
The betrayal

Author's POV

Chaotic, the vast, red-eyed silver wolf figure charged towards the podium where the Moon pack's new alpha and luna were. Surprised screams broke out; the warriors on guard immediately aimed their weapons at the considerable silver wolf, but both feet seemed embedded in the ground, unable to move.

It happened when they collided with the wolf's red eyes that were crying blood; the silver wolf used it to step forward and point its claws at Luna Liliana.

"Anybody!! Stop that wolf!!" the scream of white-haired elder almost all over his head screamed to pull Luna and Alpha to be protected from the wolf's brutal attacks.

'You bastard!! How could you betray Verity? How could you betray us!!!'

Natalie was crying blood in anger, looking at her mate, who didn't even react to anything other than hugging her best friend's body, trying to protect her from his attack.

Suddenly she roared with a cry shrouded in extreme pain in her heart; this was painful. She couldn't, but Verity's consciousness was gone. She must be hurting a lot more than her.

'How dare you, Jacob!!! I will tear you both to pieces; I will kill you both!! I swear by the Moon gods, the heavens, and the earth!!!'

As she continued to evade the warriors and the elders began to intervene, transforming herself into a wolf form as the silver wolf's brutality could not be stopped, she continued to dodge and roars that made goosebumps run down her spine. Each of her cries always stopped the warriors' movements, as if she was an alpha wolf who could stop wolves with castes below him.

Until someone shouted, "The wolf is pregnant!! Punch him in the stomach!!"

No one had seen her in her wolf form Natalie, apart from Jacob and Liliana. But the two of them acted as if it was their first time, and acting scared, she grew even angrier at the two traitors. But before she could reach Liliana, someone punched her hard in the stomach, and she fell, neighing with a loud sound of pain.

'No!!! Please not our son!!'

Natalie screamed in agony before her vision blurred because her traitorous mate had just pressed her with mind links to stop. Suddenly it had a painful impact on his head, and she finally fainted.


Four days before.

Jacob was cornered without being able to fight back, despite being a pure-blood alpha descendant. He was weak enough to be unable to withstand the strength of the elder before him; he was tall, his eyes were electric blue, and his skin was deathly pale.

His name was Killian Archer; he was an elder who possessed considerable ability in terms of body strength. And he was cornered behind a villager's house; his neck was pushed with his arm. It was quite an embarrassment for him, for a pure-blooded alpha child to lose to an elder.

"W-what do you. Want!!" Jacob asked, still trying to pull his hand away from his neck.

She was having trouble breathing, but those sharp eyes stared at her before her lips slowly parted, "What are you doing in a mixed-blood female's house? Your answer will pay off."

"Let go...I-I can't breathe..."

Killian removed his grip from his neck, "I smell the disgusting odor from your body. Don't tell me you slept with that half-blood wolf!!" His voice was sharp with hatred; Killian was known as the elder who showed the most animosity towards the mixed-blood wolf.

Killian thought that the half-blood wolf was a disobedient wolf that violated the Moon Gods' decree. Wolves are paired with wolves, not humans. So this thing brought hatred to the elder who highly valued the pure wolf bloodline.

He held his aching neck and tried to take a deep breath, thinking of refuting his statement even if it was useless. He hadn't cleaned his body, which must have been giving off his mate's scent after the romance just now; he was too careless because of the mind link calls from his subordinates to come back.

"Answer my question Jacob!!!" his aura changed; it made breathing hard, but he still managed to force his two legs to stay standing.

"I don't know-"

"-Do not lie!! Do I need to ask that woman of low blood right now to make sure immediately—"

Jacob closed his eyes, holding the angry elder's arms desperately, "Please. Please don't do anything to her; I'll tell you everything. But please don't say anything to the other elders." he begged the elder.

"It depends on your honesty and what is in my favor or not, then I won't hesitate to do anything!" the answer is sure.

With that, his body fell to the ground helplessly, his knees limp, and his back was still pressed against the wall of the house of a herd who knows who.


In a large room with a round table filled with eight elders, one of which is the father, they are discussing the mate of the candidate for Alpha Moon Pack, who has been found and marked but has mixed blood of a human.

"This is a disgrace to the alpha offspring!! We can't; we can't destroy the purest blood in the Moon pack."— said Henrick Roche, who had a large frame, a fierce unfriendly face, and brown skin with electric blue eyes.

"We have to keep the pure bloodline! It's enough disgrace before people hear about this. We are really in a mess!!"— said Arya Lykov, known as the weakest but firmest elder; she has thin white skin with electric blue eyes. Her white hair, which was most eye-catching, accentuated the color of her eyeballs even more.

"Even so, we can't cut the rope between them! Even if that were against the rules, the Moon Goddesses would be furious if they forcibly separated two fateful couples just because of their bloodline!! Think more logically!!" — said Hayes Greek, the elder, who had cut from his eyebrows to the bottom of his eyelids; his eyes looked fed up with the talk of the elders about mixed blood. His face was beautiful, and his skin was pure white; his eyes stared at the two elders who were passionately before him.

"But Jacob took it!" Elder Henrick answered again no less loudly.

Elder Hayes glared at the mistress, named, "Are you crazy?! The rope of fate; you can die in a disaster just for obeying these elders!!"

Those who were asked remained silent and did not reply, making Elder Hayes even more furious at the candidate for the alpha Moon pack; his gut feeling said that there would be no more peaceful time as an elder in the future.

"See, so all of this has been decided!" repeated Elder Henrick triumphantly.

"I don't agree!!" said Elder Hayes as he pounded on the conference table; the commotion made Elder Killian furrow his brows uncomfortably.

"Enough." The man, Killian Archer, finally spoke due to the dizziness from the elders arguing. He did hate mixed blood, but he also hated this commotion.

"Thank you, Elder Killian," said the oldest man there before continuing. "We are here to find solutions, not to argue! It is impossible to separate the two if neither wants to reject one of them; this is the problem. Enough with the discussion of mixed blood; being promoted to alpha is only a matter of days, and recognizing Verity Morana as the Luna Moon pack will tarnish our reputation as the purest-blooded wolf on the continent of Osiris." —, the elder with white hair almost all over his head was the most senior. Roman Makari, his face has some wrinkles, and of course, he has electric blue eyeballs, which shows how strong he is to be chosen as the elder.

Not just as long as you appoint someone to be the elder, but someone solid and fit to sit on the chair of the elders. There were ten elders, but one died fighting an old enemy of the immortal Moon pack. Another one disappeared shortly after the war to investigate the whereabouts of the eternal.

The elders there were silent for a moment; the meeting resumed challenging. Jacob is one of the youngest elders there and his father. One elder didn't come; he was in the middle of eradicating the attack of mutant monsters in the south.

And they took the final action of forcing him to accept it, but he looked okay and looked suspicious at all.

"Are you sure?" Hayes asked, still unable to believe the results of the meeting.

"I'm sure ..."

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