The weak cry out with all their might, yet no one cares; The strong whisper softly, yet their words penetrate deeply into the heart. A Talent Tree ablaze with flames, every leaf bearing different spirit runes, Lu Ye, reduced to a mining slave after his sect was destroyed, used this to become a cultivator and stirred the winds of change in the Nine Provinces...
Unbeknownst to him, Lu Ye had been surrounded, by no fewer than twenty cultivators.
To gather so many people in such a short time and to set up an encirclement here indicated that the people from Fenghua Courtyard must have been searching for him from the moment they entered. Otherwise, they couldn't have been so efficient.
For any cultivator, this was a dead end.
The tall woman walking toward him was brimming with rage in her eyes, a rage mixed with a hint of pleasure.
She was about to take her great revenge, naturally she was pleased!
This elegant-looking tall woman stopped about a dozen yards in front of Lu Ye. Two other people were with her, one a plump woman whose fatness was clearly abnormal. Even with her loose clothing, the layers of fat on her stomach were unmistakable. Yet, her skin was extremely pale, making her entire person resemble a white, plump silkworm pupa.