
Saga of The Sage

I deleted the original novel to rebrand it so please check it out Check out my other book #Contract With A Devil After performing a ritual from a ritual book he bought, Shane found himself transmigrated into a totally different world not just that but into a teenage slave's body. After transmigrating Shane received a system that would help him level up learning a secret he wasn't supposed to learn, he found himself under the radar of powerful beings, that would stop at nothing to destroy him. With the power of the system, Shane sorts out to become the most powerful mage in Existence, to protect his newly met friends and loved ones, in a world filled up with demons, demigods, Angels, and gods. _______________________ Author here, Hi, Please excuse my grammatical errors. I know the first chapters may be boring but I will try my best to make them enjoyable when I get enough experience by writing them. If any of you are interested in joining my new discord server please click on the link, https://discord.gg/nM2rqH3A

Recklesspen · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Waking up

"Wake up you piece of shit" followed by a whip, Shane woke up and looked around he saw a young boy looking tired with cuts all over his body, Shane was very surprised by this, he looked around and saw other people both young and old being dragged by chains, the chain was attached to a large cart, and he noticed one particular similarity about everyone around him and that was they were all wearing what could be considered as a rag, torn clothes, brushed body, hollowed eyes devoid of life with heavy bags under their eyes showing signs of tiredness.

Before he could gather his thoughts a strong pain vibrated his body followed by another sound of a whip, Shane tried to scream but he couldn't, that was when it dawned on him that he also had the same torn clothes on him and his feet were bleeding with a giant chain hooked to the collar on around his neck.

Shane looked around trying to figure out where he was, he saw nothing but sand, hot sand he could not see anything else around them making him realize that he was in the middle of a desert, up till this point Shane thought he was having a dream.

"Move you stupid slave or else I will kill you and feed your body to the other slave, I bet they would love it," A man sitting on a brown horse said while pointing towards Shane.

he looked up in the direction of the voice, he saw a man with jet black hair and, a huge body, the man had a white beard with a huge scar across one of his eyes with the iris of the said eye being colorless.

His body jotted with fear, his body was telling him that the man wasn't joking, Shane looked at the other slaves some of them were eyeing him like they were waiting for him to die, some were even smiling while some were licking their lips in anticipation.

Yes to those slaves eating meat means a whole lot of energy so they care little about where the meat comes from, they just want the energy. Shane quickly followed the flow of the slave cart, pulling on the chains a few times.

"Tsk. You stupid slaves better sell at a high price or else I will personally kill some of you myself for making me waste my time and energy" said the man Shane had decided to call the warden.

"We will have to camp here before we get to the next town, it is getting dark," Another officer said.

After walking for what felt like decades but in reality it was just hours under the hot sun of the desert, the Slave cart stopped and the officers got out and made their tents leaving the slave still attached to the large cart.

All of a sudden a slave collapsed lifeless, the warden just smiled and threw a butcher knife at one of the older slaves. Shane at this point was still gathering his thoughts, thinking about how he got here because the last thing he remembers was buying a ritual book Titled --HOW TO CONNECT SOULS--, It was a really small book just Five pages, Shane blew all his allowance on it he was over the moon.

he couldn't control his eagerness to try it out, when he finally got to try it out later that day and felt nothing at all, he checked again maybe he had done something wrong but he had followed the instructions down to the last detail, he drew the octagon symbol, lighting 8 candles inside the symbol inside a dark room, with a dead bird inside the symbol but he thought it didn't work but now he was in totally different places.

His thought was interrupted by the slaves chanting happily as if it was their Freedom Day, he looked around until his eyes fell onto what was in front of him, his mouth dropped and it was as if his eyes were going to jump out of his head, he almost threw up, if not for the lack of food content in his stomach.

he saw an older-looking slave butchering another slave, the already dead slave's head was no longer attached to the body, blood and intestines filled the brown sand painting it red, the other slaves were just singing and chatting like it was normal.

The male slave butchering the other slaves had a long grin on his face, at this point, you could say that he was feeling like a god because he already knew that he was going to get the biggest share, it was a simple rule that the warden made clear to the slave, If you butcher, you get the biggest share.

Shane just stood there looking at the slaves with a sad look on his face.

An hour later, the man was done butchering and roasting the meat, he was all smiles.

A lean man walked up to Shane and asked "Aren't you going to eat something, you don't want to starve to death now do you, not like it's a bad idea, more meat for us" the man said jokingly with a smile on his face, Shane looked at the man with a disgusted look, he was still trying to figure out a way out of this situation that he was in.

Not wanting to look rude, because he was scared of what the other slaves could do to him, he replied " Not interested, Am not hun..." he paused for a while when he heard his voice instead of the mature deep voice he was used too what he heard was a voice that belong to a teenager.

Ever since he got here he had been too busy thinking about how he got here and how he was going to get out of the situation he was in, that he had not checked out his body, other than when he looked at her feet, he quickly touched his chest, but instead of the usual muscular chest he had spent year in the gym to achieve he felt a hard and flat chest, he looked all over his body but could not feel any familiar feeling of his usual muscular body.

Shane's head was running a marathon at this point, the same series of questions were running through his mind, 'How am I a teenager, what's going on here, How is this possible, How can this happen to me' Shane felt a sharp pain in his head.

he felt dizzy not wanting to become the next meat source for the other slaves, he decided to have a much-needed rest and think about every other thing tomorrow or better still wake up from this hellish dream.

he picked a spot close to the cart, lying down on the still-hot sands was a punishment on its own, despite it being night already and the three moons were full, Shane didn't feel cold at all, instead, it was as if the Heat was just dying out, he closed his eyes, falling into the blissfulness of the night sleep.

Shane woke up to an annoying sound, it sounded like a timer, he forced his eyelids open and he saw a screen floating before him.

I rebranded the whole novel, added some new content

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