
Saharan Successor

The game of the century, [Satisfy], something thought impossible to achieve in the past era, has now blessed the enthusiastic public desiring to escape reality or explore a new world, and so a new Era was born. A World of Magic and Monsters, a World where people have to compete for every single gain they would want to achieve in this new journey. Guilds and individuals alike, regardless of inclinations have this in mind, to be free and explore the world at their own pace. And, while some are hurrying to stare at the rest from the Pinnacle, others simply have their own unique game styles that rarely would make sense with the rest. Mathias was such a person who invested everything in his own unique gameplay, and even though many had questioned his choices as a waste of time, he still plans his ascent toward the Pinnacle, finding support in an old fragment of the past that granted him with everything one would wish. Power, Prestige, Looks, Intelligence, one could say he had too much, but only his followers would know how much he invested for everything he had to this day. There was a saying in that family, a Saharan needs the power to rule over the Empire. . . . Discord: https://discord.gg/CMsHqJVDVD My patreon if you want to support me: patreon.com/Morpheus146 ................................................................................................. Disclaimers: #This novel is a fanfic based on the game of the Korean Novel "Overgeared" by Park Saenal + the comics with the same name. NO NEED TO READ THEM IF YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT THEM, MOST OF THE STORY IS ORIGINAL TAKE OF THE GAME # Elements of major VRMMO's novels, RPGs, will make their presence known, especially the ones from WoW and D&D. # All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s).

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Followed by a Beauty

Vol 2. – Chapter 75 - Followed by a Beauty




Back to Mathias who since being fired was having a good time spending his almost entire time playing Satisfy with the obvious breaks that he required, the days passed until the following day he would have to say pause to his adventure inside the world.

However, he made sure to use his entire time before leaving, as such the girls were seeing Mathias most of the time, with him making sure they were feeling like princesses. The moon watching over the land, was exactly the two leads of his story, Fayrene, and Jeanne who also knowing from him that he will be leaving for one month, make sure to shower him with all their love.

The girls have learned about the customs of Christmas, especially Fayrene who watched the other player girls, who discussed their sex life outside, and how they got prepared for their sweet time. Ideas were bubbling inside her mind, and with the last days, she make sure to have him in bed and get intertwined in their love, being the only thing her heart told her to do in order to make Mathias forget about his departure.

And this boldness from her, when coupling with the fact that Mathias was also being boiled by Fayrene and Jeanne's appearances and touches, was like a champagne quark being lifted off, bursting with excitement and desire, but at the same time giving Fayrene a sweet time, doing her constant foreplays, and also making her feel like a lucky star, shining ever so brightly for him, apart from making her feel his precious, it soothed out her mind.



Still, taking all of the events in considerations, Mathias who connected back in his second home, started his day by spending time with Fayrene, cooking for her and generally bounding with her with diverse discussions about themes they had in common, generally being about a subject that interested Mathias because of her, tailoring.

She even joked, a bit in a sweet way, unknowing that what she mentioned might have a big effect on his future.

"I have corrupted you Mat, all you do now is sew and talk with me about different ways of sewing. It makes me really proud knowing that my little boy who was so scared to place his two left hands on the needle got so talkative about this subject."

She smiled at him with a bright expression, as she went to give him a hug, and caress his face, which made Mathias click his tongue, making him remark jokingly.

"If you want, I can always change subjects, and talk about those boring things."

"I don't mind, talking about those strategy games with you is always fascinating for me. If you think you are boring me when you open about those ideas of yours, I don't find them boring at all. In fact, Mat, I really love when you talk to me like that, not treating me strictly as your "lover" but also as a confidant, where you can rest your head at such times."

Mathias, looked at Fayrene's gorgeous smile as she confessed to him her thoughts, and could only smile gently at her, before kissing her lips that were in close reach.

"I am happy knowing this. That, I don't give you the impression I am a weirdo for having such thoughts."

