
Saga Of The Strongest Karate Prodigy

Ryu no Ikari Dojo, once the crucible where karate legends were forged, stood unrivalled in its mastery. With an unbroken record of triumph in every tournament and skirmish, it was the pinnacle of martial excellence. Yet, the sudden passing of its revered Meijin Ryouma Matsumoto, sent shockwaves through its very foundation, leaving the dojo reeling in the wake of his irreplaceable loss. After the passing of Ryouma Matsumoto, his son Renjiro Matsumoto assumed leadership of the Ryu no Ikari Dojo. However, tragedy struck during their inaugural tournament without Ryugari: the loss of the dojo's finest student, Kojiro, in the midst of battle. The accusatory finger pointed squarely at Renjiro, the new master of Ryu no Ikari, burdened with the weight of blames Renjiro Matsumoto faced harsh criticism for his alleged failure to impart crucial self-defence techniques to Kojiro, instead prioritizing victory at any cost. In the aftermath of the accusations, Renjiro Matsumoto found himself sentenced to three years of incarceration, marking the shuttering of the once-proud Ryu no Ikari Dojo. Fortunes shifted when Renjiro Matsumoto crossed paths with Hisashi Ogawa, a 16-year-old aspiring karate prodigy and devoted admirer of the legendary Ryu no Ikari legacy, harbouring dreams of following in the footsteps of the legendary Master Ryouma Matsumoto. Their serendipitous encounter proved to be a stroke of destiny as Hisashi successfully persuaded Renjiro to mentor him and spearhead the revival of Ryu no Ikari, Thus, they embarked on the most arduous journey of their lives, each driven by their own fervent dreams: Hisashi yearning to inherit the mantle of the next Karate Master, echoing the illustrious legacy of Ryugari, while Renjiro harboured a burning desire to restore Ryu no Ikari to its former glory as the pinnacle of martial excellence.

Hamzix Verse · Sports
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17 Chs

Chapter "Master's Trial"

Renjiro Matsumoto sat in stunned silence, his students surrounding him, tears streaming down their faces. The doctors quietly departed, leaving Renjiro alone as he sank onto a nearby bench, burying his face in his hands.

Hours passed, and the television screen flickered to life, broadcasting the victorious scene of Ryugari-Sha's triumph.

Taiga stood tall, lifting the trophy high, surrounded by jubilant teammates cheering and celebrating their victory.

As Renjiro watched the television screen, tears glistened in his eyes, his expression a mixture of sadness and disbelief. Suddenly, a voice broke through his thoughts, "Master?"

Renjiro hastily wiped his eyes and turned to see his student standing before him who Slowly said, "The police are here."

Without a word, Renjiro stood up and emerged from the room, his students trailing behind him.

Stepping outside, he faced the police officers with a stoic expression, his students standing steadfastly behind him.

A police officer solemnly stated, "Your student, Kojiro, has passed away." Renjiro's response was a slow nod of acknowledgment.

The police officer continued, "We need to take you into custody for further investigation."

Renjiro nodded again, his expression resigned. "I'm prepared," he replied.

With a gesture from the policeman, Renjiro began to walk, the officer trailing behind him as they moved forward in silence.

Exiting the hospital, Renjiro found himself surrounded by a throng of journalists and media personnel, microphones thrust in his direction. Despite the barrage of questions, Renjiro remained silent, the police officers assisting him as they swiftly ushered him into the waiting police car, away from the clamour of the crowd. Arriving at the police station

hours later, the doors creaked open, revealing Kosuke accompanied by a police officer as they entered the room.

Upon catching sight of Kosuke, Renjiro surged forward, seizing his collar and bellowing, "You despicable coward, How dare you!"

The police officers swiftly intervened, pulling Renjiro away from Kosuke's grasp.

Fury radiated from Renjiro as he continued to shout, "What kind of training are you imparting to your students? You're responsible for Kojiro's death! You've taken the life of my student!"

