
Saga of Tanya the Demon Slayer

after making the deal with the two godly beings and being reborn for a second time to a world where demons in Japan kill and eat humans, Tanya finds herself becoming a demon slayer in hopes bringing peace to this slightly screwed up world. along the way she will make new friends and allies, and even old ones as well. as well as some foes old and new. Will Tanya succeed in her goals and be one step closer to finally taking down Being X? or will she die for a third time before she can even get close? final chapters are up! thank you everyone for reading even if I ended it early. https://archiveofourown.org/works/37523479/chapters/101646183#workskin where i got the novel from This is a fanfic btw

But · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
69 Chs

A world without demons/Tanya's other choice.

It was a quiet day. And the still-sleeping form of Sumihiko Kamada was not even close to being up. And his brother Kanata was having none of it. This was the twenty-eighth time he has tried waking up Sumihiko. "Wake up Sumihiko, you will be late for class! I am leaving without you otherwise!" very tiredly Sumihiko replies "I-am-awake." before yawning for a few seconds and laying his head back down. Deciding not to wait Kanata heads out of the door and leaves Sumihiko behind. He walks out the door where he is sure that on his walk he would encounter the Agatsuma siblings and Inudao on his way to school. As he walked he passed by two boys who had odd hyotokko masks hanging off their bags


"The story was so beautiful, great-grandfather Zenitsu was so cool," Yushiteru said as he clenched the record of the battle against Muzan and all the tales of demon slayers. Of course, Zenitsu wrote himself in an overly bright way. Toko scoffed and held her fists to her hips. "I can't believe you read that instead of studying! You'll fail your year if you keep this up!" she continue to vehemently scold her brother even after their neighbor and friend, Kaigaku Inudoa, came over to eat breakfast with them before leaving for school. 


"Can you believe how cruel my own sister is to me Kaigaku!?" Yushiteru was hoping to get some sympathy from his best friend, but Kaigaku made a 'tch' sound before saying "she's right you know? God, you're lucky you and I are the best on the track team. A scholarship is probably your only hope." Yushiteru held his chest "You as well?! You should be more like my great-grandfather's best friend! He was named Kaigaku to you know!" another exasperated detail of the story was how cool Kaigaku was with him and Mary of course. Kaigaku rolled his eyes "Yeah no thanks." 


When Toko went to grab her bag she also put on a Magatama necklace passed down through her family, her father originally gave it to Yoshiteru, but the boy said it would "scare away girls" so she proudly took it instead. While she was gone Yoshiteru leaned in and whispered "You're not trying to side with my sister just because you want to be with her right? You may be my friend but that still does not mean I'll be okay with it." Kaigaku's face went pink and shouted "THAT'S NOT IT YA DAMN TREE!" given how tall Yushiteru was, it was the only insult Kaigaku could think of at the time. Before an argument could break out Toko shouted at them "Let's get going already!" 


The three walked down the street, both Kaigaku and Toko not taking Yushiteru seriously when he asked them if they thought they believed in reincarnation. And further stated his own belief in that those who fought the demons were reincarnated into happy lives. Toko takes out her phone and begins reading some news articles. "Hey, that young athlete, Tenma Uzui is in the news. Remember when he won that gold medal last year?" Toko said with small excitement. "It was pretty cool I guess" Yoshiteru nodded in agreement to what Kaigaku said. Suddenly as he sees something while Toko is scrolling, Yoshiteru grabs his sister's phone. "Hey give it back!" of course due to his height it was easy for him to keep Toko from taking her phone back. "I read a bit of this last night, it infuriates me that this cute and beautiful botanist is being berated for one little mistake! She doesn't deserve that!" he said as he read more of the article about Aoba Hashibara who was leading a research project for the Blue spider Lily flower. Kaigaku chuckles "yeah, I am sure HE is very devastated by it." Yushiteru's mouth opens agape "WHAT?!" he read more and realises 'he' was how Aoba was described in the article. "GAHHHH!"


Meanwhile following his press conference Aoba sighed, the backlash from his mistake was not severe but he still worried about being fired. "Sometimes, I wish I could live in the mountains." 


"Say this one is pretty though," Kaigaku said as he points at another article that Zenitsu clicks on. The article wrote about the latest meeting between the prime minister and the U.S's ambassador to Japan, Maria Sue. "yeah, she kinda is." Toko was having enough of this especially with them now ogling women on her phone. "Give it back!" 


As they walked more they passed a couple that had a scroller with two little twins in it, each with hair that was black and faded into pale turquoise. They also passed by three older school girls waving off five younger children after they both crossed the street.


"Hmm, I am still hesitant to send Giichi off to school on his own. Aren't you Shina?" The eldest of the three girls, Kana, said to her little sister. Shina chuckled and stared at her older sister with her dark blue colored eyes. "Yes. but he is a big boy now. Besides he has his friends" Shina said as she rubbed the butterfly pin on her head "Though I am a bit sad he declined to wear his own pin today." the last girl, Ela, giggled, "You worry too much about your younger brother you two. Come on, we will be late if we don't hurry up."