"Not at all Mat, I will support you in anything you will try. Well, at least to the things I come to agree." remarked Fayrene as she put a silly look when she ended her comment.

This kind of talk made the couple get even closer and stronger, finding new things about themselves, and exploring their own ideas about the world, and how they might chance certain things. Their talk kept going, until he also had to spend his time with Jeanne that wasn't excused from attending the Cathedral of Light.

He had to pick her up, and spend equally the same amount of time he would do with Fayrene, something the raven-haired Tailoress fully understood and wasn't bickering, acting selfish and jealous, or being possessive about Mathias, since it the meantime Mathias was away, she would use the rest of her time, working on her jobs, continuing crafting some dresses for a couple of customers and also but not least, study the art of Arcane and growing in knowledge, the knowledge she was finding so important for her path in the magic.



Leaving the 'Fay Night Shop' after playing a bit with the kids, the weather seemed to have calmed down, giving a break to the citizens of Titan who exited from their homes to walk around, visit the different shops of the city. In the same bucket was Mathias who was strolling alongside the flow of people that reminded him of the spring or autumn seasons where Titan was always brimming with people left and right.

As he strolled toward the Forum Plaza, the center of gravity for the players, he wanted to check if Reids was still preaching about his ideals, but failed to see him delivering his speech to the gathered public.

The Forum was mostly a place that the players used to gather around and regroup, to continue on with their adventures, while the inhabitants that differed from the players were the guards tasked to keep the order of the city.

Nothing was out of ordinary, but as he walked closer to the column that was triggering Haycien's laments, he took a seat after cleaning the support of the large structure holding the column and later on watching the people move around this place, just like an outsider would do.

Nevertheless, he wasn't the only one doing the same thing, as he noticed a young lady that was wearing your typical noble lady attire, adorned with an expensive-looking winter's coat, with her hair protected by a headscarf that also made it hard for Mathias to peer into her identity, but her beauty was evident from what she showed to him.

He stole from her some glances before resuming to watch the people passing by, seeming to wait for something or someone, but what he didn't notice was that from the moment he turned his attention away from the young lady, she started observing Mathias with a pair of mesmerizing golden eyes.

'Crimson-hair check, long hair check, broad shoulders check, expensive clothes check, the unique styled hat check, a fit build check. My feelings tell me that he should be the one His Majesty told me to find.'

'Aren't I quite lucky to find him so easily? His Majesty told me the fact he should most likely be an outlander, but for an outlander, he really looks just like the common people, well, far better, a medium-class noble.'

The young lady discussed to herself the possibilities of her finding the target she was entrusted to find, and in her relief, she quickly sensed as the crimson-haired man was about to move.

'Phew, I almost got caught stealing glances at him. Could you please turn your head away, and watch the people as you were doing?' thought the young lady who felt Mathias ruby eyes look at her.


Meanwhile, Mathias was having a conversation with his old man, from nowhere heard Haycien remark something confusing.

{Son, someone is watching us. I can feel it. But I didn't sense any malicious intent so we are fine, for now.}

'Really now? Who could be?' said Mathias to himself, as he turned his head toward the young lady not far from him, who seemed to mind her own business, looking in another direction.

'Is not that girl. So who could it be? Are you sure that someone is watching us?'

{I am willing to bet 1000 gold for this.}

'Sigh, no need. I trust you, old Hay.'

Without a doubt, Mathias knew that Haycien didn't want to harm him and only looked after his well-being, like a grandfather watching his grandson, but he also knew that if he messed something up, he would be the first one to shout at him, and mock him, and since he couldn't find anything wrong around himself even though he checked vigilantly for a while, he raised up from where he was standing and began strolling away from the Forum.


'Finally, he departed. He is quite the diligent person to check around for so long, if I wasn't sharp enough, he would probably have caught me red-handed. I am certain this person is the one His Majesty is looking for.'

