain to its full extent. I, well "she" started bleeding pretty intensely from the frontal lobe, either because of the impact with the ground or because she took the hit head on, I'm not quite sure myself. Regardless of where and how it happened, I was still the motherfucker who had to take the fall. Thank goodness the pain tolerance of her body was way above real life standards or else I'd still be laying on the ground in agony. Hell, you'd see me the next second at my own funeral, mourning my death from the first and third person perspective.

Getting back up from the more or less harsh treatment "we" received from that jumbo edition mainstream monstrosity, I suddenly heard a voice. It wasn't quite like a person speaking yet it didn't feel weird. It was that woman's voice, echoing in my head as if she was speaking in my mind, not unlikely considering I took over her body. She was asking for help, presumably out of touch with our current situation. I decide to respond saying this:

"Seems like I took over your body, missus."

"It appears that Sherlock Holmes is in town tonight. OF COURSE I KNOW!!!"

"Geez, is your only trait passive aggressiveness? I just thought you were out of touch with the situation. Also, how are you even able to bring up Sherlock Holmes? Are we not in the medieval era of some fantasy world?"

" Maybe because we've got a freaking monster in our back. Only the Heavens know such reason behind it. I'd rather not answer the last question for actually obvious reasons."

"It doesn't matter anymore. What I'd like to know now is how we're getting rid of that goofus. Do we... run, or do we... kill it? I'd go with the first option to be honest so lets pick this option, alright? Oh wait, I'm the one in control of the body now. I'm just gonna run away. I mean, why would I even deal with a beast that can easily kill me while I'm in return defenseless?"


I ignored her, in spite of her fanatical remarks and ran as far away as I could. Things never go my way and it surely didn't for this instance. I suddenly stopped moving. It did not take me long to understand what was happening. That woman was fighting back. She was trying to gain back the control of her body. This led to the body being struck in place, with the monster being able to catch up to it, rampaging a few buildings on the way.

While the body stayed in place, the creature had finally caught up with the aim to run us through. The bastard wasn't satisfied with hitting me once, which was already too much for my more or less fragile vessel. Out of desperation, I tried to replicate that woman's move that consisted of summoning lances and throwing them. If I remember correctly, it was required to chant a weird phrases, typical from the power fantasy genre. The problem was that I both don't remember what it was and that it was incomprehensible in the first place. Stubborn and pissed as I was now, I didn't bother asking that woman. I kept on trying since I knew running was worthless. Alas, the Bogeyman charged at me like a bull and crashed through multiple buildings, with me stuck on its horns.

Falling on the ground after impact, I barely had any time to digest the pain when that monster ran at me again. It trampled over my and some citizens' body. It was quite the sight, in a… bad way. You'd expect blood all over the place. In fact, there was blood, just not the way you'd think of. It was like watching a weird adult scene in a movie for teenager. You don't really see it happening yet if you ever did, it'd be over pixelated to hide everything. That was what happened right now (not the adult scene part obviously, though I wish it did). The blood on the ground was shown as red pixel. It was trying to hide something but I ain't quite figured what.

Everything felt so out of place that I began questioning what's going on with this story. Was the creator out of ideas or was he trying to make something deep out of this. It honestly didn't matter now. Suddenly, a red haired swordsman ran his way here and one shot no "crit" the monster with a Thunderation of a sub "dps" build. From the look of it, he was the perfect definition of an overpowered side character that will become irrelevant as the story goes on. Well, might as well profit off of their strength before it's too late I guess, just like that dude that can't stop dying.

"REINHARD!!!! OR IS IT REINHART!?!" I screamed at the man. (I don't know his name to be honest)

"It's Chris dude." The swordsman replied.

"Alright Rain-Hard. If you say so."

"It's Kevin dude."

"But you just said it was Chris."

"Oh so you remember actually my name huh? Why didn't you just say my name correctly? I bet you just want to make fun of me like all the others. Unfortunately for you, I've already let my inner demons take control of this body, and I'm about to show you what I'm made off. IT'S TIME TO LET THE WAIFU BEAST OUT!!!! "

The guy unsheathed his sword and then a huge beam somehow came off of it and cut the monster in half, crazy stuff. What an eventful way of finishing off the first villain of this series though. Wish I could at least showcase my powers, if I even could in the first place. Man this is just sad.