Eventually, Yoshiteru and the others caught up with Kanata. "Hey Kanata, where is Sumihiko?" Kanata sighed "Still asleep…" Kaigaku shook his head as did the other boys, all saying "he never changes." Meanwhile, Toko was twirling her hair, trying to get Kanata's attention without seeming obvious. Kanata does notice and comes over and holds her hand "Hey that's cute Toko." the girl was already blushing but then Kanata pokes her cheeks and says "But you're also the cutest girl ever so thats to be expected." Toko was now blushing up a storm. "OI! Don't flirt with my sister!" Yoshiteru said while Kaigaku kept him back from attacking Kanata. "Yeah, back off." though from Kaigaku's own tone it sounded like he was angry as well. Kanata stuck a tongue out at both, especially intended for Kaigaku who now accidentally began holding Yoshiteru a little too hard from rage and jealousy "ack, Kaigaku, let me go!"


After walking past a kindergarten run by a man blind man, where a tall man dropped his daughter, there was a sticker on his car that said "I love my child so much, if you are looking at this, stay away from her!-Weiss" as if it was a threat. The man seemed to get along with teacher at the kindergarten as well. Yoshiteru's group passed by a snake-decor diner. "Say, should we stop by and pick up some food? Or maybe after school? I hear the couple inside make the best stuff there is!" Kanata with a downtrodden look said, "I don't think we can go in there anymore…" Toko looked confused "why?" both Kaigaku and Kanata glared at Yoshiteru who flinched a bit. Kaigaku explained "Because last time we were there Yoshiteru kept staring at the wife's chest. And he snake-eyed husband threatened him and then us with a knife after that." Toko sighed "of course…" Yoshiteru just started speeding up, saying an excuse as they entered the school gates.



"Gonna be late! Why did no one wake me up? Bye mom!" Sumihiko said as he rushed out and jumped from the ninth story of his apartment building and landed on the roof of the neighboring building. As he rushes down the building he states "Gotta be quick, I want the perfect attendance record." as he runs further and down the block he passed by an old house with two old man playing shogi while a third old man watched while puffing a cigar out from his mouth. The shortest of the three old men mutters "what a hooligan that one is." as this was not the first time Sumihiko ran past the house in the morning. As he runs further three little girls call out to him and call him 'the running man' Sumihiko is a little embarrassed by the nickname but he just waves to them before continuing his run. 


He passed by a building where the famous painter, Yushiro Yamamoto, spent his days painting the most beautiful woman to ever be put on a canvas. Of course these were his own thoughts as paintings of Tamayo filled the room in almost every space.


Seeing a patrol vehicle manned by two officers while a third officer with a long ponytail is leaning through a window to talk to them, a fourth one with short yellow hair drinking coffee.. Sumihiko jumps over the hood of the car, momentarily seeing the badges that had 'Sanehiro Shinazugawa' and 'Genchi Shinazugawa' on it. "Sorry!" Sumihiko yells before he continues to run more. "OI! What a punk! He cannot get away with that!" Sanehiro shouts. "C-calm down a little cuz" Genchi said with a worried tone. The third officer laughs "Just let 'em go Sanehiro, you can't claim to be a saint back in your youth." the fourth officer sighs "I am too tired for an early morning chase." Then Sanehiro shouts "WAKE THE FUCK UP GRANZ!" 


Four children watch as Sumihiko runs passed them and waves as well. "What a fast boy," a girl with long brown hair said before giggling. Meanwhile Giichi sighed looking at the ground with his deep purple eyes. "Finally got my sister to stop forcing that butterfly pin on me" he was relieved. "Aww but I thought you looked cute in it Giichi." his peach colored-hair friend said with a teasing jest while putting an arm around Giichi. "Don't you agree Varuna?" The brown-haired girl nodded. Giichi sulked "I can't have everyone mistaking me for a girl again though." Meanwhile, the girl with short black hair looked at the charm she got from the machine earlier. She was disappointed as she already had this charm "Say what did you three get?" Giichi and the others, rather proudly, pulled out a charm that looked like a traditional fox mask. "No way! Those are so rare!" she pouted "and I don't have money for a new roll in the machine." the three friends looked at each other and nodded and held out their own charms "Here, you can have ours." the girl's face went red and she was overjoyed "t-thank you."


As he gets closer to the school gates Sumihiko is met by his friend, Tojuro Rengoku, as they are both running. "Trying to make it before the bells as well?" Sumihiko asks while sweating a bit. As always Tojuro smiled widely and nodded "Indeed! I trained until four am last night. My father had to wack me on the hed to get me to sleep!" he spoke with only excitement in his voice, as if he was not even aware how bad the little amount of sleep he got was. Then Tojuro said "say you should join a sports club Sumihiko! You're just as athletic as me!" while Sumihiko appreciated the compliment he knew he was miles away from matching Tojuro on any scale except speed. "Nah, it would cut into my sleep time." Tojuro laugh very loudly, which unlike everyone else did not bother Sumihiko.