'I have to act normal, and not use my powers, or he will notice me. Yet at the same time is such a low act for me to follow someone, especially a man. Hah, this is His Majesty's mission and only I can do it without making the target feel suspicious.'

She also raised up from where she was standing, patting her beautiful clothes, and after Mathias distanced a healthy amount, she went in the direction he took, constantly looking around herself for any moments her target could notice that something was off.

The new route was rather simple with the direction being the Light's Cathedral, however she found the first problem since her real mission started, the amount of people was quite large in this main alley, making her take stops around the shops, as if she was a lady looking to buy something, but her eyes never left Mathias.

'Ahh this is so embarrassing, even wearing these clothes Lady Rachell gifted for my birthday makes me uncomfortable. Glad I didn't have to put the high-heels on, otherwise I would be in trouble.'

Thinking that she once again felt something and took her eyes off Mathias, and in that exact moment the crimson-haired man turned his head in her direction, and as he scanned his surroundings, his ruby eyes released a burning light in the irises as if he was peering into everyone around him.

{How is it, lad? Did you pick on who was watching us?}

'Hmmm, I did. I barely noticed her since she is doing a nice job to blend with the group around her. Interesting, I wonder who she is and what her goals are for following me.'

{Your mind sure has gotten sharper. You didn't even had to use those ancient spells you got under your fingertips. Is this the results of the coin toss trick you showed me?}

'And many other interesting things.' completed Mathias with a smile, while he turned his body, and continuing his journey toward the Light's Cathedral.

From the distance he could see the magnificent build, one of Titan's landmarks, that was blending in a magical way along with the snowy environment. It was the season of time that made the white-marble stones shine, and display their beauty.


'Did he turn away? It is safe to?' thought the young lady, who took a peek with her golden eyes at Mathias who turned his back at her, resuming his stroll.

'Yea, it's safe. It is going easier than I expected. But if one of the patrolling guys come around here and recognize me, I have failed the emperor and my family.'

Her tracking of Mathias resume once again, and in a slow, diligent way she was keeping her distance from Mathias, everything seemed to be going smoothly for her, that she couldn't even complain at her performance. But her delicate eyebrows moved a bit when she saw Mathias step inside a restaurant.

'Oh no. Do I follow inside? I don't have an idea what the restaurant is about… This is my mission, I have to complete it so I get the Emperor recognition.'

She also, followed inside the restaurant after convincing herself, which took some minutes of self-conviction techniques she used on herself, and once she got inside she was welcomed inside by a steward, dressed respectfully, visible Mathias didn't pick some shack of a tavern when stepping inside.

"My lady, are you alone?"

'What do I say? This is bad, what if he recognizes my voice.'

"My apology my lady, but are you alright?" asked the steward of the restaurant, worried by the girls conflicted expression, which a man wearing a unique hat from the side of the building with windows could bask in fully.

'She is quite cute. Clearly, she isn't in her own waters.'

{Indeed, I can also see her clearer. She is not bad. Maybe you got yourself an admirer. Haha, no one can resist the Saharan beauty.}

'Yea sure, as if it was because of your 'genes'.'

Finding her courage, the young lady responded to the steward who helped her out guiding her to a table on the same part of the building as Mathias was placed.

'I managed to get closer to the target, but the danger increased a lot.' thought the girl when noticing that Mathias was staring at the window with a calm expression.

However, she soon saw him turn to call a waiter, which made her react by turning her attention from him, and as she wasn't focused on Mathias, in no time the waiter also departed.

What followed next perplexed the girl that still kept on her headscarf, that kept hidden her hair, with her clothes hiding her delicate body, because the same waiter she saw take an order from Mathias.

"My lady, this is a calming tea brewed from magical leaves. It will warm your body and mind with the first sip. Enjoy."

"Excuse me, but I didn't order anything yet. There is clearly a mistake." remarked the young lady, who had a perplexed expression.