Standing on what seemed to be the main road, I lost track to what was going on. There were too many things to process at once. My powers, the monster, Rain-hard, the pixelated blood, the casualties from the events and the list goes on. It was then that I suddenly lost control of the woman's body. It appeared that she finally caught on with her body back. I could tell she clearly didn't look happy at all. She ran straight to the innocent citizens on the ground who luckily only held nonterminal injuries. She then checked debris of the buildings collided on the way trough. If I had to say, I'd be speechless if I ever got questioned about what happened here. It was this bad and I felt very bad.

I was still standing here on the spot, not knowing what to do. I thought about running away yet I had this feeling of guilt growing inside of me. I mean, I wasn't even in the wrong here. I got transported here and then immediately got the task to save people from some fucking creature! What the hell was I supposed to do? I didn't bother much thinking about it because I knew that woman would probably spout some shit about heroes and justice, which irritated me. I also didn't forget about when she was looking down on me. Yet again, I did assume I'd do better than her unaware of the circumstances and so forth. I was found with no way of dealing with what was in front of me so I just froze in place. Worst way of handling the situation but I can't think of anything better to do.

It was then that the woman noticed me and ran her way to me. I wasn't sure about what to say nor what to do. She stared at me for a little while, sighed and said this:

"What am I even going to do about you? You're pretty pathetic, you know that? Anyways, go somewhere to rest, we'll settle the matter in a few days after I clean up this mess."

That person quickly left after saying this and giving me a bag of money. With the little bit of remorse I had from and for this situation, I went and looked for a place to rest. My ghostly body would probably not need to be conditioned with essential human needs so that leaves a load of weight off. I take some time to analyze my visual body and saw that I my hair and clothes are the same way they were before I died. It seems like I only wore shorts and the top of a suit because I believe I was getting late to work. Not that I like thinking about my previous life, it's just that I found it funny that my physical state got transferred to this world.

I pondered about what I would do here in this wacky world but found no answers. I went to a nearby hotel and found this guy laying on the front door. Looking upon his sleepy body, I realized that it was the drunk man from earlier. I chuckled a little bit, thinking about what happened with that woman whom I admit not exactly knowing her appearance. A bit conscious about it, I decided to scrutinize the man in question.

A black man of African decency in his 20s, which is a bit surprising because there barely are non white characters in "ani/manga" but I guess (spoiler alert) was the reason behind this. Other than that, he was tall, had a fairly muscular body from what I can tell, and a haircut I won't name because I don't know what it is (actually haven't thought out his design yet).

After investigating the body, I decided to go inside that hotel, which I didn't realize looked crappy like shit. It was in the worst condition ever. As I walked through the door frame, the man who was previously sleeping suddenly arose and threw his bottle to stop me from proceeding.

"I don't think you should go there my guy. That hotel is extremely hot shit. Like the worst shit you'll find in the public bathrooms. You wouldn't even wanna go there for a suicidal attempt. Well, that's on you but you probably should follow my advice, it's for the better." The drunk man articulated.

"Sorry man, gotta get the plot going." I told him back.

"Nah brother you don't even want this to happen to your worst enemy. Just look at it, you know for a fact there's some shady business going on there. Just keep out of this place dude I tell you."

"Sorry again."

"Well fuck. Aye at least don't make me accountable for whatever happens to you."

After hearing the kindest words I've ever been told in a while, I continued my path to this inexplicably strange inn. The settings are weird, the staff was odd, the decoration was bizarre, the atmosphere was abnormal and the list went on. I knew the motel was uncanny and that there was something going on with it but what happened next shocked me out of my body (haha get it, no?). I went to the bathroom to pee when-

Once again, I cannot tell you what happens next since it's gonna be in the NEXT EPISODE OF SIGMA BALLS X!!!! Stay tuned kids.