A teacher named Maruta tries to close the gates on the two boys, as he was sick of Sumihiko causing a ruckus due to almost always running into the school since he was always trying to avoid being late. But Sumihiko and Tojuro just jump it, each pumping their fists in the air and shouting "We did it!" while Maruta seethed in the background. "Yes. you two did." their celebration was stopped when a familiar cold voice spoke to them. The both sweated as the student council president approached them, and despite her short stature, no one messed with President Tanae Degurechaff.




Tanae drank her morning coffee, the girl was often told by her mother to stop drinking it when she is so young. But Tanae liked the taste too much to give it up. "Be sure to leave soon sweetie." her Japanese mother, Zunia, said with a bright smile. "I will soon," Tanae said as she finished her coffee. She then looked at her father, Xavier, a German who married her mother. Of course, he was her actual father, and she knew that, but neither got along so Tanae refused to call him that. "Old man, don't try anything while I am gone." The man just scoffed behind his newspaper "Don't be late, or I am taking away your phone." he said sternly. Tanae smirked evilly "ah. And we remember how that went last time. Tell me, have you already gotten a new phone the 'accident' that happened with the last one." that 'accident' was Tanae's own clever plot where the man stepped on his own phone after Tanae put it under the front carpet in a way that he never noticed the extra bump until it was too late. 


With a satisfied grin, she said goodbye to her mom and left with her school bag. 'Xavier' slammed his paper on the table. "Damn it Y, and damn that Brat. I would rather be forced into torture and deal with this." of course both Xavier and Zunia were being X and Z respectively. Their punishment for disrupting the balance of a silly game after Tanya had chosen reincarnation in this world. Was raising Tanya's reincarnation, Tanae. Being Y making it clear that if Tanya failed to earn a reincarnation this time, both would be punished further. Technically combined Being X and Z could match Y. but since Z was not resisting X had to comply with this punishment. Seems she actually liked this setup. She could watch Being X seeth all day. And the addition of Tanae actually liking her made it better as well. While neither of them could restore her memories or use supernatural powers to make sure Tanya earned reincarnation the regular way, 'Zunia' was sure Tanae would grow up to be a fine lady.


Before going to school Tanae stopped by the snake-decor diner and got some chocolate bread, something she would never admit to liking. "There is my favorite customer!" the busty pink-haired lady at the front said while her husband worked on more baked goods. Tanae ordered her bread and left after paying for it. 


After Tanae made it to school, one of the first to arrive, she soluted two flags. The country flag and the school flag. As student council president she was very diligent and came in early to check on every classroom. Make sure no one was causing mischief before classes started. And even to check on the teachers. Mr. Rugen, the English teacher, was the only teacher who never asked her any questions about why she does it, which she was thankful for as well. 


Students started to arrive. And after Yoshiteru, Toko, Kaigaku, and Kanata walked through she could already tell a certain someone was going to be late. And soon even the captain of the Kendo club, Tojuro, seemed to be running late as well. Even though it was three minutes before the gate closes she could see Mr. Maruta calling out to close them. And she could hear a very familiar loud laugh as well.


Sure enough, she witnessed Sumihiko and Tojuro jump the gates. "Yes. you two did." Tanae said as she approached and subsequently stopped their celebration. "HELLO PRESIDENT DEGURECHAFF!" Tojuro shouted loudly. Tanae rubbed her ear "I told you many times to stop doing that Rengoku! Don't make me write you up. Speaking of…" Seeing where this was going Sumihiko spoke before Tanae could continue, "w-we are not late! It was close but we are even two minutes early." Sumihiko said proudly, while Tojuro nodded rapidly.


"Really? So you've done nothing wrong? Like climbing on school property?" Tanae spoke sternly while both boys sweated a bit. "W-well yeah, but that was only because-" before Sumihiko could say more Tojuro suddenly said "I am sorry for what we have done! We would have made it here sooner but I made Kamado race me and setting the terms took longer than expected. I APOLOGIZE!" Tojuro bows in a very pointed and passionate way. His head even nearly touches the ground despite the fact he was standing. Sumihiko silently thanked Tojuro while wiping tears from his eyes, swearing he would pay him back for this. 


"Go Kamado. Or you'll be late." Tanae more so ordered than asked to which Sumihiko complied. Tojuro was still bowing and Tanae was thankful because it meant he did not see how flustered she was. 'Can't believe I still blush at every stupid thing he does. This loud idiot should not make me feel like this even if his self-sacrifice is admirable.' Tanae sighed and used a school book to obfuscate her face a little. "Fine, as punishment you will help me organize the library later." Tojuro stood back up and nodded "Gladly! Spending more time with you Tanae Degurechaff makes me happier anyways!" 


Tanae's raised her book more "Just get to class you goofy smiling idiot!" Tojuro nodded and just as he walked passed her he said "Aren't you coming with me?" he asked as they were in the same class. Tanae grumbled "yeah." the two went inside. 


Another day in their peaceful lives, in a world without demons.