"There is nothing wrong here, my lady, a gentleman has bought it for you. Now if you excuse me."

The young lady who woke herself with an expensive-looking cup, containing a lot of decorations, clearly the work of a craftsman of his domain, could only glance at the crimson-haired man that meet her glance, while also waving his hand at her in a playful way.


Her stress began kicking in, and in a habit manner, she picked the cup of tea and took a sip, instantly feeling herself calming down, and constantly telling herself that Mathias had no way of knowing about her and that she was following him.

'Indeed, it makes no sense.'


As she was drinking the warm tea, she thought about the unexpected way Juander contacted her to meet with him. For the frosty Juander who never since Piaro's betrayal has he talked with the young lady as he used to do when she was Piaro's squire in training, acting as his niece, which is an understandable reason since Count Vaintz had a close connection with the House of Welf, one could even say they had blood connection. Thus, since that tragic event, the Emperor never talked to her about anything besides her role as Red Knight leader.

Mercedes received a magical device that transmitted her the mission she had to partake by herself, but noticing something that changed from his tonality, it got more softer and warmer, as if he really required her help and she was his only way to achieving whatever he needed.

Then when she got the entire message, it left her shocked by what Juander, the Emperor of the Saharan Empire was looking for, a crimson-haired man, that could be an outlander or not. His details about her target were decent to sufficient, and so her 'adventure' began, getting to a good start but now, being watched by her own target.


She continued to drink, and in that moment in turned out that she was the one watched, switched places with Mathias, becoming the target of his interest, and it made her feel slightly uncomfortable, but the tea brewed from magical leaves was working its magic, worth all the money Mathias spent on this indulgence for his unexpected guest.

Once again, the waiter went to her table after talking a bit with Mathias in a quiet way she couldn't eavesdrop, and slowly, as before she heard the waiter ask in a professional way.

"My lady, you have been alone this entire time, from what it seems you aren't expecting a guest. The gentleman from the window table unfortunately also doesn't have someone to talk with in those moments. Would you be interested in joining him? He told me to tell you that all your expenses will be paid by him."

She gave him a weird look, and later on turned at Mathias who again smiled at her calmly, making her already understand that Mathias noticed her survey. So, without wasting both of their time, and getting done with her mission, she agreed in a lady-like fashion, and walked toward Mathias's table, thanking him from the get-go.

"Thank you for the tea, you are indeed a gentleman."

Mathias smiled at her, as he got on his feet and went to pick her seat, and help her out, which got the girl surprised by this treatment, which she considered wasn't something an outlander was capable of doing. But when she started talking and asking him about his first gesture of giving her the tea, he placed his index finger forward, as if to "shush" her, and the waiter seconds later brought a plate that contained a cake, while for him was a steak.

"Now we can discuss, my lady."

"Hmm, what is the reason for the cake?" asked the girl who woke herself with an appetizing cake, giving off the smell of raspberry and forest fruits inside.

"Obviously, it is for a sweet young lady such as you, why else?"

"You know I didn't want to ask that."

"No? You didn't want to ask about the cake? Then, I am confused, my lady. I just wanted to have a table's partner since staying alone like this, watching couples, turns me off."

She could notice that Mathias was acting playfully with her, but something that didn't change was his ruby eyes that watched her with his irises seeming to burn, making his stare quite interesting.

'Such beautiful eyes. Why do I feel I've seen eyes like this before?'

"How may I call you?" asked Mathias as he was cutting into the steak with serene movements that played out in front of her eyes.

"... Mercedes." told the young lady after some contemplating, choosing to drop the play she wasn't familiar with playing the role of a noble lady, preparing to also get rid of her inconvenient headscarf that was irritating her scalp.

"This will not require my lady, you are looking very beautiful. Why remove a piece that completes the entire attire?" asked Mathias, giving Mercedes the impression, he was clueless about who she was, but his remark had a deeper meaning for Mercedes who was preparing to remove her scarf and reveal her unique dark-blue hair.

