
Saga of Atlantis

"Hah..Hah.." In the midst of what seemed like a battlefield, a young boy with white hair knelt on the ground, struggling to catch shallow breaths. A short sword pierced his heart, his arms and legs were broken, making him unable to stop the crimson blood from coloring the ground. "That's what you get for betrayal," a red-headed teenage boy sneered as he stood before him. "A pathetic person like you could never be my brother," added a purple-haired girl, her voice seething with anger, as she stood alongside the redhead. With great effort, the young boy shifted his gaze forward. He could see many familiar faces in front of him—his so-called family, his so-called friends but his gaze remained fixed on her. "Wh..y, A.nna," he uttered with immense difficulty and sorrow in his voice, his vision blurring as he locked eyes with the blonde-haired girl, who regarded him with emotionless eyes. "I did that so I could save you," he said, his voice gradually growing louder. "I DID THAT SO YOU COULD LIVE!" he shouted, making everyone present flinch in fear. "I never asked you to do this" the blonde-haired girl replied, her words crushing the very soul of the boy. "A...nn.a," the young boy whispered one last time, a small tear slipping down from his eye as he breathed his final breath. ================================ Neil survived eight grueling years in a post-apocalyptic world only to die and be reincarnated in the body of Eden Morton, a character from a game he used to play as a teenager, by an unknown entity for unknown reasons. Eden's life was a pitiable one, plagued by the constant manipulation and betrayal of those around him – whether it was the princess, the famed hero, or even his very own family. Eden died without ever experiencing genuine love. Now, as Neil took over, he was determined to embark on a new journey, seeking the one thing he and Eden never had : a life worth living. ================================ [Discord link :- Invite/5Vgw4JCrBW]

Noob6_writer9 · Fantasy
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197 Chs

Bloodline 2

"Just do as I say," she said, her voice tinged with embarrassment. I decided to obey her instructions without saying anything.

I closed my eyes as I sat on the cozy sofa. Much to my disappointment, I could feel the presence of Sylvia moving away from me, her graceful steps echoing softly in the room. Moments later, she settled onto the sofa across from me, and I could sense her gaze on me.

"What do you know about bloodlines?"She questioned me while making herself comfortable on the sofa.

"It's something that's passed down from generation to generation; a bloodline can even skip generations, and each bloodline gives us unique abilities. Only people who have the same bloodline have the same abilities, as no two bloodlines have the same abilities." I responded with what I knew about the bloodline from the game.

"Hmm," she pondered, "do you know how to awaken someone's bloodline?"

"Every bloodline has different ways for awakening; there is no specific way known for awakening the bloodline, and even after awakening, some can take minutes while others take years to fully awaken." I responded to her question.

"Exactly. Can you tell me which race has the most powerful bloodline?" She asked me a trick question with amusement in her tone.

"I don't know about that."showing my ignorance. I replied while shrugging my shoulders.

"It's hard to answer this question, like Dragons bloodline tends to have more effect on physical strength, while Phoenix bloodline works more in favor of mana, but the most potent bloodline can be said for the descendent of gods." She explained as she rose from the sofa.

"Descendants of gods?" My interest was sparked when I heard this new term.

"Well, it's exactly as the name suggests," Sylvia explained, standing in front of me. "Each race has its own god, and each god has a powerful lineage. Their offspring inherit these bloodlines, and if they awaken them, they will be powerful in the future, provided they do not perish prematurely."

"The heroes and heroines."I immediately recognized who she was referring to; every hero and heroine carries a god's lineage within them, giving them more strength at the same level.

"Anyway, the bloodline that I awaken is known as Phonecia's bloodline, which I got from one of my ancestors, who was a Phoenix" . She said this as she approached me.

'I had no idea about that.'In the game, there was no explanation for how she became a half-phoenix; all I knew was that it was done by some ancient magic that awakened her dormant bloodline, which hadn't awakened in prior generations.

"Huh".As I felt weight on my lap, I let out a puzzled gasp.

"Don't open your eyes." .Sylvia put her hand over my eyes, obstructing them as I tried to open them.

My other sensations were heightened since my eyes were closed. Her warm breath caressed my cheeks, and the sweet scent of her hair assailed my senses. As she delicately positioned herself on my lap, I could hear the faint, subtle rustling of her clothes. Her and my weight were cushioned by the sofa, making her presence feel both intimate and comforting. My body reacted to her proximity, and the sensation of her laying on my legs generated an odd intimacy.

I could focus solely on the touch of her body against mine. The warmth of her thighs against my legs, her hands gently resting on my shoulders, and the rhythmic cadence of her breathing are all harmonizing with mine.

"My bloodline ability provides me with regeneration, which is second only to the imperial bloodline of the Phoenix race. My single blood can cure a light injury, while a drop of my blood essence can save someone who is seriously injured."She began to tell more about her bloodline, and with each word she said, her breath brushed my face, making me ticklish all over.

"Amm-hmm"Pretending to be listening to her, I replied while trying my best to keep my little brother down.

"This is my first gift for you as my disciple; my blood essence can bring you back to life even if you are in a half-death state." She went on to explain her comments, and it appears that she is quite pleased with herself for giving me this gift.

'Can't you explain this while still remaining standing'.I complained in my thoughts. I was really enjoying her soft body, but it was getting harder to keep myself from getting a boner.

"Drink it". Crossing her arm behind my neck, she brought my face close to her neck, making her big bosom squeeze against my chest.

"Isn't there any better way to do this" .As her body aroma assaulted my nostrils, disorienting my senses, I questioned her.

"I had already concentrated my blood essence on my neck; just drink it" . Her words tickled my ears as she replied.

"Just do it, kid, why are you being so shy".With a playful tone, she replied, amused by my reaction.

"Wouldn't you get in trouble? As far as I know, sharing blood essence is taboo in every race".Not bothering with her comment, I asked her again, taking my time to feel her enormous bosom.

"My mentor is the queen of the phoenix race, and I am the closest person to the phoenix princess. Who in their right mind will question my decision?" With pride in her words, she replied, bringing my face even closer to her neck.

'The first thing she is doing after taking in a disciple is breaking a taboo, good-going Master'.

"Yeah right". I replied , my lips were now practically kissing her neck.

"Hmm, something is poking me."She mumbled under her breath, and knowing my little brother had betrayed me, I quickly bit her neck.

"Ouch".As I bit harder on her neck, she let out a little scream. She had reduced the tensile strength of her skin, allowing me to effortlessly penetrate it.

'I feel like a vampire'.As I gulped down her blood, I thought her blood felt sweet and fragrant.


[An additional bloodline is detected in the host body].

[The "Phonecia's bloodline" has been detected in the host body.]

[The "????" bloodline resonates with the "Phonecia's bloodline."]

["Phonecia's bloodline" has merged with the "????" bloodline.]

[The abilities of "Phonecia's bloodline" have been acquired.]


'Wait, what the fuck is going on?'

I thought as I looked at the status screen.

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