Kosuke's gaze remained fixed on Renjiro, his expression inscrutable, as Renjiro's tears streamed down his face. "You're breeding criminals in your dojo," Renjiro accused, his voice trembling with emotion, but Kosuke remained silent, his gaze unwavering.

The police officer intervened, urging, "Mr. Renjiro, please compose yourself." Renjiro's emotions overwhelmed him, tears streaming down his face.

With a decisive command, the officer instructed his colleague, "Take Mr. Kosuke into custody immediately."

Kosuke was escorted away by the police officers, leaving Renjiro to collapse to his knees, still sobbing uncontrollably.

Sensing his distress, the officer gently placed a hand on Renjiro's shoulder, offering comfort. "It's time for you to go home, Mr. Renjiro," he said softly.

Renjiro's cries echoed through the surroundings of the police station, a poignant reminder of the heartache and turmoil he was enduring.

The apartment door echoed with a quick knock, and it swiftly swung open from inside revealing a three-year-old girl, her eyes sparkling with anticipation as she spotted Renjiro at the doorsteps.

With a burst of excitement, she dashed toward him, and Renjiro scooped her up into his arms. The little girl beamed up at him and exclaimed, "Father, why are you so late?"

Renjiro returned her smile, though a hint of sadness lingered within him.

"Father had some important matters to attend to," he explained gently, his words met with a radiant smile from the girl in his arms.

As Renjiro stepped into the apartment, he was met by the concerned gaze of his wife standing before him.

"Kohana?" Renjiro called out, his voice tinged with confusion.

Kohana approached him, her expression grave as she asked, "Is it true?"

Renjiro's heart sank at her question, but before he could respond, Kohana gently intervened, taking their daughter from Renjiro's arms and setting her down. With a soothing tone, she instructed, "Yuzuki, it's time for bed. Go and get some sleep.”

Yuzuki, the daughter of Renjiro and Kohana, piped up, "But I want to play with Father."

Kohana's smile was gentle as she replied, "You'll have plenty of time to play with him tomorrow morning." Though Yuzuki seemed disappointed, she obediently made her way to her room.

As Yuzuki disappeared into her room, Kohana's expression hardened, her eyes boring into Renjiro with anger. "So, Kojiro is dead," she stated sharply.

Renjiro's jaw clenched as he responded, "Go to your room!" But Kohana was undeterred, her voice laced with frustration. "I warned you, but you didn't listen. Now, you'll regret it," she declared, her gaze locked in a tense standoff with Renjiro's.

As Renjiro walked away, Kohana watched him go with frustration.

Turning on the light, Renjiro entered a room, revealing a space adorned with an impressive array of trophies, badges, certificates, medals, and numerous photos showcasing the legacy of the Ryo No Ikari Dojo.

Renjiro strode forward, his eyes alight with admiration as he gazed upon the array of trophies adorning the walls. Coming to a stop before a large image, depicting an old man standing proudly alongside a young boy of five, Renjiro's smile softened into a wistful expression.

Renjiro's eyes welled with tears as he sank to his knees, his gaze fixed on the ground below. A single tear traced a path down his cheek as he whispered "Father," his voice trembled with sorrow, "grant me the strength to endure. I struggle to carry the burdens as you once did."

His eyes remained dry, yet his tears fell silently to the ground as he uttered, "I want to continue your legacy, to achieve victories as you once did, to emulate your greatness. But this burden is overwhelming, i can't do this…. .i just can't."

And then, overwhelmed by emotion, he surrendered to tears, their echoes filling the room.

Resting his head at the base of the picture, he kept sobbing until exhaustion overtook him, and he drifted into sleep.

Renjiro's slumber was abruptly interrupted by a persistent knock echoing through his home's corridors.

With heavy eyelids, Renjiro roused himself and trudged towards the front door of his residence.

Standing before the entrance, he grasped the doorknob and swung it open.