
Saga Of Alexander Blade - A commemorative of the deseased Alexander

In Eldoria, the Blade family once stood as pillars of nobility, closely allied with the royal court. Their grandeur and influence seemed unassailable—until the kingdom was torn apart by a brutal civil war. The once-unified realm fragmented into warring factions, and despite the Blade family's staunch loyalty to the royal faction, they were helpless against the rising tide of rebellion. As the royal faction fell, so did the Blade family’s status. Their opulent estate, now a desolate ruin, symbolized their swift fall from grace. Cast out from the capital, the Blades were forced into exile, stripped of their former power and dignity. Alexander Blade, the heir of this fallen lineage, was left to navigate a harsh new reality, their legacy reduced to whispers of a bygone era.

asparincris · Celebrities
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Since my novel "Twins of Light and Dark" is still in the early stages of the story I decided that I'll write Technoblade's part of the story as a side story because I can't wait to write him as a character so wish me luck! The 1st chapter is expected to be next week if all goes well