
Sage of the Ancients: The Katalonan's Revelation

The order and laws of the universe are not just limited to the cosmos but are also ingrained in the very fabric of human existence. By adhering to these principles, we can unlock the full potential of our own existence and harmonize with the natural order of the universe. The era of divinity is long gone, and industrialization and machinery have covered the remnants of the past. However, these godly tools have not been lost but are kept secret by those in power. Philip Cadence is an archaeologist working in the Philippines. During his work, he discovers that relics and artifacts contain not only otherworldly beauty but also forbidden knowledge that those in power seek to obtain. Will Philip be able to obtain this knowledge, or will he be exploited by those who seek such things? Disclaimer: This novel is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. The names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents portrayed in this book are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Certain real locations, businesses, or organizations may be mentioned for narrative purposes, but this should not be construed as an endorsement or representation of their actual practices, views, or opinions. The author holds no responsibility for any inaccuracies or misinterpretations arising from such references. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Mael01 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Espirito (2)

As Philip and the rest of the excavation team, accompanied by the investor, Mr. Santiago, and the sponsor, Lorenzo, descended into the depths of the excavation site, Lorenzo's voice cut through the dimly lit tunnels.

"Philip," he called, beckoning him over. Philip hurried to Lorenzo's side, curious about what he had to say. Leaning in close, Philip whispered, "Lorenzo, how is it that I've never heard of you before? You seem to have quite the reputation, even receiving awards."

Lorenzo's expression softened, a hint of melancholy in his eyes. "Ah, you see, Philip," he began, his voice tinged with regret, "I spent much of my prime years overseas.

It wasn't until my mid-thirties that I returned to the Philippines. And as for those awards you mentioned, well, most were received by a proxy on my behalf.

My face was never broadcasted on television or in the news." Philip nodded, realizing there was more to Lorenzo's story than met the eye.

Lorenzo's snicker echoed in the dimly lit chamber, drawing Philip's attention. "Surprised, Philip?" Lorenzo asked, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Philip's irritation flickered across his face as he replied, "Obviously. How else would you manage to sneak into the excavation?" Lorenzo waved off Philip's annoyance with a casual flick of his hand before shifting the conversation.

"But let's not dwell on that," he said, his tone turning serious. "There's something about this excavation site in Intramuros that feels... ominous. Like a grave."

Philip furrowed his brow, intrigued by Lorenzo's observation. "You might be onto something," Philip replied thoughtfully. "The site was donated to the government after a series of tunnels were discovered beneath the surface. The original owner was hesitant at first, but after uncovering skeletons and ammunition during explorations, he realized the magnitude of what lay beneath. The tunnels seem to extend far beyond what anyone expected."

As they delved deeper into conversation, the shadows of the ancient tunnels seemed to whisper secrets of their own, hinting at the mysteries yet to be unearthed.

As Lorenzo and Philip engaged in conversation, Mr. Santiago's piercing glances did not go unnoticed. With an air of annoyance, he turned to one of his men, who approached him with an update from the excavation team's files. "It's legitimate, sir," the man reported, prompting a chilling smile to spread across Mr. Santiago's lips. "It matters not if others are interested in investigating," he said ominously. "They seek the artifact within the tapayan, not the tapayan itself."

Meanwhile, Philip couldn't shake the memory of the enchanted water Lorenzo had given him. "That water... it boiled when Santiago and his men entered," Philip mused aloud.

Before he could finish, Lorenzo halted him, a grave expression on his face. "I understand," Lorenzo interjected. "We must remain vigilant. We're deep in these tunnels now, and I fear we don't know what Santiago and his men are capable of after seeing the artifact."

Philip's concern for his team and crew grew, and he voiced his fears to Lorenzo. "They could be in danger," he said, his voice tinged with worry. Lorenzo's reassuring words provided some solace. "Fear not," he said. "I've arranged for my men to follow from behind. We won't let any harm come to your team."

Reflecting on the events of the day, Lorenzo expressed relief that he had decided to visit the excavation site. "Some sketchy characters were showing interest in a relic older than the tunnels themselves,"

he explained. "These tunnels, built during the Spanish colonization, were constructed by Filipino soldiers. Whatever lies within them holds secrets of our past that must be protected at all costs." 

As they navigated through the tunnel, Lorenzo's curiosity got the best of him. "Philip," he began, his voice echoing off the stone walls, "aside from the skeletons and ammunition, what else did your team find in these ruins?"

Philip's gaze wandered over the remnants of the past before he replied, "We uncovered old books, rusty ironware, and of course, the mysterious tapayan."

Lorenzo's brow furrowed in confusion as they passed by the skeletal remains and discarded ammunition. "But why were these items left untouched?" he queried. Philip's expression grew somber as he recounted the events that led to the team's abrupt departure.

"After a few weeks into the project, illness struck," he explained. "People fell ill shortly after encountering the skeletons, and even more so after discovering the tapayan."

The Department of Health was called in to investigate, but their findings only deepened the mystery. "They couldn't pinpoint the cause," Philip continued.

"Some suggested suffocation from the centuries-old air trapped in the tunnel, while others speculated about harmful gases." Lorenzo's eyes widened with realization.

"So that's why your team left the relics behind and rushed out," he concluded. Philip nodded wearily. "Yes, according to Gabriel and our colleagues. I was on leave at the time." 

As Philip and Lorenzo neared the area housing the tapayan, the excitement among the crew was palpable. Calls rang out for their inspection, and even Mr. Santiago's usually stoic demeanor softened as his eyes alighted on the ancient artifact. Gabriel, however, couldn't shake the eerie feeling that permeated the air. "It's as eerie as ever," he grumbled to Philip, his brow furrowed with concern. "Why won't the soldiers enter with us? We could use the extra security." Philip offered a reassuring smile. "There simply wasn't enough personnel," he explained. "Besides, it's more practical for them to guard outside. The Department of Health and the military personnel already assessed the area and found no potential dangers." Gabriel's pout persisted. "It still feels like a grave in there," he muttered darkly.

Lorenzo interjected, his voice a calming presence amidst the tension. "No need to worry, Gabriel," he said, his tone reassuring. "I'm here." Gabriel's mood brightened considerably at Lorenzo's words, and he greeted him with genuine joy. "I'm a fan of your work, sir!" he exclaimed. Lorenzo's surprise was evident. "I'm surprised anyone would recognize me," he admitted humbly. Gabriel chuckled, his admiration unwavering. "Who wouldn't recognize your name? You're praised by famous people from the industry worldwide!"

Lorenzo couldn't resist a smug grin. "Well, at least someone recognizes me," he remarked, casting a sly glance at Philip. Gabriel, ever the joker, chimed in with a playful jab. "Don't expect recognition from Philip here," he teased. "He's more interested in relics than important people!" Laughter rippled through the group as Philip rolled his eyes good-naturedly.

While the crew busied themselves with their tasks, Mr. Santiago's gaze remained fixated on the tapayan, his expression unreadable. In the midst of their banter and camaraderie, an ominous undercurrent lingered, hinting at the mysteries yet to be uncovered within the depths of the tunnels.