"Sometimes, it is better not to make too much of a ruckus in places that people's gossip can reach high places. Especially if you are a person with some notoriety, the gossip will be amplified by a bigger margin." remarked Mathias to Mercedes, an sharp observation she didn't notice in her moment of "surrender" against her target.

She stopped her hand while it got to a hairpin holding the headscarf tight, and instead resumed eating the cake, while Mathias simply give her a small smile.

"My name is Mathias."

'Yea, I know. It seems I was right about you being the target His Majesty was referring. You are truly weird.' thought Mercedes, a first observation about Mathias, who remained silent as he finished carving his steak.

"How is the cake? Can I take a small bite from it? I always heard good reviews about this restaurant from the people I know. This was intended to be for me, but since I got such a gorgeous lady on my heels, how could I not serve her?"

"Since when have you noticed that I was following you?" inquired Mercedes, trying to keep herself calm, ignoring the sweet talk Mathias was doing for her, while she left the small plate alone.

Chuckling a bit, he took the only spoon available, the one Mercedes eat from, and taking a spoon of the cake, he took some satisfaction in eating the cake.

'Wierd and unpredictable.' mentioned another observation Mercedes from what she could see from Mathias.

"Since when? Heh, since when do you think I've noticed you following me?" threw back Mathias passing back the cake to Mercedes, and also half of the steak.

"..." she saw the appetizing steak cooked medium-rare, as Mathias liked them, and with the only fork that Mathias used, she tried a bite and was pleased by the taste.

"It is good."

"A bit salty for my taste, but I am not worried since the culinary skills of the chefs here will be brought to another level after the outlanders will start cooking alongside them."

"You found your refuge in not answering?" inquired Mathias in a calm way, as he watched Mercedes eat the steak with noble table manners.

"Maybe at the main alley toward the Cathedral?"

"Maybe not."

"So it was from the plaza."

"Bingo. However, I had my doubts at the beginning, so I didn't place much focus, but your appearance is quite unique, in a pleasant way, in the second try I guessed right. You confirmed this to me when you stepped inside the restaurant. The chances of you getting here were half-half, when you stepped inside confirmed to me, that you were following me."

"Even so, you are quite calm in this situation."

"Is there even a reason to stress myself in the company of such beauty?" asked Mathias in a teasing way, clearly unbothered that Mercedes could apprehend him.

"Maybe you should because you have become a wanted person."

"Ohh, I am so scared." said Mathias, who moments later called the waiter, ordering some wine, while also another tea for Mercedes, but this time the less expensive variety.

The waiter was pleased to see that Mathias was such a patron, spending his money in the winter season that saw quite a low number of clients, only today with a milder day that customers made courage to step outside their houses and dine, and without keeping it long, he returned with a bottle of wine of a noble variety, and also a brewed tea.

Finishing with his orders for now, Mathias poured himself the wine, and drank, while Mercedes was left silence since his mockery.

"What is wrong, lady Red Knight? My treatment has been so warm that you can't believe it? Well, I bet you have a lot of suitors, so I doubt this thought. Take your time, I am quite curious to know why you have been following me. From the start, I can tell you I am innocent and any person that filled you with wicked ideas about me is a charlatan. I can defend myself."

"The contracts I have signed with the Stonemason Guild follow the laws of the Saharan Empire, and their payment was also fulfilled, at least half of it. So? You couldn't possibly be investigating that? Maybe the Clark rats? But that was the doing of those two kids, none of my business."

Mathias was ranting like a fool, thinking out loud, about the possible situations that might get him caught, and as he went about filling Mercedes with all sorts of wrongdoings he did, some in defense, while others for petty reasons, she started giggling, before she laughed outright.

"Is none of them?"

"No. Someone important is looking for you." confessed Mercedes, in a serious way, after taking a sip from the tea.




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